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12:29 AM
I agree that should be deleted, but because it's a bad signpost. "This question is asked a lot" is a reason to identify the best version of it, and make sure everything else (that accurately describes the problem and has a reasonably useful title) points there.
(also, I'm not convinced all those duplicates describe the same problem...)
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
6:28 AM
screenshot of the day (from the report above)
I'm pretty sure this is a photo of a monitor, the monitor itself shows a screenshot. Because there are two mouse cursors
1 hour later…
7:39 AM
@OcasoProtal It was nuked as spam.
@VLAZ Ahh, thanks, I overlooked the link in the title somehow.
Is this question in the "Seeking offsite resource" category? Or is it OK because it asks for an 'official' site? (And is the answer then OK?)
1 hour later…
9:09 AM
@user12002570 You are not allowed to make a request, if you are involved with the question i.e. answered it.
@user12002570 also I beg to differ abut the close reason; the user has ruled out a number of solutions and is looking for one they haven't thought of
@tripleee Its a dupe actually. this answer in the dupe solves OP's problem.
@gre_gor Deleted my answer as I've found a dupe. So I am remaking the cv request.
9:34 AM
@AmitJoshi Looks like a useful Q&A to me? I can't judge if the question required more details, but the answer seems useful to others facing the same problem.
9:45 AM
stackoverflow.com/questions/78847439/scraping-reviews - should this be flagged or just closed?
2 hours later…
11:51 AM
Candidate for screenshot of the day
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
3:09 PM
@AdrianMole I think it's OK because it is asking for the official location. Likewise that answer should not have been deleted
@TylerH Although, looking at the linked page (from the deleted answer) ... I see several versions there but *not the 4.3.1 that the questions asks about.
@AdrianMole I'm with your comment there. How exactly should one include the important parts from the link? Maybe take the executable, take the compiled instructions and post them in a code block?
@AdrianMole The comment from Roland seems to have the correct versions. Although, I don't know how you get from the link in the answer to those pages linked in the comment.
@VLAZ OK - It's been undeleted and I left a comment asking for an edit (from the OP).
@VLAZ The link, "big-sur-arm64" in the left-hand column takes you there. Sort of.
... where it says "tools".
4:07 PM
(also POB and off-site resource request)
1 hour later…
6:03 PM
@AmitJoshi That looks like a complete example program with a command to run it and an error message, what am I missing?
6:38 PM
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null (moved after 2 users questioned the request and I concur)
3 hours later…
9:33 PM
@rene (cc @GertArnold, and also @VLAZ who voted to close) Should that question in fact be reopened rather than being deleted? I'm not clear on what part of an MCVE is missing, and there are no comments explaining it.
@RyanM I guess the comments under the question are the guidance to delete. I can't judge the dupe but the question looks fine and so does the answer.
@rene Dupe target is deleted anyway, so moot point there
(comments purged now, as they basically expressed that it was a dupe of the author's other question linked in the question itself)
I improved the title and reopened it
2 hours later…

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