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1:24 AM
Disclaimer: As I don't have 3K, I used one of the preset close reasons, despite what's in my cv-pls request
Admittedly, I don't love it when the default reasons don't fit, but that is quite clearly "Unlikely to help future readers", though
1:40 AM
@cocomac I have to wonder if this shouldn't be flagged as rude-abusive. It really is egregious what they're asking.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Why would it be R/A? Also, why would that link be spam? It appears to be the SVG source of an icon ...
2:46 AM
Five people took the time to downvote this but didn't take the time to actually explain what's wrong with the question.
@cocomac I was wrong about the link, but the post itself is/was considered spam as it was a request for funds.
@user16217248 I'm not sure what your point is. No one is required or even encouraged to explain a vote, down or up.
@HovercraftFullOfEels I kind of feel bad for the user. That's all.
@user16217248 I understand, but we vote based on just the question itself, regardless of the user. Myself, I would down-vote it as well, since I truly wouldn't want to see more of such posts.
@user16217248 I agree. Admittedly, it's a dupe, but it's certainly salvageable and not terrible. I agree that explanations should be optional, but it's helpful when someone can say, especially when it isn't blatantly clear why it's terrible (if votes think that)
@HovercraftFullOfEels Can I ask why not? I posted something similar and spent a decent amount of time looking for a canonical/dupe target prior to posting, and I didn't find one
@cocomac they can be helpful yes, but when you've had your bottom cleaned out enough by posters who don't appreciate comments with constructive criticism, even kind and helpful ones, it sours your motivation towards posting future comments.
2:51 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels It's not really about that user in particular, but imagine I wouldn't be too happy if I asked a question that got 5 downvotes and no one left a comment explaining why.
@user16217248: I agree that comments may be helpful, but again, they are nowhere close to being required.
@HovercraftFullOfEels That's fair, and I understand. But, you said "I truly wouldn't want to see more of such posts" and I was wondering what you meant by that
@cocomac: it's not very specific. Better would be to show some attempt and use this to help make the question be much more specific.
But I am no expert in Pandas or Python and so don't like voting on things I am not qualified to vote on, and so I haven't.
I think it's helpful to leave comments explaining how a post can be improved regardless whether they're required or not.
But if we required folks to explain down-votes, I'd also like them to be required to explain up-votes. I can see not voting on this question, but who would up-vote it?
2:54 AM
@HovercraftFullOfEels It's somewhat vague, but they kind of do. They state what they'd try (a rolling window approach), even if they don't include a Python implementation of it. They'd like to know if that's the right approach or if there's a better way, but they somewhat do
@user16217248: but why are we even discussing votes in this room? This is not the purpose of the room in any way shape or form.
Up and down-voting requirements are completely orthogonal to close-voting and re-open voting.
This room is about moderation isn't it? And votes are... a form or moderation.
We're discussing the quality of a question which might be close-worthy. Seems tangentially related to me.
@user16217248: no, it's not about all moderation. It's about close-voting moderation (or re-open voting).
@HovercraftFullOfEels FWIW, I casted the upvote. They have a problem statement (essentially, finding users that logged in X times within a Y day window). They include the context too (helping avoid an XY Problem). They finish with a proposed approach, which, while not code, is a good start. They're lacking an explicit question statement, but other than that, the post is decent
2:58 AM
@user16217248 & @cocomac: from the SOCVR chat room's FAQ, #9: We moderate the content of posts on Stack Overflow (closure/edit/review/delete).
As I understand this, discussion about voting is off-topic as it can be seen as soliciting votes, either up or down.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Even if I don't explicitly solicit votes, e.g. or ?
@user16217248 You did not explicitly solicit votes, but you complained about a voting result. That can be seen by some as an indirect solicitation.
It's not only my opinion, as I have seen others complain when there is a discussion of votes on a question or answer.
3:20 AM
@user16217248 You have left a comment saying it needs more focus (which it's not clear to me is correct; if anything it's maaaaybe a little bit unclear on the data format but the tags kind of imply it, so it seems fine) and also voted to close as a duplicate. These seem somewhat in tension with each other.
@HovercraftFullOfEels I understand, I'll try not to discuss votes more here. My intention wasn't to violate the rules
@cocomac Of course not, and my opinion in this room is just that, my opinion. I may be wrong, and so it may be worthwhile bringing this up with a mod in the room or with a room-owner when one is in the room.
@RyanM I think it's kind of both.
In an ideal world, the question author would be paying attention to their question and responding to comments / accepting duplicates from the UI when they are offered.
Admittedly, I'd probably be somewhat grumpy if I got 6 downvotes too.
@HovercraftFullOfEels While true, as someone that isn't very active here and isn't in here super often, I'm inclined to defer to those that have more experience in this room, especially when the rules are somewhat unclear
3:24 AM
@IanCampbell Agree, but most don't realize that the first 15-60 minutes of a post are the most important, that prompt replies, edits and improvements can make a huge difference.
@user16217248 What could be done to make it more focused?
I've created enough chaos for one night. Good night all!
Good night.
Good night!
@RyanM More specifically, I think closing the question as a dupe is ultimately more useful than closing for lack focus. Because then the question leads to other questions that might have answers. But the question is unfocused, because it is tagged and just describes a problem, implying they want us to just write the script for them.
@HovercraftFullOfEels Good night to you too.
3:27 AM
Uhhh.. it also has the tag.
It seemed to me that they were asking for a solution to the specific problem of finding groups of rows in a dataframe that have 3 datetimes within a 7-day window of each other, not an entire script
In fact, there's not nearly enough information about what they're doing to write the entire script, only that specific subpart (which is good; most of that information would be extraneous).
Some example data would be nice and increase your chances of getting an answer from someone who doesn't feel like making their own sample data, but not absolutely required.
@user16217248 Also, just describing a problem is generally how one asks a how-to question on Stack Overflow
So the age-old question: When are How-to questions closable as needs more focus?
When a good, comprehensive answer would not fit within the 30 thousand character limit of the answer field.
But wouldn't that describe many of the questions currently closed as 'Needs more focus?'
Another case of "should be closed as needs more focus" is when you've actually asked two questions that could be answered separately.
(which is distinct from asking one question that can be solved by combining the techniques from two different existing questions, because which techniques to combine is the answer)
3:42 AM
The duplicate there doesn't answer the question because they're looking for a rolling count per user not just per window. Which would require adding at least one groupby...
Though I do agree a bit more information about the structure of the data is important. Especially if they're looking for a resulting dataframe and need to maintain some columns through the transformation...
One of these days I'll start working on my python gold badge... in my ample free time.
Oof set_index in an apply =/
@HenryEcker I don't know what that means, but is that bad or undesirable somehow?
@IanCampbell That's much better. They would just need to add a filter there and that should definitely work assuming there's nothing funky in their data.
@user16217248 It'd be both slow and memory intensive. Much more than doing a set_index first then doing the grouping.
3:58 AM
Unnecessarily inefficient.
@IanCampbell Found it: User who has logged into the product on three separate days in at least one seven-day period. I wonder if that's a homework assignment somewhere...
Nice find. Yes, it seems it is a self-study question. I found some GitHub repos where people were forking a take home task from some place called "Relax Inc."?
That's a fairly difficult task honestly for self study.
I was literally thinking the same thing. "I would hire someone if they could answer that under pressure in 2 hours."
Hmmmm, there's a difference between "if there are three datetimes within a 7 day period of each other" and "on 3 separate days within a single 7 day period"
unfortunately, both of those quotes are from the same question.
@IanCampbell I might be able to do it if I could look up what I'm doing on the internet ^^; I know I can't write the SQL to do it on my own.
4:14 AM
I always let my applicants use the internet when they are doing the coding assessments. I'm like, "I can't code without Stack Overflow, I wouldn't expect you to either."
Otherwise, I could write Python in 2 hours to do it very, very inefficiently :-p you wanted a linear scan of the whole dataframe for each row, right?
5:20 AM
@RyanM Honestly I'd rather do that in SQL than in pandas.
busy morning
it's like the clone wars in here
You get to understand why the strike hit the backlog so hard as it did
Well at least Ryan mostly moves his own generated posts straight into the graveyard
@Nick haha
I'm amazed that the small team in this channel and the users in SOBotics are able to handle so much data on SO as they do. You are all awesome, that's what you are.
6:34 AM
I feel like this question needs some details, but the owner has over 7.5K reps, am I missing something? stackoverflow.com/questions/77220106/…
Does it look OK for you guys? :)
@Cow what specific details would you want to see there?
Well whatever code he already has I guess, but he just posted an answer with those details
I'm a bit confused now, shouldn't additional details be updated in the question and not as an answer?
I think i'll just leave this one alone
I don't think that question needs code to clarify it, so posting the solution they've found as an answer makes sense (because it's a valid answer to the how-to question, and maybe it is indeed the best way)
Ok cool, learn something new every day
I'd maybe edit "most elegant" to something a bit more concrete but honestly that would be mostly to avoid errant "opinion-based" close votes
(though I'm not immediately thinking of better phrasing)
6:43 AM
Yeah as I wrote, I'll just leave this one I think hehehe
Maybe someone else comes a long and got a great idea
7:07 AM
^ Probably just trolling
huh, the API works in read-only mode apparently...
@HenryEcker I like pandas if only because I can imperative-programming my way out of a hole when I need to :-)
I do not do very much data analysis, so the time spent waiting for a slow script to chug through the data is uuuuusually less time than learning to do it properly.
(I can do a lot of stuff the correct way, so it's not like it's slow literally every time I do any analysis)
(also sometimes I really am stuck with SQL)
7:46 AM
from a comment: This site eats noobs for lunch with absolutely no remorse
and...turns them into not-noobs? Hopefully?
or frustrated noobs and haters of the arrogant down/closevoters and mods who don't want to help poor noobs
8:03 AM
Yeah as a noob myself I'm surprised how hard it is to get an upvote and how easy it is to be down voted lol
Btw this is so true: i.imgur.com/YXV17gk.jpg
@Cow Patience is the key: the upvotes tend to come later
@RyanM <3
8:50 AM
@jps Takes like chicken
@Cow I agree. If you actually go looking for stuff to vote on, it’s so much easier to find stuff worthy of downvotes, than upvotes.
I have left 1,5k more upvotes than downvotes, though; mostly from using the site when not looking for stuff to vote on.
@AndreasismovingtoCodidact Yeah, I envy the people who were here from the beginning, when things were still new and therefore easier to get up votes. Today most things have been covered, so when you ask something, that these users think is easy, they tend to down vote it. At least this is my opinion and not everyone does it but many do
@Cow You need to follow the ways of business: create a problem, then sell the solution. Either create a programming language, or a flawed framework.
Is Omni capital payment in Magento 2 on-topic/clear and is the answer on there useful?
@AndreasismovingtoCodidact /o\
Does this qualify for a cv-pls? Isn't active in the SO sense, but did get a comment which was picked up by Natty
9:28 AM
@AndreasismovingtoCodidact if it gets the job done! Thanks
9:49 AM
jeez louise
you having a day off @RyanM ?
nah, just catching up on the spam ^^;
10:20 AM
@Adriaan Sure did. ;)
1 hour later…
11:40 AM
I went spam, it's an invitation to join/follow him on Instagram
It read to me as if they say their account was hacked and should be banned. But the grammar is so bad, they could as well be asking to follow them shrugs.
Yeah I do not make any sense of that sentence lol
12:16 PM
1 hour later…
1:17 PM
Is this spam?
Not sure, but it definitely doesn't answer the question
1:34 PM
@AmitJoshi This is... not a typo. A typo would be OP mistakenly missing a ? in the first pass of writing this code, but this is a case of them not knowing the ? is needed. I am binning this request, but you may re-request if you have another reason that is valid.
@TylerH that should be posted on code review IMHO
2:53 PM
@NathanOliver I think it would be on-topic there for sure, but I don't think it's off topic here
(now that it's been edited)
Would this be NAA flaggable? How about this?
@TylerH seems overly broad and opinionated to me.
@NathanOliver I think it's fine. Either the code is at risk of memory leaks or it isn't. That's not a matter of opinion.
@user16217248 they look like answers to me
@user16217248 they also have in the Q I would greatly appreciate any suggestions or insights on whether this is the proper way to achieve this.
that to me is opinionated.
They also have my main concern is with memory leaks, performance, and the way I handle Named Pipes recovery when a client disconnects. which is 3 different things
@NathanOliver that can be removed now, it was a holdover from the original version
just made a small second edit
3:01 PM
looks good now
I don't think this is opinion-based. Unfocused? Maybe. Opinion-based? Nah.
@user16217248 it's vague and unspecified, and arguably opinion-based re: 'noticeable difference'. What is OP's actual concern? They have already tested and found the answer, and want to know if... their answer is right? But they don't give us the code used or any framework config settings (is that even a thing for these?). What counts as a 'noticeable' difference?
3:17 PM
I... don't know. Maybe a difference that would not be measurable using standard benchmarking techniques.
I wouldn't necessarily die on the 'it's opinion-based or not' hill, but I certainly don't think it's worth reopening, especially just to close it for another reason
but ultimately different code always runs the risk of performing better or worse in a different framework or compiler... we'd need to see the code and any relevant settings used to run/benchmark the code to weigh in
3:38 PM
What to do about that last SD report? Answers on a postcard, please.
@AdrianMole You mean how to reply to Smokey? Or what to do w/ the post itself?
What to do with the post and/or the comments?
I would say just close or close & delete the post. The comments will be taken care of when the post is deleted
there's already a link to the relevant help article shared there
Maybe leave it to the Roomba, if the OP can't (or won't) fix it.
2 hours later…
5:37 PM
@tripleee good to see you again <3
5:59 PM
RO: please remove chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/56737613#56737613 - OP updated question with proper info.
@Cow binned per your request
Thanks @TylerH :)
1 hour later…
1 hour later…

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