@TylerH wow, based on the answer, that seems like something that should've been caught with a much more specific error... I don't know anything about Kivy, but surely a radius: line on its own like that is totally invalid?
I only know that indentation is important for code to work and that's about it
the phrasing of the error actually made me think it was a mega dupe for JavaScript before I actually looked to see what programming language it was about
anyone know if this answer is valid for the question asked? I don't think it is, I don't see how the answer fixes the asked question, but my knowledge is not very good on the subject, so I might be wrong
@TylerH that canonical isn't even, in the first place; and second it does not answer "Q. what does NoneType is not subscriptable mean?", which is also not actually what almost anyone in that situation actually wants to know; and third the problem has a fundamentally different cause
I assume you're thinking that Python has a canonical equivalent to the NullReferenceException one for C# or NullPointerException for Java, but it simply doesn't work that way
in large part because None doesn't really have the same use patterns (thanks to the lack of a concept of statically checked void return type)
@TylerH this isn't indentation in Python code, but in Kivy data.
Kivy parsed it and created a structure of UI widgets which was different from what OP wanted
correction: tried to create a structure of UI widgets, but encountered an error caused by the wrong indentation, and failed to convert it to something more meaningful.
So while the data "has a typo", there's a meaningful underlying question about how Kivy reports errors
@KarlKnechtel I'm assuming that the post I mentioned as a canonical is a canonical because it is generic, highly scored, and has lots of linked questions. The targets you've closed it against appear to thoroughly address the underlying parts, but aren't really searchable, hence why I referred to the closed post as the canonical.
Re: what people want to know, I think most people who ask such questions just want to know how to make the error go away; they're not interested in truly understanding the underlying cause (sadly) ...or just don't have time
@TylerH and the problem here is that the error (message, by itself) doesn't map one-to-one with ways to make it go away
just as a NRE/NPE doesn't, but worse because of how Python tends to implement command-query segregation (the real subject of the putative canonical, which is why I've hammered it that way) and how that interacts with "every function returns a value" + dynamic typing
@CPlus Did a proper edit instead. Also I think this question is off topic because it seems to be fundamentally a design issue (choosing sizes/padding values etc.) rather than actually programming (figuring out how to write the code to cause those sizes and values to be used)... ?
@halfer despite the title OP gave it, this doesn't appear to be a how-to question at a ll
I'd custom flag with a "This seems borderline" caveat and ask for its deletion. It should assuredly be deleted, and while I'm not personally comfortable with a rude flag on it, having a paper trail of something other than NAA on it is nice. If the poster frequently participates in that kind of language, this could be a tipping point. Subtle condescension is still condescension.