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1:43 AM
do we flag profane usernames? stackoverflow.com/questions/78875173/…
@mickmackusa user names get a lot of leeway. That is borderline but I don't think it crosses the R/A line. That said I don't think you'd get dinged if you mod flagged.
3 hours later…
5:19 AM
@mickmackusa custom mod flag would be warranted for that (I think SO's stance on clear profanity is that it's not permitted)
1 hour later…
6:21 AM
@mickmackusa dunno what it was but it's innocent now; I guess your flag was effective
@miken32 another one closed and reopened by a gold badger whose identity I don't want to discuss further in this room
should a room owner retire the request? it was closed so technically the cv-pls was already fulfilled, and also we probably don't want to risk having it go through another round
there is some rationale in comments for the reopen and I'm not competent to judge whether it should be closed as typo instead or etc
> if I could figure out how my number was gotten. I can stop it
I didn't realise that if you identify who leaked your information, you had influence on them.
6:53 AM
@VLAZ rofl I guess some people are delusional
@Cow probably not the correct reason for closure, but it's a weird question
7:11 AM
@tripleee some would say that it was "suger honey iced tea".
8:01 AM
@VLAZ ehhhh consumer information privacy laws are a thing, you may well be able to legally demand they stop
A user that I trust has me scratching my head. stackoverflow.com/a/38101606/2943403
@mickmackusa notably, it's from 2016
Oh, btw, @mickmackusa, while I've got you... was that failure to not return search results for answers whose questions you've retagged something that worked sometimes, or does it never actually update the tags for answers at all?
@RyanM I can't really say. I've left that query batch. My new one has 160 x 20 pages to curate. As I whittle it down, I'll let you know if things don't disappear as expected.
2 hours later…
11:02 AM
Should this question be handled? More specifically all the answers. Every single answer is just linking to external resources
11:24 AM
@tacoshy looks like it had some diamond magic
1 hour later…
12:59 PM
@Cow that should be a mod flag
@Dharman Why not just a spam flag?
if you feel like it's not obvious without a comment then it should be a mod flag. A mod could dismiss a spam flag on a question like this without knowing more
plus in this case it was wise to destroy the spammer account
I can't even pull up MS right now. weird
Ok because I spam flagged it and thought it was pretty obvious.
Must be local, it worked fine at home with lynx
2 hours later…
4:25 PM
@dbc sigh, 2 upvotes?!
1 hour later…
6:33 PM
@gre_gor isn't this a "how to" question that was phrased poorly?
@M--SavetheDataDump Seems like a vague, opinion-based question to me
"I have a way to do this. Is there some better, higher-order way to do this?"
or request for recommendations (which might be why gregor used that particular close reason)
If OP didn't have a working solution already, it might be editable into a 'how to' question
i don't understand their solution to it
i also don't completely understand their intended result O.o
if they're just wanting to sort customers by region into separate arrays of customers, great, but what they've provided doesn't do that
it's just a manual assignment
so i don't see this as a "My solution sucks is there a better way", moreso i see it as "How can i solve this problem" and the best/most efficient wording is just fluff.
@TylerH I am still not convinced. I guess "Unclear" resonates more with me
but, yea, unclear i can stand behind, given there is no "This is the result i want given this input"
for full disclosure I'm not casting a close vote on it because I'm undecided
as I'm not a JavaScript SME and don't want to take time to try to fully understand the problem
but from my cursory reading of the post, the above is my perspective
6:42 PM
On a separate note, what's going on with your avatar @KevinB i.sstatic.net/XWYZi3Yc.png
@M--SavetheDataDump it's intended
Tyler, yea, just realized that
i changed it at the same time they were releasing the image change
6:43 PM
I guess you could make the question "How can I construct a bi-directional map without iterating through the list manually creating the Objects/Maps for each property, or converting the customerData to an array and using .filter( (as that seems heavy)?"
not sure if that makes sense. I'd ask someone better at JS to decide of that accurately describes what they're asking and whether it even makes sense to ask
it does make sense, it's just... a question that includes the answer
.filter is heavy because you need to iterate over the whole collection for each different thing you want to filter
naturally then the solution is to loop once
as far as updates being a problem, if each "customer" is passed by reference, then updates to the initial object will update what is stored in the sub collections as well
again, :shrug:, like anything else it's just a... make the data structure do what your project needs it to do
1 hour later…
8:25 PM
Is this Q offsite resources?
@Machavity technically yes but if we git rid of the second question then no. With it removed it looks like a good Q
@NathanOliver Sounds good. Done
1 hour later…
1 hour later…

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