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@KarlKnechtel how did you find that one :) ?
2 hours later…
@TylerH every so often a spammer uses the tag, and it never fails to amuse me.
@cigien The spam/R/A penalty is only applied if there are enough active red flags (spam and/or R/A) to cause the post to be deleted as spam or R/A (i.e. 6 or any number and 1 from a moderator). Red flags which are already marked helpful, declined, or disputed are not considered. So, for example, that can mean that a post can have 500 helpful spam flags and 5 active spam flags and not have been deleted nor have the spam/R/A penalty applied. Obviously, 500 helpful spam flags is a substantial exageration, but I've definitely seen posts with well over 6 spam flags, with a considerable number already marked helpful.
2 hours later…
@Makyen wait- (I don't know about mod tool mechanics) so it's possible for a mod to mark a spam (or other) flag as helpful and not take any action on it? The action of marking as helpful is not "atomically" tied to an action of taking action on the flag?
@starball Yes, that's possible. For red flags, it leaves the downvote from the red flag still applied to the post, but otherwise has no effect on the post or user. For other types of flags, it just marks them helpful.
However, that's not the case for comment flags, which can only be marked helpful be deleting or editing the comment. However, it's possible to submit a null-edit, which will mark the comment flag as helpful, or to delete and then undelete the comment.
@bad_coder You appear to be trying to make cv-pls requests. Please read How and why do I need to format my cv-pls (and other requests)?.
@DanielWiddis HAHAH, perfect!! Ah the memories of the MS Word paperclip assistant.
@Makyen you are right, I've devised a way to do it properly while having dinner. Next time I'll put 2 or 3 in 1 line and ask if someone's inclined to post the requests.
is this opinion based? or just contains some words that make it look like POB?
@bad_coder Please just use the "standard" formatting. There's not that much needed beyond what you had already posted, other than a reason why the question should be closed and the [tag:cv-pls]. It is a bit more effort, but not much.
@Makyen problem is I sometimes cruise my tags to remove "thank you", but the next problem is half those posts need closing, so I edit them but can't post the request because the only guy to edit them in 6 months is me...
well, it's time for my nightly walk and then it's bed time. o/
@Cristik Looking at the answers they seem to be factually based. Personally I'd leave it.
but don't worry about it @Makyen I've been drawn into so many arguments lately the last thing I want to do is bother you.
@DanielWiddis should we try to edit it? the question has at this time a pending close vote, I suspect due to the formulations within it
@Cristik I don't have the expertise to really properly edit it. In general I'm opposed to losing useful content, and at first glance that looks useful. Maybe it's not. I wouldn't get in a close/open war. But personally, when in doubt I err on the side of leaving things alone. There are far more worthy targets of close votes on the site than to go after highly voted posts that may technically cross some line.
The opinion-based CV reason talks about "fact-based answers" and a brief summary of the top answers shows fact-based. Again... just my uninformed first glance opinion.
@bad_coder editing posts that are close worthy only pollute the feed pages of those tags. better only VTC instead, the close votes review queue has people wandering in it, which might help you get those questions closed
@DanielWiddis yeah, me neither would go and edit it. As a side note, you seem to have the impression I asked for deletion, I only asked about if the question is worth closing. Deleting it is another story, myself am also against deleting highly upvoted content
@Cristik Right... I know close != delete and close is appropriate if it's attracting low quality answers. I don't see that happening, really. TLDR: if those with expertise in the subject think it's close-worthy I won't argue. :-)
@Makyen Thanks. Should I custom flag spam posts that haven't been red-flag deleted then, or is it not worth the trouble?
@Makyen Could these implicit cv-pls requests 1, 2 be binned please? They don't have any recent activity other than edits by the requester.
child trafficking comment (/s): web.archive.org/web/20221203061021/https://stackoverflow.com/… "please provide address. i'm sending my second born as payment for this solution (sorry...already sent firstborn in payment last week)."
@Cristik that's not correct, a post should be edit into shape if it's closed or close-worthy. (Where did you get the idea it shouldn't be edited?)
@bad_coder I don't think removing "thank you", as you said, is gonna help the post
@Cristik again, do you have a canonical for that?
it's common sense to not bump bad questions if the only edit is the removal of noise, without otherwise actually improving the question
but I think we also have a meta for that, will try to find it
@Cristik let me ask this another way: How many users do you imagine tried picking an argument with me over edits? (And I'm not saying you're picking an argument, but I've had this conversation/argument before so many times that I actually went through the metas looking for guidelines on the subject.)
@Cristik now, with due camaraderie I'm going to tell you the 2 most authoritive posts you'll find on the subject. One is by Jeff Atwood, the other by Jon Skeet. The former isn't specific, and the later says "ideally" those posts should be edited into shape. Every other canonical on the subject says: edit.
I'm just saying this to spare you some research.
@Cristik that "common sense" is something that's invoked on other sites, where activity is so low the front page goes more than a week without refreshing all the posts.
Wondering then what's your rationale for editing those kind of questions? You're removing noise from bad posts, and with that you're adding noise to tag feeds. So you're basically punishing active users who want to help others by filling their feed pages with question not worth visiting
note that I'm referring only to that half of questions that you said are close-worthy
@Cristik I actually watch several such feeds and edits don't bother me. If you're bumping a handful or a dozen posts the only criteria is fixing everything so they don't need to be bumped in the future.
@Cristik oh, and those users who are so eager to help, are very welcome to cast CVs, DVs, and edit stuff themselves. I don't see a strong case for hurting their sensitivity, like: I was looking for posts but someone edited stuff I don't want to look at. Well, no one's forcing them to read it, right?!
But why? Why is the bump needed? Do you want to help them get new answers? I assume not, since you say they are close-worthy.
@Cristik well, to edit the post.
@Cristik let me spin this around another way, all the users who've argued with me about edits had 1 single thing in common. Can you guess what it is?
@Cristik please, lets have some sportsmanship try and guess and lets have a laugh :)
@Cristik now, all the users who pick that argument have in common that they edit less posts in a whole year than prolific editors do in a week. That's the difference.
You'd basically have to forbid the users on these first pages from compulsively editing everything they come across. And, fortunately, I guess other people out there like me, like editing.
That's the 500th argument I've had over editing, when instead I could be editing.
2 hours later…
Is stackoverflow.com/questions/74665126/… simply “Request for Off-Site Resource” or instead just off-topic for SO but suitable for Android Enthusiasts? Or some other SE site?
> My question is: where can I get the PEM root certificates that Samsung uses on their Android devices on WebAuthn/device auth?
1 hour later…
@bad_coder seems you're trying to justify your actions by using the argument that many others do it too. That's just a poor's man argument...
@sideshowbarker it looks like a request for off-site resources, or also not about programming. Not sure if it would be on topic elsewhere
@bad_coder Not exactly a canonical, but meta.stackexchange.com/questions/260302/…
That one is for suggested edits, so rules for users with edit privileges are a bit different. But you are still wasting time.
And inadvertently causing other problems.
2 hours later…
@blackgreen Thanks, closed now (with comment)
also probably reject pending edit as useless
@bad_coder I was using external search to try to find a canonical for reading CSV files
based on the comment at stackoverflow.com/questions/74658037 from OP and comparing the linked question, I think that might be a duplicate account. (stackoverflow.com/users/20524277/haya-awad-student vs. stackoverflow.com/users/20534419/nothing)
stackoverflow.com/review/triage/33328058 I think this is off topic or needs improvement of some kind, but what flag reason is appropriate?
@TarHalda for those of us with access to close votes, this is "community-specific reason -> not about programming". I don't know what the flag interface offers for lower rep users.
it's also useful for questions like this, that are otherwise well written and look "stack-exchange-y", to comment and suggest the appropriate site. This looks to me like a pure math question, so I would direct the user to mathematics.stackexchange.com. You can shortcut this link in comments as [math.se].
@KarlKnechtel you can click on the MS (MetaSmoke) link from the report to find out about the reason
@KarlKnechtel See the SD wiki for what blacklisting means. It means "Blacklisting ... cause the spam detection bot SmokeDetector to trigger an alert..." but SD can't prevent users from posting on SO.
I see
@Cristik I don't need to justify anything, especially to you. You're making up rules pretending to tell me what I can and can't do - but you can't find a canonical to back up your claims. After I've explained that, you still fail to understand it. So, I am wasting my time by explaining anything more than by doing those edits.
Let me know when you find that canonical.
@DalijaPrasnikar thank you for the link, I appreciate it. I have read every post there is about editing, both on MSO and MSE, in a way "I've read the corpus". So I know what I'm doing, and if I feel like editing a post I edit it, and a lot of the other editors do the same.
Now, some folks have said: "you're wasting your time" but it's my time to waste. That has been the consensus: not to forbid it and let people edit if they want to.
1 hour later…
@cigien That's going to depend on the circumstances. It might help sometimes. For example, if the appropriate thing is to delete/destroy the user and/or if the spam/R/A penalty really should be applied, or if the post is not already hidden in the edit history and really should be.
One possible circumstance is that a moderator already chose to delete it and not apply the penalty. I wouldn't flag it in such a case, unless there were indications that the moderator or moderators may not have been seeing the whole picture (e.g. slow drip spam (i.e. posted over a notable period) where the individual posts look somewhat reasonable and were just deleted by multiple moderators at different times, such that it looks like the mods were just looking at the individual post).
@Makyen Ok, that makes sense, thanks for the clarification.
np. Thanks for asking.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
@halfer I notice you edited that question to embed the code screen shot. Editing questions to embed images of text is discouraged as per How to review edits that add images?
That meta discussion is talking about suggested edits. As an aside, it's also inconsistent with other seeming meta consensus against editing in a textual representation of the code in the image.
@dbc I don't feel strongly about this, but I think I would side with Ian above - there is no harm to my doing an edit that inlines an image, and it makes it easier for readers to see the question is off-topic. I personally don't like clicking image links in questions anyway, I think it makes for a slower reading experience. I'd add also there is (IMO) no conflict between inlining an image for readability and closing it as "Needs MCVE" anyway.
I'd certainly be open to the suggestion that inlining image in this case was harmful, if further info can be provided, but I am not sure that was the intent of the Meta post. I admit I only scan-read it though!
Though, I can certainly agree with the argument for not moving a terrible question to the front page.
@IanCampbell it's also inconsistent with other seeming meta consensus against editing in a textual representation of the code in the image -- I'm confused by this reply. The answer to that meta question indicates that editing posts to embed images of text shouldn't be done, and further states, The only acceptable edit in this case is one that transcribes the code into the question. ...
... If the edit should be rejected in review, that's because the edit shouldn't be made. Is there a meta consensus anywhere that it should be done? If so, may I request a link?
I am confused by your confusion. I am worried we are not on the same page, but am not sure how to fix the problem. See Should we edit a question to transcribe code from an image to text?
typo or not reproducible Tracking a List in Python
I think I may see my mistake. I think we are in agreement. I was just mentioning my confusion by the statement in the original meta post "The only acceptable edit in this case is one that transcribes the code into the question. This can come from the original poster, or it can come from some other benefactor,... [emphasis added]"
Obviously many years had passed at the time of the second question.
@IanCampbell Indeed it seems we are in agreement! Sorry for my brief confusion.
@dbc I realize now that you shared the same sentiment and commented under the answer.
I guess that is the SOCVR hive mind for you.
Overall, I think it's a reasonable debate to have. Which is more important? Readability for users to quickly curate a question or to not bother the front page with an unanswerable question? In the end it probably depends on the exact merits of the post.

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