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@TylerH I don't agree. This room has been engaged in way more than closing recently, including spearheading burnination effort. Plus, I am not discussing an exact burnination request merit but rather the lack of procedure and transparency of the SOCVR / Meta process or handling burnination.
@IͶΔ There's also the chance they mean "THX"! stackoverflow.com/questions/26743038/…
@NathanOliver How obvious is the warning for when added to the tags? I see it after blurring the tag box, but I'm not sure it will prevent submission as a warning.
@Kyll clearly you don't agree, but that also brings up the point that the room and group should probably be renamed
or the separate functions split into an ancillary room/group
@TylerH isn't that part of what the April meeting is going to address?
@TylerH In the meantime (before the meeting), I don't see the harm in doing this here?
@ryanyuyu I dunno anything about an april meeting
@Kyll Really what I think we need to do is have a question on meta posted on whether or not our process is how the request should be handled. If it is then it should be added to the FAQ and edited into the tag Wiki
@TylerH found it in SOVCR github
@Kyll the harm is a couple people in this group deciding how burnination requests should be done and then enforcing that upon every other user
that kind of thing should really come from moderators (and it did, sort of, when Shog made that post)
@Mogsdad You want to match tanks, but not tank?!
@TylerH Exactly, so that's why I asked Nathan about making the process public. I thought we were disagreeing?
but enforcing it should also be the role of moderators
Because if we agree then it's a lot less funny
@ryanyuyu I wonder how we are supposed to know about it if we don't check github...
@TylerH true, but they weren't really being organized very well beforehand. The mods have recently gotten more involved in actually featuring the posts (as outlined by Shog).
@TylerH it was starred for a while. That's how I found out about it.
@Rizier123 More like a "don't care much". However, tasks is important. I have a less elegant regexp that does the job, btw.
@Nathan Tyler has a point, maybe make a pinned message about the April meeting preparation?
@ryanyuyu I agree that it's messy and not been handled well
Mar 21 at 13:48, by gunr2171
We've got a room meeting coming up in 2 weeks. Take a look over what we want to talk about and let that rattle in the back of your heads. Pull Requests / additions are welcome. We'll give a bigger reminder as we get closer to the date.
With 9 stars...
We have a room meeting planned for April 4th. The agenda can be found here. It's in 1 week, leaving you time to think about the matters at hand during the meeting.
@TylerH I think that Kyll is pointing out that in the middle of this spurt of organization started by the mods, there have been some possibly rogue burnination activities that don't follow the guidelines that the mods are trying to adhere to. Like what happened to and
@Tunaki ty
@Mogsdad Dirty fix: \b(?!tasks?)(t)(?:[hanks]{4,5}|hx|anx)\b ?!
Yay, 5k helpful flags
@BhargavRao Gratz
Now I wonder how I'm supposed to work Github to leave a comment or request a change to the .md file
@TylerH Fork + PR, can be done from the UI, see for example github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/SOCVR-RoomInformation/pull/…
@KevinGuan No clue how that happened.
Doesn't forking it just copy it to my account?
@Kyll merci
@TylerH It does, then you can PR to have your changes pushed to the main repo
seems complicated
Just like any other collaborative source-controlled effort.
Sorta yes
it would be simpler if I could just make a suggested edit on the main project
git sucks
@Tyler What would you like to add to the agenda?
@TylerH It's the Git way of making suggestions ^^'
You can also just write the message here and someone with write access will add it to the repo I guess
Like Tunaki
@TylerH Or you know, you could just ask one of use nicely to add your suggestions. :)
@Tunaki Nice Timing, We have a room meeting on April 3rd in R Public r-public.github.io/events/resurgence/
@Rizier123 If we can live with the false-positive on "tanks", that is good enough. Otherwise \b(t)(?:anks *(?=[.?!]\n|to|for|in|ever)|[han]{3}[ksx]+|hx|anx)\b gets most uses of 'tanks' == 'thanks', yet leaves most legit tanks (and tasks) alone.
@Clo status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 8dbd64ac on master, running for 5 days, 13 hours, 27 minutes, and 5 seconds (tracking latency 10572ms).
@Sam that's also too complicated :-)
but R...
I forked the file and github froze my browser -_-
@TylerH Which browser?
IE 6?
Worked fine with FF Dev Edition last week
@TylerH That's what you get for using ie
I say that and I'm stuck with ie9 only at work. I love how 60% of the web just doesn't work
@TinyGiant D:
@TinyGiant That's a great thing.
@TinyGiant At least IE9 mostly supports ECMA-5.
@ryanyuyu Hahaha, talk about kicking a man who's down
NAAs which are comments must be auto converted to comments
@Kyll My most recent project has had to consider IE8 users. It's awful. So it definitely could be worse.
Updated thanks regexp, will go into next MagicEditor update.
@Kyll Firefox cc @TinyGiant
@Sam PR created
Now I'm wondering why the meeting is during business hours D-:
@BhargavRao It's an answer
but the code doesn't belong there as it's just fluff
and not actually code
Ah fine
I also have a sneaking suspicion that the answer is wrong
@BhargavRao edited
Which prominent SO user had a Pythagorean theorem proof in his profile? Was it Hans?
@IͶΔ not Hans
I'm trying to preview a change to a file in GitHub, but the "preview" link appears to be bare. (The tab appears, but does nothing, no link on hover.) Is anyone else seeing this?
@IͶΔ I think Robert Harvey. I'm looking through web. archive.org now.
@TylerH I actually lucked into having that day off. So I can devote full attention to the meeting. If I want to, at least.
@TylerH Because the meeting will announce that French is the new official language of the room and that the official timezone is UTC+2 (for now).
@WaiHaLee Tahnks you in advantage
That's of course part of an elaborate plan to take over the world.
@IͶΔ no problémo.
@Tunaki hah
good one :-P
@Drew Took me a while, But yep
CV/QotD: "I'll edit my question to avoid disambiguation."
@BhargavRao this guy called out his own dupe to a question from 2012 where he tacked on an answer too
@Drew Sad, 2k+ (iirc or 3k) can hammer their own posts
@BhargavRao I believe the OP only needs 250 rep
Then why didn't he self hammer?
@BhargavRao He did. The community vote is the OP agreeing to the dupe and accepting it. see: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/296481/…
Is that another?
looks the same
now that's abuive
custom flag?
@NathanOliver Ah fine. So he did not click that [I accept as dupe] button.
@BhargavRao No he did click the accept duplicate button.
2 users lost a vote on that.
@NathanOliver Then why didn't it dupe close by Community?
They will be buried in the vote cemetery. RIP.
stackoverflow.com/q/36266319/3933332 This user asked the 2nd question today, where he got an upvote in less than 30 sec. ?!
@BhargavRao Didn't it? It says it was closed by you, rene and community
@NathanOliver Guess we both got mixed up. I was speaking bout stackoverflow.com/q/36247009
@BhargavRao The button "This solved my problem, Accept dupe' isn"t big enough.
@Rizier123 probably because of someone in the triage queue stackoverflow.com/review/triage/11800846
@BhargavRao Ah okay. It looks like the OP did not actually hit accept in the banner(they would have to refresh to get the banner). In your meta you voted to close which gave you the ability to accept that and hammer the Q.
@Tunaki It should flash across the screen and show unicorns
What's with the new icon for the featured meta questions?
@NathanOliver Yeah. Kinda like that.
The system is like a black box, no one knows exactly what happened
yeah that
thanks. It also randomly affects MSO though too.
That's funny.
I thought 3D meant that the post was hot for 3 days.
(Because it is).
(Okay it may not be that funny...)
guess they messed up the icons sprite css
@BhargavRao how about this one. Let me know if you want the ternary doubled up or what not stackoverflow.com/q/36238233
Another one?
another one.
Would a custom flag help at all?
spam or abusive?
@ryanyuyu not much a moderator can do besides delete the post
@Drew Bit unsure there as I don't know that part of Django. (also I feel that alexce would have hammered if it was a perfect dupe)
God. Another 4 votes to be buried.
@gunr2171 yeah I guess. Maybe an SO dev can block an IP range or something?
that's not as effective as you think it would be
@ryanyuyu Simple, use a VPN.
@gunr2171 oh yeah? well, I think it'd be not very effective! ha!
@Sam I mean it's worth a shot, right? Just because it can be worked around doesn't mean it's not worth 5 minutes to setup a basic block. Spammers are usually lazy.
Or completely automated
@ryanyuyu True. Just sayin' it's easy to bypass.
As long as Smokey is catching them and we have the flags to nuke them, I don't see why involving a mod would be beneficial.
@Tunaki I guess. I do have plenty of flags to burn. Especially since I finally don't have to use them on closure anymore.
@BhargavRao this might not be a shabby dupe (comment 2). Despite alecxe coming back to read comment 3
just me or all sites have 3d beta icon now in the communities dropdown?
Just don't burn your CV on it :)
@Braiam yes
@Braiam scroll a bit up
We're no longer flat
@Kyll just go through the sede and search them
Guys, I am getting only this in documentation: i.imgur.com/jRQshAu.png
Is this the same problem for everyone?
@Drew vote for the first, I'll hammer with pyNewbies. Both are essential
@PraveenKumar they have a chatroom...
Can't access anything. Send me a link na?
site logo/icon bug is fixed now
@BhargavRao done, did 1st
oh no
@Closey stop bot
@gunr2171 I'm shutting down...
An error happened in UserTracking (cc @Sam)
let's give closey a 15 minute break
Goodbye! (nagato v2 docker)
ok, now all mso posts returns 500 errors :(
@Drew getting Oops something bad happened ... :(
oh my. There's some seriously wrong stuff. Do you think it's all related to those sprites?
SO's down.
> We are aware of issues on the network right now with loading questions and browsing. They are being actively investigated.
For me at least.
tweet to StackStatus and they'll look into it
(Which would explain Closey's errors.)
All SE.
We are aware of issues on the network right now with loading questions and browsing. They are being actively investigated.
still up for me :-D
well once that gets fixed I'll boot up closey again
But what do we do now? =(
api still working?
Talk/chat like regular people?
@Tunaki work :-P
Rock paper scissors lizard Spock?
Do I look like a regular person?
nope, you look like tuna... and I'm hungry
@Tunaki You look like one of those find the next pattern questions ;)
That 90 degree rotational symmetry.
I cannot open any questions...
@PraveenKumar see previous comments
quickily, the api is working, lets wreck a havoc while nobody is looking
LoL okay.
@PraveenKumar Technically, the main site is totally stuft.
@MartinJames stuft?
@cybermonkey "I wanted to swap two variables", said @BhargavRao
Also MSE is mysteriously still up.
@PraveenKumar It's a technical term for FUBAR.
@MartinJames :D
@JAL Ha ha ha..
@ryanyuyu aren't the Meta sites hosted on a different database though?
Maybe. But MSO is broken.
@cybermonkey BTW, Mine was the first share on that page. One of my fav pages :)
Also I can still review? So it's just something with actually loading a post?
Proly same DB underneath.
arghh the question keep coming but we can't open them. How are we supposed to check there quality?
seems like a database issue to me, since the user db and chat (+ db) are still online
Stack OVerflow's down, so right time for dinner
@NathanOliver Open them? Who cares - can we close them?
SO ist kaputt
@NathanOliver banging your head on the wall might help until SO's back
@cybermonkey tried that already ;)
I regularly think of doing the same thing when I come across certain posts, lol
Good news is the site icons are fixed
And also I can load SO questions now. It seems to be fixed.
'an unexpected error occurred while you were browsing our site' - OK, fair enough, but when do we get the expected errors?
@Floern Social justice warriors...
^ Give the codez...
See the title. :P
SO now seems to be fully working again
@cybermonkey LOL, 'SO now seems to be fully working again' following 'homework question with pure laziness' - yes, you're right:)
16 downvotes wasted on a 'Member since today', 'vamp-on-strings' account that will prolly never be seen again :(
@AlexanderO'Mara You can report two posts in the same !!/report command ;)
@Tunaki Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
Wow jesus @Drew 54 comments on that stackoverflow.com/q/36243343/1743880. Do I need to read everything to make up my mind?! I'll skip...
wasn't too fun
on second though, I'll close as not reproducible.
If it takes 54 comments and end up with 6 major edits, there is something really wrong to begin with. That noone can figure out ---> unlikely to help
I won't try in the future.
I want an 'OP should not reproduce' close-reason for the most stupid questions.
I guess that would be classed as 'good idea, but too offensive/rude' :(
Yeah that would be too harsh
@Drew done
@BhargavRao I have a batch with 18 dupe potentials
@Drew beehive? I will catch them, thanks
let me know when I should publish it
Put it there now. I will hit the review queue and then go thru those. Have 55 cvs left
@BhargavRao batch 18 is all yours
Out of flags, @Tuna NATO is all yours
@Drew Fine, I will take care. Reviewing the Queue at the moment
> for a Python GOLD
can one of the guys go Too Broad on this celery rabbit? I have no vote on it here
I'm back guys
and so is the site
I'm not saying I'm responsible, but... have you seen me around when the site's not working? ;-)
@Drew Python knowledge not required in this case :-)
NAA/VLQ flag experts weigh in? meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/319911/…
not sure about the veracity of my comment
is that the same guy again?
poor guy is just trying to sell hair products
@Drew can you drop another link to the beehive? I closed the tab a while ago and forgot to favorite it.
beehive ... I will get some more c# in there for you
@Drew How to disagree with a post in beehive? How do I make you know that a question shouldn't be closed?
@Closey start event
@Closey alive
oh crud
Closey is dead long back, I used yesterday's tags
starting up
forgot to start it back up
@BhargavRao thanks for the heads up ;)
@Closey start event
Guess you can run your query :) Oh Closey is back
Hello everyone! (nagato v2 docker)
@Closey status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 8dbd64ac on master, running for 18 seconds (tracking latency 1000ms).
@Ferrybig I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
That's wrong Closey. I was already reviewing. But you failed and threw errors so we had to reboot you hunny.
@Closey start event
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
7213 need review
2036 reviews today
3205652 reviews all-time
The tags to work on are: , , .
You &^^%$# bot
@ryanyuyu I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Tunaki Hunny?
Note to self, Tuna's been pen testing too much.
@rene hehehe
@Closey commands
@ryanyuyu Here is a list of commands you have permission to run:
add [user id] to [group name] - Manually adds a user to the given permission group.
alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
approve request [#] - Approves a pending permission request.
audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
commands - Shows this list.
current tag - Get the tag that has the most amount of manageable close queue items from the SEDE query.
help - Prints info about this software.
membership - Shows a list of all permission groups, and the members in those permission groups.
@Closey audit stats
@ryanyuyu Stats of all tracked audits by tag:
 | Tag Name   | %  | Count |
 | c#         | 50 | 2     |
 | powershell | 25 | 1     |
 | c          | 25 | 1     |
@BhargavRao Just let me know and I remove the line item. If it gets closed wrong we can reopen it perhaps
ryanyuyu passed a audit!
there it is. Only a minute late.
@clo status
SOCVR Chatbot, running at nagato v2 docker, version 8dbd64ac on master, running for 10 minutes and 34 seconds (tracking latency 5692ms).
@Drew Guess your dupe algo is not working properly :-( ... The first few of them are not even close-able candidates ... :/
5.7 secs?
@BhargavRao But that is not for me to decide
@Sam no idea. maybe the delay is in another part of the system.
@Drew Ah fine. I will prepare a gist for the batch 18 and send it to you.
Ferrybig passed a audit!
@cybermonkey I agree, and I rollbacked to the revision where it's clear that actual rounding (which is what the accepted answer deals with) is the question.
@ryanyuyu yeah, this is why roboreviewers need to pay more attention to what they're approving..
(so people like me don't get confused)
@TylerH I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
If my review session starts with an audit then Closey doesn't pick it up
we should see an android audit
@Closey audit stats
@TylerH Stats of all tracked audits by tag:
 | Tag Name     | %  | Count |
 | bash         | 10 | 1     |
 | java         | 30 | 3     |
 | android      | 30 | 3     |
 | javascript   | 10 | 1     |
 | autocomplete | 10 | 1     |
 | php          | 10 | 1     |
@TylerH mine was delayed a long time. Like at least a minute.
The system slows down when multiple people are reviewing.
well this is the one in case it never does stackoverflow.com/review/close/11802366
@Sam Ah. Hardware limitations? or designed that way in code
TylerH passed an audit!
^ yay
SO servers still struggling with something?
@TylerH Designed that way. It's to avoid getting throttled.
Too bad they won't give you a throttle-proof API key
I did come up with a more efficient mechanism, but it wasn't ready in time for the v2 release date.
Doesn't look like spam
maybe it is
access denied (oh wait, never mind)
there must be an option, sd flag at your own risk
sd i dont know please flag for me or do someting maybe just a coffee please

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