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3:59 AM
Whose idea was it to make these noisy auto-comments when I swing my hammer??? stackoverflow.com/questions/2476817/…
4:24 AM
@mickmackusa SE. They recently updated them.
TBH, I like them more than the old ones. It's more wordy but at least they try to make the question author think about it. With the old ones, the vast majority of time either OP doesn't respond to them or just lead to the exchange "Does this solve your problem?" -> "No".
4:51 AM
Right, but I don't like that it is putting words in my mouth. I didn't say that thing, but the system makes it look like I did. When other users read a comment from me that is devoid of snark ...they're gonna get suspicious of authenticity. #NoDeepFaking
It should be from "Community"
5:09 AM
@rene thx
3 hours later…
8:31 AM
@RyanM, I didn't get through my research before you closed the answer on meta. That account has quite a few well-attributed answers, but their account had been inactive until recently. I'm not sure if suddenly hating plagiarism rules is a result of a . . . discontinutity of users. Or even if that's a thing that mods would care about.
Was going to mod flag it before it was deleted
@DanielF as in account takeover? I can check, but I doubt it
My guess would be "misunderstanding of how the plagiarism rules actually work"
...and/or how GPL works, based on the Linux comment... you cannot in fact just take Linux code and use it without following a bunch of rules, including attribution.
Checking their top 3 answers would imply that they knew very well how plagiarism rules worked - two years ago at least.
Yeah, no sign of account takeover. I suspect they thought the rules were trying to say "you can't quote things, like I did previously"
OK, sorry to bother you then
1 hour later…
10:07 AM
@tripleee Sir, are all these needs to be flagged as Plagiarized content? those with
10:36 AM
@MayukhBhattacharya plagiarised content should be flagged for moderator attention. These are just requests by users to clean up unnecessary duplicate answers.
10:55 AM
@Dharman Sir, alright understood, sir, actually i was nt finding/actually it was not showing the option for delete, so i asked, then when i saw it later on it was showing probably it appeared when there was a downvote, i have clicked on delete. Thanks for sharing that, it helps!
@Dharman Sir, thank you very much again!
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
1:47 PM
Is this spam? It looks like undisclosed affiliation to me, but I'm not 100% sure.
does it worth/make sense to flag a post as plagiarism if the site where the post was copied from no longer exists? or can we use the internet wayback machine as a source of truth for validating the plagiarism?
IMO yes because it's still plagiarized
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine Don't know if its affiliation or not, but it's definitely just a post to promote a product
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine Yes. Handling.
Yeah, it looked suspicious to me (because two answers in quick succession primary promoting the same book)
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
@MohamedRaza Going into a bunch of rooms and pasting anything off-topic is rude; when it's a link to your project, it's effectively spam. Please don't do that again.
6:32 PM
@GeneralGrievance quite a few answers to delete on that question...
> The question was "How do you auto format code in Visual Studio?". How does this answer address that?
Poorly. It addresses it poorly.
and lots of NLN comments
love answers in comments
OK, enough comments and repeat answers flagged now... time for some del-pls
bummer, I don't think I should mod-flag for deleting an answer for VS Code, grumble grumble
looking for a meta post to see how mods have weighed in on that...
what the heck, I'll just flag it anyway...
7:36 PM
@miken32 I don't think it's a resource request, but I did VTC it as not about programming
@Kaiido So uh, we figured it out
It's self-evidently the "xxx" in the title. That's been a massive search term since basically the beginning of the internet (and well before). — Makyen ♦ 1 hour ago
that one has four, not three, but... gotta be it.
1 hour later…
9:49 PM
@RyanM ... and the 'dark angel' in me really wants to roll back the edit made by @TylerH. ;-P

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