I don't know C#, but this question on how to improve performance doesn't look opinion-based at all: stackoverflow.com/questions/57562735 Though, it may be a dupe. Think it deserves to be closed, as it is now?
@Vega That was an incorrect decision on the part of the moderator. It's plagiarized from here with link and URL turned into spam linking to a domain which has had a reasonable amount of prior spam.
Admittedly, I didn't find the plagiarism until after voting to close.
np. We all make mistakes. Moderators are people too. :-) I understand erroring on the side of caution. Although, if I'd been in doubt, I probably would have disputed rather than declined the flag in that instance. The OP is clearly linking to their own site without explicitly disclosing it. It's suspicious that they want to download images from their own site, but they could just be using it as an example. At a guess, the page probably doesn't have a "hydraulics section", but I didn't check.
@Makyen I pardoned them ;) I flagged for the same reasons as you said. I didn't see the plagiarised page, though. I can also see why they declined, it wasn't an obvious spam
@PaulStenne which is also why I think the reopen-queue meta needs to be rewritten. The problem is not the amount of questions in the queue (that's low enough anyway), but the fact that people only get one shot at going into the queue, and if that's blown (either by themselves or by idiots like me), fat chance of a question ever being reopened.
@PaulStenne At some point you called me and started all excited to explain something to me in the hope that I could help you. You showed a bunch of code, and I had enough trouble understanding your excited, fast French English, and speak no JavaScript (or whatever you were writing) to be of any use :P
@NathanOliver But turns out in my very bureaucratic, administrative-loving country, there's a lot to be done over compliance and such systems. So I do dat.
@Adriaan I have no memory whatsoever of this but then I pretty much forget everything from more than 2 years ago so >_>
@NathanOliver They offer a lot of added value when you have multiple agents that don't trust each other, which is literally the definition of a government (or society for that matter)
Did something change on dupehammers and retags? I just tagged a Q per the OP comment and then found a dupe. I wasn't expecting it to close immediately but it did
@CertainPerformance the Q is deleted now, but while I can't recall exactly how I voted, I think I voted as Too Broad -- in its current form it doesn't provide enough details on how it should be improved, what constraints there are, etc. OP says he wants it to be faster, but he doesn't say how slow it is or how fast he wants it to be, how much data he has to go through. Basically it seems like just an open-ended code review request as it is.
If OP had improved the post to add specific metrics to target I'd likely have been willing to cast a reopen vote
Welcome to C++, where vector<unsigned int> vecH(size_t(h)); declares a function, not a variable. This has been your Daily C++ Public Service Announcement.
@Zoe That is likely a result of the Unclosed Request Review Script. It's a feature. :-; You can select what type of click you want from the options page. A click without any modifier key pressed is definitely not the default, so you probably set it to something at one point.
@Ron Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique for efficiently solving problems with a recursive structure containing many overlapping subproblems.
@Ron Dynamic programming is an algorithmic technique for efficiently solving problems with a recursive structure containing many overlapping subproblems. :-P
@TylerH It could have gone either way. They were even one of the few cases where a merge might be reasonable. The only reason I didn't suggest a merge is that there appeared to be enough differences such that they were potentially getting traffic from different searches. We'd really have to look at what searches were resulting in the two to see if that was the case.