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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

9:02 PM
@bob Relevant**
@bob stay away from that site unless you want your brain to decay
@bob Oh wow, haven't seen that one yet.
9:17 PM
@bob (relevant)
15 mins ago, by Tiny Giant
@bob Relevant**
I was just trying to go four a c-c-c-combo
see what I did there?
@Closey starting
@rene May Shog9's Will be done.
passed c# audit
passed algorithm audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 2 hours to continue reviewing.
9:24 PM
@rene Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@rene Your last completed review session ended 10 seconds ago and lasted 5 minutes and 57 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 8 seconds.
That was acceptably fast
@ArtjomB. @Tiny... Added about half of Peter's list to the editor toolkit on my branch. Check it out, let me know if you find weirdness. github.com/Tiny-Giant/Stack-Exchange-Editor-Toolkit/blob/…
@rene Uh... what about...
Sep 24 at 20:30, by gunr2171
Feb 19 at 16:34, by gunr2171
Disclaimer: The CV Chat room does not encourage excessively fast review times, especially if it sacrifices accuracy.
@Mogsdad it's not uncommon to review stuff very quickly
especially when clearing tags of horrible questions
gunr was simply disclaiming that it shouldn't be a goal of anyone to get a fast review time
the record is like 4 or 5 seconds
Jun 11 at 19:56, by Closey
@easwee Your last completed review session ended 1 minute and 1 second ago and lasted 29 seconds. You reviewed 6 items, averaging a review every 4 seconds.
actually that one doesn't count
since he didn't review 40 at that time
Jun 26 at 20:26, by Closey
@durron597 Your last completed review session ended 39 seconds ago and lasted 3 minutes and 28 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 5 seconds.
so it'd be that one
@TylerH The minimum time between for new review tasks is 3 seconds, so I would imagine that it would be pretty hard to get less than 4
9:50 PM
@Mogsdad I was filtered on too broad/pob in MySQL/asp.net I don't need much time for these...
8 minutes left before it turns Thursday... I'm out ... need sleep...
10:31 PM
@Mogsdad but the rest look good.
10:50 PM
Whoa, the dupehammer changed. Well.... the display of it anyway. Now it shows the tag associated with your dupehammer
@bob I cleaned up the discussion between me and servy on your meta question. It was detracting from the question itself.
@Closey starting
@TinyGiant Watch out for audits!
Always do... now
> There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[google-apps-script] [google-docs] [google-spreadsheet]"
10:57 PM
passed python audit
> Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 1 hour to continue reviewing.
@TinyGiant Thanks for reviewing! To see more information use the command last session stats.
@Closey last session stats
@TinyGiant Your last completed review session ended 9 seconds ago and lasted 4 minutes and 50 seconds. You reviewed 40 items, averaging a review every 7 seconds.
^^^ That's what you get when you filter to too broad.
11:15 PM
Q: It looks like the duplicate banner changed. How does it work now?

NathanOliverI noticed this morning that post that were closed with a gold badge dupe hammer have a new banner Is this a new change or just testing as I can't find a post on meta post about this? What happens if the user doing the closing has a gold badge for multiple tags on the question?

@cimmanon Yeah, I noticed that directly after I posted the message. Thanks : D
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