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2:59 AM
A bunch of off-topic questions were recently asked, if anyone wants to help close them.
1 hour later…
@GeneralGrievance did we ever get a resolution on that Meta discussion?
2 hours later…
6:30 AM
The following three posts are all literally the same, with the same Slack link included, posted by two different accounts. All spam.
@Adriaan thanks - I reported them in the appropriate place
I wouldn't have caught it, weren't it for the two almost ad-verbatim same posts by two different users on the same question. That I found rather odd
@Adriaan that was a silly mistake by them...
both accounts have been created within a minute, the userid of the second account only 3 higher than the userid of the first one
6:45 AM
@jps I guess it's 3 just because of the high rate of account creations on SO. I'm not sure where to get proper stats but I've seen (refreshing the users page) that accounts are created multiple times a minute pretty much all the time.
yeah, quite an astonishing rate. They must be really fast to get 2 userids so close together.
maybe they found some code on 4chan?
@rene But shouldn't the ID's differ by 4 in that case?!
7:10 AM
Users just add filler so they can bypass the quality filter and get attention to their question. Turns out it is effective! I just dupe hammered that question. I'd not have opened it otherwise. The user must be so grateful that their random gibberish did work to give them an answer almost immediately.
@VLAZ I'm not sure you should reward such behaviour!
Mod flag for VLAZ ...
@Nick it has that vibe, yes.
@rene my main thing is the "Copy code" in the code... I guess I'll mod flag
7:26 AM
you guys do have a duplicate for this, right? stackoverflow.com/questions/77200086
@Nick Considering the bad grammar in the question it's surprising how fast the user learned English
Must find the name of their school...
@Nick 110%. I flagged it
> Once you have the form_id, you can use it in your API request to retrieve leads from that specific lead form, as mentioned in the previous response:
Totally missed that, I think I was already glossing over by then...
And the other answer in the same thread is also very similar, but containing "hi bro , if you want soulution pls contact me , just only 5$"
7:41 AM
@jps The $5 solution might have been worth a spam flag but it's gone now...
It's just 5$ for the delvote
Where's my $5 then?!
@Nick *reports jps for wage theft*
but a flag would have been better, that's true!
7:43 AM
@jps fair comment, end result tends to be the same...
sorry, accidentally edited my comment instead of replying ;) So yeah, R/A would have been appropriate, because it was just trolling
Unusual for someone to wait 5 days before spamming...
Oh i flagged wrong, it's gone now after retract and revote as spam
I'm such a cow
@VLAZ man you're really in the cleaning mood today huh? :D
8:08 AM
Dunno. I've set a reminder to revisit this 2 days ago.
Reminder: clean everything
My workflow is that if I hammer a question that seems like a not useful dupe, I'd set a reminder to check it in 2 days and post a del-pls if it's outside the reach of the roomba.
This one popped up now and it didn't qualify for roomba deletion, so I del-pls'd it.
that's pretty cool
you're true value to SO.
The reminder is functionality of the CV-generator userscript
the next step there is automation...
8:13 AM
there's a script for it?
rather than a reminder, since you already have something to generate cv requests, presumably it could be expanded to... check the roomba's criteria ("reach")?
@Cow Yes - the request generator. Find it here: socvr.org/tools/userscripts It allows sending requests but you can also choose "revisit" instead of cv-pls or del-pls.
@KarlKnechtel true but making an automation that decides "what seems to not be a useful dupe" is pretty hard I think
@VLAZ Thank you sir!
Then you can set how long you want to wait for the revisit. Well, there are some pre-defined options like 2 days but you can also enter a duration
That's very nice
@Adriaan you're so fast
I was half way reading when you flagged
8:17 AM
@KarlKnechtel Yes, I've been thinking about that. I used to use a separate tracking system before I found the request generator already had its own. I'd add tasks in a Trello board and tag them with what the expected outcome is like "should be deleted" or "should be closed" and include a link to the question. Then I'd go through the list and check them manually. I was thinking of trying to automate it by using the Trello API to add tasks there and then pull and examine them programatically.
But the request generator is a lot more convenient in that it requires a lot less effort on my part xD
@Cow oh, that part should be manual, of course. but instead of "setting a reminder", I imagine that VLAZ could set a delayed conditional action.
One thing I'd wish to have is have the request generator items be sync-able between machines. I might look into doing something about that.
@KarlKnechtel oh didn't think of that. That's a lot more clever!
@Cow it doesn't take a ton of reading. the question is obviously a copy-paste of a homework dump, "challenge" from some coding puzzle website, etc.
@KarlKnechtel In my defense English is not my primary language so It took my some time to figure out that was an assignment hehehe
Cow brain I guess
or lack of coffee
8:23 AM
The Meta community still needs to have a proper discussion to have a clear explanation of what those crappy regex questions actually have in common, and why they're particularly an issue with regex
it has something to do with the fact that regex is a "language" unto itself, but that doesn't allow for writing a clear templated comment to explain to people what they need to do in order to have an acceptable regex question
I agree
but "seeking tools or resources" is not an appropriate closure reason simply because someone "should read a book" in order to understand how to solve the problem
@KarlKnechtel yeah sorry didn't think of looking for a similar question and flagging as dupe
Wiktor did his job as he always does whenever regex tags is on
other close reasons can often be bent into submission, fwiw
I should've thought of a dupe for sure, my fault
I'm currently converting 127 applications from python 2.7 to python 3.6 at work
I wish it was a never version than 3.6 too
so boring
8:35 AM
FWIW, the Japanese answer doesn't seem like it would be good translated into English either. :/
also the username is literally "japanese person" so I'm guessing that attempts to communicate site policy will not be very effective
@KarlKnechtel Which one are you referring to?
the one associated with the answer that was written in japanese.
ah yeah
hehe at least they didn't hide it
@AdrianMole o/
8:51 AM
Don't you need to escape the backslash? :D
No. It's a completely ineffective version of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
f I got coffee all over the place now
Are you allowed to share account specific details, for instance, if I wanted to share a picture of my flag history?
9:08 AM
Don 't see why not - if it's your own account.
My account ofc
Unless, in doing so, you would be drawing attention to another user.
How would that be? I don't understand
Like, if all/most of your recent flags were on a particular user's posts and you were 'implicitly' asking for supporting actions from users in here.
oh but the history pane doesn't show any users only statistics of all your votes combined
9:11 AM
OK. That small pane is OK. I was thinking more of the full flag history page.
you might see more than me because you have a lot more reputations, but I just see a run down of my votes, for instance: how many got rejected etc.
Also I'm not a bad cow
at least afaik
@KarlKnechtel what does fwiw mean? I'm lazy to google it
For what it's worth.
oh that's new to me
As opposed to wwwww.
and what does that mean then
9:14 AM
... which was what we wanted
Or, from my school geography lessons, warm, wet, westerly winter winds.
oh god
I'm still confused about your flag history page. Do you not see a right-hand pane with the summary of "pending/helpful/rejected", etc., and a list of all your flags on the main panel?
Nothing to do with rep., IIRC.
Yeah that was the one I was referring to
I wanted to maybe share it, I'm proud of all my votes
Just wanted to make sure it was ok
9:20 AM
If you can show us rene's flag history/summary, that would be a bonus. We all want to see how many flags he has had rejected.
less than 100 is my guess
Lunch time
10:23 AM
Is this spam? I can't find any obvious signs of affiliation but it smells a bit like a canned pork product.
member for 3 days and starts out by writing they are not really into programming and lazy and references a blog as the first answer hmm
@AdrianMole indeed, especially since they changed one questionable link to another ... No (clear) affiliation on either site though
I flagged as spam
primarily based on the fact they changed the link in the answer
Or is it (perhaps) a 'reply' to the top/accepted answer?
Close and delete the Q at the least
10:36 AM
@AdrianMole good call
I just followed the guy with the extra "a". :)
@Adriaan <3
hi @rene turns out you're some kind of celebrity here :D
11:11 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels that comment though hahahaha
Well, Java is largely inspired by C and C++; so, if C++ can have name mangling, why can't Java have code mangling?
I dont even know what mangling means lol
11:19 AM
what the actual f
this is something my grand mom would have
11:59 AM
@KarlKnechtel The discussion still has not gotten an answer on MSO, no.
12:10 PM
12:22 PM

This was only a test, designed to make sure you were paying attention. You passed.
lol wtf???
A suggested edit where someone writes in an unknown language what they did, wtf
lol that message is deffo spam
makes no sense, do I need to do anything about that and if yes, then how?
@Cow It's Lorem Ipsum: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lorem_ipsum
I.e. filler text
But why would they use that?
I always read the messages
to see if the edit is correct
Laziness, trying to be funny, perhaps.
edit looks good though, should I just accept it?
oh well
I'd do one of the edit+___ actions just on principle.
12:35 PM
@GeneralGrievance ah will do that next time
Is this a strange NAA? Or should the opening remark be corrected, to, "Now working:"?
@Cow Looks like Dharman saw it and edited the comment.
@GeneralGrievance oh cool
@AdrianMole I'd delete it
@Dharman You were too slow.
12:47 PM
yeah it got slayed
posting ad pictures as code
The YouTube was their own, too.
anyways, time to pick up my kids
1:01 PM
stackoverflow.com/q/38727047/5211833 Does this really need 22 answers? I think the top two (sort on "date modified newest"), basically cover it all. The rest is either not what the OP is looking for, a dupe, or both. Can an SME take a peek?
@Adriaan Ugh, these keyboard shortcut questions are all a mess. Especially when top answers are edited with later answers' information.
E.g. this answer mentions the ctrl-c ctrl-v option again, 7 years later, but adds a bit more text. Is it a duplicated answer? Can/should we delete it?
That one, I would flag as a dupe.
I've flagged this one already.
Earliest source I can find for most of these: stackoverflow.com/revisions/50987142/1
Thanks :)
I like that whenever I post these old, multiply-answered questions here for an SME to look at, almost always someone does indeed clean it up :) If you ever have a MATLAB (or Python, though I'm not stellar there) question like that, do give me a ping
1:18 PM
Well, I use VS rather than VS Code, but I've been around fancy text editors long enough.
It's annoying that some of these are just barely different enough.
@GeneralGrievance beep. This question appears to be an exact dupe >.< Even more votes, even more of the same answers.
Sigh. Yes, you're right.
My CV is cast.
1:34 PM
Let's see whether people are up for deleting that entire Q/A. On the one hand, it's a much-viewed page, OTOH it's exactly the same as the other, with that having even more votes/views
Yeah, I'm all for it. I don't know if a merge will make it better since that's even more dulpicate answers to sift through.
@Machavity given you've already engaged on this question, Duplicate line in Visual Studio Code, could we have your opinion on the above?
2:06 PM
@Adriaan Cleaned the flagged ones up. Voted to close as a dupe. Not sure it's a good candidate for a merge
@Machavity the merge has the same problem I think, and merging the two would only double the issue ... Is it a delete candidate, given the amount of views and votes?
I'd leave it. Useful signpost
Is this an IDE with a built-in "SEARCH STACK OVERFLOW" button? o.0
I didn't realize VS Code was released that long ago. I thought for sure it was a 2018/2019 thing
They spelled it with two words, I'm shocked.
@Adriaan hard to tell without context/knowing what IDE it is
3:06 PM
lately I have seen the CV review queue filter loading bug out a bit. When I run out of opinion-based, I clear the filtering, and it doesn't update. I then manually refresh and it works, but only for one review, and then defaults back to opinion-based only.
Anyone else seeing similar behavior?
3:34 PM
@TylerH I just ran into something similar with changing the tag I was filtering for. I had to refresh. Unfortunately, there was only a single item to review in that tag, so I can't verify the stuff beyond that.
it still does it for me
might post a bug report
3:46 PM
I get a similar (sort of) bug quite often in FQ. I can see review items when I have a filter set but, when I clear the filter(s), nothing shows. Sometimes, I get a pink error box after a (long) wait, saying there was an error loading the item.
I think I reported that on Meta some time back. Nobody else seemed to be able to reproduce it, though.
@AdrianMole I reported it here, we'll see if anyone can reproduce on the staff side meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/426689/…
1 hour later…
5:09 PM
There's something satisfying about voting to migrate.
@user16217248 Well, when you're the third one to vote for it, there's that 'satisfying' wait while the process is performed. I agree - it feels like you've done something.
That's true, but voting to migrate is somehow even more satisfying than voting to close.
1 hour later…
6:59 PM
> I also asked a few friends about it but they're also dead.
7:12 PM
well that escalated quickly
7:25 PM
@GeneralGrievance Their avatar goes to graph.facebook.com? Odd
I hate that it looks like I edited out the spam link now... but I don't want to roll it back either.
looks like their name has been rolled back, too
User might have been hacked
@aynber all facebook avatars goto graph.facebook.com
@TylerH Oooh. Huh. never noticed that
7:38 PM
Are questions about app store policies considered "not about programming?" I think I remember that's the case.
You sure? I see googleusercontent, gravatar, Imgur...
well, those aren't facebook avatars, probably
I don't know what the procedure allows for now but you used to be able to login to SE sites with--and link your profile pic from--your choice of multiple different account sources, like gravatar, google accounts, facebook accounts.
So someone who signed up by clicking 'join with facebook' or whatever it was labeled would use their facebook profile picture, hosted on facebook and served via their graph API
ah, okay. Gotcha. I was just trying to figure out why that person's profile picture wasn't showing, was wondering if it was something suspicious
Their SE profile is still the same.
2 hours later…

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