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sorry for missing out event yesterday - was 12hours at work and just went to sleep when I got home
There are no items for you to review, matching the filter "[mobile]"
8 hours later…
So, what 10k user wants to say how many deleted answers there are on this question?
Q: Compare string and int without conversion

ashishFor example int num = 121; string s= "121"; without using tostring() , convert.toint32(), reverse() I tried using .equals which will return true/false but I failed int a = 121; string s = "121"; Console.WriteLine(s.Equals(a)); How can I determine given string and int value is equal or no...

all deleted by owner
wow, that's got to be a recent record
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 7 hours to continue reviewing.
2 hours later…
@easwee Oh, one of those days...
yo @rene
It is diner time rigth now, I'll be here in 30 mins
1 hour later…
@TGMCians are you in?
I'll join you as well
Ok, nice
I give him another minute and then we start
need review

reviews today
Ugh, that number keeps growing....
Can you help out with [apache] @gunr2171
OK, let's see how much is left of those
I'm at it
passed c++ audit
There is a lot of stuff in that tag that should either go to server fault or SU, when in doubt choose SU
So the configuration of apache is best for super user, not server fault?
I've seen a lot of other close votes for that type of question for going to SF
Yeah, but SF is for more hardcore professional stuff.... configuring first time apache is more for SU...
passed an python audit
ok, i'll keep that in mind
I saw also webmasters mentioned, so that could be an option as well...
Can I get an opinion on this one: stackoverflow.com/review/close/6025546
Ah, you voted to leave open
Yeah, but I can imagine to send it to SF ...
ok, i voted SU
Ok, that will do as well
Oracle stuff is always complex
because Oracle...
Hence the hesitation
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 4 hours to continue reviewing.
Thank you for reviewing 40 close votes today; come back in 3 hours to continue reviewing.
Well, that went rather smoothly and I have the feeling we are close to run out of tomorrow
If either @TGMCians shows up or someone else can continue on apache.
1 message moved from RegEx

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