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1:29 AM
@RyanM link please! I could use a laugh :)
@zx485 [tag:del-pls] [tag:assembly]
@RyanM If you don't mind could you link a screenshot? I can also use a laugh :)
@RyanM: thx
@RyanM Thank you for that, I shall now write a paper on the creature known as the "ip-bypassognotus" ;)
1:42 AM
@RyanM excellent. thanks :)
Also, not captured by the screenshot: post was deleted by a moderator's abuse flag.
2:05 AM
@zx485 These posts will roomba in a couple of days, so there's no need to post a del-pls request. Not posting a request also avoids spending members' delete votes unnecessarily.
Ok, thx. I will take that into account in the future.
@zx485 You can use the Roomba Forecaster userscript if you wish to see if a post will roomba or not.
[...Retracted!...] and thx
you can also request that a Room Owner remove the requests
1 hour later…
3:34 AM
Was this post possibly accepted by the quality filter, or must it have been edited in the grace period?
It definitely looks like a question :)
possibly needs focus though
1 hour later…
4:44 AM
@cigien you can always try it. ValidateBody and ValidateTitle run while composing a question.
@rene I did, and it works for me, but I was under the impression that the quality filter was rep sensitive. Honestly, a question where the title and body are entirely composed of ? shouldn't be allowed at any rep level, but I'm very surprised if it's not blocked for 1-rep at least.
Oh, right, Let me try with my sock, hold on. Left or Right?
Either will do; flip a coin ;)
Pick randomly, you don't want to be accused of being sockist!
@cigien sentence case is a thing now: i.sstatic.net/82l4S.png
4:58 AM
Hmm, that's the same message I got. So that post is actually allowed :( I feel like that's worth complaining about on MSE.
@cigien In firefox the body looks like it has unicode question marks, is that the case for you as well?
@cigien also, I don't think there are enough of these incidents to warrant dev time. The community can handle this perfectly.
Hmm, without an e between d and v that sentence still makes sense ...
@rene No, I'm using Firefox and it looks normal.
@rene Yeah, agreed. Still feels odd that something like that is not caught, but it's not worth the effort to fix it.
@cigien Did something change with fonts on the site? /jk
@cigien Smokey got it, I think that is the best flexible tool for these kind of checks that might have false positives.
5:13 AM
True. I'm not actually concerned about a post like that slipping through the cracks. If SD doesn't catch it, users on the site will likely kill that within minutes, regardless of the tags used. The thing is I'm not a fan of the quality filter in general, but I really can't come up with a case where that particular one would be a FP. Maybe on puzzling.se, but I doubt it would be ok even there.
Still, not worth trying to put dev effort into blocking that, as you pointed out.
2 hours later…
7:05 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels it did, didn't it?
7:46 AM
Why does the cv-pls generator script not include @updateURL and @downloadURL directives?
1 hour later…
9:27 AM
@RyanM I've posted your answer, from this chat on the post stackoverflow.com/a/67545183/7942242. I don't want to take credit of your answer. Feel free to post yours and I will delete mine if you wish :)
9:57 AM
I hope they're not talking about the Chinese characters! :P
Should this question be migrated to superuser?
@Turing85 maybe just cv-pls as general computing
1 hour later…
11:32 AM
Is this an answer? Does it even make sense? A reviewer chose "No action needed" so I wonder what I'm missing.
1 hour later…
12:38 PM
@bad_coder I think it's better to close these as no MRE because now it will not roomba. Anyway I will bring it here for deletion in 2 days
@rene please bin this request. OP edit the question.
12:55 PM
@Tomerikoo I thought close reason makes no difference to Roomba.
@bad_coder Duplicate is a special case. The 9 days closed rule makes an exception for duplicates. i.e. duplicates will only roomba after 30 days if downvoted with no answers
@Tomerikoo I'll read the Roomba rules again, but in these cases when I don't find the duplicate folks in the room take issue with it because the closure isn't helpful enough to the OP. So I tend to find a good canonical, deletion rules aren't something I've looked into because I don't have 10k so I don't get to cast del-votes.
@bad_coder I completely understand. I'm just saying that this specific question is really bad and not really helpful as a duplicate. If I'm not mistaken it's even a typo
@HovercraftFullOfEels seems to be a quite elaborate typo... x)
@Tomerikoo you're right, it's VLQ Nth duplicate. But if I don't find the right duplicate I'm not being helpful to the OP (or the guys answering the dup). So I'm left with a better conscience closing that way.
@Turing85 @HovercraftFullOfEels is an elaborate guy :D
@bad_coder I wished I wouldn't have read your message before the edit... what has been seen cannot be unseen...
@Turing85 ?! lol I suppose the message had 2 or 3 typos before edit :P
@bad_coder very elongated typos....
1:30 PM
Yeah, it probably should have been closed for being too broad -- too many varying mistakes throughout. My bad.
@sideshowbarker you indicate we should look at the self-answer but the post doesn't have a self-answer.
@bad_coder It's deleted...
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
4:53 PM
Why can't we flag deleted questions?
You can't?
I think you usually can, unless there's something interesting going on.
only as "in need of moderator attention"
Is that not enough? The other flags get posts closed or removed, which doesn't really make sense for deleted questions.
If you see spam or R/A you think was not handled properly, you can custom flag that.
I suspect that this question is off-topic. But I also think that it neither fitting for superuser nor for serverfault or DevOps. Can you confirm?
way to go... forgot to link the question x)
For deleted posts there's no other flag needed than custom flag. If a post was deleted normally, but you think it's spam or R/A, casting that sole flag on the deleted post would have it end up being handled by a mod anyway, just without context. But the context you can provide via custom flag.
5:09 PM
@Turing85 Isn't that just a I want this app alone to run on a non-machine-default JVM? That is superuser stuff
@rene you sure? Sonar is a quite secific software.
Yes, I run Jenkins on a specific JVM, that is also not something I expect to find on SO. It is an software configuration problem, not a programming problem.
Doesn't it need debugging details (image of error)?
@desertnaut OP edited ... into a recommendation question
5:45 PM
@JeanneDark that is also true.
6:00 PM
@tripleee yeah! :)
1 hour later…
8:06 PM
Has the font size in the code snippets got smaller, or I am just getting old (and blind)?
@desertnaut didn't the overall font change a few days ago?
@Turing85 for whatever reason, I cannot really see any difference, save for the code snippets...
@desertnaut I'm not aware of the font size changing, but, as has been mentioned, the font stack SE uses (defined in the font-family CSS property) changed on 2021-05-10.
@Makyen I had been really busy last week and I may have just not noticed it earlier; are you possibly aware of any complains so far? I really think that the code snippets have got harder to read
@desertnaut It's discussed in multiple MSO and MSE questions. There have been quite a number of people who have complained. There are multiple userscripts available which will switch it back to the old font stack and/or what the user who created the userscript thinks it should be. The announcement message on MSE has 60 answers.
8:19 PM
@Makyen thanks
@desertnaut np
Talking about fonts, @Makyen: Why is your pre-diamond bigger than your post-diamond? Is one italic and the other not?
May I ask why this was closed? I see this as a question about how the API works, either for program against or to have the program be managed by this API/Controller. stackoverflow.com/questions/67550743/… See e.g. meta.stackoverflow.com/a/386638/213269 about what is on-topic
@AdrianMole The one which you're seeing before the username is added by the URRS. When I wrote the CSS for adding that, I included a font-size: 120%;, because without increasing the font size the blob of color that is displayed for the diamond is not distinguishable as anything other than a blob. The diamonds which SE added to chat a few/several months ago use the default font-size for the username text. SE is aware that the blob doesn't look like anything, but have chosen not to change it.
My intent is to update the URRS such that you can choose to have the diamond either before or after the username in the chat display. My personal preference is to have it before, because I don't like the way the username gets displayed with SE's current implementation of the blob after the username under some conditions.
Cool. Thanks.
Whether it's a diamond, a blob, or a very small coconut remains a mystery.
8:33 PM
@Jonas That appeared to be a question focused on how kubernetes functioned from a system perspective, rather than focused on a programming problem. I'm willing to be convinced otherwise.
@Makyen nah, this is an API coupled to system programming. This is in category under the first point in meta.stackoverflow.com/a/386638/213269 and similar to what is said about Docker in meta.stackoverflow.com/a/380590/213269 - "tool/API/environment commonly used by programmers".
@Jonas from the first link: "Virtually all Kubernetes/Docker/Chef/etc. (DevOps type stuff) is on-topic at DevOps.SE"
@Jonas It's not asking how to use it. It's not asking how to program it. It's asking "How does it maintain consistency of the written data" and "Do these pods talk to each other to share data?" The question might be able to be reworded to be more programming focused.
@Turing85 that it is on-topic on another site does not mean that it is off-topic on SO, see the first point in the same link. And to the specific question, a typical Ops-person or DevOps-person does not have much use for that question - the asker is not trying to use a third party software, but more understand the program environment that can be used for system programming.
8:49 PM
@Jonas no, OP did not ask how to program against the kubernetes API. OP asked specifically how kubernetes internally works and how to use kubernetes features (not in a programmamtic way, but in general). This is not programming-related. And by the way: PVPs and PVCs are typical Ops-concerns.
@Makyen yes, the asker is trying to understand the "runtime-environment" but the asker did e.g. not trying to run any external software, this is more related to understand how to design the consistency for its own app.
@Turing85 All Kubernetes questions does NOT have to be about Programming against the API, it CAN also be about running the developers own app in the environment. E.g. questions related to Git is not only about programming by using a Git-library but also using it as a developer tool.
@Jonas Then it should be edited to make it more clear that it's being asked from a programming perspective. Right now it's just "how does this piece of software work?", and, at least to me, the wording makes it feel much more of a system question, rather than a programming question.
@Jonas That's an assumption on your part. Nothing along those lines appears to be in the question.
@Turing85 PersistentVolumes is typically an Ops-concern. But PersistentVolumeClaim is typically a Developer-concern. See e.g. kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/storage/persistent-volumes
@Makyen please explain how that question is only about system-question if not coupled to a programmer. An end-user that is not a developer does not have much use for such a question.
@Jonas If you, by "Developer-concern" mean the "user", then I would disagree. If we are talking in typical silos, then the concern of the developer ends with the program artifact (binary, jar, whatever) and the concern for the Operator begins (building the image, deploying the image,...).
@Turing85 that is not how modern development is organized. Now the developers also are reponsible for configuring how its containers run and this question is about data consistency - a developer need to think about that. See e.g. infoq.com/articles/kubernetes-successful-adoption-foundation on how modern companies use Kubernetes as a "Platform" rather than silos that throw artifacts overt to Ops for deployment.
9:04 PM
@Jonas I know that cross-functional teams do not work like this, but SO works like this.
@Makyen the question is within the two last points on stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic
@Jonas k8s is (sadly) not "commonly used by programmers".
@Jonas If you feel it's a programming question, then please explain why you object to editing it to make it more clear that this specific question is programming related/asking from a programming perspecitve.
@Turing85 the Kubernetes Workload API is typically used by programmers kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads
@Jonas questions asking how to interact from, e.g., Java with this API are on topic -> programming related.
9:17 PM
@Turing85 Also how to run your Java app in a container - I would say.
Container yes - pod no.
Not really. It is pretty much what @Machavity's answer points out: docker is explicitly on-topic.
@Turing85 I totally agree. But there is no strong ling or high wall between a container and a Pod.
Its like saying running single-node. apps is on-topic, but when it is more complicated like distributed microservices or system software is off-topic
If the community you post on is primarily concerned with monolithic applications, then yes, it is off-topic. Monolithic applications use different concepts.
9:26 PM
@Turing85 sounds like you are making your own rules
Not really. Again: docker is explicitly on-topic and there is a pretty cut-and-dry line between a container and a pod. Containers are used by docker. Pods are used by k8s/openshift/cloudFoundry. And thos platforms are, in my opinion, not "tools commonly used by developers". Therefore, they are off-topic.
11:12 PM
Just noticed I recently crossed 15,000 close votes cast.
11:34 PM
There isn't any way for me to see if one of my comments was deleted on this page, right? stackoverflow.com/q/67543284/2943403 I feel like I commented to say that the question is lacking the specification of what country it is catering to. Maybe I intended to make that comment and didn't. SO already has pre-existing pages on this topic. With greater specificity, it is likely to be closed as a duplicate.
@RyanM congrats!
@mickmackusa Of course you can see your deleted comments... just run for moderator in the next election and make sure you have a good, successful campaign.
@AdrianMole: with all the extra benefits of the position: unpaid work, animosity from both sides, presenting yourself as an easy target,.... sign me up right away!
Such a pessimistic attitude from someone I'd expect to be more of a "Hovercraft-half-Full" sort of person. ;-)
@mickmackusa Other than finding an archive which contains an older copy, I'm not aware of a way for a non-moderator to see if they commented on a post without having planned ahead in some manner. For example, I use a browser extension which stores the content I write into textareas. That extension would allow me to determine if I composed a comment on that page, but wouldn't actually tell me if I submitted one.
BTW: You did post a comment on that question.
11:48 PM
@AdrianMole LOL true. I'll try to be more "glass-half-full" in the future
@AdrianMole I could never be elected on SO -- I can barely garner the support to get an upvote on an answer let alone get thousands of people to vote for me.
Ah, I assume that my comment included the "Validate IBAN PHP" page because the right panel shows it in the Linked Pages

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