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00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

^ That's my question...
@PraveenKumar too bad there is no typo close reason
Say too broad.
@Closey commands
@PraveenKumar Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
Below is a list of commands for the Close Vote Chat Bot

    alive - A simple ping command to test if the bot is running.
    commands - Shows this list.
    help - Prints info about this software.
    running commands - Displays a list of all commands that the chat bot is currently running.
    status - Tests if the chatbot is alive and shows simple info about it.

    audit stats - Shows stats about your recorded audits.
    completed tags [min <#>] - Shows the latest tags that have been completed by multiple people.
@Closey help
This is a chat bot for the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room, developed by gunr2171 and the other members of the SO Close Vote Reviewers chat room. For more information see the github page. Reply with commands to see a list of commands.
@Closey status
SOCVR ChatBot version, running for 5 hours, 35 minutes and 40 seconds.
@Sam TDL of the domain?
Baleet? Leadfeet?
@Thaillie Oh yeah, I can get a notice. Also thanks @MsYvette for the dupe. Let me check them all.
And Hiya :D o/
@NathanOliver So, my meta question was duped the above answer of yours. My question is: In this case, others edited their answer immediately (since they just need change the > to \n) and let them become validate again. So what to do in this case?
The problem is after rollback, they'll all be invalidated (again). So instead of rollback all teh thingz, I think just move on is better.
Just posted a comment there.
@KevinGuan Did you see the second change the OP wanted to make? The first one was a little annoying, but it was formatting, and a trivial enough fix. The second one, however, meant throwing away both existing answers entirely (100%), because it was a completely different question. That's when I rolled back, and I decided to roll back both the large invalidation and the small one.
Talk about this later please, event is coming!
But wait, where's ROs?
maybe getting a little well deserved rest :P
@Nordehinu stats
8,091 need review
205 reviews today
3,059,987 reviews all-time
Okay, if ROs can't here this time, I'll try to be a RO :)
But no permission to run start event command :(
@Tiger Do we have a good dupe target for How does list comprehension in Python work? I've seen that you answered a question about basic list comprehension yesterday (Actually I also answered another one), I think there possible a good dupe target for them.
Any Q that basic probably gets DV'ed, closed, deleted.
And I have searched several times. :(
You also can't find one???
And others like it.
However, they're all not so basic. Like RegEx FAQ, Git FAQ, etc.
Maybe I can post one myself...I'm ready for 100 downvotes.
Everyone, let's clear the CVQ!
@Nordehinu next 10 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@KevinGuan The next 10 tags are: 79, 71, 56, 43, 38, 36, 33, 31, 30, 29
@Closey starting
@KevinGuan Good luck!
passed java audit
@KevinGuan I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Kevin passed a audit!
@Drew @Tiger Are you going to join the event?
not til next one or so. I have so much reviewing to do
passed php audit
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "off-topic, unclear what you're asking, too broad, primarily opinion-based; [iphone]"
Kevin passed a audit!
@Drew Okay
trying to work the Tiny requests button thing after what I am doing
work the 3's and 4's
That's good, I also work on it sometimes. And thanks for your work.
ditto bud
Sorry, these events are too much for me.
@KevinGuan You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today (2 of which were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 31 minutes, averaging to a review every 48 seconds.
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 18 hours to continue reviewing.
@KevinGuan Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
Thanks everyone for the review, you can also register yourself to get a notice when the next event is near.
@Tiny Oh, we only have one another Clear the CVQ (@ 5 UTC), please add more.
1 hour later…
@MsYvette - Lord Voldemort eh?.. Looks like we've got a Harry Potter fan here
@bummi - Good morning :)
Good morning :)
Good morning :)
3 hours later…
IMHO users shouldn't be answering questions if they don't know the answer, but that's just me
@TheLostMind I actually love Harry Potter, I prefer it to .... star wars runs and never looks back
@cybermonkey I flagged that as NAA
@MsYvette it's an answer, just low quality
they also answered when it was flagged as a duplicate (with the comment).
I don't get this, is it an answer?
@MsYvette - In that case you should read this letter from voldemort to harry
@Nordehinu stats
8,162 need review
627 reviews today
3,060,409 reviews all-time
@KevinGuan what's your opinion of this answer?
it's hard to tell whether it's an actual answer
Yeah, it's NAA.
Looks a comment.
@TheLostMind saved it, am working but have it book marked, looks good :D
@KevinGuan - 5 votes for a NAA.. wow
@MsYvette - Okie dokie,, Don;t ask who wrote that :P
@TheLostMind Better than 2 votes for a question which posted as an answer.
@TheLostMind © 2014 TheLostMind I wonder who???
if you went to that much trouble I can only hope you are a HP fan!
@KevinGuan - Zlatan agrees
@MadaraUchiha Can I have 500 rep for this? At least I spent whole morning for it: stackoverflow.com/q/34835951/5299236
@MsYvette - I actually am a die hard fan.. I read 3 different versions of the 6 th part before the original one came out :P
@TheLostMind Zlatan ?
prefer it to SWars?
@KevinGuan - Football (Soccer as you Americans like to call it) .. ?
@MsYvette - Any day
@TheLostMind best friends mate, best friends :D I LOVE it!!!!
Oh, fine.
AI can watch it over and over and voer
@KevinGuan - Zlatan Ibrahimovic is a famous football player from Sweden..
@MsYvette - Youve lost me
@TheLostMind I can watch it over and over
I don't like the movies though
@PraveenKumar that'll be too broad, you need to give a reason other than 'delete it please'
Too Broad, so please delete it.
@PraveenKumar it's already closed, the system will automatically delete it. no need for someone to manually delete it.
Ha ha... Okay.
@PraveenKumar you might want to review your attitude towards other users as well..
@cybermonkey Why? What happened?
Anything specific?
@PraveenKumar - You are saying "please" too many times.. You could be banned
@PraveenKumar @Abdulla Delete this question bro! without checking the user owns the question can be considered as rude, especially as the user you pinged doesn't have anywhere near the rep required to delete.
@KevinGuan Ping me about it in two days when bounties can be placed.
@cybermonkey Oh yeah... Okay... Done.
@TheLostMind What? Why? I don't understand this logic. Please too many times?
Hi @MadaraUchiha!!! :D
@MadaraUchiha Oops, forgot about that. And thanks :D
Also o/
@PraveenKumar Hey
@MadaraUchiha o/
Ajit is not here ??
@PraveenKumar .. @MsYvette is asking you something :P
ask lost mind or @BhargavRao they know him well
Two people went off, after asking that question. So powerful. :D
They are your bots.
I just wanna meet them. :D
@PraveenKumar or do you ...?
I know him not..
@TheLostMind LoL. Show them then.
Some sort of sports blacklist?
Hyia o/
Nov 23 '15 at 13:17, by DavidG
> Please do not vote to close with a custom reason that "it belongs on Code Review". Nothing in the Stack Overflow rules justifies such a custom reason, and sloppy reasoning perpetuates inappropriate referrals. Not all questions about analyzing code are off-topic on Stack Overflow, and not all code review requests are on-topic on Code Review. Instead, vote to close as too broad or primarily opinion-based.
Okay... Sure...
Won't do it again. Thanks for letting me know.
That's fine.
@PraveenKumar Went for POB.
Morning o/
^ The...don't know what it is.
Okay, done 25 pages of mod tool, 24 flags in.
Still trying to get 10k.
@BhargavRao Hmm...someone disagree with your hammer: stackoverflow.com/questions/34838026/…
Argh, wrong
NAA made into Answer :O
@Closey next 15 tags
Refreshing the tag listing. Please wait...
@MsYvette The next 15 tags are: 70, 57, 56, 37, 37, 33, 28, 27, 26, 26, 25, 23, 23, 23, 22
@BhargavRao Nice. o/
@BhargavRao Wow, is it correct?
Lol, dunno :D
Good edit anyways. Now it's an answer, and someone's flag will be declined.
There were four deletion recommendations in the LQP review. Say it doesn't get deleted, won't that count as a disputed flag instead of declined?
It would, unless a mod stepped-in and declined the flag.
@Closey completed tags
@rene Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name           | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | .net               | 4     | 2015-11-26 18:43:07 UTC |
 | twitter-bootstrap  | 6     | 2015-11-26 18:37:30 UTC |
 | css3               | 8     | 2015-11-24 21:05:34 UTC |
 | google-docs        | 4     | 2015-11-23 21:18:25 UTC |
 | google-spreadsheet | 3     | 2015-11-23 21:16:54 UTC |
 | google-apps-script | 6     | 2015-11-23 21:16:54 UTC |
 | asp.net            | 3     | 2015-11-19 21:38:51 UTC |
@Nordehinu completed tags
@rene Showing the latest 10 tags that have been cleared by at least 3 people. To give a different threshold number, use the command completed tags [min <#>].
 | Tag Name       | Count | Latest Time Cleared     |
 | iphone         | 3     | 2016-01-17 05:07:16 UTC |
 | image          | 9     | 2016-01-13 20:21:04 UTC |
 | c              | 3     | 2016-01-08 01:41:40 UTC |
 | navigation     | 3     | 2016-01-07 20:27:31 UTC |
 | .net           | 7     | 2016-01-05 05:29:33 UTC |
 | forms          | 4     | 2016-01-02 19:04:04 UTC |
 | android-studio | 4     | 2015-12-30 05:54:26 UTC |
 | asp.net        | 4     | 2015-12-21 20:15:42 UTC |
Bye, going out o/
Bye o/
@Braiam .com. Why?
Plop morning!
Hello Kyll o/
@Kyll 2 people in the same time-zone, one says "morning!", the other "Err... afternoon right?"
@Tunaki 2 people in the same time-zone, except one honours Sundays as they should be.
Lol, hé, jme suis quand même levé à midi :)
If you don't sleep for at least 3 quarters of the duration of a Sunday, you are not Sundaying correctly.
Those spammers... they can't even spam properly.
Not spam, somebody is kidding
Flagged NAA
@Kyll Plop evening!
@MsYvette I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
Goooooood afternoon
, Vietnam! </williams>
Nice movie yep.
night \0
@MsYvette sleep well!
Night o/
@Cerbrus ooooooooooooo/
@MadaraUchiha Could we just get this answer deleted? It's not an answer but some user's just edited to make it look like one (it still isn't, it's giving a library recommendation which the OP doesn't ask for). It has some NAA flags on it too.
@cybermonkey I often ask (recom) to the asker to delete a Q if that is for the common good. Plus though there is an ownerId column, no one really owns a question
@Drew it's an answer I'm asking about, not a question.
I didnt even look into it. Either way, any kind of post
the answer's been made even more into a library recommendation, answers of which are off-topic unless it is the only possible answer
It saves so much hassle
@cybermonkey Have you raised a custom mod-flag?
the answer was originally a rant about how the OP of the answer used a certain library back when they were a kid. the answer does not recommend it specifically, and gives no actual answer.
my above comment is in reference to what you said to Prav quite a while ago
@Tunaki nope, I did flag as NAA but the actual answer itself is confusing
@cybermonkey You can still do it, even after flagging as NAA (if I remember correctly)
@Drew ah, ok, it looked like you were replying to my message. Prav was practically demanding a user (who had low rep and wasn't the OP) to delete the question.
I didnt click thru
@Tunaki looks like it's been deleted now anyway
Correct, by MadaraUchiha
anyone have a cv count of 4 item or 2 they want looked at ?
@cybermonkey flagged the comments
And they are being deleted right now.
@Drew 1 2 are exact copy-paste. Auto mod-flag then?
so they say but Madara is here
@MadaraUchiha There a third one (3), do you confirm that a mod-flag is automatically raised?
@Tunaki Yup
@Tunaki I'd say it's becoming spammy now. If there's a 4th I'm flagging as spam..
@Tunaki I had a quick look and couldn't find who actually develops Zeal, but I'm starting to think it could be that guy.
Could be, no way to be sure.
will be hit with an answer ban soon anyway if they post another one
Wow the LQP review queue is slow today. 50 flags pending... :)
too broad? that was my vote stackoverflow.com/q/34805121
Too broad doesn't even begin to describe how broad it is.
@Tunaki I've noticed you've started reviewing! I'll update your session record.
been posting that url for a while now. Finally. Thx
Tunaki passed a audit!
Let's hope this does not get an audit question stackoverflow.com/q/34125801/1699210
There's a CV on it so I don't think so.
For some reason IMHO
Tunaki passed a audit!
@bummi It won't.
Thanks :)
@Tunaki You've completed 40 CV review item(s) today (2 of which were audits), thanks! The time between your first and last review today was 11 minutes, averaging to a review every 18 seconds.
@Nordehinu 18 seconds? Really?
@KevinGuan Sorry, I don't understand that. Use commands for a list of commands.
@Closey last session stats
@KevinGuan Your last completed review session ended 10 hours, 14 minutes and 20 seconds ago and lasted 32 minutes and 33 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 48 seconds.
In the pipe it would not have seen as what it was, still wondering about the upvotes
Okay, 30 seconds slow than Tunaki :(
@MadaraUchiha Well, that's one good way to make sure it won't be an audit... :D
to any mod, undel this ? stackoverflow.com/a/31096651
@Drew Can't the OP undelete it?
i would think. But Jos del so idk
@Drew Done
@Tunaki No, it was deleted by a mod.
thx you two
Posts deleted by moderators cannot be undeleted by normal users.
mortal users
@Drew Others mods are mortals too. I'm the only immortal around.
@Tunaki Because it was accepted prior to it being deleted.
@MadaraUchiha My waffle was accepted?
@Tunaki I think that's not a waffle :(
@Tunaki we may have a live one on our hands stackoverflow.com/users/65975/federico?tab=answers
However, sleep time. Night eveyone.
Last 2 are links to a GitHub PR. I saw that but thought it could be somehow an attempt at answering
nite sir
just a bookmark to check out in an hour or two. To see how excited the Answer becomes
Like: "yeah it's a bug and... wait for it... I made a PR fixing it, how awesome am I"!
2 can turn into 12 fast. I once had pet mice
The pet shop said the two were the same gender. Wrong
went for POB
^ this is spam
Typo, he decided not to divide by zero
doctor, it hurts when i do this... so stop doing that
he knew he was dividing by zero (at least I claim he knew) so therefore typo
there, that is my defense his comment "Yea I understand that, But I want it to be 0..."
i want to divide by 0 but it doesn't work. Could u help me?
What's that upvote??
@Tunaki Went with a custom reason
It's also very POB
i had to write a bit of lua a couple years ago. hated it. theres virtually no standard library to do simple things like search for a substring in a string.
@cimm see below status:
select qId,mainTagForImport,closeVotes,votes,views
from questions
where prepStatus=2 and status='O' and closeVotes>0 and mainTagForImport='sass'
order by closeVotes desc,votes;

| qId | mainTagForImport | closeVotes | votes | views |
| 34768228 | sass | 4 | -2 | 31 |
| 34475914 | sass | 4 | 0 | 37 |
| 34810520 | sass | 4 | 0 | 20 |
what am i looking at, exactly?
Those are for the last 900 questions asked (if not deleted or migrated etc) for sass
is that significant?
naturally there are 6800 more
current cv status
6800 more? i didnt think there were that many sass questions total
7700 I believe
guess there are 7,566
What? Are you saying 6800 Q in the queue are from SASS questions?
2 mins ago, by Drew
Those are for the last 900 questions asked (if not deleted or migrated etc) for sass
naturally there could be dozens more that are older with cv counts > 0
yeah, but 6800 out of 7700 questions with close votes?
or are these edits? because i see someone has been editing capitalization on sass questions lately
no those are cv. I purposely put them in a text table so you could url to q/#####
so there are indeed 6800 sass questions in the CV queue
I can run a full scan on 7600 once I tweak an API id of mine
no Tuna there are 7600 Sass questions in total
I am showing the top cv counts for the most recent 900 if peeps want to actually close them
I spent my last votes on swift questions that were at 4
And broke the 6k helpful flags...
I am running low considering the hour of the day
oh and congrats
@Drew yeah weirdly enough me too. 40 bullets left
George Stocker is kicking, he just deleted about 40 posts I flagged. Nice :)
In two days I'll know if my pennies counting skills have awarded me a shirt or not
Ha that's right. You know I ran a penny detection algorithm to count them?
If it was written in your favourite language I have nothing to fear
:D (was just kidding)
@Tiny Random question, have you ever used stream implementations in JS using Node or a library?
I'm thinking about using streams to implement part of an API I wrote and I wonder what would be the nicest way to use them
Omg... So much repwhoring...
flag all the spam!
This user did not only do this, but still
I couldn't resist making this comment (SU, but still funny): superuser.com/questions/1027578/…
im afraid to look
@cybermonkey Agreed lol
@black you might find this useful (click on Raw), it'll enable you to send preformatted cv requests right from the question: github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts/blob/master/…
Plop @gunr2171!
oh hi!
well, this is some bad news
Aaand one more declined flag... Wait, wat? I've got multiple helpful flags on other posts of the same user promoting the same technology o_o
Oh hi @black... Welcome to the club.
Due to personal reasons @TinyGiant must step down from his role as RO. We wish him the best of luck.
Starting a crying club over in this corner.
Hi @gunr2171... :)
@Kyll let me join you
Wait, is he going to be absent as well?
this is all I know:
> I've got some personal things going on right now, and Stack is becoming more frustration than anything. I'm sorry, but I hereby tender my resignation as room owner. I may come back to the room eventually, but I won't be in for a while. Sorry for the inconvenience.
yeah, I know
never say never. Crap blows over
@gunr2171 Hey o/ and I wish all the best to Tiny
@gunr2171 Hi Gunner...
Oh so i just noticed we have a tag . Questions with this tag all looks off-topic (like "My program is detected as virus, why?")
Burn it with fire?
Looks like we let @LynnCrumbling down on that tag ...
Ah nice!
adding to list
@gunr2171 Where should this room go without magic from him.
@gunr2171 :(
All the best with the real world @Tiny
21 CV salute
@Sam I heard that this "RL" has some good graphics, but the story sucks.
Yeah, I heard the same.
> If you carry on like this you won't be able to post answers either.
I bet that -34 Q isn't helping.
If you have 10 questions that are +100 that shouldn't be a problem...
Everytime a javascript question is tagged java, a kitten dies. — Tunaki 1 min ago
poor kittens... they suffer a lot
every time a javascript question is tagged with snap-framework, a kitten dies :p
Wait, they haven't gone extinct?
@cimmanon every time someone posts a C++ question to do with an obvious linker error, one of my brain cells die. it's a surprise I'm still alive.
Poor C++ devs, do they still have to use a linker....
I use Python and I don't even know what a linker is.
Yeah, that is completely different problem with those script-kiddies ;)
@Sam let they have a party every time they get a +1 on it
This is going to be a hard pun to find: has 672 questions, it is clearly a meta-tag (what would an expert in palindromes be doing on SO??). Obviously the title needs to be a palindrome...
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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