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4 hours later…
11:40 AM
are we allowed to nominate Staging Ground posts for closing? VLQ stackoverflow.com/staging-ground/78855819
I don't think so.
@Dharman hm, you mean no SG requests here? The one above was deleted as rude/abusive so moot now
12:41 PM
@Dharman You'll need to invoke a RO meeting to make a New Wroom Wrool! :-)
3 hours later…
4:18 PM
@Dharman Sir, one question, may I ask you ?
you just did
ok. But its something else, and I am not able to understand. I have raised flag but it was declined few days back
I am busy now, so I can't help you. You can always post on meta to ask about the explanation for why your flag was declined
2 hours later…
6:03 PM
it's spam, please flag :)
6:34 PM
@MayukhBhattacharya: Please see SOCVR FAQ Rule #18: don't "ping" site moderators with @ requests for questions or issues that can be handled with a flag. The moderators have a tremendous unpaid work-load, and we shouldn't try to add to it.
7:02 PM
@HovercraftFullOfEels Sir ok.
3 hours later…
10:31 PM
How should this be handled?

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