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I don't know C#, but this question on how to improve performance doesn't look opinion-based at all: stackoverflow.com/questions/57562735 Though, it may be a dupe. Think it deserves to be closed, as it is now?
Saw it was acquiring delete votes
^ cc @TylerH (you voted to close)
It's possible that the first closer voted POB and two others voted differently. The final reason would be the first cv's
@Shree It's plagiarized with spam links added. Go ahead and flag it as spam.
@Makyen My flag on that question was declined
I still see a spam
@Vega That was an incorrect decision on the part of the moderator. It's plagiarized from here with link and URL turned into spam linking to a domain which has had a reasonable amount of prior spam.
Admittedly, I didn't find the plagiarism until after voting to close.
@Makyen Thank you!
np. We all make mistakes. Moderators are people too. :-) I understand erroring on the side of caution. Although, if I'd been in doubt, I probably would have disputed rather than declined the flag in that instance. The OP is clearly linking to their own site without explicitly disclosing it. It's suspicious that they want to download images from their own site, but they could just be using it as an example. At a guess, the page probably doesn't have a "hydraulics section", but I didn't check.
@Makyen I pardoned them ;) I flagged for the same reasons as you said. I didn't see the plagiarised page, though. I can also see why they declined, it wasn't an obvious spam
and for that i needed a data set of Bollywood movies sounds like asking for a resource
I misread that, apologies. You are correct.
@Adriaan np. Folks like you who always gives head up for mistake is real treasure of this room :)
2 hours later…
Plop everyone
\\\\\o <-- waving while moving
@MadhurBhaiya just so you know both of your del request would roomba in 10 days (hence not much sense to vote on them)
Gosh dang pink elephants ninjas.
@PaulStenne I failed though; I missed the CV window, thus putting it in the queue -.-
@Adriaan Unforeseen consequence to the 3 CVs update =p
@PaulStenne which is also why I think the reopen-queue meta needs to be rewritten. The problem is not the amount of questions in the queue (that's low enough anyway), but the fact that people only get one shot at going into the queue, and if that's blown (either by themselves or by idiots like me), fat chance of a question ever being reopened.
@Adriaan Hasn't there been proposals of making this a deliberate action? As in, "Ask for reopening" with all the warnings and advisories possibles.
@PaulStenne that's what Nathan and Tyler are suggesting innit?
@Adriaan Possibly. Got a link for that baldy?
@PaulStenne tsk tsk, something with the pot calling the kettle black ;) It's the featured meta: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/388740/5211833
@Adriaan Oh I saw that indeed, thanks
Plop Nathan
Not much. How have you been?
@PaulStenne Gosh dang spear-wielding squirrels
@NathanOliver Pretty intense, things are tough but the good news keep piling up =)
@Machavity I read this with the Engi tone and voice. Thank you for that.
cool. still doing the crypto-currency thing?
@NathanOliver Never really touched that, still doing distributed systems though
Crypto-currencies are very good at being crypto
Not very good at being currencies
@PaulStenne was that what you once told me about over a teamviewer session?
lol. That they are
@Adriaan Have we been Teamviewering..?
@PaulStenne At some point you called me and started all excited to explain something to me in the hope that I could help you. You showed a bunch of code, and I had enough trouble understanding your excited, fast French English, and speak no JavaScript (or whatever you were writing) to be of any use :P
Was a couple of years back already
@NathanOliver But turns out in my very bureaucratic, administrative-loving country, there's a lot to be done over compliance and such systems. So I do dat.
@Adriaan I have no memory whatsoever of this but then I pretty much forget everything from more than 2 years ago so >_>
It's smart. Distributed systems don't look like they are going anywhere. Blockchain can do a lot of things besides crypo-currencies.
@NathanOliver They offer a lot of added value when you have multiple agents that don't trust each other, which is literally the definition of a government (or society for that matter)
tru dat
@PaulStenne Maybe, but I'd love to own just one Bitcoin right now
@Machavity Supposedly there is a hard drive in a dump in somewhere in England with thousands of them on it.
@Machavity I work in compliance and AML. I could tell you about a few of the pockets your Bitcoin has been through, not sure you'd still want it >_>
Which is part of why I own 0 ;)
@Dharman Looks good scope-wise to me. Might want to link to that question
@NathanOliver I went SF. No reason to leave it open. Won't Roomba as-is anyways
@NathanOliver As it's not about developing a PAM but using one, yeah
Sounds good
@Dharman (Voted)
Did something change on dupehammers and retags? I just tagged a Q per the OP comment and then found a dupe. I wasn't expecting it to close immediately but it did
It was that Dharman Q. This was odd
I sort of remember along the lines of this from a few months ago yes
I have not seen anything about that. You would think a change like that would be featured. Maybe it is a bug since they changed the vote threshold.
Grabs both popcorn and pitchforks, just to be on the safe side
To Camelot Meta
@Adriaan sets up sunglasses, french fries and blast shield
@PaulStenne Better grab Flemish fries. Those flimsy, oil-soaked, thin pieces of potato you use in France aren't that great
Did someone say fries?
@Adriaan You obviously never tried my mom's
@CertainPerformance the Q is deleted now, but while I can't recall exactly how I voted, I think I voted as Too Broad -- in its current form it doesn't provide enough details on how it should be improved, what constraints there are, etc. OP says he wants it to be faster, but he doesn't say how slow it is or how fast he wants it to be, how much data he has to go through. Basically it seems like just an open-ended code review request as it is.
If OP had improved the post to add specific metrics to target I'd likely have been willing to cast a reopen vote
@NathanOliver Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed
@Machavity Sending the upvote botnet
Ah, that was it
> The question was originally tagged with [php] tag, so you didn't really add the tag.
Yep. It originally had PHP so it fell back to that since you had edited the tags
Interesting behaviour.
That's the power of PHP ;)
Oh so even after all those years we're still doing the "everyone stars PHP burns" thing? I'm in.
@Machavity Weird how OP consistently made the question worse with each consecutive edit
@NathanOliver Good point. Missed that the answer doesn't cover the Q
Yeah, 1 rep unregistered user with a spammy link that, I don't even bother. Just flag and move on
Welcome to C++, where vector<unsigned int> vecH(size_t(h)); declares a function, not a variable. This has been your Daily C++ Public Service Announcement.
I just noticed I reached a milestone and am near a second!
that's a lot of flags - good work!
I need a repro on a bug: if you click on <-- that, do you get redirected to the close vote queue?
Very nice
@Zoe No
This is bugging me >.> It says it's linking to that, but I end up in review
... but only in SOCVR and SOBotics, so it's a Feature, Not A Bug:tm:
@Zoe Sounds like you might have a user script doing something
yeah, I know that now :]
@Adriaan I can't see that link but it sounds like you have a lot of helpful flags... congrats!
@Zoe That is likely a result of the Unclosed Request Review Script. It's a feature. :-; You can select what type of click you want from the options page. A click without any modifier key pressed is definitely not the default, so you probably set it to something at one point.
derp, it was set to left click
oh right, I was messing with the settings a few days ago xd
Which makes a lot more sense than a redirection bug to occur for a product not in active development XD
Wait. Chat isn't being actively developed??? It's not going to get a API very soon??? We aren't going to get a better flag interface???
Too soon...
@NathanOliver Sure, soon!
Soon on the galactic scale, so in about 6-8 eons. Pretty soon that though
So soon, geologically speaking?
Yeah, soon!
@NathanOliver When California is its own island nation
That's going to take a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time :(
@Machavity hmm... we have an island, California has some tasty beaches. Fancy a merger?
@StephenKennedy California would like to join the EU, yes. Oh, wait, you're just leaving. Too bad...
ah yeah, sorry about that :/
@TylerH That explains a lot! shakes fist at our new reptilian overlords
@StephenKennedy All hail the Silurians!
@TylerH Still not used to seeing you. I mean, you =p
@PaulStenne Day 74 - they're beginning to catch on...
who is this Tyler guy anyway?
@TylerH Why are we closing the one with 205k views as a dup of the one with 53k views?
What on Earth is ?
@Ron It's when you put music in your ears and you move that booty while coding
@Ron Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique for efficiently solving problems with a recursive structure containing many overlapping subproblems.
no idea
me neither
Hey, I found a web page that answers that. Seems like it's full of unwelcoming people, though
@Machavity These people need music to become dynamic and welcoming
@Ron XP on steroids.
1 hour later…
@Makyen the target is older and has plenty of fine examples already, including ES6 solutions. 50k is still huge #s of visibility.
I'm fine with either direction, though.
They're both at 2 dupe votes each now; I guess we'll see which way the wind blows
@Ron Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique for efficiently solving problems with a recursive structure containing many overlapping subproblems. :-P
...whatever that means
I close you as a duplicate of Stephen ...
pair of bookends
Mine's obviously different, it includes a :-P at the end. Come on mods
flags VLQ for posting noise
@Machavity Whole question needs to go too
(Moved my cv-pls as it was closed in the opposite direction) cc @Makyen
@TylerH It could have gone either way. They were even one of the few cases where a merge might be reasonable. The only reason I didn't suggest a merge is that there appeared to be enough differences such that they were potentially getting traffic from different searches. We'd really have to look at what searches were resulting in the two to see if that was the case.
Hi everyone.
@ThomasWeller o/
1 hour later…
@MikeM. Pending edit
@Machavity Got it. Thanks.

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