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He gets busy with Chinese New Year and loses all interest in chat trains sigh
@MsYvette Hello! :)
@PraveenKumar hello
@Tushar Hey Tushar!!! :)
ROs have lot of cleanup to do here
LoL Yeah... :D
No more trains? :P
Now there's a train of (removed)!
how come all the posts are removed?
Realized the monitors VGA cable is broken ;_;
To make a train of course.
Hmm, shouldn't it one-box that link? ^^
Only for a reply
flags are anonymous in SEDE
@Thaillie That's not enough. You need to offer a sacrifice to-- oh crap he's here hides
ah so if we all make a post and then hit remove, there will be an everylasting train? don't do that rene is here
@MsYvette Also many bans
@MsYvette Yeah! That's the cruel way of thinking! :P
@rene Is it possible to get a total of flags submitted/percentage usefull?
Hmm, let me check
How do you <strike>strike</strike> something in chat?
Er... @MsYvette How?
----Like this----
@PraveenKumar ---text---
@Tushar Fail.
Oh then struck this?
@Tushar Three - :P
@Tushar Fail #2
I will not fail
@Tushar Can you put the original version please? I'd like to check if it works in the starboard
@Tunaki That's a fail pass! :P
@Tushar That's a fail pass! :P
I love you all, wait I do
I am here AFK, Going to buy VGA Cable
@Tunaki Love you too
@BhargavRao Antiquity shop heh
I made a strike war 2!!!
@BhargavRao Electricity museum
@kayess Ha ha ha.
@Kyll There's a place called SP Road in B'luru. You get all electronic stuff there.
Leaving now. o/
@BhargavRao Man... VGA cables are dead.
So let's buy vga HDMI cables.
@PraveenKumar Seems they're not in India, they still use those pesky 8086 XT's
@BhargavRao I buy mine from there only
@BhargavRao Er... Start a Computer History Museum.
Just want answer two questions, but others are always quicker than me :(
@kayess No bro... When I went to India for the holidays, I was using a lot of HDMI powered TVs and Monitors only.
@PraveenKumar Yep only at the airport terminals, did you think the same when you were riding cows to get into your village? :p
@Tushar yep. Best place for a CS engineer
@PraveenKumar Yeah, that one.
@kayess Riding cows to get to my village?
@PraveenKumar Yeah, we had a collegue here who told us stories about how cows are holy there and how not..
@kayess Yeah, cows are holy and sacred... :) But we ride Ferraris in Chennai... :)
@BhargavRao CS engineers
I rode a BMW...
@kayess :D
In Bangalore 3 Lamborghinis were struck in traffic
@BhargavRao LoL...
So they made a meme out of it
The Internet can do everything out of anything.
@BhargavRao Where?
@Tunaki And that's called the Internet of Things?
Fine, GTG. Two more stops left for destination
English question: what does the word "mingle or mingling" means in context of modeling a business problem?
sd delete- edited
@Thaillie the best bets are the votes table and/or the pending flags table but those only hold flags against non-deleted posts, so I conclude that such stat can't be created based on the public data. If you need it for a certain quality goal you might request it on meta and then Shog9 can provide it if he sees fit.
@PraveenKumar I don't see that close reason in the list =p
@Kyll Too Broad...
@kayess Fire dem auto-comments!
FR: Smokey always edits his messages after 115~119 seconds to show some kind of indication that the edit period has passed so that we're not saddened a lot by his unresponsiveness
@kayess it means that you're open to meeting new people and interesting in conversations with them, stuff like that
@Kyll yep!
@TimCastelijns thank you!
@TimCastelijns Nice of you to link to site called dummies.com. You are a regular there as well?
rofl, I guess that was intentional.
@PraveenKumar That's rude comment and should be removed
Sometimes, we don't know what exactly to search for
@Tushar Oops which one?
The search?
Okay buddy, changed it.
That's better
@rene if you're implying that I'm a regular here, I'm awaiting the Team invite
well played! :)
Don't take it seriously
How to help this dude?
@kayess That dude needs to dump C# and come to the world of HTML/CSS. :D
@PetterFriberg it is actually in Portuguese.
ok, sorry... but still its unclear for me... ; )
@PraveenKumar lol
@kayess close the question as ToBroad ; )
@PetterFriberg at least dude now edited to include some sort of MCVE
Well asking us to explain someones code, always seems to broad for me, since you can not know the level of understanding of the OP....
which mean you need to start from the ground up... so it gets broad... maybe if you edit the question....
It had already been reposted and was well received
@PetterFriberg Not always, it depends on the code, ex see this. Doesn't look broad to me
@rene I don't really need it, would just be interesting to see the stats. Don't know what there reason would be to hide it :p
Does this look as a good dupe target?
@Thaillie flagging is handled as voting and voting is still secret so that explains it
@Tushar This question is different... its is not "but how do I use this code?", its is I have this code and "Finding the largest word in a string"...
^^^ See comments
haha check those "fine" answers:(
that new one at least answers the question, the one suggesting to change the generated file makes you wonder how they missed the comment block at the top of that file...
@rene yeah right
Reflag please: stackoverflow.com/a/35196204/1743880 OP undeleted the post AFTER it was deleted from the review........ Edited but still link-only.
Didn't know this was even possible.
So, what language is this question talking about? And is it a typo?
@Tunaki yes, it is. A delete removes it from the queue and invalidates flags.
@rene The delete was from the review queue ;)
Looks at Kyll
@Tunaki I guess they can un-delete after edit? stackoverflow.com/posts/35196204/timeline
Hand rene the chainsaw
Reflag...... stackoverflow.com/a/35199229/1743880 edited to fix a broken link in a link-only anyway...
@PetterFriberg haha, edit that rene walks towards you to speak about your train-wrecks this time
Hello All
Hi m8 u still mad
What's up?
Sky! There?
I really need a coffee right now.
@kayess brews coffee for @kayess
Made of thermocol
@Sam Right on time for the spam. Hiya o/
Morning Sam o/
@Tunaki ikr
Morning Sam
Noon Sam
@Yam downvoted and delete-voted, nice thanks Yam.
Is it possible for garbage questions to reproduce? I'm sure I heard strange noises from the C tag last night, and this morning, there are, like 80 new piles of rubbish, (three 'i++ + ++i' UB's).
@Tunaki Nopes... I deleted it finally! Ha ha.
@MartinJames Must be some kind of new virus.
@MartinJames Thanks for putting that in my head
Hitting the C tag first, only to spread to others...
@MartinJames Yes. Give an exam for students to do at home.
20 off-topic questions guaranteed.
The teacher should be on-line closing them..
Is my question ok? Seems like nobody cared to look into it xD
Did I ask correctly or not?
@Zorgatone There a chat over at CodeReview. It'd be better to ask for guidance there.
I was looking for such chat and I didn't find it.. I'll look better
@Tunaki I can't find that
@Zorgatone this is the CR chatroom: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/8595/the-2nd-monitor
@PetterFriberg The teacher should be on-line failing them .. :)
@Zorgatone Here's one
Ooh, the name's weird. That's why I didn't find it with the search box
But yeah, the second monitor's more active.
@Rizier123 Thanks didn't see that
@rene I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
@Zorgatone S'OK - it gave @Rizier123 a chance to get a star for hand-drawn highlighting.
@MartinJames That's actually feasible he/she gives an answer and then see who copy and past it...
@MartinJames ;)
@Zorgatone to me it looks well.
@kayess Thanks
Reflag please: OP edited and didn't understand that a new question should be asked as a question and not an answer...: stackoverflow.com/a/35199102/1743880
@MsYvette Last time I said it was 40 votes. Sorry, it is wrong. It is 50 votes.
Wow... When we have >>>, is that a spam? :P
thanks @AlexanderStepaniuk
sd waffles
A tuna a day keeps the spam at bay.
@Sam Tuna? LoL.
I need a kitten to keep my day happy.
@PraveenKumar Don't. We leave a link to the user so that mods can terminate them.
@Tunaki Oh I am sorry. :) Thanks for letting me know.
@Cerbrus Will SD deliver waffles for this?
Guys, anyone knows how to get an alert (ting) when SD posts something or any of our bots post something?
@Cerbrus I swear I put know, I don't know how it became no!
@PraveenKumar Smokey has the !!/notify command github.com/Charcoal-SE/SmokeDetector/wiki/…
@PraveenKumar 2 arguments expected
!!/notify 41570 stackoverflow.com
@PraveenKumar You'll now get pings from me if I report a post on stackoverflow.com, in room 41570 on chat.stackoverflow.com
Wow, thanks. :)
Eh, so, how does that ping someone?
@Cerbrus Post a spam and see :)
I'll post some spam to demonstrate...
I will tell you... :D
Does it send a extra message in here?
@Cerbrus It just appends a ping to the report
Okay I am moving out of this room to get pings.
@Sam That's kinda ugly...
@Cerbrus @Sam's gonna smoke ping you. :)
@Cerbrus Not my design.
@Cerbrus Then how should it be done :p
@Cerbrus no, it adds @username to its message: chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/4537501#4537501
Seperate room, preferably
Can some re-edit this please? Op re-edited my previous accepted edit making it look bad again
@Tunaki sending the $50.
@kayess Wow for what?
@Sam Where's the Spam?
@PraveenKumar it's there hidden, S(p)am
@kayess I was about to say that.
@kayess Thanks.
@Tunaki About to hammer another one.... (I need no gold badge...)
You're the best.
@Tunaki better to not "say cat before you have in the sack" hmm that works only in Italian...
Sorry. I don't understand that.
Are questions like this on-topic? stackoverflow.com/questions/35201308/…
@PetterFriberg "don't count your chickens before they're hatched" :)
exactly "non dire gatto se non ce l'hai nel sacco"
or "Man ska inte ropa hej förrän man kommit över bäcken ..."
@Thaillie i find it off topic
Morning Nathan o/
what are cats doing in bags? Don't they just crawl out
@Thaillie OT SU IMO
not if you kill'em and eat themm
The italian saying is from the 2 world war... so they actually did....
Why would you kill and eat a kitten
ah secrets of Italian Cuisine exposed
well in that context it makes sense. Have to stay alive.
There where not a lot of cats running around in Europe during that time...
Hmm... will there be a 11.111.111 Questions party?
speaking of cats and Italy. Wow, the last time I was there: google.com/… @PetterFriberg .
@Drew, did that ping you?....
@Drew Yeah they are back... until next ww...
@Drew, I go and eat, you prepare some xls sheet's?
yeah you want some Jasper in another one too ?
only jasper... or maybe that's the ones I already voted on.... go with whatever you need...
awk.. having lunch with some kittens...
Is there a 'Repwhoring for Dummies' book? I tried it this morning, just to see how the other half lives, and got downvoted. I suck:(
@MartinJames Tried to rep whore or tried to find one?
@MartinJames Perhaps you should ask on Meta.SO...
@NathanOliver lol. finding one has never been a problem:)
@MartinJames There is this meta.se one. there is also this on meta.so. I suggest you see cupcakes deleted answer for a fun read.
What's up with the continual delete/undeleting?
@MartinJames You should upvote an answer that is worse then yours... this is the trick..
^^ then you have really no respect, and can put your self in the true rep hor.. community
@Rob Where?
I'm not sure. It only had 17 DV's so I don't think it was causing a big problem.
@Drew back after having some kittens for lunch, ready when you are...
ok let me finish a block I need to post
I say close fast and delete
@Thaillie I flaged as spam
@Tunaki, we are having kittens for lunch .... stackoverflow.com/questions/35198557/…
@MartinJames You need to remove your soul first
I don't this
@Kyll There's a burninate request for that already
Yeah, searching for it
Actually, there isn't
There is cleanup requests only it seems
Like this one
If a meta question has been closed and re-opened, is it still possible for it to reach the "Hot meta posts" section?
Jan 22 at 18:33, by Tunaki
I'm moving on to (Meta). I'm thinking the on-topic questions tagged and should be retaged to first.
I retagged a few already
@Tunaki Yeah, it's a clean-up discussion, not a burninate request
The answers do say to burn it though
tagged burninate-request though and the answer says burn to hell
I didn't see the tag
Never mind then. pulls out flamethrower
@Tunaki Maybe the tag info should be changed to avoid people using it...
Morning Funr o/
Morning gunr G-daddy
Plop bad pyro!
@Vogel612 with ember knowledge his question makes 0 sense
@PetterFriberg edited
@gunr2171 Yesh. Unless you're willing to prove me wrong
@Kyll oh yeah, speaking of "bad", how was your day yesterday?
@Kyll VS @gunr2171 1v1 Pyro match?
Sweet. Down votes on post that get deleted still count to your total votes.
@gunr2171 Perfect! Almost felt like it passed by instantly. Must've been the nap.
@Thaillie Meh, I dislike pyro
@NathanOliver if the answer to one question is "yes"...
for any people I have some suggested resolution on a dozen cv4 in this transcript
@NathanOliver First question is Too Broad, second question is fine I suppose, third question is POB, fourth I'm note sure. Might be better on CR though after a few edits to make it on-topic there. "Does this code follow a given set of guidelines properly" seems like a good fit for there, but I don't know CR very well
@Kyll Same here
@Drew are those worth simply flags or better just close votes?
Any CR warrior around here?
@kayess I need close votes to finish things off. I work in blocks not onsey-twosey if that is what you mean
So, someone finish em off if they want to
@Kyll CR? Like in CodeReview?
@Drew no, I mean if shall I go through them and flag or do they need exact close votes ? Which I don't have yet as per my low rep.
@Tunaki as Chicken Revolution
@Tunaki Non, le Code de la Route. =p
So yes, CodeReview.SE
@Kyll Bin j'ai mon permis alors vas-y :)
@kayess no flagging, just want a 3k rep plus guy to ice em if they want
@Kyll I almost have 1k over there. Why?
@Tunaki Can you look at Nathan's message?
@Drew roger.

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