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12:04 AM
Its also deleted...
Bed time cya...
12:25 AM
@Drew mysql batch 027 done
thanks sir
I am apparently part of this community now.
SO or this chat room?
@pp_ for the record, 3 POB votes before I showed up / we got Undo'd
12:42 AM
@djechlin yes. You will be kindly badgered for java votes incessantly (just kidding)
@shadow on this question, the guy has no idea whatsoever about encryption, and wants somone to wedge it into his code for him. It has language translation issues, no MCVE, and massively too broad due to no one having any idea how crypto key management is going to take place
Not to mention the whole confusing issue of hashing versus encryption
But the whole thing is all muddy. So no one wants anything to do with it
1:01 AM
Morning evreyone
@KevinGuan morning and good night:)
this is why we lose, they lose
They think we don't care. We can't even chat with them in chat. Everyday, I see how Roy is making out with that one
Roy should start getting their feces together
night, Drew
@ProgramFOX Ah, understand. Sorry rene :(
@AndrasDeak lol, night.
1:13 AM
good nite physics
2:04 AM
How does a gold badge and a moderator appear in the dupe close vote? stackoverflow.com/questions/35930675/…
Either vote would immediately close it, not sure how they'd both show up
because Servy did not vote as a dupe, George did
Oh, that would make sense
2:25 AM
What happened here? Does this mean that he didn't change anything? stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/11584238
@KevinGuan added
@gunr2171 Thanks
@djechlin there are worse things to apparently be around here.
@djechlin and I would not say this is as much a community, and more a movement. ;-)
@KevinGuan Two people approved a change that does nothing... how...
2:34 AM
@Rob I think the real question is how did that get accepted into the system?
@Rob Really? But anyway, rejected.
Unfortunately can't see the source, only lets you see markdown for wikis (not sure why?) - but I've seen cases of things like </> or just simply text that doesn't render
2:58 AM
hi all
3:20 AM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Is that about: How do I define a function in ?
@KevinGuan yes
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW It seems like why isn't this code working. But I won't vote since I even don't know what's ...what's your point about it?
@KevinGuan whether people thought the question was off topic or not.. you know, being the close vote review room :D
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW :P I know
3:29 AM
@KevinGuan :D
the laravel question is too broad
@Drew I was unsure, thanks. Will vote on it.
I would be happy to vote to delete
But that is the beauty of requiring consensus. And allowing for un-deletes
@Drew have you thought of nom for RO?
in what way?
we have 2 that I know of
3:34 AM
@Drew I meant yourself :D
I want to delete this Python question - It's very unclear to me (don't know why people didn't pick that reason to close it), I'm sure that it's not helpful for others. But idjaw's answer is very good...delete or not?
I'm deciding whether I put something in, there's now 3 noms, so it's more to think about.
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Do you mean that you also want to be a RO?
@KevinGuan I'm thinking about it.
@KevinGuan I'll write up a nomination gist.
3:39 AM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Good, I think you can be a good RO ;)
@KevinGuan thanks love
I want @Mogsdad to be RO, that's why i'm hesitant to write up a nomination.
@Quill hi!
hey there
how are you?
3:45 AM
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW And Tunaki is also a good waffle machine reviewer I think.
I will get to code review one day
@KevinGuan agree on both :D
good :) I'm trying to get back into SO
@Quill nice
@Quill nice to see another Aussie in here ;) @DavidG :D
3:47 AM
David made a joke about Aussies the other day
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW :D. How about me then? Do you think that I could be a good RO?
@KevinGuan I think you will be an excellent Moderator, much like Madara with a bit more age increasing :D
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Oh yeah, everything will get Kevin'd then.
@KevinGuan I didn't want to be hurtful about the age. You're a sweetheart K
Just saw that Undo and TheLostMind are Mods, IIRC there were only three new mods, Jos, Ed and Madara
3:53 AM
@Tushar I had no idea!
Frequently they do add new mods, but I thought there'd be an announcement!
The election page says Called up after the election to meet additional demand:
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW And I guess we all missed that
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW There is: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/318714/…
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Ah, let's forget about the age and let me try to be a RO the first :P.
8 Hrs. Ago
3:54 AM
This room was quite happy with the announcement
BTW, Congrats @Undo and @TheLostMind
wow this is so exciting! I think we need more mods.
@Undo Huh? You. Are. A. Mod. NOW?????
@TheLostMind you're a mod?? congratulations!!
They brought the two runners up from the last election up
3:55 AM
@Undo yes and nice :D
@KevinGuan Aye :)
@Undo So I have missed the celebration :(. But congrats! :D
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW I think the room is in good hands. So no. I kinda like what I do
@KevinGuan Thanks! :)
@Drew yeh, and I appreciate what you do :D
3:59 AM
congrats @Undo
Plus, an outsider with what I do is probably best.
@Quill Thanks!
I voted for undo, thelostmind and Ed... nervously looks about for Madara
But I am very happy with Madara and Josilber
oh and I liked codemagic as well.. going through the old list
4:04 AM
This room is full of Bots and Mods.
@Tushar Are you a bot?
@KevinGuan I don't understand that. :P
@Tushar you should've answered "[TusharBot] command "Are you a bot?" unrecognised"
@Quill :D
4:27 AM
Spam or just naa? ^
@SmokeDetector That user have one valid post
@Mogsdad fixed
@Tushar Wrong command
@KevinGuan yeah
It was caused by this
4:33 AM
I also added a little bit in there to linkify the stats, just for cases where the url isn't already a link.
@Mogsdad as for the cvrg bug, I am unable to reproduce at this time. If you could maybe do some logging from line 545 to 655, that is where all that is. Let me know what you find.
result set too funny
> Check out these 110 lines of JS code, do some logging and let me know.
I'm a great project maintainer
> thanks in a dvance
4:42 AM
What's a dvance?
it's a european dance
This needs some serious editing.
38.5k rep facepalm
@TinyGiant Ahhh...can't edit it. Don't know where to start.
4:48 AM
@KevinGuan inorite?
please suggest me how to edit it
> Lead Web UI Developer
how does one even ask that
@TinyGiant Okay done, I do tried.
There're still some issues anyway.
> Apr 19 '10
well he definitely took the advice to heart, then
4:53 AM
you forgot the "Thanks, Vance"
@Quill Or, he went the way that many other developers take and just posted all of his tasks on Stack Overflow.
popular dance
4:57 AM
@TinyGiant Okay blame the Stack Overflow searching feature.
> thanks ina dvance
@KevinGuan beat that
Who knew warfare had so much to do with programming.
5:00 AM
tank u = 59 ........... meow =1894 ..... 2000 people felt the need to make cat noises
These people like to show their thanks in the form of dance.
@TinyGiant Clearing them all...
I'm joking. I'd spend my time on reviewing rather than do that.
You funwrecker you
5:16 AM
hi all
can any one review this question
Q: Save Audio File after apply Filter(AVAudioUnitEQ)?

S. KarthikI am so Frustrating to save the Audio File After Apply the Filter. The filter only applicable for the AVAudioPlayerNode which mean during Playing in the player the filter is perfect to apply but how can i save this ? I am so struggle last 3 days, Please any help will be appreciate. These below ...

check the answer link please
@NitinGohel the room doesn't like one boxing, if you can add any char before the link thanks - reviewing
and at given answer's link already answer by user who ask abov question
sorry i have no idea about how we mention here
@NitinGohel I think the accepted answer is a NAA link only
@NitinGohel Not a problem, that's why I mentioned it :D
please check accepted answer link
5:21 AM
right @NitinGohel we know looking at it
@NitinGohel You can click on the down arrow beside the message, then click on edit and insert a character beside the link to stop it from one-boxing
@Tushar sorry love
NP :)
:29268694 my bad I've been afk and will need to go offline again soon
@NitinGohel also let's not jump to conclusions on the guy so quick in tough comments to him
5:23 AM
@Drew ok
i already tel him but he become very rude
ok. I didn't know that
I think I found this in the tavern
@Drew thanks :)
@NitinGohel nice to see you here! and welcome :D I did the welcome back to front, it should've been first
5:25 AM
thanks you very much
@Quill can't see it
oh it's gone
@Quill the main point is if OP have already answer that he already given 10 days ago then what need to ask new question and answer of this link that already given by him self 10 days ago lol
now see the man is goign to be angry bird
serial 3 minus vote on my account :D:D
@NitinGohel if you want to request a close vote on a question, we have a script or you can use the format with a link to the question and a close reason - short cuts here
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW i wll learn Ms
5:28 AM
@NitinGohel I'd flag that for mod attention
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW thanks you
@NitinGohel nice to have you on board :D
5:44 AM
@AlexanderO'Mara Don't need sd in reply, just f is enough
@Tushar Oh yeah, derp.
yo @TinyGiant
Do you know the licensing scenario with github for just grabbing code off some guys repository and plopping it on SO
5:51 AM
depends on the github license
Github itself has no licensing, each project will have a license attached if it is licensed.
thx gents
most licenses require attribution, and it's generally better to provide attribution, but some licenses are just "do whatever you want with it" kinda things
@TinyGiant With the added stipulation that anyone may fork public repos.
Yeah, that one.
5:53 AM
Mainly because, in the case of forking, attribution is automatic
so if a guy has "copyright My corp 2014 All Rights Reserved" for example, can one poach it as is and paste it here ?
@Drew It's complicated.
That would depend on the copyright I guess
Pretty well any "copyright" at least requires attribution
but that would be attribution, no
5:56 AM
Depending on the attribution that the license requires, it could be as little as including a link to the repository.
It could be as much as including the full license, the authors name, email, repository, home address, bed bug count, etc.
The license may also not permit copying at all.
I would ask ed, he's a lawyer.
@NitinGohel the answer is kind of hurting. Oh, no DV please. We just went thru enough above, anyone. It seems he has two paths (one including lame) but the language on it is roughly tongue tied. If he has an answer that is 2 options, if, then the second one is link only and the licensing part factors into it
i got error website offile :(
6:04 AM
I am staring at the code
@Drew Maybe give an overview of how the code works, without copy-pasting the actual implementation?
I need some clarity on the A -> B -> C on the conversions. And if there are two options (or if I am misreading it). It is written poorly. Plus there was a whole snafu with the OP like 30 minutes ago
I used to do a decent amount of conversions. I can't imagine all the ends in a great end state, losy wise
@Drew This page suggests the code is intended for the public domain: modejong.com/iOS/#ex4
is he asking new ?
6:07 AM
i fount that the guy is just trying to collect Repo nothing else
Just trying to help him.
Remember that he is working hard at trying, allegedly
And a little bit of effort can avert the next crap storm
And why he is now enduring DV when I asked no one too, is beyond me.
generally if we try to teach them they think like we hurting their EGO lol
If is like one set of doctors working on a patient. While others set em on fire.
And with that, back to music.
downvotes are obviously insults in stack land
yes but we also try to think what is our fault
if we got down vote
yah some time some user are only check for revenge but that is not fare for programmer this is my thinking
6:20 AM
@Drew regarding the email encryption question - I have already cv'd on it earlier
6:34 AM
Well some people don't find it all too amusing. And after 2 hours he found an answer and wanted to share it with the world. He format wasn't stellar. The earlier run-in wasn't great. But behind his keyboard was a real person. Something to think about.
7:08 AM
@Pang I see that you picked Recommend Deletion here - Don't vote to delete wrong answers; downvote instead. See Undo's meta post: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/287563
Apparently, sending 10,000 requests to chat.so simultaneously can cause a timeout
@KevinGuan Correction: voting to delete wrong answers is good, recommending deletion of them in the LQPRQ is wrong.
@TinyGiant Err...difference?
@KevinGuan Voting to delete is actually casting a delete vote. Recommending deletion is a review action which validates invalid flags.
Wrong answers should not be flagged, they should be voted for deletion by users with >= 20k reputation.
7:11 AM
Hence, recommending their deletion in the LQPRQ is bad, because it marks the flag as helpful, validating an invalid flag.
@TinyGiant IIRC that when you have more than 20k, the Recommend Deletion button will become Delete (which cast a delete vote)...open the page and vote to delete it manually?
That's an inconsistency in the system, I would definitely recommend opening the page and voting to delete in that case, only because otherwise you will be validating an invalid flag.
Okay got it.
7:40 AM
@TylerH not sure what you mean
Anyone see any edit ability in this?
Seems like an XY problem
@Ferry \o
7:55 AM
I'll do it kayess
it was just edited btw
@TimCastelijns Thanks, but I have gut feeling that it still misses something

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