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6 hours later…
8:22 AM
@gnat congrats on 13 years with SO. Nice stats too, almost 63K helpful flags, that's insane!
235K votes cast omfg
8:52 AM
hm ok I might be wrong about this one, it's just a badly formatted question
RO: please remove chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/57521191#57521191 - I think I made a mistake
@Cow → 1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
@RyanM thanks, sorry for the bad call there
no worries, you caught your mistake :)
I had to convert it to lowercase to be able to stand to read it to evaluate if there was any red-flaggable content in there...
yeah me2, I had to read it a lot of times to understand it
on initial read I thought it was some sort of self promo (DJ promo)
3 hours later…
2 hours later…
Uh, do we flag when we see blatantly wrong CV reasons again?
I forget
Only if you notice a pattern, or there's dupehammer abuse
2:24 PM
Had to warn a user once who was casting "Offsite Resource" as a super-downvote. But it required involving CMs to validate (mods don't have any easy tools to see that sort of thing)
I just ran across a "how do I do X in VS Code" question in the CV queue that had a POB vote on it for some reason
2 hours later…
4:54 PM
5:12 PM
1 hour later…
6:25 PM
@gre_gor Even though the actual commands here are command line commands, I feel like since it's specifically interacting with a SQL database it meets the threshold for being 'about programming'; it's not just running CLI commands to interact with the OS as a power user.
@TylerH If you think it's fine, then you can remove the request.
6:42 PM
In general, SQL stuff can sometimes be sent over to DBA if it's a better fit there, but...importing a CSV feels maybe closer to a likely programmer task than a DBA task
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null (by general agreement, as discussed above)
7:01 PM
Is the anonymous/low rep post feedback tool (only month/day/week) weird for someone else here as well?
Well seems like anonymous feedback isn't collected any more since ~May 18th
@dan1st Can confirm May 18th at 0 was the last time anonymous feedback was collected...
yeah I just checked in SEDE
on Super User it's May 17th
Unusually low numbers Apr 30 - May 7
they did the A/B test, which removed anonymous feedback in favor of a login prompt
(though i don't think the announcement post indicated that was going to happen)
7:16 PM
Hmmm, I guess that means the permanently adopted that then?
I'm asking on MSE
I want to know what happened
@dan1st They must have gotten pissed when we told them that their voting changes were dumb because SO already collected anonymous feedback
Well I asked on MSE now
"The site already does what we want in a non-obtrusive way? Let's remove that feature so users can't point to it as evidence our obtrusive new feature isn't needed"
I wasn't sure whether that would also be since I want it back lol
7:25 PM
@KevinB yeah, when I test in a private browsing session I get the login modal now, not a 'we recorded your feedback' message
clearly their change worked and everyone who woulda cast an anonymous vote instead logged in, earned 10 rep, and casted a real vote
avg weekly posts is now down to around the new years dip
imagine how much worse it would look if they did winterbash and had less of a dip
8:05 PM
@dan1st Since we're speculating anyway, is it possible it's part of the attempt to shut down the data dumps? So, they still collect the data, but stopped exposing it outside of to customers buying it from them?
@AndreasmovedtoCodidact Unlikely but in principle, it's possible
maybe I should get out my 1rep alt and try to vote
Yeah. That's a 10k tool. (It's also not in the diamond mod tools.) It'd be one thing if they stopped the migration out to SEDE, but this doesn't seem to be that.
Also, I see they changed then homepage to users not logged in.
score is also of practically no use to LLMs
they want the content
not meta data
I don't think that's SE's stance.
8:10 PM
@HenryEcker Looks like 12:56 on May 17 was the last logged feedback network-wide. It is interesting to see how much less activity some sites have.
So it coincided with my country's national day. Fishy. Very suspicious. (sarcasm)
It correlated to a Friday morning code release, which regularly seems to... not work out great.
Oh, I just now noticed the giant login banner that never goes away. Wow.
8:32 PM
@HenryEcker when have Friday deployments ever caused problems?!
The most important part of Friday deployments is "leave right after", so no one should ever know their deployment caused a problem in the first place :-)

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