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1:02 PM
What happened here and is this question somehow OK? OP disfigured their 3 answers because of "company policy" and then deleted them. I've rolled back the defacing edits, as is customary. However, they got an accusation of using ChatGPT, and it does seem that the "answers" bear no relation to the question
> Cant share the code due to company policy
*edits out gen AI prose*
The question seems extremely scarce in details. I can't figure out what OP wants. To "integrate" videos. That are apparently on the page.
The two answers they have with prose that supposedly explain the process, don't seem like a very good description. The answer with code in it doesn't seem to match the prose answers, either.
1:32 PM
@SmokeDetector ok Sorry.
@MayukhBhattacharya You can just say "Smokey" or "SD" or use "^" as "the post above" to avoid replying to Smokey. This would avoid triggering replies from it.
oh okay sir.
Your message started with "rude" which is a command for the bot and thus it checked and saw you weren't authorised, that's why it replied.
Understood sir, I was nt aware. thank you very much!
1:49 PM
@Alan This question has already gone through a round of C gold-badge hammering. I think we should leave it to the C community, or Meta, to handle any further.
@TylerH I looked at that one yesterday, clicked "show 28 more comments" and just backed away slowly lol
3:57 PM
@TylerH What's going on with the tag edit history on that one? It seems that was added by a user who then wielded their C++ hammer to close it, then removed the tag. I thought you couldn't swing a hammer if you added the tag.
Anyway, even though I have hammers in C and C++, that one's too hot for me. Possibly worth a Meta rant?
When has the appropriateness or not stopped a meta rant?
@AdrianMole You can't swing a hammer if you're the first person to add a tag. OP added the tag themselves first, before it was removed.
OP used g++ also for compilation
@user12002570 Not originally
The original question was about C, but after one answer, and about 60 seconds before the second answer was posted, they edited the question to mention they want to use g++, which is not a valid C compiler. It means their question is probably unclear because we can't tell if they're really writing code in C or in C++, but the two answers are for C, so editing the question to make it about becoming compilable in a C++ environment invalidates the answers, which is not allowed
It could also just probably be closed as a duplicate of the canonical stackoverflow.com/questions/45768042/…
4:25 PM
@TylerH If only I had two dupe votes.
5:23 PM
@TylerH I found another dupe that.
5:48 PM
@user12002570 Indeed, it underscores the importance of finding a correct duplicate the first time around
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