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1:28 AM
fp feedback on autoflagged post: Convert ColdFusion Encryption using AES/Hex to C# [MS]
Autoflagged FP: flagged by @SmokeDetector, @Henders, @Pilot6
1 hour later…
2:40 AM
@miken32 Ah, sorry for my misunderstanding. So you know, I've unhammered the question because I agree with the newish policy to not close questions with "rollup"/monster canonical pages. I think the worst that I am willing to do is close "how to parse json and iterate" and "how to iterate an array/object" questions because the guidance is rather narrow compared to "how to sort an array" -- which demonstrate many function calls and nuanced implementations.
4 hours later…
3 hours later…
10:00 AM
@TylerH Yeah, though I don't think I've seen issues with people complaining about photographs (except maybe especially bad photographs) of a screen that weren't for the purpose of showing text.
and there's also the matter of why did they screenshot the photos app
and if there was a reason for that, would a screen shot of a screen shot of a screen shot of a screen shot etc not be better still?
to their credit: at least the phone's battery is pretty well charged
10:29 AM
Do we get rid of this one? It has deviated from the asked question. stackoverflow.com/a/78619035/2943403
11:01 AM
@mickmackusa semi-related, do you have any idea what this other answer is trying to say?
If not, I think I'm going to delete it as incomprehensible
11:36 AM
@RyanM they're saying to install 2 different versions of PHP in two different instances. But it doesn't actually provide a fix
12:27 PM
I have a question. this question related with Excel and ExcelFormulas has been voted to close with the first option as its not related with programming, is it really not related with any excel formulas or programming. should it be voted to close. stackoverflow.com/questions/78735395/…
12:40 PM
@MayukhBhattacharya Formulas is one of those weird things that seem to be off-topic, but it's allowed. There's an that it can be applied
@aynber Sir, ok, but its voted to close, and eventually it will get closed
@MayukhBhattacharya Just a heads up, not everyone on the internet, or even in this chat, is male. Sir does not apply
And yeah, you can't do anything about anyone else's close vote. If more votes are cast, then it will be closed, but someone else could vote to reopen it. If no more votes are cast, it will age out and it won't be closed.
Alright understood but this is happening everyday almost. most of the posts are getting votes to close with reason not related with programming, so if this happens the users will be confused to ask questions, whether their questions will be closed with the same reason!
1:20 PM
@snakecharmerb Interestingly, the SO user who answered this question was in the chat yesterday complaining about Excel-related questions being closed inappropriately. He was encouraged to post a question on meta. Consider scrolling back to review that exchange.
@snakecharmerb: the argument was that many Excel-related programming questions were being inappropriately closed as being "not about programming". He probably has a point to a degree, but I agree with you, that this current question is not programming related.
@HovercraftFullOfEels An hour ago, as well
@HovercraftFullOfEels I noticed the exchange earlier, though I didn't make the connection with this Q&A, but thanks for pointing it out.
Excel formulas are one of those things that are borderline, IMO. I was surprised to see that they were on topic
@HovercraftFullOfEels Yes, formatting questions are definitely a stretch.
This question is two years back. I just started to post answers then , i was not aware of the fact about excel questions are not counted under programming. stackoverflow.com/q/71041379/8162520
The question which i raised today was related to this : stackoverflow.com/q/78735395/8162520 and this is very often users are voting to close with the reason the questions are not related to programming.
1:27 PM
@MayukhBhattacharya: you don't want to paint with such broad strokes. Questions regarding Excel code may be considered on-topic. If it is not about programming, then, well, it's not about programming.
Then by your logic then any question related with excel or excel formulas will be closed. Yes i was suggested to ask in meta but i dont really think it will be helpful. as i see most users think excel formulas are not related with programming.
meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/261875/… is an older conversation about what may be on-topic and what may not be
Excel formulas can be used as a very crude programming language. I've used them for stuff as decoding a CSV file and reformatting the output strings according to some preference. Not pretty but possible.
Then of course there's VBA which is without doubt programming.
@MayukhBhattacharya Are you referring to me and my logic? Or were you referring to someone else? Best to use an @ and a user name if you mean to direct a statement at someone in chat. As for my opinion, it would be on a case-by-case basis. But having said that, my opinion is just that, my opinion. Others may, and should, disagree if they feel so inclined.
I said in general, i dont want to offend anyone by pointing fingers!, Views differ. I am saying in general, please refer the question i have linked today, may be op has not shared what they have tried on their own. but it is voted to close. i can show you another one, stackoverflow.com/q/78732444/8162520. If there is specific rules on posting Excel or Excel formulas related question then it will help users, so they will think twice before questions rather getting closed.
1:46 PM
@MayukhBhattacharya I would vote to close stackoverflow.com/questions/78732444/… because it has a text screenshot. The only way to reproduce it is to manually copy the text out of the screenshot into an excel sheet by hand. Questions that require specific data should supply it in a readily machine readable way such as TSV so that they can be answered without the laborious process of retyping it.
@MayukhBhattacharya: I don't think anyone is being offended by this discussion, but you have a point to be made: are questions regarding Excel formulas, or any spreadsheet formulas for that matter, to be considered programming-related and on-topic? Note that this has been discussed several times before on meta
@StephenOstermiller Sir, we try to inform them how to post questions, it is also one who is posting their responsibility to take a tour, if they dont do that what can be done, but before closing one can actually suggest user, if anyone can have time to close post then they may have time to inform, that way might help the user.
@MayukhBhattacharya: you also have the ability to edit someone else's original question yourself, if you feel that it is worthwhile to the site and worthwhile to do so, and also if the edit does not change the original owner's intent.
@MayukhBhattacharya Closed questions can be re-opened if they are improved. I would expect it be be closed because it needs an edit from the owner, the owner to edit the question, and then for it to be reopened.
@HovercraftFullOfEels sir my question not about just excelformulas but the random closing of questions related with excel/excelformulas, i have read the top most link, it actually considers excel formulas under programing .
1:51 PM
Taking the tour also don't tell anyone jack about the acceptable contents of Q&A. It doesn't say things like "don't post pictures of code".
@MayukhBhattacharya My reading of the answers to the first link is not so cut and dried. It shows a variety of opinions on the subject without any one unifying answer. This does not appear, to me, to be an easily resolved topic and may continually reside within a gray area.
grammar mistake
Is this latest excerpt revision for really necessary/appropriate? stackoverflow.com/posts/5094497/revisions
The request to use that script checker was already present in the excerpt, but now it's annoyingly formatted and the first thing, preventing users from learning what bash is about or where to use the tag until they read past that
@TylerH Editing something policy-like that into a tag wiki should only be done after a meta discussion. But maybe there was one, I wouldn't know.
2:01 PM
cc @tripleee ^
Ah yeah there appears to be a couple of bash gold badgers lurking in this very chat, so maybe unleash those at that tag wiki :) It looks like a nice wiki overall, just that excerpt edit should perhaps get a rollback.
2:19 PM
@RyanM so, should that be rolled back then?
IIIIdunno, it said that before, too, it just got...louder? I'm too tired for policy decisions, but I did find the very dumb typo that was making my code not work, so that's nice.
2:37 PM
Am I confused or is this really an upvoted NAA: stackoverflow.com/a/78687141?
@M-- with a highly upvoted reply comment answering it, that's ... suspicious ...
@RyanM I don't wanna discuss a user here, will ping you in another room
so someone asked a question in an answer, then someone else answered it with a GPT response in a comment, technically they didn't post a GPT generated answer, so,
2:56 PM
@KevinB flag it anyway; the policy isn't restricted to just questions and answers. It's all user of generative AI on Stack Overflow
at the very least we'd wanna know about it in the AI domination room
what flag option is to be selected for gpt answers?
Probably "something else" as a custom flag
3:12 PM
@MayukhBhattacharya mod flag
3:50 PM
@MayukhBhattacharya Custom flag. Explain why you think it is GPT
@HovercraftFullOfEels I cast a del vote but that whole question should be deleted once it has been closed for 3 days
4:08 PM
@StephenOstermiller Sir, I have asked what flag should be raised for GPT answers, I have not commented that it will be custom flag.
4:20 PM
@MayukhBhattacharya: but someone else did comment that it should be a custom flag. That is what I myself would do, and what @StephenOstermiller recommends that you do.
@TylerH I don't disagree
@HovercraftFullOfEels sir clear
Now I can say that their post was definite "spam seed", given their user profile "about" notes:
"If you're looking for advice or information on any number of subjects, "Mind Reader" is the person to ask on Stack Overflow. .... Mind Reader is here to help. Come learn about and excel in a wide variety of subjects with the help of our extensive resources and friendly community on Stack Overflow."
@aynber Mod flags and plagiarism flags are both accepted IIRC
But mod flags have been the main method for flagging genAI so far, and unfortunately, still remain the main method. There's so many genAI flags and so little throughput it drowns out many other flags
2 hours later…
7:04 PM
@RyanM thanks for the ping ... I had noticed that edit earlier and not reacted, so personally I think it can stay ... though perhaps mainly because nobody ever reads the tag excerpt anyway
I think I can see why the author felt exasperated about the general quality of Bash question, he has been more active in this tag lately (Awk is really his strongest home turf)
Q: Should we burninate [class-names]?

TylerHThe tag class-names has 79 questions in it, has no wiki or wiki excerpt, and is used for questions where the questions refer to different things. Running through the burnination criteria: Does it describe the contents of the questions to which it is applied? and is it unambiguous? No; while it ...

7:42 PM
would you consider this to be spam? stackoverflow.com/beta/discussions/78736234/78737425
OOPS, wrong room :)
if there's no connection, no,
it's "discussions", where product recommendations are the norm
they left a link to their telegram account :D
I kinda wanna edit that out
what was the intended room, out of curiosity
8:08 PM
Discussion Moderation
3 hours later…

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