Corporate applications are the best. Here is an excerpt of HTML from one of my company tools: <option value="0">Priority Boarding &amp;amp; 2 Cabin Bags - 0.00EUR</option>
@AdrianMole It was a joke. Corporate software is usually of such low quality that bugs like this are funny. It was supposed to be escaped only once, but it got escaped 3 times. I guess better safe than sorry.
Curiosity: What does the red blob on the "Reviews" icon really mean? I just got one, but I only have 2 queues left for today: Late Answers was empty and H&I had only 8 in the queue.
@NathanOliver I think I understand? So, there's a queue that needs attention, but it's not one that I can currently contribute to: e.g. CVQ or ROQ (frequently have red dots), but I'm zilched out on that/those for today. Bug, then.
@AdrianMole Yeah. There are a few bug reports out there for this already. It's not really considered a priority though. From here there are currently 500 Bug reports open on MSO in total.
I'm still pondering what my next SO 'adventure' should be … SEDE looks both useful and fun, but maybe getting more involved with SmokeDetector and SOBotics? Does one need expertise in (Java)script programming to contribute usefully?
I bought a house with a couple of sheds. I was walking out to one when a brown snake came out from underneath (timber rattlesnakes are not uncommon). My kids thought it was funny I jumped way back
@leonheess In what context are you asking about? Do you mean: in questions/answers? post comments? or chat (all chat messages in all rooms? your requests in SOCVR? for you on your machine? for everyone?)
@Makyen Dupe target itself can be a dupe of other similar threads. There are many other threads in r about removing dupes based on a group, based on multiple columns, etc. Besides that, question is also a Typo, which makes (made) it not helpful for future users.
@M-- If it's more complex, then, please, provide a bit more information in your request reason. I don't know about anyone else, but I read "unnecessary [dup]" as "having this duplicate makes it no easier for future visitors to find the dup-target", which isn't the case when the dup-target has no, or few duplicates. The purpose of a duplicate isn't to help future visitors by itself; it's to function as a signpost for people to find the dup-target, which is supposed to be the helpful Q&A.
If you feel the dup-target is a duplicate of something else, then it should be closed as a duplicate. As it is, the dup-target doesn't even have a close vote. In fact, it's never had a close-vote, which argues that the problem isn't an actual duplicate of any of the larger number of somewhat similar r questions. Beyond that, I can't really say, as it's not a tag I'm familiar with.
The short version of this is: I would appreciate you using delete reasons that accurately reflect your actual reason for wanting the question deleted. In this case, it sounds like your reason for wanting it deleted was something like: "Typo erroneously closed as a duplicate".
@Vega If im understanding what I'm seeing, The class for that action is NeedMoreFocus so it gets brought into the request as Need More Focus. That is a SE change that would need to be made.
@Vega That text is generated directly from the closeReasonId that's sent by SE's code as the reason for the close-vote. As @NathanOliver mentioned, the value that SE uses is NeedMoreFocus. (ninja'd :-) )
@Vega That doesn't mean we couldn't make a special case for that reason, which corrects the text. Frankly, I've been considering doing that for both NeedMoreFocus and NeedsDetailsOrClarity to add " (Too Broad)" and " (Unclear)" to the automatically generated request reason text, as I find those far more understandable.
@Makyen I pointed Typo as an extra reason. There are many potential dupes that are not closed, and this dupe target is one of them. However, I understand your concern. I'll try to be more specific. TY
@Chipster I don't know. Maybe if it gets completely jammed up, then perhaps SE will actually make changes so the combination of Triage and H&I are actually effective.
@Makyen That's true. That's what happened to the cv queue.
@leonheess Sorry for the delay in responding. I noted that I needed to respond and then didn't get back to it until now. There are a variety of helpful userscripts.
You're most likely asking about formatting requests: the Request Generator has both a release version (GitHub) (install) and an alpha version. The alpha version is recommended, if you're not using Greasemonkey as your userscript manager.
For formatting chat messages as you view them yourself, and providing helpful information, there's the Unclosed Request Review Script (URRS) (GitHub) (install), which provides semi-realtime status of requests in the main chat view and adds question titles to generic links. It also adds buttons to search for open requests and displays a page where you can review the requests.
@Dharman I disagree with the reopen. Shog9 ruled that links to official documentation weren't off-topic, but that post does not ask for documentation. It asks for a download link to software, as well as combining questions related to licensing and versions. None of that counts as documentation of any kind.