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4:09 AM
@Spevacus Is it a red flag that I am proud to be part of the SO Close Mafia?
4:32 AM
5:25 AM
Is this spam (check the comment bellow)? stackoverflow.com/staging-ground/78777000
5:40 AM
@Vega dunno. Not about programming? Needs Debugging Details?
2 hours later…
7:49 AM
@gnat a question you voted to close is being discussed on meta
1 hour later…
4 hours later…
2:08 PM
@miken32 feel free to post some cv-pls requests...
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
5:17 PM
Does this answer to Include/Require non php file have enough useful content to warrant editing to to remove the rude/abusive portion? Or should it just be flagged and deleted?
@dbc What information does "there are lots of reasons someone would want to do this." hold and how does it answer "Is including non-php files safe? Also is it a bad practice?" ? IMHO it can just go.
@cafce25 It is at least an attempt to respond to the final sentence of the question "Also is it a bad practice?", so I was curious whether any SME's (which I am not) thought it was salvageable.
6:30 PM
Is this ChatGPT plagiarism?
i doubt it
primarily due to it being written by a mod, tbf
looks too well written to me. Can't weigh in on if its right or not
the two detectors I tried said Human
no obvious awkward synonym usage
no bolded: list entries
6:50 PM
@EJoshuaS-StandwithUkraine Doesn't ring my alarm bells.
1 hour later…
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