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7:00 PM
That's impressive. 800 to 5?
@Adriaan I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@AndrewL. there is a high number of closed posts yes
Does no unclosed questions equal tag deletion?
@Tunaki I threw votes on some of them, we can kill this tag
I really don't like that a guy immediately looks at that remote code and posts an answer...
7:06 PM
I second that, but the answer's OK.
Nevermind, vehemently disagreeing? The question literally asked for a debug
It might be OK if the answerer fixed the question first
rene reviewed 40 posts today (of which 1 was an audit)! The time between rene's first and last review today was 17 minutes and 15 seconds, averaging to a review every 25 seconds.
@ivarni "fixed" as in from no-code to "can't fit into 30kB"?
@JanDvorak I didn't click the link for obvious reasons so I dunno what's behind it
Fixing that question would have meant reducing the application to a MCVE. Which most often is enough to understand the problem
7:09 PM
I did neither, but OP said the code was too big
@ivarni it's a link to a whole GH project
I just think it's OK to answer a bad question if you fix it to not be bad first
@ivarni if you fix a bad question and then answer it, you're not really answering a bad question
@JanDvorak My point exactly :)
But as it stands they did answer a bad question
Another question is whether debug-my-codez questions are not-bad below a certain byte count
7:11 PM
Which leads me back to this
I said it might be OK if they fixed it first. If it can't be fixed it would never be OK.
to which I replied it can't be fixed ;-)
@JanDvorak When the problem's description is short enough, it might fall into a category of problems that other people encounters, so it might be OK
sounds like a discussion going in a circle, or everyone loves StackOverflowError
@ryanyuyu I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@JanDvorak Fair enough. I must admit I didn't dig deep enough into it to decide if it could be fixed because I never intended to answer it :)
7:13 PM
@Tunaki We're engineers, we don't work only on trivial questions, that's why there are human mods
@Tunaki Those discussions are the best
@Tunaki This is inaccurate.
It's usually 2 views and 3 downvotes.
@DEAD I disagree
@ivarni En garde
secret passages always lead somewhere
7:16 PM
Computer game logic detected
to a wall?
I was quoting fred from scooby doo
oh wow
My son is watching scooby doo at the moment
@ivarni Bot not in fixed width font detected.
7:18 PM
^ spam is spam
Oh, I threw an error.
I apologize for erroring.
Only a bot would say that
I guess I can trash the errors then
@ivarni But not a computer. You should be thankful.
7:20 PM
We could just trash the bot, too many errors :P
Vowing revenge
@TinyGiant post ID 32533341 contains a false sentence
1 message moved to Trash can - Try to upgrade to 2.0...
true is !false
@Tunaki What an elegant way of logging errors
@JanDvorak What sentence?
7:21 PM
@DEAD I don't log errors, my programs have no errors.
@Tunaki Your errors have programs?
Only on holidays
damn deleted messages
My errors sometimes have errors
@TinyGiant Happened way too much to me while TeXing to be funny
7:25 PM
@Tunaki You don't log errors because your programs just fail silently
@TinyGiant I don't see the errors, so there are no errors!
try {} catch(e) { /* do nothing */ }
@Tunaki lol
See? No uncaught exceptions
oh btw Tiny, seems like 10 seconds of delay does the trick
slow as hell but at least manageable
7:27 PM
I still haven't had an issue, but I take at least 5 minutes to review a page
dang you're slow :)
My GF claims that 10 seconds isn't a very long time so it should be fine
7:28 PM
@ivarni lol, you have a girlfriend
I had one. For 10 seconds.
But really, I think we should soon move past the stereotype of the the socially awkward programmer with the thick glasses who is bullied by the football team players :p
I bullied the football team players
@ivarni And get to the stereotype of the socially awkward programmer with the thick glasses who is bullied by the football team players that gets the girl anyway.
7:32 PM
@DEAD They might get the girl, but do they have a Snorlax? I THINK NOT
> // serious crazy if this is still hanging around in the DOM
7:47 PM
Sorry @dor, I had to reject your edit on meta.SE.
For one thing, a question of only 5 votes isn't a good FAQ candidate.
there are currently no godaddy questions with close votes
36 with delete votes
But there seems to be lots of questions still?
yeah, I'm only monitoring questions with close and delete votes
7:56 PM
Gotcha. I'll have a look on the open ones and see if I find anything
@ivarni a lot of delete candidates yes
Oh right. They seem to be mostly closed.
Can't help with deletions I'm afraid
just for testing purposes, what would be a tag (not overly large) that would have questions with 4 close votes on them?
ooo, css has some bad ones
@gunr2171 @AshishAhujaツ @tripleee ^^^^
8:07 PM
It should be roomba'd
I do agree that that may not be the best close reason for that question, it still isn't on-topic though.
@AndrewL. not if hichris gets his way
Roombad sounds and looks weird
I would have voted too broad personally.
You sound and look weird
8:09 PM
@Tunaki agree
@TinyGiant Agreed. I sound weird.
Was it actually the roomba, or just a ninja puppy shifting blame?
@JanDvorak The roomba must be blamed of course
8:19 PM
Is this off topic: stackoverflow.com/q/39195410/5647260 math?
But time complexity is CS
We can't see the image, so let's smack them for that
I'm going with unclear and hoping it's not just me being dense
@AndrewL. meh, off-topic period.
I love voting as unclear
Edit that again, I double dare you
8:22 PM
double dear?
I should really learn English one of these days
I do appreciate the nitpicks though, I still mess up words that sound similar
Why? Just write a translator of ivarni to English.
How do you think I can write such beautiful and perfectly worded sentences?
When are you going to start writing beautiful and perfectly worded sentences?
There are no more opened questions with godaddy!
8:30 PM
unleash the jon
in GoDaddy burnination, 9 secs ago, by Burnaki
Delete candidates available here: http://reports.socvr.org/120759/1
@10kers ------------------------------------------------^
Isn't it 20k to delete?
No, 10k with limitations
20k with less limitations, + answers
Ah.. the full powers of SO is closer than I thought
8:32 PM
The five they give you kind of feels like a kick in the nads tho
"nads" is a new one for me, it seems to be both a bodypart AND a hair removal cream
lets go with the body parts, i don't know what getting kicked in the hair removal cream would feel like
So "I put some nads on my nads" would be a legit sentence?
@TinyGiant it would depend on where you applied such cream I suppose
Well, yeah, but not appropriate for casual discourse
8:38 PM
... and these colorless green ideas sleep furiously
9:01 PM
@Queen f
well now that godaddy is down to questions to delete
@queen commands
@Tunaki These are available commands in this room see also quick guide for usage.
@queen remove
@queen opt-in [java]
@Tunaki Thanks, you have opted-in to be notified if a duplicate is found in tag and you are present in room
thanks my love
9:07 PM
tips Closey about a possible betrayal
9:22 PM
@Kyll huh?
@dorukayhan Tuna has a thing going with Closey
@Yvette @Tiny @Magisch @Ferrybig ^^^^^^
looks like the question is ok yeah
If that is the case you should close it as SO not being customer support
you think so?
because the problem seems to be specifically for godaddy
9:31 PM
it could be the case for any shared hosting
It is very implementation specific
That should be checked by the OP first, and, if so, the tag godaddy should go
And it seems to be because of some kind of back end configuration issue
But.... we could just generalize it to shared hosting
I guess the question is.. "the server was escaping quotes". which server is godaddy using?
9:34 PM
Well no
or does that question make sense for PHP anyway?
Sounds like the way old magic_quotes PHP feature. WordPress still adds them in BTW, even though that PHP feature is long removed.
The problem is that with the < > it fails
Unless I'm reading this wrong:
> If the last element in the array (with task Assign Role) is removed, then everything is processed successfully. If I replace < and >> characters with spaces, again, everything is fine.
9:37 PM
Dunno you, but I read the question as "everything should be working fine if godaddy didn't suck"
why the heck a server has to escape characters?
oh well
@Tunaki back to your love-hate relationship? Don't you learn? :P
wel I'm voting to reopen, decision made
9:57 PM
@Braiam answered
And now we have a feedback loop thanks to Mr Passant
well you will not get a nice clap on the back or repz for all the effort you do.... I hope your where not expecting that...
Being quoted by Hans on a perfectly out of context, irrelevant message for the discussion and forgetting the ones around, is a compliment!
waiting for someone to quote me on that, now
meeh back to reviewing... and waiting for someone to quote me out of context
@Clo next tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@NobodyNada The next 3 tags are: 1337, 54, 35
@NobodyNada I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
10:37 PM
NobodyNada passed a audit!
@Closey how is that not a duplicate of /q/218384?
@dorukayhan at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.getJaspicProvider
that means it's a bug of Tomcat
^ what the tuna on a block says
hold on a second
no library should ever fail with NPE, it isn't your fault
11:02 PM
unfortunately I do not know :)
i hope i'm not the first person to come up with this :D
@Tunaki tutorial question right?
"break down step by step"
@Adriaan why do you want to break down the steps?!
I can't go up the stairs after!!
@Tunaki Backwards country eh? We have lifts :D
Why's this the only question listed under Rene's pinged search? It's closed after all
or does it need to be fully Closed, not merely on hold?
back later
11:14 PM
blame caching
agressively caching
of the utmost agressiveness
11:38 PM
and with that, I'll see y'all tomorrow o/

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