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@Swordfish You flag it as rude/abusive. It's been removed (by a moderator, maybe; or automatically based on a flag and pattern match). If a moderator removed it, then they are taking care of it. If it's an ongoing pattern, you can raise a custom mod-flag. There's nothing more to do. What are you expecting to happen?
@Makyen The comment was already gone when i tried to click the flag button and i have the feeling that the user deleted it himself just making me see the message.
@Swordfish If you have an issue like that, you can raise a custom mod-flag. Be sure to explain the issue as clearly as possible. I'd stress that you feel the user created and deleted after just long enough for you to see it. OTOH, keep in mind that comments like that will often be deleted as the result of a single flag and matching the patterns SE has for comments to be deleted under such circumstances. Thus, it's reasonably likely that someone did flag it, causing it to be immediately deleted.
@Makyen Thank you for your answer.
2 hours later…
I'm famous or infamous. You choose
Should the next question be closed: Python assignment. Need assistance please? is a valid question?: need to upload this assignment in 2.5 hours. I'm going crazy!!!
@eyllanesc Yes, it should be closed. It is a homework assignment. You can use either "too broad" or a custom reason that's something like I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because "[3. Questions asking for homework help must include a **summary of the work you've done so far to solve the problem**, and a **description of the difficulty you are having solving it.**](//stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic)" This question does not meet those requirements.
@Makyen thanks
@Makyen Now that I re-read that, it doesn't actually say that the user must have made an attempt, just that they must summarize the work they have done so far. "I've done nothing." is a summary of what they've done so far. However, the intent, and how everyone has generally treated that, has been that the OP must actually make an attempt, so I'd argue that the on-topic page is poorly worded.
Multiple accounts with the same question posted twice by two different users with similar names: 1. "trying to retrieve data in my subcategory ( swift, firebase)" posted yesterday: stackoverflow.com/questions/53402559 2. "trying to retrieve data in my subcategory ( swift, firebase)" posted today: stackoverflow.com/questions/53402559
@karel You linked to the same question, twice.
@Makyen These 2 are the same question posted twice and that's exactly my point because these two questions were posted by two different users who have the same first name. It looks to me like the same user is bumping his question by registering for SO multiple times.
@karel If it's a duplicate question from a different user, and neither question has an accepted or upvoted answer, then you will need to raise a custom mod-flag to have one marked as a duplicate of the other. It's not possible for a non-moderator to close them as duplicates without them either being by the same user, or one having an answer that is either upvoted and/or accepted.
@karel You linked to exactly the same question twice (i.e. the same question number; number 53402559; exactly the same URL). That's not two different questions. They are the same question. You probably intended one of those to be a link to a different question.
This is what I should have written correctly:
Multiple accounts with the same question posted twice by two different users with similar names: 1. "trying to retrieve data in my subcategory ( swift, firebase)" posted yesterday: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53384149/ 2. "trying to retrieve data in my subcategory ( swift, firebase)" posted today: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53402559/
@karel You can mod flag one of them and explain. At least that's what I was told to do and did twice or trice. It took time to get my flags to be seen but they were helpful
the first one has a deleted NAA post by the poster of the second question
can you see it from this? stackoverflow.com/a/53401601/874188
workaround: one of them had an answer, I momentarily upvoted it so I could nominate a duplicate, then downvoted again
@karel The user explicitly says "I have posted this before but had an issue with the account." on this question. So either a custom mod-flag, and/or use the workaround that's been mentioned by tripleee.
Looks like this one finished its second cycle of closing and re-opening due to the Meta effect. Out of curiosity, when do the mods usually step in with stuff like that? Or do they just let the community duke it out on Meta?
@tripleee Thank you for helping me to resolve this issue. That was a clever solution that I haven't seen before. I should visit this room more often in order to learn more clever tricks like that one.
@EJoshuaS Usually when someone mod-flags, or the mods otherwise happen to notice the issue.
How to display hindi(Unicode) font in pdf file? I don't know if this is a valid question or not, but I do think that it is not
@DudeCoder ^ nominated to close as general computing, though "too broad" and "unclear" would also qualify
certainly not related to c# in any meaningful way
@TetsuyaYamamoto double ninja
Is this spam?
@EJoshuaS ^ I'm going with too broad, the solicitation could be edited out but let's just get it closed
It's a bit old for a cv-pls request, was just curious if it was flaggable
Morning all
2 hours later…
toc %0.313738 seconds but sometimes more than 1 seconds Huh? :D Got to love bad-practise functions that ruin profiling
Need some opinion about duplicate hammer. Someone with a gold badge of closed a question as Dupe, using another question which does not even have in the original question. Is this valid practice ? Moreover, the question is not one-to-one match. In duplicate marked question, input is a string, while in the older question, it is an array. The question in concern is: stackoverflow.com/q/53406528/2469308 Disclaimer: I have an accepted answer in the question.
@MadhurBhaiya exactly :-)
@Jean-FrançoisCorbett regarding marking protected ?
@MadhurBhaiya if the remaining question is how do I split a string representation on a delimiter into an array" I think even PHP programmers can find an answer to that
^ it's clear but completely off-topic once you click the image link
@tripleee question is about utilizing an input string into MySQL query using PDO.
and there is no need of splitting to array.
agree that question is still basic, but not a one to one duplicate
Honestly, majority of the questions appearing on SO are trivial only.
@MadhurBhaiya hmmm, true ... can you find a better duplicate?
@MadhurBhaiya in some tags the tolerance for duplicates is lower than in others
generally I think you want to apply the DRY principle i.e. find a duplicate if the question is simple and straightforward
often there's a duplicate from 2010 with like 12 answers
@tripleee i did a google search. "comma separated string in where mysql stack overflow" still could not find anything which closely resembles the question.
this looks broadly similar too stackoverflow.com/questions/6897176/…
yes this is closer.
as does this stackoverflow.com/questions/28817953/… though the answers look wacky
Morning all \o
@tripleee it is suitable for comma separated string values.
also a number of answers which use find_in_set 1 2 3
hmm.. question may stay closed, but then the question against which it is marked dupe, needs to be changed.
@MadhurBhaiya dupe hammer can easily add or replace which question it's a duplicate of; just ping them and ask to add another one
2 hours later…
@NileshRathod NAA I reckon, should either be a comment or classed as link only. Either way the key points should be self-contained within the answer itself
@NileshRathod Somoene else just edited the code into the answer, not sure I agree with that edit
@MichaelDodd yes someone edited the answer
that is super duper bumper Broad : stackoverflow.com/q/53411917/2469308
@SurajRao Make that likely spam. User has 2 answers, both don't make much sense, both redirect to one specific site. Perhaps a charcoal user can review and possibly flag the user
The answer here seems suspiciouly similar to smashingmagazine.com/2018/08/…
its spam deleted along with user now
@E_net4iskindandwelcoming Doubt they'll be able to ask questions for much longer...
@MichaelDodd Whelp.
@E_net4iskindandwelcoming Well, was more a comment on their pretty-much entirely negative-scored question history, not anything menacing
@MichaelDodd Yeah, I thought so. Still, one can only sigh. Some people just don't know how to ask questions.
@Machavity might just wait for the 30 day roomba?
@Adriaan I thought it was 365 for dupes
@Machavity the roomba forecaster says 30 days
that ^
Got confused on the dupe thing then. Thanks for clarifying
But eh, 30 days feels like an eternity here, right? :P
it has negative score.. 365 is for 0 score if I remember it right
@SmokeDetector User hates SO, still answers...
@Adriaan Hated so much that they no longer have an account :)
Should we edit that answer to get the images hosted by imgur instead of cloudways?
@NathanOliver the self-answer by the OP sounds like he doesn't have problems with installing the program per sé, in as much as that he's trying to use PHP7, which is apparently incompatible.
So a general "How to install" guide might as well be deleted imo
Not the self answer, this one. The images aren't hosted by imgur
@NathanOliver It'd be better yes
Also, it may need a few more adjustments.
@NathanOliver yes, I know, but my argument was deleting it altogether, since this seems to be not the OPs issue at all
Ah. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Zoe I'd keep an eye on the account that posted the new answer, both of their answers point to the same external page. Don't have enough evidence to flag for non-disclosure, but will be interesting to see if they post it again.
@MichaelDodd Yeah, I thought the answer looked kinda spam-ish too. Nothing concrete though. We'll see I guess
@Zoe Nothing in the site source or whois information, so that's why I didn't flag
Nothing on the linked twitter either
@SmokeDetector huh? self-vandalised a 6-month old question to spam.
either a very patient spammer or they were hacked. Either way the mods should see it.
this makes me very sad. Is it mean to hope they don't get the job?
kinda, yeah
I mean, at least they're showing some effort to learn. Research is probably slightly meh, but still.
I get that they are trying to learn, but if you are interviewing for a C++ programming position this is something you should have already learned.
This is covered in the first level C++ class and should be so ingrained just looking at the code makes you shiver.
True... Guess it's kinda not then
I'm so used to saying unique_ptr in these classes that I forget...
@NathanOliver I guess just hope that they learn from their mistakes
Hopefully they do.
@MatthieuBrucher don't forget the [tag:cv-pls] markup, though that one looks like it is already deleted
@TylerH Oops, I forgot tag:... First time in manual.
Thx for the note!
@T.J.Crowder Not sure why they're making a fuss about deleting the question instead of, y'know, just deleting it...
n/m it's gone now
@MichaelDodd A deletion without drama? How can that even exist?! /s
@MichaelDodd I like how it's the downvoter's fault that he can't ask questions... (Hmmm..."like" wasn't quite the right word there.)
Are comments soliciting off-site contact flaggable? (example gone)
^ I guess the swift deletion answers my question
After I ditched my account I realized the full extent of what a sisyphean task this is.
@JarrodRoberson Oooo shiny new account. :-)
@JarrodRoberson While you don't have to tell, I am curious why you had your old account deleted (just personally curious). Would you mind sharing why?
1 hour later…
@Makyen @rene Can you give me some advice how I should setup the graveyard room for the CRCQR? I'd suspect it should have write access for the already establishe RO's, right? Also how to configure/modify the user script to make the RO's life easier to detect the outdated requests and move these there?
Make all the RO's of CRCQR RO's of the graveyard. Then deny access to everyone else.
@πάνταῥεῖ Just make the ROs for CRCQR also ROs in your graveyard room (& equivalent to our /dev/null, if you have one) & make the room gallery. (ninja'd ... again...)
@πάνταῥεῖ As to Archiver changes, you could do a PR, but my expectation was that I'd make changes based on you providing target room info. It's partially functional now. I've been working on moving it towards being fully functional. I'd previously changed it such that it's driven by data structures describing detections and room-groups. There's more I need to change to have the full functionality available, but it's not too much & should be able to be generalized.
@Makyen For some weird reason I cannot make you a room owner there. I'm trying again.
Hmm, no avail. I dunno what's going wrong :P
@πάνταῥεῖ This should probably be discussed in CRCQR.
@Makyen I can see you joining :)
Yup, I'll change over there.
@Makyen so I can no longer do anything on the site.
@JarrodRoberson OK. Thanks for saying. I hope it ends up being what you desire in the long run.
I am not going to answer any questions, made the mistake of doing that the other night and the toxicity from know nothings is worst than most MMOGs. I deleted my answer and vowed to never answer anything again. I might need to ask some question about a JavaScript flavor of the week framework in the future but I am done with SO. I am no longer "part of the problem", no rep == plausiable deniablity.
trying to community moderate this site is a waste of time and energy even if you got some respect/acknowledgement from the owners. It is clear my input was not appreciated and valued less than one more lazy person posting how to fix their NPE in their homework.
I had not done anything but moderate for the last 3 years for all intents and purposes. Now I can not even do that. Good riddance, the last few weeks lurking on this room and looking the the atrocious crap on my new front page really set that as the best thing to do.
Really drove home the reality of the situation with the powers that be. The entropy of the site has accelerated to a pace that can not be reversed and I think it will get steadily worse as more and more people come to the same conclusion I have.
@JarrodRoberson "and the toxicity from know nothings is worst than most MMOGs." Wow, that's a big implication you take there.
@πάνταῥεῖ dude, I play WoT and SO is worse than that in my opinion, because these people are getting something for $$$ for free and are ungrateful about it, the help vampires AND the powers that be both.
@JarrodRoberson Which tag realms were you working on? I have a lawn mower and a leaf blower to work on mine :P
@πάνταῥεῖ I only had gold in Java and mostly focused on dupe hammering where I could and helping in all the other "worthwhile" tags that I know like c, c++, python, groovy, maven, erlang, js, css, html, etc.
@πάνταῥεῖ php, ruby and perl start at maximum entropy by design and culture so they are of no concern.
Not to mention I have a battery of wooden poles to stab into the hearts of help vampires and a couple of companions to do that in this room :3.
@JarrodRoberson I'm sorry to hear that you've been … disappointed with your experience on SE for so long. Unfortunately, I can largely understand how that can be the case.
@πάνταῥεῖ one fewer now, sysiphus had a better chance of getting the rock to the top of the mountain than everyone in this room has of making a meaningful dent in culture of SO at this point.
@Jarod I've even started another room similar to this one for the SE Code Review site, where the same problem starts to arise with growing popularity.
@Makyen I am on the autistic spectrum, takes a lot to convince me to change my mind about something, but the last personal attack on meta and the declined flags from the mods against someone that said, "yeah I am calling you a liar" did it for me finally. Should have deleted my account 3 years ago.
@JarrodRoberson In some way we're fighting against the business demands of SE and Mr. Joel Spolsky, on the other hand we don't when we're still acting withing their CoC.
@πάνταῥεῖ Let's not make it personal wrt. specific individuals.
@JarrodRoberson I am also within that autistic spectrum, you can well make a good life with the Asperger's "disease".
@Makyen You mean Joel? He's just prominent and urges such.
@πάνταῥεῖ Syndrome, and it does not define you but it can not be denied. I and my oldest son embrace it. The youngest one is in therapy and has no idea about what it going on around him in the world most of the time.
I see that as a blessing more than a disease meanwhile. Took some time to accept it like this :3
@JarrodRoberson but wait, aren't you complaining that low-rep users are the problem?
@TylerH nope never have, selfish people are the problem regardless of rep
@TylerH just like the 45K users that continue to fastest gun in the west obvious dupes and off-topic crap and then unhammer the dupes to answer them, toxic crap that life is to short for.
@JarrodRoberson Being selfish is a well known disgrace of human nature, so what?
@TylerH if those that should know better do not care, and the powers that be do nothing to them to get them to care, or stop their behavior, then my decision is made for me.
Offering some game about meaningless internet points will just improve that observation.
@πάνταῥεῖ I chose not to be a casualty of the selfish and the abuse that is tolerated by some of the mods
@πάνταῥεῖ basically it comes down to every religion in the world ( other than the "prosperity" gospel type cults ) the central tenet is to paraphrase Will Weaton "Don't be a selfish dick"
@πάνταῥεῖ and that one simple thing is way to difficult for most NT people it seems.
@πάνταῥεῖ so here I am with 98 points! :-)
@JarrodRoberson Well, mods here have to do a rally hard job. They're not inclined about judging the factual stuff, but what goes beyond ad hominem, rude or blatantly off-topic.
@πάνταῥεῖ when someone says in a comment "I am explictly calling you a liar and accusing you of malicous intentions" and that gets rejected mulitple times and you get told to stop reporting it. Screw them. I submitted my account deletion that day. Took them a week to actually do it.
Well, starting over with factual knowledge is easy. See my former [sock](https://stackoverflow.com/users/8242698/user0042). It was stopped at a rep count about +6k, for being rude in comments.
I've learned all that stuff the hard way, believe me.
@πάνταῥεῖ now I have no impulse control issues with SO anymore :-)
@JarrodRoberson Buy a lawn mower and a leaf blower :D
@πάνταῥεῖ I cut over 6.5 acres my entire childhood, I swore I would never cut grass every again after that.
@πάνταῥεῖ what gets you banned for a year?
@JarrodRoberson Some snarky comments after I've been warned by mods already.
Thing is I just realized I did not care anymore.
And there is nothing that could get me to care again at this point.
@Jarod Mod actions could be easily seen as being arguable regarding someone simply trying to tell factual truth. So though don't bother with that. Just follow the lineup: "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all." Use the engine mechanics like downvoting and close voting, that's it. You may additionally use this room to make others aware and follow your descisions.
@JarrodRoberson While you're here, this will seemingly be reopened soon. Please review.
@Makyen something, something vegetable term in SOCVR ... :D
@Adriaan Yeah.
I feel that I should say (even with the smiley) that the issue is with making derogatory comments about users, not with the specific terms used. Although, it is ironic that there's a match between the term that was being used in here and a specific tool. OTOH, it's not that surprising that there's duplication, somewhere.
@Makyen about the new "del-pls". It appears on upvoted answers too ...
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Yeah, I kind-of expected you to mention that. :-)
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I'm happy to use something else, but I haven't determined what the best thing to use is for generic situations where it's desirable to have a button to open the UI, but where a del-pls request isn't valid. Questions can go with reopen-pls, but that's not an option for answers. Any suggestions?
@Makyen ? :)
or maybe spam flag pls?

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