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1 hour later…
so stackoverflow.com/questions/61995964/… (from SD report) is an identical duplicate of closed question stackoverflow.com/questions/61995771/… — but from two different users, so can’t be dupe-closed. What to do?
@sideshowbarker I guess flag for mod attention
I submitted a custom flag "duplicate question ostensibly from a different user (apparent sock puppet)"
oh I see @triplee already posted it here
second one is deleted now
yeah, problem(s) solved :)
no wait, first one is deleted and second one is closed
@tripleee People accidentally create accounts ;)
would it be appropriate/possible to add a link to the same question (non-closed) on Ask Different? apple.stackexchange.com/questions/11323/…
@pkamb we can't do that, though you might want to flag for mod attention and request this
no idea whether they are going to accept the request though
can't do anything but "share" that post :/ .... no flagging of the question or any answers
you can always flag a post of your own and point to the problematic question with a link
1 hour later…
Cody mentioned at meta that unity3d tag is in somewhat poor shape. I took a look at this tag in close queue and it looks like the case indeed. I think it is worth SOCVR attention
1 hour later…
3 hours later…
@halfer That's a tough one. It almost is about programming. But I think Needs focus would be slightly more fitting reason.
@Dharman Great, go ahead. I was thinking that the installation of an e-commerce system would be like installing WordPress - it's more of a Super User problem.
It can turn into a programming problem quickly, of course
That's the problem. I think it should be closed, but I think they meant to ask this from programming perspective not Super User. Either way, closed is closed. Unless OP comes back and clarifies what exactly they are asking about there's no point to dwell on the actual reason.
True, {thumbs up}
Does anyone know C# here? I am pretty certain the OP could show code, but they say it is not possible - maybe it needs a C-sharper to understand why. stackoverflow.com/questions/62000481/…
@halfer already self deleted
@rene self deleted and re asked here, but still lacks details, making it still unclear.
commented and awaiting response
@Nkosi at least it improved somewhat.
@rene Yeah, annoying. Thanks for looking. At least the self-duplicate is much better :-)
@Adriaan Of course edits are ok. There's nothing wrong as long as you do not vandalise posts, introduce wrong tags, add noise or bump questions on purpose to get more attention. Does any of it fit this situation?
@Dharman There's a problem you're missing there: an edit bumps a question to the main page. Especially mass edits like these tend to push large numbers of questions to the front page which don't necessarily need the visibility. Hence you're always told on meta at burninations you shouldn't go do this on your own and always fix all problems with the Q, or simply leave it be and vote to close.
@Adriaan What is this "main page" and why it isn't the same for me and for you ;)
I can't see any of those questions on the "main page"
And the tags those questions use (in case you are saying active page instead) are very varied.
I have been on retagging spree for the past 6 months. Have you seen any of my edits on main page?
Also, in this case I think you are referring to this moderator performing a small burnination of an off-topic tag. If this is what you are referring to then I see no harm there.
AFAIK, Jonh is not a current elected moderator.
The other one.
They are a moderator. Not on SO, but on Webmasters
@Adriaan Do you have a link to the meta post?
@Dharman meta.stackoverflow.com/a/303220/5211833 Both the "Do not polish turds" and "Make your edits as complete as possible" point apply here
I think the key part here is: "If you feel the need to search out and correct a simple issue on several posts, please be sure to correct other issues while you're at it." It is more of a suggestion rather than a rule. If you do your best to edit a post then there's nothing wrong with editing old posts, or retagging multiple posts at once. Of course you have to be reasonable and do not edit too much at once, but as long as you make your edits count then all is fine.
I'm kind of sad. I found a user plagiarizing a bunch of their answers. I flagged 8 or 9 of them and downvoted most. It seems the downvotes were reversed because of the "serial downvoting" script I guess. I was kind of hoping the flags would be addressed before that kicked in...
@Savior Scripts are mindless and run regardless of intent, but your flag should be enough to handle the issue. No need to serially down-vote
Their wings will likely be clipped
@DontKnowMuchButGettingBetter I mean they were mostly all terrible answers, copy paste the plagiarized content essentially
@Savior Which flag type did you use? Custom mod flag?
@Dharman Yes, with "plagiarized from <link>"
@Savior That is enough. Wait 6-8 days and someone should delete them eventually.
1 hour later…
@DontKnowMuchButGettingBetter sorry @DontKnowMuchButGettingBetter had already cv-pls it
@SotiriosDelimanolis: and DON'T let that happen again! :P
@E_net4isunsafe too humble ...
@rene Aye :<
In another subject, I learned my lesson. Never again shall I retract a modflag when I "think" the problem's over.
Because it likely won't.
We can have a declined flag or two.
Not three though. Three could be bad.
@rene It's just that they take so long to resolve, the circumstances might no longer apply.
flag and forget is my strategy
That I oughta do next time.
No.. declined flags are very bad :)
I'd trade them with reputation.
@Scratte What are you talking about? I already have 111 and nothing bad has happened to me yet.
@Dharman You have very thick skin :)
@Dharman Why don't we have a quality filter with the following caracteristics: php tag, "password" in the body, and not having password_hash or password_verify in the code.
@Braiam because that would be very easy to work around. Also there are multiple valid questions in PHP with a word password that do not require password_hash to be present in the question.
@Dharman I would be surprised if that number of questions surpass the 1%... a 1% false positive is preferable to people writing poor examples of code.
I think it is much higher than 1%. Much much higher.
Remember that I asking here for closure or deletion of the worst of the worst. What you see linked in this room is very skewed.
@PaulRoub Should we flag all of these answers as spam or have you mod-flagged?
@Dharman I'm sticking with "we don't moderate users". I'll probably mod-flag one of the answers, let mods decide if anything is necessary. But if bad answers highlight bad questions, I'm all for making the questions go away first.
@PaulRoub I think posting 7 answers in quick succession linking to one's library should at least warrant a mod flag.
@Dharman not an unreasonable sentiment :-)
@Dharman Definitely, the worst they can do is reject it.
@dbc it's translated to English now
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
After my edit there's no much left from this question. Should it be closed? stackoverflow.com/q/60839432/1839439
@Scratte gimme the good ol "too broad" back, please !
@Vickel I think "ol" is actually spelled "øl" - @Scratte may care to explain. :-)
wouldn't that be beer? :)
I prefer the dark red Poruguese Alentejo wine vulgo "tinto"
but never say no to øl neither
Aha! Vino tonto, as I have been known to call it.
@AdrianMole tonto is how you feel after drinking a lot of really low quality tinto
if you drink a lot of high quality tinto you most likely will feel tonto too
moderation is the key
Conversely, if I drink like a tonto, my eyes and nose are likely to become tinto.
@AdrianMole definitely, if you are able to open them :)

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