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@HovercraftFullOfEels "Oh, an old-style BASIC programmer" was my first thought reading the title and example.
@Olaf: look at my first comment. He WAS wanting to use a GOTO construct, in an event-driven GUI context, no less.
@HovercraftFullOfEels I already read it. Read some more of his comments now and they support my idea of someone stuck with 70ies/early 80ies BASIC. Not even C or C++ (neither allows cross-function goto, btw.)
@Olaf it boggles the mind.
@HovercraftFullOfEels If that is for some company, it should only be reviewed by young people under ECG control.
You could use expection handling to jump out of functions
@JohnDvorak That still does not allow "jumping" to an unrelated function, but only up the call-stack. I would not even write such code in C, hardly in Assembler.
setTimeout(newFunc, 0) ?
@JohnDvorak Ok, that's too much Java for me.
that's a Javascript function
@JohnDvorak The original question is about Java. Anyway, I'm sure this does something very different. Does it unwrap the call-stack of the curent function?
Not that I have not dealt with code running distinct function on specifric events. It's called a basic OS kernel.
It sets up the event loop to execute newFunc with an empty call stack
@JohnDvorak That's not the same as what OP wants (or a goto).
call/cc ? Wait, no, Ruby had that once, but they removed it because it was too confusing.
4 hours later…
@KenWhite you got sniped. @EJoshuaS last cv-pls is the same post. I almost posted it myself as well
Yeah, it's a thoroughly terrible question.
@Nkosi Yep. Just barely, though. :-) It's a really bad question.
I was going to script it but when I saw you all in the comments I decided to check if you guys reported it already
\o morning
@SurajRao brews a cup of lemon tea for @SurajRao
Is this trolling?
@EJoshuaS Ca. 10 years earlier I'd said yes. But after the "Flat Earth" initiative, I'm not really sure anymore. I wonder if AI is the saviour or the reason for loosing intelligence (no pun intended) 1.0
@Olaf No such command 'booze'.
@SmokeDetector Tea is definitively not strong enough.
!!/coffee @Olaf
@SurajRao brews coffee for @@Olaf
!!/tea with rum
@Olaf brews a cup of lemon tea for @with rum
That much about AI.
@SurajRao Thanks, but that's still not enough.
@SmokeDetector Lemon tea with rum? Uargh!
I'll head for bed. night == day.
had flagged a link only answer here. Now OP seems to have copy-paste entire thing in block quote from the source. plagiarism?
never mind put the same explanation in mod flag..
@SurajRao It can't be plagiarism if they say that the text is from somewhere else (i.e. plagiarism is claiming (explicitly or implicitly) that the work of others is yours). The link they have to the source and putting the non-code in quote format is sufficient to make it not plagiarism. That doesn't mean that it's not a copyright violation, but copyright violation is something that, while discouraged, is often difficult for moderators to adjudicate, as it is completely a legal issue.
Ok.. I will risk the flag.. It doesnt look like a legitimate answer though does it?
@SurajRao In this specific case the source page states "Code licensed under an MIT-style License. Documentation licensed under CC BY 4.0. " So, they can copy it, if they comply with the terms of the licenses. They have not complied. Thus, copying it is a copyright violation. However, I'm not sure I'd expect that to be understood (by the user or a random person/mod) without an explanation of what the two licenses require.
@SmokeDetector Confirmed. Appears to be link-bait spam
sup broskis
keep up the good work guys
1 hour later…
gets low quality answers ^
Also, don't people ever use the preview when they write questions? Formatting!
Meh, there are 1000 users that want the +2 for fixing it ...
There's no point in fixing it though - not that that will stop anyone.
I seriously need to start using pro-forma comments.
Is there any convenient userscript available, or do people just use their favourite text editor and copy+paste?
Hmm. Maybe the AutoReviewComments...
@J.Steen yeah, and we have a repo with comments, under tools
@rene That's the one I found, yeah. =)
Installed, auto-sync set up.
Gets weird comments from the OP ^
1 hour later…
And o/
@MartinJames Are you diversifying? With Java.
Something kept me off that language all these years. Syntax probably.
@Ron I have a silver badge for Java, (OK, I've never written a single line of Java, but the OP's don't know that:).
@MartinJames And I am busting my <explicit> to earn a silver C++ badge...
@MartinJames Do you do field/overseas jobs in your line of work?
@Ron Occasionally, yes. Working from home is not possible if there is special hardware involved:(
@MartinJames My previous company used to put us in 5 star hotels. The job itself was -5 stars.
2 hours later…
If an OP deletes a question and reasks it again, what is the appropriate action? I flagged for mod
^ post deleted by community
@SardarUsama Split personality maybe ;-)
some pictures of code ideas would be great. ... they don't ask much ...
1 hour later…
The third self-duplicate . 1 2 and 3 (latest one)
@SardarUsama Bhargav blasted it just before I got my custom close-reason posted:)
I have a copy of my close-reason for when it gets posted again.
Btw what does "deleted by Community" mean?
Account was nuked, Community bot deleted all posts it owned.
@BaummitAugen thanks
OP is probably raising another account as we post.
Eventually, mods will stop them I suppose.
@SardarUsama All 3 are now deleted (the third by a moderator; so the situation is being handled). Just posting links to the posts informing us is less than what's desirable. Another time, please provide some information as to why you are informing us (e.g. what you expect us to do or what you are asking us about). Please also understand that issues that are primarily about users are handled by moderators (i.e. raise a (custom) flag).
@Makyen I did which you just answered
@SardarUsama What? You expect us to remember things for more than 1.5 hours? :-)
But, seriously. The situation described in your initial message is different than what's indicated by the linked questions. A user just deleting a post and re-asking once (using the same account) isn't usually flag-worthy. It can be, if their apparent reason for doing so is to get around some moderation (e.g. that the question was closed, or has a number of close votes), although this is usually handled first by comments informing the user that the "correct" thing to do is edit their initial
post and get it reopened. What happened here is certainly flag-worthy. The user deleted the question, and re-asked (twice) under a total of three different accounts. That's something to flag and let moderators handle. Note, it's possible to have near-identical questions from multiple users at about the same time (usually due to a group project, school assignment, or some coding question/challenge posted elsewhere), but those don't usually get delete this way. Such are not (usually) flag-worthy.
@BradLarson That question has been asked hundreds of times, and I wouldn't be surprised if Eran has answered other iterations of it. It's become a back and forth between me and them. They keep answering questions they know are duplicates. Sure their answers are fine but they are unnecessary.
I added a couple more duplicate links to emphasize.
3 hours later…
@rene what does that mean, you're going to have to explain yourself?
@Lankymart spammers and blackhat hackers are paid for doing that kind of stuff. The upvoters are probably their colleagues.
@rene yeah but if you are in that business you don't need to come to SO to ask how to do it.
Maybe the joke doesn't work
@rene yeah, sarcasm is lost me sorry.
@Lankymart all hats started equal ...
It amazes me that such 'people' ask for advice from professional developers, some of whom are paying for firewalls and AV to prevent such immoral/illegal behaviour. Guess what? I always down and close/delv them.
Is this to broad
Q: Snake's body won't move with the head

Ismail FarooqSo I'm making a snake game in visual studio in c++. So basically I'm stuck in a couple of places. I've used linked list for the program. First, The snake's body doesn't bend with the head. The head just moves and the rest of the body print in line with it. I've used the rotatelist's logic but it ...

@JakeSymons Please don't post one-boxes. Add some text. Here it would have been sufficient to include the link in the post above.
I would have said too broad and also a bad design. Easier with GUI framework and appropriate graphical components.
@JakeSymons "unclear" or "no mcve" (I took the latter).
@Olaf It was such a wall that I did not look for a main().
@Olaf meh. It's on-topic and not too large.
@JohnDvorak Anyway, the link would suffice. We have to visit the post anyway to judge.
It's got 'goto' in it..
@MartinJames Yeah, blatant "do (part of) my homework" request.
@JakeSymons Please visit socvr.org and read the FAQ. There's a bunch of information in the FAQ as to interacting in SOCVR. While one-boxes are not completely banned, the desire is to keep them to a minimum. "When posting a URL, use link syntax to make the link flow with the text, like look at [this post](https://www.example.com/)."
@Makyen of course, different chatrooms have different ways of formatting, but as the websties you link to state, you believe in more shorter posts using the linked text which I will use in my further posts
@Makyen Also, is it okay that I post here even though I don't have the 3k rep?
@HovercraftFullOfEels that looks like programming to me
@JakeSymons Yes. Having 3K rep is not a requirement. While we'd like to see 1k rep, that is not a requirement which is 100% enforced. If the user is disruptive, it disqualifies them from participating regardless of their reputation. The reputation level is a general gauge of the person's familiarity with the site. If the person interacts reasonably and responsibly (e.g. reads & follows the FAQ), then a specific reputation level is not enforced.
@JakeSymons You will find that your acceptance into any group of people is easier/more likely if you try to match your behavior to how you see other people behave (actually, this is true for most/all animals). For online communities, this means reading and following any explicitly stated description (e.g. here that's at socvr.org & the SOCVR FAQ) and spending time observing what people do in that community (e.g. read a portion of the transcript).
I put some more questions in the queue
Yeah, that's fine - he discloses his affiliation
Hey, my off-topic flag was disputed. Is there any way I can see the review queue for it?
yeah. Not spam and a lot of text besides the link. So okay (didn't UV, don't know the subject)
@TheCodesee doesn't it require a moderator?
Not sure, I thought when you flag a post as off-topic, it is in a review queue?
stackoverflow.com/questions/47954935/… I flagged this as off-topic
because if you look at the answer, it is a simple typo which is not likely to help future users
and i can't re-flag the post
@Jean-FrançoisFabre What do you think about this comment? Is it true? I would think it is not.
this is flagging, but you can get the same window with "close". Disputed? I see 1 vote to close.
so would you suggest i do a custom flag and explain?
i voted to close it
disputed here: prntscr.com/hrj228
@Ron some low-level tasks have to be done using asm.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre My thoughts exactly. The standard imposes boundaries.
@TheCodesee I didn't think that flagging => should be closed was different from "close". Do you have 3k+?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Appreciate it.
@TheCodesee You should be able to get a link to any reviews for a post (once the review is completed) from the post's timeline. That post was in Triage Review.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Nope, only 2k
what is sure it that if I have to code something in a compiled language (sometimes python doesn't fit when you need a standalone exe, performance, ...), I'd choose C++, always, over other languages like C, Ada.
@TheCodesee You can't vote to close. You can flag that a post should be closed. Actually voting to close requires 3k rep.
@Makyen If I have given the wrong impression that I want to join this group here, then I would like to apologize for that, I was just here to flag a couple of posts that I was unsure of to the attention of the people in this group as I am still leaning flagging. I just wanted to clear that up in case it was thought I want to join here :)
@TheCodesee I nailed it :) when you have 3K your close flags cannot be disputed.
@Makyen Sorry for confusion... I flagged the post to be closed as off-topic and it was disputed
I disagree that it should have been disputed though, so where do i go from here
When I had <3k I didn't notice that "flag => should be closed" window.
@TheCodesee. well, you're stuck :) but you can ask this room to vote to close, well, you should not since it's better to have close privileges when doing so, but you could ask anyway, being upfront about your rep.
oh ok how do i ask, do i just post the link to the question?
@JakeSymons Jake, "joining" an online community is implicit in posting where the community interacts. I was not intending to distinguish between getting a response to a single question, or continually interacting.
@TheCodesee Please visit socvr.org and read the FAQ. The general format for cv-pls requests is [tag:cv-pls] close reason https://stackoverflow.com/q/12345. Also see an earlier discussion resulting from just posting a link to the question (which results in a onebox).
@Jean-FrançoisFabre @TheCodesee 3k is not required. "1k will do".
@TinyGiant I see you picked up the pieces on that now deleted meta complaint. Thanks for that.
I misread this: "Too make sure people don't abuse the system, we ask that you keep cv-pls'ing to a minimum until you have 3k rep for yourself."
@rene the one about not-a-dupe or the public user shaming one?
@TinyGiant not a dupe
Nevermind, the public user shaming one is still alive, so you must mean the not-a-dupe
@JohnDvorak Debatable. At first it is about a communication protocol. In any way, it is too broad/asking for external resources, as it is part of the ATA spec.

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