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12:05 AM
@RyanM wow I think you're right, looking at the other posts that are having such high number of views really fast it seems to match. I feel kind of sorry it took yours and probably someone else's time for something like that... and in the mean time I admit I find it quite funny it's been caused by something that petty. Humans...
@Kaiido Honestly, it is in fact quite funny. And really, my involvement was seeing the meta post that that quoted comment is on, seeing other people figure it out, and remembering you'd asked :-p
(and then checking that and a random other example)
@SmokeDetector that edit that removed one of the two copies of the spam really fixed the issue there...
1:16 AM
oh there is a meta-post, didn't notice it. Thanks for reaching back to me.
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4:22 PM
C++ users, is this a matter of opinion? Or can the phrasing be changed so that it's clearly objective? stackoverflow.com/questions/78787348/…
@TylerH IMHO it is POB. It really depends on the exact situation on why one would be better than another.
If we were given an exact situation then I think it might constrain it enough
2 hours later…
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