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1:50 AM
Being a moderator calls for more restraint than I have.
1 hour later…
3:06 AM
@Joshua word
3:48 AM
@RobbyCornelissen Nah; it's just different enough. If I knew how sheet formulas worked I'd bother to answer his question by breaking down and explaining the formula.
@Joshua Then I'd urge you to do that on the original question/answer. The new question is only asking "Can anyone help me shorten (?) modify (?) or provide other options for this formula." and "I was expecting a bit more easier formula that is novice friendly." The question remains exactly the same. OP just wants a different type of answer, without any clear indication of what that should look like, except for it being easier to understand.
@CPlus Is it just me or is that answer on reactjs disturbingly like reputation farming?
@Joshua Which answer?
i mean
aren't all answers rep farming
Eh, maybe, maybe not.
@Kevin B No; most reputation is earned legitimately. Some people do things like ask bad questions with one account and accept answer with another one.
what is... illegitimate about answering that question? that someone else had the opinion it should be closed?
i'd argue this question had no need for debugging info, they asked how to do a given thing with a given tool they're including on their site, it's certainly programming related,
@KevinB: The answer seems to have a suspicious understanding of the question like answerer has more information about question than is in question; but answer is also essentially trivial cut down sample code.
Anyway I voted to close question as needs details or clarity.
4:08 AM
it's certainly a simple question, one that a minimal amount of searching would find the answer to, but that's never been a close reason if it didn't exist here yet
@KevinB If you go edit the question and add a bit more explanation I'll gladly cast a reopen vote.
2 hours later…
6:36 AM
@VLAZ I bet that it's a kind of spam platform!
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
9:52 AM
@Joshua I would prefer to give the OP the chance to fix their question. This will be deleted eventually anyway; expediting that sends the wrong signal
2 hours later…
11:44 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels Sir, the answer deleted already, is the question also spam?
@MayukhBhattacharya the question was posted by the same person who answered and was only posted to allow for a spam answer. So yes, it is also spam, "spam-seed"
@HovercraftFullOfEels Sir, alright understood. Both deleted now I see.
2 hours later…
1:57 PM
Another day, another correct answer downvoted. Should I go make a YouTube video complaining about SO moderators ruining the site? 🤔
Oh, absolutely!
1 hour later…
3:10 PM
@Spevacus And the SO newsletter kept the mod designation. Don't worry, we'll just blame you when stuff goes wrong :P
@Machavity All of the responsibility with none of the weapons? Sign me up.
As a side note, I did also tell Ben Popper to poke an (actual) SO moderator if they ever wanted to talk about public platform improvements on the podcast.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
5:57 PM
Should this answer be undeleted? stackoverflow.com/a/78753507/16217248
That answer is an answer as far as I can tell, maybe not a good one, but still an answer @TylerH
I can't speak to it as I don't use Selenium, but maybe it's a property to do with Selenium Grid rather than Selenium Server
But maybe I am wrong because I do not know the first thing about Selenium
Also that question had another answer, how did it get deleted?
Maybe because it was "have you tried" before it was "try", so they thought it should be a comment instead? They didn't leave comments, so hard to tell
6:08 PM
@CPlus same way, 3 users voted to delete. :-P But if you mean why, it is deleted because it is an answer for a different product (in other words, it doesn't answer the question)
It is for Selenium Grid, whereas the question is about Selenium Server
TIL that Selenium Grid is a thing, and that it is different from Selenium Server, which is also a thing.
3 hours later…
@TylerH IMHO, that was a poor review. It is an attempt at answering the question. Maybe it is wrong, but that's not what should be deleted in LQA. The "Edit" review from @CPlus was the only correct review, from what I can see. But I'm not going to dispute the outcome, as it is (as Tyler says) wrong.
@AdrianMole you're talking about the first one? or the second one?
the second one (which you replied to) was deleted manually, not from review, AFAIK
@TylerH This one. I'm also a bit baffled why the "Edit" verdict from CPlus ended the review but still led to deletion. I didn't think that should happen.
9:13 PM
@AdrianMole It didn't. A user manually cast the 3rd delete vote outside the queue
If you're wondering instead why that 3rd user cast a delete vote on it, you'd have to ask them.
@TylerH OK, cool. I didn't spot that.
9:28 PM
Has anybody else on reviewing an answer, opened the question, looked at the question, went "say what?" and voted to close the question?
@Joshua from the LQA queue I'm guessing? I have probably done that before but I don't review answer queues very often
I don't use LQA but until I stopped reviewing at the time of the mod strike I would on occasion review the pending edits.
Ah, edit review queue, yes that would have them as well
definitely had to go digging up the question before on some wacky answers
10:16 PM
Apparently that was offensive; I would have just deleted it as rubbish.
@Joshua complete nonsense from an account with no actual posts is treated as abuse
11:14 PM
Is there a canonical question about "decrypting" a hash? Seems like something that might get asked often by unknowledgable folks. Regarding this one stackoverflow.com/q/44451172/1255289
Yes, but it's in security.stackexchange.com

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