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4 hours later…
1 hour later…
1:10 PM
I just came across this question in the Staging Ground. To me, those comments are addressing the issue as if the question was already "live", rather than suggesting improvements to the post itself. Is such SG behaviour OK or not?
1:42 PM
@Adriaan In general SG rule 7 suggests not to provide answers or solutions in comments. I would say there's probably no explicit rule that says not to do what they are doing since they're not exactly providing the answer, just commentary, but I would also say that comments in SG are ideally suited for preparing the question for publishing, not solving OP's problem.
Given that any user who can access SG like that to comment can single-handedly publish the question to main, I don't think it's too much to ask them to not make such comments while in SG (because, if they think the question is fine, they should be publishing it and making those comments on main).
@RyanM Sir, thank you very much, i was going to ask you in the other chat.!
2 messages moved to SOCVR /dev/null (formatting issues)
3:03 PM
Would anyone like to create a burninate request for ?
3:19 PM
@TylerH the argument i've seen against this is, when a reviewer feels the question shouldn't be published but still "knows something" that will help the op solve their problem
@KevinB yeah, that's a fair point
There's the pragmatic view of 'just help the user with their problem', but that obviously doesn't scale
We don't want to hand out fish here
3:36 PM
@TylerH Don't want the site to become fishy ;)
3:51 PM
@NathanOliver Seafood Overflow
2 hours later…
6:44 PM
@SotiriosDelimanolis I removed the opinion-based language, but I'm guessing it is still in need of focus?
7:12 PM
@TylerH I don't think this question is redeemable. This is regex and python tags all over again.
> I'd never write code like this and share it with other people, <here's the code>
2 hours later…
9:36 PM
> it seems mine friend has turn the Laravel project offline when i was busy
1 hour later…

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