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6 hours later…
3 hours later…
1:17 PM
Hmm. So, when I see a post in the LQA queue with a pending edit, then go to that edit and make a 'trivial' improvement (so that I can then finish the LQA queue) ... I get back to the LQA only to be told that, "This item is no longer reviewable!" Is it a bug? Don't remember it happening before (though I do such only very rarely).
1:40 PM
@AdrianMole Any edit marks VLQ flags helpful. The only reason that post was in LQA was 1, single pending VLQ flag. Your edit marked it helpful, which invalidated the LQA task since there were no longer any pending flags.
This, of course, wouldn't happen with an NAA flag since they're not handled until the LQA task is completed (which incidentally could also be caused by a reviewer choosing the edit option on the LQA task, but that's a different story)
@HenryEcker OK, that makes sense. I guess on previous occasions when I've done that, the flag was NAA. But I can't help feeling that I've been 'cheated out' of a review. ;)
@AdrianMole I can give you an LAQ stackoverflow.com/review/late-answers/36332012 as a consolation.
@HenryEcker Thanks.
Not one of the site's best answers ... but it is an answer and I think "Looks OK" was appropriate (for LA and LQA).
Also, it would be nice (but probably tricky to implement) if an approval on a pending edit on a post in LQA were to - effectively - issue an "Edit" verdict as if that were selected by the (LQA) reviewer. (That happens, IIRC, if I choose the normal "Edit" link under the post, rather than the actual "Edit" radio-button from the review options.)
5 hours later…

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