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@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter Gone now. The other post is NAA too imho (it just restates the question). Still waiting on that flag.
@Nkosi Isn't the answer to that a straightforward "no, it would be pointless"?
might be a bit broad when it comes to explaining why though - could fill a book
Yes. I would say so as well.
Your initial response is based on the title. After reading it through a few times I went with POB
I read it. It seems to me a question that could be answered by an expert using facts, not opinion.
@StephenKennedy agreed. I'll retract. Can you remove my request pls. tia.
@StephenKennedy Kinda sorta
what's that supposed to mean?:
@Nkosi It's Samuel Liew's fault.
The plot thickens
@Queen done
feature request :P blame should accuse like the game clue. lol. It was X in the Y wih the Z. just sayin.
@Makyen How do I bookmark a question to come back to it later using the cv-pls generator? (or did I imagine that feature?)
@StephenKennedy The feature exists in the alpha version. You should see 3 "revisit" request types. If you select one of those and "Save" (changes from "Send"), a tab for the post will open after the time you've selected.
@Makyen Oh, now I see it. Thanks!
@StephenKennedy np. As already mentioned, there is also Stack Reminder - Remind Yourself About Posts, which does something somewhat similar. It has some features which won't be in the Request Generator (storing your list on a server), and has the ability to review the list, which the Request Generator does not yet have (planned). Some people like it. However, I have not used it, as I don't want to store that information anywhere other than my own machine.
Oh, HTTP 500 on archive.org, I can't work. :(
1 hour later…
is valid this question?
Morning all \o
Train's currently stuck at Brockenhurst due to unfortunate circumstances further up the line, but looks like it'll be moving again in the next 15 minutes or so
But working while you commute still counts as part of your day, so doesn't make much of a difference to me personally
@eyllanesc It's definitely unclear, "not working" is not a helpful description
Mooing all
Mornin o/
2 hours later…
@Shree Is that new answer spam? Seems like a sales pitch (note the use of the word "we")
@MichaelDodd Seems like it to me
Derp I can't read
@NickA Right, flag raised
@MichaelDodd First i think so but hesitate to flag . But now it's clear and flag as spam :)
1 hour later…
Does this seem too broad, or is it just a simple how-to question with an LQ answer
@Machavity Seems broad, and at the very least requires an extensive rewrite to not be "Does anyone have experience with X"
@Matthew Feel free to rant about audits and such, but keep it clean please
swearwords not targeted at any individual or group are considered OK by the CoC
what what whaaaat?
@Nkosi Are you threatening me?
I couldn't tell if you were making a reference to WC3 goblin zeppelins, so I assumed you were >.<
@NickA I was referring to this youtube.com/watch?v=_3PUu88nOcw
@Nkosi Yeah, I don't know which came first
I think they're both actually references to Beavis & Butt-head
@NickA Gives a whole new meaning to Smokey and TP
There’s something wrong when the CTO is tasked with creating Git aliases for developers. And there’s something else wrong when force-pushing is common enough to need an alias. — Biffen 18 mins ago
@Machavity Sorry, what?
@Matthew Got a bit intense there. Reviews frustrate us all, sooner or later. Just want to keep it clean is all.
@Machavity What are you talking about? :D
@Matthew Binned a comment of yours
@Machavity Ah yes, sorry about that.
It was my own fault, I usually check if the post is actually real before I post it here, but this time I forgot. Guess I was on auto-pilot. In any case will try not to curse at it... too much :P
It happens sooner or later. Even I miss one from time to time
It's worse in the CVQ, where the Q should be closed, but it's been upvoted 8 times
^ Would that count as R/A (abuse of the site)?
Gone and helpful so I guess so
Well it's gone now, but I would've said so
@MichaelDodd I would have mod flagged. Mod deleted as well. Counts as TPU
ugh, the cv-pls search is acting up again for me
@TylerH Works for me.
It started working again
but the first 5 or so attempts had the sam eproblem I mentioned a week or two ago
Q: Burnitate [multiple-files]

kluttTried to come up with a fun pun on this tag but failed. Usage guidance: Many files are involved in the operation. Tag description: Use this tag when many files are involved, especially if their number is unbounded. Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is appl...

^started off in non-English. when translated it is an off-site resource recommendation.
@cs95 I'd VTC but I've already exhausted my votes for the day
@Nkosi Most people don't know about this Meta
1 hour later…
I used to have it before but can't seem to find it any more. Any one know where the time line userscript is?
It adds a timeline link at the bottom of posts along side the edit delete etc..
@Nkosi stackapps.se ... let me find it
ahh Tunaki. I should have known
@rene ty
Morning all /o .... do we have a short notation like [ unix.se ] for serverfault? I don't want to use a canned response for commenting because the question, depending on what actually happened or what access rights the person has, might be suitable for either of the above.
@tink stackoverflow.com/editing-help#comment-formatting the bottom has a list of short links
Thanks @double-beep @TylerH
@Shree @SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter @NickA @MichaelDodd @HovercraftFullOfEels a question you closed in being discussed on Meta.
okay, thanks beep
I am NOT a single, broken beep. I am a double beep (BEEP BEEP)
If we cross double beep with tripleee... TRIPLE BEEEP
@double-beep Just saw it, thanks for the heads up.
@Machavity nope, nope, nope. It would be TRIPLE BEEP BEEP BEEP
That's a lot o' beeps
@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter yeah, triple beep
Too many beeps. We'll need to have a surplus sale.
@StephenKennedy this is NOT the most important thing here. Let's give priority to the most important things. We need to buy some lurking foxes wolfs @Zoe's to kick them easily, please help by collecting 120,000 coins. Thanks.
I'm unfortunately out of close votes :(
@EJoshuaS huh? There are 889 more PM questions to VTC!
@double-beep ;o, time to burn through my votes!
@double-beep Zombie Zoe's don't count even though that's almost olive-green for a double score
olivia green
hopes that wasn't an accidental dox (probably safe as not a very Nordic surname :))
@StephenKennedy nah ^^"
Is this Too Broad or No MCVE stackoverflow.com/questions/56760682/… ?
@Nkosi Too gone perhaps?
yeah just self deleted.
It's not dead, it's pining for the fjords
@StephenKennedy oy, keep your pine trees out of our fjords!!
It is just that sometimes I would question myself when I get responses like this
> I disagree. I stated in my question I am not able to reliably reproduce the issue and clearly asked my question at the end of my post. I have outlined the issue as much as I know how to, unless you have recommendations for specific clarifications.
I started with a canned response about lacking a mcve (minimal reproducible example) and was met with that above
@double-beep a double beep (beep beep)? So double beep^3?
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to enforce rule 87: A maximum of 2 beeps are allowed in the room at any one time
But if a facepalm falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, are there really two beeps?
lol, double-beep just left the room
@NickA So you thought I was joking?
@StephenKennedy → double-beep moved to outside the room by Stephen Kennedy
@double-beep In the queue, or still remaining open? Yeah, I may have spoken a bit prematurely about not needing to add stuff to the queue... really, the whole tag is OT and should go.
@NickA No rickrolling? I'm almost disappointed xD
@Zoe Sorry Zoe but some of us aren't living in the 00's ;p
@Zoe when you come to expect it, it looses its charm.
you have to mix it up a little sometimes.
@StephenKennedy You double clicked again, didn't you? :P
and then Rick, right when you least expect it
Cause We're never goona give you up......
@NickA I prefer living in 2019. Enjoy 1999 though. I hear y2k is is great around this time of year!
@Nkosi Or just do it like Mathdroid
oh wow
Ikr xD
@Zoe I'm out, goodnight, I can't do this anymore
@NickA Hm?
@Zoe That is the worst set of repos I've ever seen
looks like being used as example :blobface:
@NickA yep.
shudder HL7
horrible format
@TylerH Does it make you love DICOM?
@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter I've not worked with DICOM
but I try to stay away from medical imaging files/formats as a rule
Well, as a researcher in medical imaging informatics, I can't avoid DICOM. :>
And I still have nightmares from working with GAEB90 :D - and that was more than 20 years ago
peeks through the ceiling
@Zoe Excellent, the dead parrot makes a reappearance in SO CVR
@halfer Why dead parrot? >.>
He's not dead, he's just pining for the fjords
@Zoe Well, I took the liberty of examining that parrot. And the reason it was sitting on its perch was that it had been NAILED there.
@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter I'm sorry :-)
@halfer you nailed it?
@rene It wasn't me, honest. It was the shopkeeper, but he denies it flatly. He claims the bird was just tired out after a good squawk.
Direct tool req bounty question stackoverflow.com/q/55908805
@MunimMunna mod flag
nothing else we can do with the bounty active
@TylerH Do not be. I'll be taking this to my advantage, hopefully.
@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter Here's to many fruitful endeavors!
@Makyen Are you aware of any record that is made when two Qs are merged?
...I broke my arm.
@TylerH No. From what I've read there is no record. I've read that undoing a merge is quite difficult.
@TylerH Hmmm... maybe I misunderstood what you were asking. There should be a record that the merge occurred (e.g. in the timeline), but not one that allows it to be undone.
@TylerH It says "post merged (destination)" / "post merged (source)" in the timeline if that's what you mean (as well have having the banner on the source post)
@Zoe A Norwegian Blue Parrot which is dead but which the shopkeeper claims is not dead but is in fact pining for the fjords is... a famous Monty Python sketch
@Makyen It's possible to tell which answers were moved from source to destination, but I don't think anything else is visible
@NickA yeah I think this is what I am thinking of.
Any idea when that feature was implemented?
Something happening in 2011 may have been manual, for example, and wouldn't show that?
Only post i've checked is from '16
@TylerH I don't know when it was implemented in it's current form.
@StephenKennedy Oh xd
@Zoe The irate customer (John Cleese) goes into an excellent ranty monologue about how the parrot he just purchased is, in fact, very dead.
"This is an ex-parrot! It has ceased to be! It has gone and joined the choir invisible! If it hadn't been nailed down it would be pushing up the daisies!"
@double-beep FYI I'm pretty sure it's preferred to leave URLs as the long form (re: meta.stackoverflow.com/posts/324071/revisions)
@TylerH Why?
If it a post has a lot of links, those just contribute towards the 30k char limit for nothing
I don't know, I just know all the edits I've ever seen have been in that direction
e.g. from short to longform
maybe it helps with SEO or a11y?
Common abbreviation for accessibility
@StephenKennedy Lovely bird, beautiful plumage
Thing is do you get notified about who deleted you post?
how do they know who deleted it?
@Nkosi Post owners and users with the necessary privileges can see who deleted posts.
yeah but this owner has 1 rep.
do they still see who deleted the post
AFAIK recently deleted answers are still searchable through their own profile. And yes, if they kept a link to the post, they can see it's been deleted and who did so.
I remember not being able to see my deleted posts till i got the privilege
Despite the circumstances, the previous answer might be worth undeleting now.
@SirE_net4theWiseDownvoter Is this a request for discussion or a request for undelete votes? nm, mod undeleted
@StephenKennedy Waffles indeed.

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