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5:53 AM
Hi everybody. This is related to the [price] tag burnination. The [price] tag was mostly used on e-commerce "product" related questions, so please don't re-tag related questions with [orders] tag. I have created a replacement tag: [product-price]. I have re-tagged all the threads where I have answered and some few others too... So there is only 166 questions remaining with this [price] tag…
6:25 AM
@miken32 I found your curation pile today. Nice work. stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/…
Thanks for all of your work with content. @LoicTheAztec You've put a mountain of effort in.
I was typing that
7:19 AM
There are 3 spam posts on discussions right now, about abortion pills and translation service. I won't bother posting separate flag-pls, but if anyone wants to look and flag....
7:33 AM
@jps if it is a translation service to get from PHP to anything else I'll allow it ....
All gone now, I think. I found and removed two.
plus another discussion consisting of the title "CRUD ACTIONS sql C#", two links, "asdfghjuytrvecyyyyyyeb nb adda sjdh dh", and two self-replies consisting only of unexplained code blocks
Thank goodness for deletion-reason templates, since I was struggling to come up with much better than "I'm deleting this because it's incomprehensible."
skill issues, language barrier
@RyanM I gave up flagging all the nonsense posted there. These code only posts, sometimes with some gibberisch or other nonsense, come up frequently. Maybe they use discussions as a personal nodebook.
@RyanM Maybe one day you can "accidentally" delete 500-600 discussions at once. Nobody would complain I guess ;)
7:53 AM
Can't search for deleted discussions, so it'd be hard to tell...
although, uh, 500-600 would be the vast majority of them
@RyanM that's correct!
1 hour later…
9:06 AM
I hope this Google translation is clear ... and they do not understand, and when they understand and read what has been delivered, they are surprised by the lack of understanding
I expect from an excellent site like this that the answer and speed of response will be good
9:50 AM
@jps is that from a Yahoo! Answers endorsement?
10:13 AM
Is this answer spam: stackoverflow.com/a/78527847/546871 ? The question is poor as well.
2 hours later…
12:31 PM
it's actually 3 spam links
2 hours later…
@NathanOliver I figured you just started your long weekend early
Had a late start and get to leave early, so close ;)
2 hours later…
@GeneralGrievance you are really padding my flag handling stats.
4:59 PM
@StephenOstermiller Go for a high score!
@StephenOstermiller Perhaps this could be more efficient? I just find magic NAA-yielding keywords in the search box. Would you prefer a ping when I find one or just keep up the flagging?
2 hours later…
6:52 PM
@GeneralGrievance Just keep flagging. They are easy flags to handle, especially when you do a bunch at once and all the flags are right near each other in the queue.
7:04 PM
Any folks have a handy duplicate target for this one asking about null checking operators? It seems like something that would have been asked before.
7:19 PM
I joined like 7 times lol
I guess I'm laggy
3 hours later…

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