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12:03 AM
@KarlKnechtel My guess is that they would either be Q-banned or very close.
(whether that would be a fair result of a streak of mostly zero-score questions with a few negative and a few positive is a separate question, but the algorithm doesn't seem to like that sort of thing)
5 hours later…
5:18 AM
@TylerH the comments under the answer with a recommendation seem to reinforce the impression that they are indeed simply asking where to find software to do this
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
1 hour later…
Tag hover experiment wrap-up post by SO. They're looking for feedback about a potential new "Tag Description" field for tags which would be used for hover text on tags when not asking/answering questions. These would be community-curated just like the other fields.
I... Dunno how I feel about a whole new field just for this.
3:41 PM
@Spevacus I know how I feel, and it ain't good
2 hours later…
5:35 PM
@Spevacus I feel like I'm not going to touch it, if it does gets added. We have enough trouble keeping the two fields we currently have 1. filled 2. usefully. A third field means we have to revise all existing tags that already have wiki+excerpt. Just because SE decided out of the blue to "fix" the hover information by adding another field for hover information in addition to the existing field which had hover information.
2 hours later…
8:02 PM
@Spevacus I do kind of think that it would address some issues with how people interpret the current fields when writing/reviewing them. In many cases, reviewers reject excerpts for not providing guidance, when sometimes explaining what a tag means is in fact useful guidance.
@RyanM That's what I most often want to know when I hover. Because many different technologies have the same names but nothing in common.
Also, some tags just sound like they apply. Like when users tag because they want a solution to their problem. But it's the name Visual Studio projects use.
2 hours later…

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