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1:02 PM
You all gonna get rene'd
Aims for the popcorn
> plopopoppopoop nerds be only old be nerds wowowowowoowowowowowo
interesting post :)
@JonClements Where?
Go click on the buy button from the author. — Praveen Kumar 15 secs ago
1:05 PM
@PraveenKumar 2nd star to the right and straight on 'til morning? :p
@JonClements I see different list.
@PraveenKumar I'm guessing at a deleted post far far away.
@NathanOliver LoL.
@Raju please slow it down on the cv-pls. they should not be a first reaction.
@NATO Ouf of flags. ALERT ALERT!
@Petter you have a comment here stackoverflow.com/questions/8568945/…
1:10 PM
@Tunaki he's imagining things
@NathanOliver , sry I didn't get you :( Do you mean, no need of close votes ?
@Raju there is no need to use a cv-pls for everything you close. cv-pls should only be used for the really bad things. most times just using a close vote is sufficent.
@NathanOliver, when I flag it with 'close' option, they are getting stuck at pending status. Offlate, I have observed that some post are not getting deleted (even after 30 days).
no positive answer, -8 votes to question, asked 1 month ago ---> stackoverflow.com/questions/35216369/how-to-plot-like-this
@Raju deletion and closure are different things
@Tunaki removed
1:15 PM
oh, 30 days is the abandoned case, right?
which doesn't need closure
maybe the view count is too low?
nothing has happened to the post of -8 since 5 Feb
@Raju I've closed it as unclear... still a bit vague as to what they mean
another one (-8 votes, no answer, posted 1 month ago) --> stackoverflow.com/questions/35265239/…
I saved one on programmers, and made a meme to celebrate, wanna see?
@Raju That's weird. Maybe make a Meta linking with the deletion rule?
1:19 PM
@Raju I suspect the issues they have lately with the background scripts might be at play here
@Raju It might be the comments stopping the deletion. As far as the pending flags go it can take a little while for a question to be closed.
@NathanOliver last comment was also feb 5
@rene I hope roomba is not sick
@Magisch did you cough on roomba?
@AndrasDeak ....?
1:21 PM
how are you doing?:)
yes, even the comment also posted on 8th feb (more than 1month ago).
@AndrasDeak lol
I guess I have no takers. c-ya!
I guess, deletion job not running (if it is not closed ) !!
@Raju You could make a bug report on Meta.
1:23 PM
@Tunaki, sure !!!
@Tunaki Or might reconsider it twice :]
Be sure to free-hand red-circle the -8 score
@Raju wait, what was the day count for last saturday?
@Raju Don't forget that you need hand drawn red circle at minimum
@rene one month was happened on Tuesday. if the script only runs on Saturday then it would not have qualified.
@kayess, okay & thanks
Waffle it runs weekly.
where did that Saturday come from?
1:25 PM
RemoveAbandonedQuestions runs in the weekend, on Saturday
@AndrasDeak blame @NathanOliver
@kayess It's rene's fault.
@rene RemoveDeadQuestions in this case
1:26 PM
OK, it makes sense
removeabandoned is 365 days, there half a week doesn't change a thing
@AndrasDeak , Thanks . I need that for reference. You made my job easy.
So they should get deleted this Satuday
but in case of 30 days..I'd be surprised
@Raju no problem
@NathanOliver no, they may get deleted this Saturday:P
Yeah. If it's not deleted by Sunday, you can make that bug report. And have the chance to make some free-hand red circles.
^ @Raju
but now it's closed
tainting the experiment
1:28 PM
@kayess I want to say yes but maybe there is only one way so idk. I defer to the experts
Yeah now it'll be deleted tomorrow!
one could still ask "does removedeadquestions run every day, because if yes, then NO IT DOESN'T!!!" ;)
@NathanOliver I think the same by now.
soo... that happened.
I have two more flags in 'pending review' status. Both questions are more than 1 month old. So, these posts supposed to be deleted on this saturday ? if not , it's bug. Is this my understanding correct ?
1:30 PM
@kayess I just wanted to make sure I didn't forget about you when I was doing the "why post no go bye bye" investigation.
@SmokeDispenser What? The apocalypse? Yeah it did. Weird we're still all here but meh.
@SmokeDispenser Didn't you have a more Jan-y name?
@Raju Sounds correct
1:31 PM
sd n is now an alias of sd naa-
Now that gunr is here:
7 mins ago, by kayess
Is this a bit broad? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35917780/plug-and-play-ipp320-ingenico-in-asp‌​-net-website
@NathanOliver Thanks, that's kind :)
heya @gunr2171
1:36 PM
hello jon
@DavidArenburg yw, let me know when/if/where you want me to award the bounty
@TimCastelijns It's your call
It is also possible someone else will provide another solution
@NathanOliver probably. (sorry, missed your message)
@gunr2171 No problem. cc @kayess
I've tested the app and I see the option, but haven't really tested if this actually works yet
1:43 PM
@gunr2171 Nice, you have commented, good, thanks!
no problem
flags are flying
Google Translate has a hard time translating that.
1:46 PM
@NathanOliver here or somewhere else?
And there are free votes for whoever answers LQ!!!
@gunr2171 somewhere else
In Norvegian, it means "clogs" apparently.
ok. #DoesntMatterToMe
@PraveenKumar cannot
1:47 PM
@Tunaki I know we need another down v...
@PraveenKumar be careful about deleting duplicates...
@Drew @Tunaki @Tushar Can we invite Rory here?
@PetterFriberg Why what happened?
@PraveenKumar Why not?
In general they don't like dupes to be deleted....
@PetterFriberg WHo?
1:49 PM
@PraveenKumar I will search for meta...
@PetterFriberg Thanks.
Q: How should duplicate questions be handled?

mbillardWhat should I do when I see a question that is a duplicate of another one? Should I answer it? Should I downvote it? Should I comment? Should I edit the question to indicate it's a duplicate? Should I tag the question with the duplicate tag? If I can, should I (vote to) close the question? What...

"Should duplicates be deleted?
In general, no: most duplicates stay around. Having multiple copies of the same question with different wording is useful as search fodder, because people looking for an answer may use different wording too."
Thats my one-box for today...
> In general, no: most duplicates stay around. Having multiple copies of the same question with different wording is useful as search fodder, because people looking for an answer may use different wording too.
Gotcha... :D
1:52 PM
It's to the discretion of 3 10kers. And personally, I find deleting those Q with rep-whores quite satisfying.
@DavidArenburg I'll let it run for a bit longer then
Link-only answer to generic library, doesn't even address the question properly: upvoted, of course. I give up.
@Tunaki YEAH!!! @PetterFriberg Look at this.
@PraveenKumar Agree, everyone do as they like... just informing... you can see this as well... meta.stackoverflow.com/a/318620/5292302 it one of your favorite mods...
@EricD. may I see it?
1:55 PM
@PetterFriberg Yes, I saw it 100 times... :D
@TimCastelijns stackoverflow.com/a/35918217/2227743 But I'm not calling for downvotes, I was just venting my frustration. :)
What's the use when I have already answered it perfectly to the point and you have just blatantly copied the same code and ... What are you trying to prove? :)Praveen Kumar 6 secs ago
^ I give up! LoL.
@PraveenKumar nice one...
@EricD. Ha ha...
@Tunaki but...but...vote on content!:(
@PraveenKumar heeey they didn't copy! They don't have "line-height" there
1:59 PM
@AndrasDeak LoL... That doesn't matter. See the revision... Whatever the main crux has been copied. In the codepen, it is already reset.
* {line-height: 1; margin: 0; padding: 0; blah: blah;}
@PraveenKumar Don't be to harsh to the new-comers they need to copy from someone...
sure, I didn't have to check the revision, your comments were enough for an assessment
@PetterFriberg Nopes. That's wrong. That's plagiarism. Plagiarism is crime. Being harsh (I wasn't) to criminals is okay! :P
Are you sure it's plagiarism?
@TimCastelijns Check the revisions buddy. :)
2:02 PM
I just liked to remember you the rule 1....
@TimCastelijns I haven't edited the post yet. In my post I write:
> Changed height, added display and vertical-align
@TimCastelijns It seem to work, but the button doesn't provide any feedback so I've posted a bug report on StackApps. So better wait until he fixes. Though if time expires, you should certainly award him the bounty as it still works in a way
Those exact changes that I have made to work!
What do you call a plagiarism then?
Copying from Wikipedia?
I agree its not ok, but that's why you are superior and remember rule 1
We have a rule 1?
I learn every day
2:05 PM
Rule 2 prevents me from remembering rule 1
@gunr2171 LoL... Yes! What's rule 1?
@rene no thats not your rule 1, thats Shog9's rule 1.....
How does such things survive for this long? TIARA shows alot though...
@PetterFriberg What's that?
Thats SO rule 1
or maybe rule 2
2:06 PM
Rule 1: "Don't talk about meta"
@kayess What the fffffffffffffffffffffffffffff!!! :D -25
@gunr2171 Ha ha ha! I never do!
anyway "be nice"
@PraveenKumar There are loads of such in tiara lol
@PraveenKumar I was just asking, you don't have to pour all that sarcasm over me. Anyway I checked SE's rules and indeed seems to be plagiarism.
@kayess Ha ha ha...
2:06 PM
No Fun Allowed is rule #1337.
@TimCastelijns Thanks! I achieved.
No Fun Allowed is rule #0xBAD
@kayess Man, that has at least +68!!! LoL. Not considered.
@PraveenKumar Q at -32, open :)
2:09 PM
@kayess Thanks... CV plz now. ps: -33 now.
@PraveenKumar I'm not sure, I have found those in TIARA, not really sure what to do, maybe just leave it as it is:)
Okay, looks like this has been closed, deleted, undeleted, and reopened.
@kayess What's TIARA now? :O
@PraveenKumar that Q doesn't qualify as too broad IMO
@PraveenKumar TIARA: Technical Inaccuracies & Altogether wRong Answers It's a stack app you add to your applications in your user profile.
It has one answer, and it can be answered in 2 lines
2:11 PM
@kayess Thanks.
@Bha \o
@PetterFriberg that is so 2015...
and so 2016? (and I checked, it was rule 2, not rule 1)
2:14 PM
^ Clear indication that Tuna is slacking :P
If @Ferrybig is not here @Tuna is slacking...
I had time to w8 and see, then type it in....
I am here, but the post was deleted before my slow pc loaded the post
We're looking to add to the RO team. Help us shape and moderate the room. Write up a nominations in a Github Gist and we'll add you to the list. Nominations close at the start of Friday, March 18th 2016.
On my screen, the post is bugged, it shows it still as undeleted, and having only -2 votes
You can nominate someone to run, but that person must give consent and write up the official nomination.
2:18 PM
@gunr2171 Dont tell me one of you 4 folks are retiring. It makes me sad :/
Not that I know of
well, Sam has been sick for a while
You can never leave
@rene But you can cross the bar --> i.sstatic.net/OWNrE.png
2:19 PM
I've been out of flags for the past 3 hours now.
I nominate Tunaki, do you give consent @Tunaki?
@Tunaki www.flagshop.com I found that for you
Yeah Tunaki4RO
@Tunaki is the the last guy left out of ROship :/
2:21 PM
morning JAL
@EricD. you around? Trying to make sense out of this question: stackoverflow.com/q/35918684/2415822
morning all
Hey @JAL o/
Hey jal
Hey @BhargavRao, ever figure out that bounty thing?
morning gunr, nathan
2:21 PM
@JAL The Altruist one? I missed by a second :(
@BhargavRao ah that's a shame
@JAL Hi. Yeah, I've seen it. Don't have time to seriously study it for now. Will come back to it later today. But at first look it screamed POB to me.
@EricD. Ah you know that's a really good point, it may be POB because it's a compiler rule.
@JAL They have added some exception I guess, I got an error while clicking at the same time :(
I'll wait it out, if we want to close it I'll delete my anser
@BhargavRao ah but at least you were close!
Thanks for trying it out
2:24 PM
@JAL Yeah, but I did not want to fail. I guess the devs know about that :/
FPQ question: what shall I do in case of an answer like this, that answers a Q which is definetily too broad or POB ? Is this some bad audit or ?
@BhargavRao you should write a meta post asking for your rep back :P
@JAL Lol, That'd be fun :P
@kayess if the answer is fine then the answer is fine. Judge the answer and question separately
@kayess close the question and let the roomba delete
2:25 PM
@gunr2171 Ok thanks, so this way I can't head into a bad audit :)
@JAL You see my problem :p
that's defniitely spam
lol :D
Ha ha ha... :D
I couldn't flag it.
2:26 PM
Train gone
@Ferrybig are you still sleeping
damn you chat delay!!!
@PetterFriberg I was talking in the charcoal HQ, with all the quick people here, I am not in time, but that is also a good sign
2:41 PM
@RoryMcCrossan Hey buddy!!! :D
Hi @RoryMcCrossan o/
2:58 PM
Hey guys o/
@RoryMcCrossan \o Another C# guy o/
@RoryMcCrossan \o
@RoryMcCrossan greetings and salutations :)
Hiya @RoryMcCrossan
Too many JS guys around here. We need to kick some.
@Tunaki I can kick you! :)
afk - back in an hour.
This is LoL:
Is the image file present next to the HTML document on your directory? — Praveen Kumar 10 secs ago
@Tunaki all language users that wish to help the site are welcome here, surely? :p
All languages were created equal. Except VB. VB sucks.
3:05 PM
@Mogsdad sorry, was AFK. I'll add you in
@RoryMcCrossan no. VB.Net is ok. VB6 sucks
@AndrasDeak yes.
Very true. I started my career in VB5. It was a dark time
just until I got spammed on facebook more often than not recently
3:06 PM
I started programming in VBA (excel)
VBS rather? ^^
nah probably VBA
VBA is so horrible I can't even begin to describe it
Visual Basic for Applications
VBA seems fine to me
admittedly it's old and basic
3:07 PM
I can't see how delphi was any better than vb though
but then again, that's in the name
hehe, I have started on my first PC AT with GW-BASIC back in time around ~1986, having a Function key title with TRON was extremely cool :p
@kayess I was not yet conceived in 1986
Guys, see the comments!!!
that's a lot of comments
3:10 PM
@PraveenKumar Those should have been moved to chat
or burned
@JAL OP is 1 rep guy.
yeah you're right
comments not necessary to see that it's lacking an MCVE
@TylerH LoL. Yea.
Let's close it and nuke it.
@JAL, hey there. recognize me?;)
@SmokeDispenser Yes of course! hello!
@PraveenKumar poor Swedish guy...
Using a local URL for an image is the key to that problem
3:12 PM
@PetterFriberg He didn't know to put those px, blah blah.
unless we wants to let us all remote into his desktop :-)
@JAL, not of course :) some didn't ;)
@PraveenKumar Yeah I saw... he has "Hur det fungerar" in code, "How it works"..... I guess he need to switch it into "Det fungerar inte".... "It's not working"
@PetterFriberg LoL.
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/276741/… Can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet...
3:22 PM
anyone able to merge and ?
@PraveenKumar In the absence of any ROs - I'd remind you that sounding so aggressively enthusiastic doesn't sound good. Thanks.
@KevinGuan which version? Because here it says something different: github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/wiki/Commands
@rene oh sorry - didn't realise you were about
Smokey post is rude, check rollback revision
3:26 PM
@JonClements moderator attention needed possibly: stackoverflow.com/posts/35900631/revisions
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Dec 2 '15 at 15:54, by ProgramFOX
@ShadowWizard Yup, !!/report auto-tpu's. So !!/report shouldn't be used for off-topic posts, indeed.
Since @ProgramFOX is actually writing the code, I think he knows better. No?
Nah, never trust devs
Are you sure that is true at the current day?
No, we are trying to cause as much confusion as possible
According to the source, !!/report only blacklists the poster, it doesn't send feedback to metasmoke.
3:30 PM
dat indentation...
But !!/report should only be used for true spam posts, we currently only have a true positive rate of 91% for correctly manual reported posts, and it should not drop any lower
@Ferrybig I really should just make metasmoke automatically mark those as tps.
@rene C++ devs use 8 tab indentation
@TylerH ty
@Undo I personally think its better not to do, because then we laying the deciding on only 1 person, with the current system 2 people need to agree (the reporter, and the marker)
3:33 PM
That's true
Thoughts ? stackoverflow.com/questions/35913557/… Why does the self answer to a crappy question have +3 ?
@JonasCz, that's not even a proper Q. nor an A.
@JonasCz because people thought it was useful?
Honestly, I don't really see how it's useful, though
@JonasCz smells fishy, the question isn't event clear
3:36 PM
It's great that you solved your own problem, but questions posted here need to be answerable by other people. As this stands, there is no problem statement and no useful information for anyone to work off of. — gunr2171 9 secs ago
LOL: ' To be honest this thing is due in 35 minutes' : stackoverflow.com/questions/35920657/…
@JonasCz I didn't say those people were right... :-P
@SmokeDispenser :(
@MartinJames maybe the price goes up if the deadline gets closer?
My protection against this situation is 1. having an insanely common name, and 2. not being on facebook;)
3:48 PM
@AndrasDeak, well. must pass on both.
therefore, new name
nite, @kayess
@KevinGuan That's !!/allspam. !!/report does auto-tpu, as the wiki states.
/cc @rene
@gunr2171 are the ROs deciding on a new RO?
3:50 PM
So, what's up with vs. ?
@MsYvetteǝʇʇǝʌʎsW Yes. People nominate themselves and on Friday of next week we trap ourselves in chat and choose the new RO
@gunr2171 may the odds be ever in your favour
I nominate @Tunaki #Tuna4Prez #HaveATuna™
Room Owner
3:52 PM
Yeah that ^
u p
Rude Onions
radical oysters
(going with the Tuna theme)
3:52 PM
Made a third-grade joke, job complete
i got it
@JAL, grats :)
@JAL I tried also, but he had a heart attack and I have not seen @Tuna since....
@JonClements Ah.. Which one? I am sorry. We generally say close and nuke right?
3:55 PM
that's the same as "boom" if you were in chat at the time
@Undo I have no idea how to send stuff to Metasmoke, do you want to set something up that registers a post as a TPU on a !!/report command? So far it auto-blacklists the user but doesn't sent it to Metasmoke yet.
@ProgramFOX I can do it on the metasmoke side. That's not really a smokey responsibility.
@Undo @ProgramFOX o/
3:59 PM
@PraveenKumar I didn't realise @rene was around - I'll leave that to him

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