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12:21 AM
@CPlus I don't think posting code using a specific library to debug, asking how to do something specific, and mentioning as a side note that other libraries might be a solution is really a request for off-site resources... it is, in essence, either a how-to or debugging question.
@MayukhBhattacharya Sorry, what is this regarding?
12:39 AM
@RyanM Okay, do you believe besides that, the question is close-worthy?
@RyanM Sir, if you remember sometime back.
1 hour later…
2:07 AM
Out of curiosity, what is the score and closure status of this question?
@CPlus +0/-7, closed as dupe
@CPlus Score was +0 / -7. Closure reason was "duplicate of What is the equivalent to Posix popen() in the Win32 API?".
Thanks @RyanM @dbc
@CPlus I don't see any specific issues with it
though I haven't looked too closely
I remember downvoting that question, not finding it later, so I was curious what its fate was, seeing how quickly it got deleted.
2:14 AM
self-deleted, specifically
2:27 AM
Hm/ They flew off the handles a bit there
Are visited link colours all off for everyone? I don't think it's a userstyle issue...
3:03 AM
@RyanM Hm. Interesting I was asking about chat (like the rooms button). Somehow I completely missed it on the main site
1 hour later…
4:03 AM
@AdrianMole Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day.
1 hour later…
5:15 AM
Is there a canonical post for "Cannot set/read properties of null" TypeErrors in JavaScript, similar to What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it? for C# and What is a NullPointerException, and how do I fix it? for Java?
@Hoppeduppeanut Not that I know of. They are usually closed as typos. Or lack of MCVE in the case where it applies.
5:38 AM
@Hoppeduppeanut There's not a single one. There are various ones that address typical causes of trying to set/read properties of a null value held in a variable or as part of chaining. A very typical one is trying to read/set properties of the return value from a method which they think will return a DOM element, but which finds no matching element, so returned null. Those are generally separated into different questions based on what method was called in an attempt to get the DOM element.
6:32 AM
this question was recently reopened by users from this room, but it lacks debugging details and isn't really about programming anyway. The debug transcript was provided in a comment which however is now gone, so there really is no way to guess what's wrong from just the question stackoverflow.com/questions/78842202/…
@gre_gor except, the answer isn't accepted (deleted now anyway)
@musicamante there are not many images, can you show where the problems are?
found one on socvr.org/tour on the first line of the "Can we chat?" section
that seems to be the only one actually github.com/…
7:01 AM
oh that's an obsolete repo, there are more images here github.com/…
7:30 AM
@tripleee Was the answer unaccepted? The request was made with the script which automatically added "accepted answer".
@gre_gor hmm, maybe it's just that the accept mark disappears when a question is deleted? I don't see it being unaccepted in the transcript
1 hour later…
8:31 AM
@tripleee congrats on 13 years with Stack Overflow & turning the 18K helpful flag count, you sir, are awesome! I really appreciate all the help you provide to the community. :-)
I also appreciate all the help you've given me
thank you so much
@AdrianMole Happy bday, we have birthday the same day! :)
@Cow And a very happy birthday to you, too, moo.
thank you sir, moo
9:13 AM
@Cow thanks for the kind words; my pleasure!
oh, I didn't realize today was the anniversary
@tripleee well a week ago, but who checks...........
and congratulations!
thanks man :)
2 hours later…
2:00 PM
@tripleee I went with needs focus. They don't specify a language
2:38 PM
@Alan question is a dupe, too
@TylerH Say no more.
a rare sighting of a c++ gold badger in their natural habitat...
@TylerH Haha
3:15 PM
@Alan It's wrong and useless as a signpost because it ignores anything in the question past the first sentence. If it's just wrong, it should be downvoted.
@GeneralGrievance wrong answers should be deleted unless they are self-aware about being wrong and are useful as an educational tool (e.g. "this is the wrong way to do this, and let me illustrate why"). If it's just wrong, it serves no value (and worse, may mislead users or cause problems for production code that others rely on), and should be deleted
Hm... I've heard people say on Meta to just downvote it though?
Or was that just in reference to flagging as NAA?
probably in relation to NAA or review queues
I mean,one should also downvote wrong answers, but if you have the ability to delete something that is wrong, and doesn't serve as a useful/educational tool, you should use that ability
Oh, for sure.
The goal of SO after all is to be a high quality repository of programming Q&A; wrong answers are... not high quality
Downvotes can also be used on answers that are right but suggest bad practices or potentially problematic solutions
those should not be deleted
3:25 PM
what if it's an actively harmful answer but it's reaceived 650+ upvotes and continues to receive upvotes today
then it should probably be flagged
if the community/mods think it should not be deleted, then a notice can be placed at the top for readers' benefit
3:44 PM
Do mods have a special way of deleting answers in a way that ignores the 60 days old 3 score reputation preservation?
So that truly harmful content that somehow gets upvoted can have the reputation gains nullified?
afaik, no.
@CPlus no
Best they could do is maybe delete it as rude/abusive to apply a 100 rep penalty but I'm not sure how that works exactly
A CM can disassociate it from the user which would remove the rep, both positive and negative.
1 hour later…
5:06 PM
@tripleee Thank you!
I ended up submitting a PR but I don't know if what I proposed actually works...
@CPlus Yes, for plagiarism. We can also request disassociation in some specific circumstances.
6:04 PM
@miken32 that cv request should instead be for no MRE; the proposed duplicate target may or may not apply to the question, depending which of the two answers is correct. Missing info on the variable involved makes it unclear.
6:33 PM
I hope mod(s) don't mind this little giggle at their expense: stackoverflow.com/posts/78839060/revisions
It's just evidence that we must put faith in the machines, for they (probably) know best
6:56 PM
I don't know any ; is this opinion based? stackoverflow.com/q/322715/1255289
@miken32 IMHO no; there are objective differences
although 99% of the time you don't want LinkedList (disclosure: this is a project by my employer), even if you think you do
@RyanM good enough for me, thanks
3 hours later…

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