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9:01 PM
@Compass Looks like Pascal.
need review
reviews today
"How do I increase my PHP?"
jdbc sounds as something for @Tunaki to handle
jdbc sounds like something for meeee
9:03 PM
A question with the only text "I found a function online, but I do not know what does it do and How to use it?" (then follows the function). Should we close that?
@Adriaan Looks like too broad.
@Gothdo well, I can tell him what the function does
the "what do I use it for" part might be TB yea
I love it when the review audit just tacks the tag onto a language that has nothing to do with the technology.
went through jdbc owo
@Compass Yeah, I love seeing haskell questions with a javascript tag tacked onto the end
9:13 PM
@TinyGiant hey thats a real thing
@TylerH haskell is a real thing? whodathunk?
@TinyGiant no haskell and JS
I know, I'm just kidding, usually there is some javascript in such questions though.
@PraveenKumar -1 does not also have haskell tag.
@TinyGiant Ha ha.. -1 on the question and delete it plz.
9:15 PM
@PraveenKumar The tagging on that question is hilarious. It has nothing to do with angularjs, arrays, nodejs, or reactjs
@TinyGiant Ha ha aha...
I know...
Yes, please, it shouldn't be there in Stack Overflow at all. Get rid of it.
@QPaysTaxes ... tagged drops mic
Found a user who is incorrectly adding the tag to a bunch of questions. Mod flag? stackoverflow.com/questions/4652710/…
Here's an example I haven't edited yet stackoverflow.com/q/30558323/2415822
@QPaysTaxes but I'm the screaming fanboy...
@JAL Is that tag even on topic ?
9:23 PM
It's not, I think the user created it
They even have a pending edit on the tag wiki
Yeah, those doesn't look great either
Maybe we should close vote all questions where they added the tag?
Sure. I still think a mod flag is warranted. A veteran user like that should know better IMO
Creating new tag and tagging 50 questions with it gives hat ...
Hats ruining the site again, whodathunkit?
he's got a long way to go
9:27 PM
we could ruin their fun.
@QPaysTaxes silver badge hat
Hi all. o/
@QPaysTaxes ask rene, I have no clue
I have rolled it back
9:32 PM
The six questions that had it can be found in the top 7 of this list: stackoverflow.com/users/2756409/…
nearly all of them were off-topic: Super User
is it common for people to delete their questions and resubmit? Not necessarily in response to the question being shut down, I suspect.
@MikelF it does happen from time to time
I don't think it is allowed but I can't remember. Maybe it's just frowned upon
hey, it's nice when a Xamarin team member is the one to suggest a dupe of a Xamarin question
@TylerH I've had major deja vu (not gonna find the right character for correct spelling) over a couple of questions that I was sure I saw earlier, but I couldn't find the original...
@MikelF heh, it's just an alt code :-)
being right < being lazy
9:36 PM
link to one and I can see if there is a deleted duplicate out there?
Q: How to disable Ctrl key shortcuts in console window programmatically?

OvidzikasI am trying to disable Ctrl+A shortcut (select all text). And it is possible to do it using like SetConsoleMode()? Because with SetConsoleMode() you can disable QuickEdit Mode. DWORD dwCurrentMode; GetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), &dwCurrentMode); SetConsoleMode(GetStdHandle(STD_IN...

phew, passed a audit
I know I saw this more than 8 minutes ago
Yeah that's right Closey, I'm still counting
I will flag for a moderator to let them do with it as they wish
all right... if I am going crazy that is not a sign of it
9:42 PM
@MikelF My guess is that the OP thought he had solved it, and so deleted the question, then realized he hadn't, so asked it again
instead of undeleting
@MikelF Don't onebox links please.
It's against the rules of this room...
Excessive one boxing is against the rules
@QPaysTaxes Shoot, I didn't see your message...
How do I avoid that in the future? I was surprised when it popped up.
@MikelF Just add some text with the link.. :)
9:45 PM
rare/occasional oneboxing is OK so long as it is relevant to the discussion of the room
@MikelF You can even just add a . on the end of the link after a space or something
@QPaysTaxes P-A?
thanks for the heads up :)
Like this:
@MikelF How many hats? :D
9:45 PM
@TylerH LoL?
@PraveenKumar do I have?
@QPaysTaxes I have but I don't need to because they agree with me
@QPaysTaxes I need idli dosa... not waffles...
@MikelF Yes... Lazy to look into profile. :D
The rule is "Keep oneboxes to a minimum"
@QPaysTaxes some are more pissy than others
@PraveenKumar Seven with two hidden
9:46 PM
also oneboxes about certain things are frowned upon in general
like individual users, anything non SO related, etc.
@MikelF Nice...
@QPaysTaxes yes, that
@PraveenKumar should be Roomba'd, no?
closed, negative score question, one answer that is not positively scored or accepted
@TylerH Has answers.
Last vote needed.
@QPaysTaxes GAAARGH...
Put kittens.
9:48 PM
@PraveenKumar I am a compulsive achievement collector (damn Steam)... but I am not willing to pull stunts to get them here... mostly
it will delete closed negatively-scored questions with answers if there are not accepted or not positively answered and less than 2
@QPaysTaxes No.. Not cuter than cats.
@MikelF ha ha ha...
@QPaysTaxes Ugh, ewww, dogs.
In next 10 years, cats rule the world...
> If the question was closed more than 9 days ago, and ...

not closed as a duplicate
has a score of 0 or less
is not locked
has no answers with a score > 0
has no accepted answer
has no pending reopen votes
has not been edited in the past 9 days
Dogs will be running helter skelter.
@TylerH Ok
so give it 10 days :-)
or a 20k user can come and vote
9:49 PM
@TylerH too long...
@PraveenKumar not a judgment mind you... I have a stricter code of conduct for myself than I have for others
@QPaysTaxes loud and proud :)
@MikelF I have lot buddy... I need to collect all hats (unfortunately I can't) but still trying.
I have 42 hats
I need more.
@TylerH :(
I want more :)
9:52 PM
Just kidding, I have 0 because Hats Are Dumb
I need more deodorant
I ran out today, I have to go the store
you assume too much :-P
@JAL Done...
10:04 PM
@FOX9000 rejected
@FOX9000 Odd. They improved the code indentation but harmed the post with their other two edits
@TylerH my idea exactly
All right... it is killing me that my flag on this question was disputed: stackoverflow.com/questions/41267918/…
it's an itch I can't scratch
@MikelF It apparently looks ok
I understand that some are judgment calls. But that one just stuck in my craw.
10:16 PM
Practically my only activity on Docs is to delete things...
I didn't touch it for a lot of months as well. I'm going through the Maven topic now, and deleting things... or flagging as unncessary
Eh wait
I can flag and act on the flag (by deleting) single handedly
that is a win
@Tunaki The burden of being an expert in your field.
I have really wanted an "OP wants a pony" flag
oh wait, I can't do it anymore
Now it's buggy, I can't click anywhere without being in edit mode =/
10:30 PM
You broke it
... but it finally worked. Turns out that you cannot have 2 tabs open to the same Doc page, otherwise it completely messes up
@Tunaki Revenge of JavaScript. They said it wasn't like Java. They were wrong
@Machavity Part 5: The Java strikes back.
@Tunaki I find your lack of Null Pointers... disturbing...
@Machavity Unclear to me at least. What exactly do they want to do, and why?
10:37 PM
@Tunaki Is what I was thinking
This is a typo and needs to be closed as is. With such a huge rep, you shouldn't be doing this. — Praveen Kumar 8 secs ago
Is this right ^?
10:52 PM
@Machavity what o.0
@Adriaan It even had a bounty o.O
@Machavity I noticed. 100 rep nonetheless, 50 awarded by community, since the OP couldn't be bothered
11:09 PM
@Adriaan: re-opened
@HovercraftFullOfEels good to know thanks! Should've linked to the Q btb, sorry for that
will the script pick it up?
The intensity is at its peek
Everyone is wondering
Holding their breath
And it did wooooohoooooo
@Tunaki meh, not really, as I'd die from lack of oxygen
anyhow, I'm off to bed
cya o/
Tuna!!! Why so soon?
11:13 PM
@MikelF Thanks.
My flags refresh in 45 minutes... I am trying to contain myself until then
I wish Drew was here to give me something to dump all those delete votes into before they expire. :/
Guess I'll have to haunt the /tool tab.
@BaummitAugen The Tiny script
Adds a fake review queue on which you can enter a tag, number of delete votes / close votes, and it plops out a list you can go through
11:19 PM
Ooh nice, thanks.
Yeah very convenient
I went through the whole list of 1k Java questions like this....
I'll definitely check that out. I don't have any user scripts so far, but that sounds useful enough to finally get my lazy ass to look into that. :)
@TinyGiant If you're interested - this question prompted a minor fix to your job hiding script here: gist.github.com/rjrudman/a472924d3fb078bd73bb12066e0319a0 If you want to pull in the change
@TigerhawkT3 What browser are you on?
@Rob I'll move it to my repo so that it can receive pull requests and we can keep attribution.
I'm going to work on it tonight because some things seem to have changed since I originally wrote it.
11:28 PM
Sounds good
If anyone wants to be in on that tonight, the discussion will be in the testing facility
I want to be in on that, but not on in that
But not out of it?
11:47 PM
@Praveen This looks like a clear dupe, agree? stackoverflow.com/questions/40858075/… It's an audit for a good question now (bad audit IMO)
@Rob I'm on Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m, on Windows 8.1 Pro, build 6.3.9600.
cc @TinyGiant ^
@Tunaki No... Not a clear dupe.
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 15 seconds to continue reviewing.

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