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The most recent SD post is the 4th by this user in the last couple of hours, promoting the same library. In this post they do say it's their library, but is it still spam since they keep posting the same answer to different questions?
@Nick raise custom flag?
@Vickel yeah that's probably a better idea...
^ I can't, as I cannot see the deleted answers
@Vickel it seems I was too slow, the spam flag had already been declined.
@Nick probably because looking at it as a single flag, it seems the OP affiliates with the linked library. The custom flag is still pending, I suppose?
have to go, 2.30 am, bye all
@Vickel no, I retracted it based on the feedback on the spam flag, which was that the other posts had been deleted and therefore this post wasn't spam since it did include the fact that it was their library. Not sure I agree but hey...
@Nick The original 3 were legitimately flagable as spam, because they did not include disclosure of affiliation. those are deleted. The user can't undelete them. Yes, the better solution would have been for the user to edit one of the answers and ask for it to be undeleted. In fact, when I'd checked, the system had stated they were blocked from answering, so I was a bit surprised to see an additional answer. However, the question that is asked allows for answering with a library.
The user discloses their affiliation with the library. They even give an example of how to use it. For a single answer, it does not rise to being spam. If they post multiple similar answers, then they will be moving back towards being spam, even if disclosed.
@Makyen I agree with your point about the final answer being fine on its own. My only disagreement is that the previously deleted answers should be taken into consideration in terms of deciding whether the final one is OK or not; if it had been posted before the other answers were deleted then surely it would have been spam?
@Makyen btw I presume the reason I couldn't retract the flag was that it had already been declined?
@Nick The final state of the spam flag is disputed, but, yes, it spent some time as declined. I can't tell when you attempted to retract, but, yes, once the flag is handled, you can't retract. Given everything, it is likely that the flag was in the declined state at the time you attempted to retract.
@Nick The previous answers are being taken into account. The user appears to have learned from everything that has happened and only posted one answer, with disclosure. For an answer suggesting a library, it appears to be reasonably good, in that it shows code of how to use the library, which many such answers do not.
While they were probably a bit over-eager to get an answer back up, the single answer which is not hidden behind a spam/R/A notice is acceptable, and is on a question which can legitimately be answered with a library.
If they post more answers, particularly if the answers are not tailored to the question, and definitely if they don't have disclosure, then there will be additional issues and a custom mod flag mentioning the full context would be beneficial. A custom mod-flag at that time would be better than spam, because even looking at the entirety of an answer plus the question, which is what the mod-flag handling page shows as a maximum expanded view, there will not be the context of the other posts.
@Makyen thank you for the detailed explanation, I appreciate you taking the time. Should such a situation arise again I'll go with the custom flag straight away.
@Nick np. Thank you. If the situation is anything other than obvious and cut-and-dried, then a custom flag is really preferred. Effectively, all flag types other than custom flags are basically "Please delete this now because it is X" (with X being whatever the non-custom flag type is).
Depending on the moderator evaluating the flag, a named flag may be strictly or loosely evaluated, based on anything between: having no other context, perhaps without not even seeing the entire post; to it being evaluated based on the moderator going to the question page and looking at the entire context, perhaps, including looking at other issues on the question or other answers and/or users. What happens is going to depend on the moderator and any hints that there might be additional issues.
A custom flag will always get significantly more attention and involvement from any moderator who is handling it.
That all makes perfect sense and seems like it should be the answer to a meta post :)
@Nick Go make that meta post!
@Nick Yeah, I've been thinking I should push for the moderators, or anyone, to create a "Basic guide to flagging" meta post that more or less explains that and explicitly asks people to be the first line of filtering flags into the categories. Really, what's most helpful for moderators is to have everything that's flagged with any named flag be something that can be decided upon without needing additional context.
That allows blowing through lots of flags very quickly, leaving time and concentration for the flags that need more attention. As it currently is, a lot of time is spent on named flags that really are not obvious one way or another. For example, an NAA flag on something that looks like an answer, but there's some reason why the person flagged it. The moderator has to make the choice to either do a lot of investigation to try to see the same thing that the flagger saw, or just decline the flag.
@Makyen I think you've written most of it in the last 3 answers. It seems the key message is "if it's not clear why you're flagging, use a custom flag". I don't think it's at all unreasonable given the volume of flags raised that moderators should not have to do in-depth analysis of a named flag. If some flags are mistakenly declined, it doesn't really affect anyone other than the person who should have raised a better explained flag to begin with.
On second thought, am I right about my previous request? I'm having second thoughts.
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica I don't think it's too broad - although I did on first reading too.
Yeah, I may have gotten that one wrong. Can a RO bin the request for me?
1 message moved to SOCVR /dev/null, by request
BTW, are we still allowed to ping Makyen and Machavity in their capacities as ROs? (I assume that the "no singing mods" rule would still apply for anything mod related).
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Actually pinging one of us helps quite a bit. Also, actually linking to the one you want removed is very beneficial, because without an actual link, we have to guess at what you want removed.
Good to know
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica I don't think we have a rule against mods singing. :)
Stupid auto-correct :) Perils of chatting with mobile...
@EJoshuaS-ReinstateMonica Yes, you are still permitted to ping us for RO related issues. The rule is that pinging mods for issues which should be handled with a flag is not permitted. None of the things we do as ROs are things which should be handled by flagging. Thus, pinging for RO functions is fine. A fairly easy divider is: Could you ping one of the non-mod ROs to completely handle the issue? If so, then it's an RO issue.
The rule is in place to prevent moderators who happen to be in the room from feeling that being here in SOCVR is just going to get them more moderator-work that they need to deal with. If the moderator chooses to do more than have a normal conversation (e.g. they choose to close some questions), that's their choice. We just shouldn't be asking them to be dealing with moderator issues, especially things that should be flagged.
@KenWhite @Makyen Should this be flagged as R/A because of the text? or just edit it out?
@Nick I'd just vote to close. If you edit it out, there is no content at all other than the title.
An unresolved issue from an earlier situation is that the three questions 1, 2, 3 appear to be sufficiently similar for someone to feel that the same answer would answer all of them. That implies that they may be duplicates. While these all look quite similar to me, I'm not an SME, so I'm not the best judge as to the questions being actual duplicates.
If someone who is an Android SME could take a look to see if they can be closed as duplicates, that would be helpful.
@Nick I'd edit it out, rather than flagging. However, opinions differ among moderators as to what the most appropriate thing is to do.
It seems editing is a little less "unwelcoming"
@Nick Yeah, it is. I agree that adding things like that is a direct attempt to get around a system restriction. But I expect that a considerable portion of the overall issue is that the text on the page where the question is being composed needs to better explain what should be in the question. I guess my opinion is going to depend on what the user actually put in as the "garbage" text. Frankly, the system really needs to have an actual tutorial about how to write a question.
1 hour later…
Here is the earlier duplicate: stackoverflow.com/q/13215668/2943403
@Makyen TikTok or it didn't happen ...
That app is a hive of heathens with too much time on their hands.
Challenge: name a social media app that @Catija's description does not apply to.
Bah. I use Twitter because I'm procrastinating real work, not because I have too much time. I have, in fact, too little time for Twitter but I don't want to do the things I should right that moment. :P
What about the app that just displays an sms on any phone? :)
Not really sure that counts as "social media".
Certainly no more so than the app that makes phone calls.
That was going to be my other example :D Did I win the contest?
@rene :)
@Scratte No... you didn't meet the criteria.
It's not that I didn't want to hammer the duplicate myself. It is that TimB Unhammered my (appropriate)Hammer. stackoverflow.com/q/63433134/2943403 and now I cannot re-hammer it.
What to do about a hammer war?
Sidenote: There are two TimB's in that thread.
Evidently, Tim doesn't think it's a duplicate. His answer looks to be proposing a very different solution than the answers to the proposed duplicate.
Hello all,
I got my question closed
as it said it needed more focus
I'm a new contributor
I made the edit and reposted, but it's still showing closed
How would get open again
Please help
When you edit your Question, it goes into the re-open queue. There users will evaluate it, until a consensus is reached. It will take time.. note that your Question needs to be precise and answerable.
@maxwell Your question is not related to programming and seems to be off-topic for Stack Overflow.
I don't know why you tagged it . Nothing in the question has anything to do with the Python programming language. If it did, then your question might be on-topic here.
but i've seen many such questions tes on stack overflowwith too many upvo
@CodyGray closing a question as a duplicate is about the redundance of the question, not the uniqueness of an answer.
@mickmackusa If you are unable to resolve it in a brief discussion in comments on the question (allow the other user considerable time to respond), then take it to Meta. Meta is where conflicts between users should be resolved when the users can't resolve it in a brief discussion.
The new question actually received an answer from the other TimB -- which is a duplicate of the accepted answer on the old page.
@maxwell Specifically, that sort of question is a better fit for Stats.SE, as I think it's very similar to, and quite likely a duplicate of, this question (to be clear, if it is the same question, you shouldn't ask it there, as it will just be closed as a duplicate)
my ml model is built in python. that's why it's tagged python
@maxwell What you see on Stack Overflow does not determine what is on-topic for Stack Overflow. That is determined by our site rules as documented in the Help Center, specifically this page. There are, unfortunately, a fair number of off-topic questions that have been asked and answered on Stack Overflow. We have over 2 million questions; it's impossible to moderate them all.
@mickmackusa Yes... Too much elision there, I suppose. If someone had re-opened a question just to post essentially the same answer as already appeared on the proposed duplicate, then that would be an objective misuse of their privileges and thus something that a moderator could step in to do something about. Without that, it becomes just a difference of opinion, and there's nothing more that anyone can do.
(Other than, as @Makyen suggests, taking it to Meta to solicit more opinions from the larger community of experts.)
@maxwell What does that have to do with anything? Your question isn't about your model, and it's certainly not about any Python source code. The fact that you wrote it in Python matters about as much as which brand of computer you wrote it on.
Should a question be considered unique if any answer on the new page would not be suitable as an answer on the old page?
I definitely didn't say that.
I think I should take my question to Meta!
@maxwell You certainly could. Meta is the link. Use tags , , and .
Are questions asking if an objective standard for something exists opinion-based? I'm trying to figure out if I should migrate a question to Stats.SE or just close it. (the answer, if it matters, is "no, such a universal standard does not exist")
@RyanM Not in my opinion. If someone asks if a naming standard for Java exists and if so what it is, it's not primarily opinion based. (I'm preparing to be countered on it though :)
@RyanM No, I do not think so. Asking about an official standard does not leave any room for opinions.
But we should perhaps refrain from attempting to reason about the scope of other sites.
Should we flag an answer which is copied from another highly upvoted and accepted answer and the user has linked to the original answer
@ArghyaSadhu Did they provide proper attribution to the original author? If not, then see here.
Aside from that, if the answer is at all relevant, then you've probably also discovered a duplicate question, which you should flag/vote to close.
@CodyGray Yes they have attributed..I am talking about this answer stackoverflow.com/a/63434272/1839482
@ArghyaSadhu OK, yeah, that looks like a valid attempt to provide attribution. I would probably edit it to remove some of the noise, but there's no reason to flag that for moderator attention. It doesn't need to be deleted.
Still, independent of the answer, you should ask yourself whether they've identified a duplicate and the question should be closed as such.
TimBiegeleisen v. mickmackusa now on Meta
Thanks for offering ring-side seats
@mickmackusa The statement Do you think \@TimBiegeleisen would have been more inclined to leave the question closed if he hadn't invested time/effort into his regex answer? is a bit off, don't you think?
I don't think it is off. I think it is a valid sub-question to consider. Do you think that there is something particularly venomous about it? @oguzismail I think it would have been "off" if I said: "Do you think \@TimBiegeleisen is just trying to protect his farmed 15 rep points from the green tick?".
@mickmackusa What you've written directly translates to that in my mind. I don't think naming a particular user and discussing their behavior is appropriate on Meta unless the behavior is repetitive and unacceptable. I don't know much about the context though, just commenting.
I (thankfully) don't know enough about PHP to be able to tell whether the two questions are trivially isomorphic; even then, beginners often struggle with isomorphic problems because it's not trivial to them to see how one maps onto the other
People who want to find negativity in my words will find it. Others who aren't looking for negativity may just consider my words honest/direct/confronting. In a world that is racing to tighten what is politically correct, people who "call it like they see it" are increasingly painted as "haters".
a good outcome might be to post an answer explaining how to apply the answers in the duplicate and then hammer; this makes for an actually useful signpost for others with the same problem, while hopefully providing the keys to accessing all the answers in the linked post
I can no longer vote to close the page -- not even as Unclear -- which I partially believe because the [mcve] isn't great.
I've flagged this as spam (Russian Website, barely an answer) but would appreciate a second opinion stackoverflow.com/a/63435372/7508700
@oguzismail if it's a conflict between two people it might come off as smug and obscure to not name the other person
I guess that's yes
Flagging inherently requests a second opinion...
Those mods are quick, don't even get the chance to see posts nowadays
@CodyGray Yes, but a second opinion from here (from non diamonds, anyway) can save one of those pesky declined points.
@Nick There are still ~2 million of 'em to see...
@tripleee That makes sense too. I don't know, let's just wait and see how it resolves
@ArghyaSadhu I assume you meant to hit the close reason above that one? :-)
@RyanM yeah makes sense
@AlonEitan ^^ not immediately obvious. Maybe leave a more enlightening comment?
@desertnaut NP, added more helpful details :)
Would you say it is a duplicate of this, then, @AlonEitan?
It's usually better to close those types of questions as duplicates, rather than as typos.
I do, can you close it as duplicate @CodyGray?
I can! I have that button! :-) Done.
Thanks! :)
@CodyGray Why are you trying to bully a new contributor here?
@maxwell What are you talking about?
Why would you come out with such an egregious accusation without even attempting to provide any proof?
I accept my mistake. Why are you reposting the link again and again.
What mistake? What link? What are you talking about?
I haven't posted any links in here.
On the Meta page
Uh, okay. Because you aren't allowed to vandalize your question by removing pertinent details.
I did not know the moderators deal with the newbies here in this way
Moderators don't care about who is new and who is old; everyone is treated the same way.
I want the question removed. There is a proper decent way of doing that which you are vioalting
Your Meta question cannot be understood except with the context of that specific question, so removing it invalidates the question. We don't allow that.
But Stack Overflow does suggest that
You never read that?
To be nice to a new contributor
@maxwell That is not true. You are not allowed to simply remove pertinent information from questions. Such edits are rolled back by site policy. Nor do you have the right to simply demand the removal of a question. When you post a question here, you grant Stack Overflow the right to distribute it under the CC BY-SA license for as long as it sees fit to do so.
@maxwell We're supposed to be nice to everyone, not just new contributors. I am being quite nice to you. Despite the brash accusations that you made about me, I am continuing to talk with you and try to explain how the site works.
There is a procedure for deletiing such questions if need be
I requested that
I already went through that and flagged the question myself.
Please help me with this instead of troubling me.
I need your encouragement
You raised a flag on the question complaining about downvotes. Then you asked for the question to be deleted. The question is not going to be deleted. As you'll see in the Help Center page I linked, we don't delete questions that have received answers.
Then please make it anonymous.
Multiple people took the time to review your question and comment on it. It is very inconsiderate for you to demand that I throw away their time and effort spent.
Why do you think that your time and need for encouragement is worth more than theirs?
It can be made anonymous I guess
Moderators cannot do that. You'll need to get staff involved to anonymize questions.
I can see the tone of the comments I received on the questions which is in clear violation of the site's policy.
What do you mean?
How to get the staff involved? Please help me with that.
what comments? on which questions?
@CodyGray What happens if I delete my main site question
@maxwell it will not affect your Meta post
But these guys are again and again posting the main site question's link there.
@maxwell correction - you cannot delete your main site question, as it already has a highly upvoted answer
see "When can't I delete my own post?" here
@maxwell can't see why this is an issue; I kindly suggest you just move on...
@maxwell I have already explained to you, the link to the main site question must be present in your Meta question in order for the Meta question to make sense. Removing it is tantamount to vandalism, as it renders your question unclear and impossible to answer.
If I may raise a point, the attention your post has gotten from your Meta post appears to have benefited you reputation-wise: Since posting your question on Meta, you've received 3 upvotes and 6 downvotes, which is a net +18 reputation to you. The question is still negatively scored, which would weigh against you if your questions continued to be negatively scored, but for now (I assume this is your only question), you're fine.
@RyanM Then please remove my meta question in the least. Because even though I have a +18 reputation, I might continue to lose my reputation going by the trend as you only said for forever.
@maxwell Sorry, what I meant by "if your questions continued to be negatively scored" was "if you post additional questions that are also negatively scored." The exact algorithm for the question ban is a company secret, but I don't think it penalizes just because of one extremely disliked question (which this isn't: it's controversial, but not universally disliked)
@maxwell again (from the point of view of a simple user, and not a mod): your Meta question cannot be removed, since a user (here @RyanM) spent some of their precious time addressing it.
I think there is a rollback badge as well which is for this case. To delete your highly downvoted answer, right?
Same point of view as for a mod, @desertnaut. While we can do things, we also have the restraint and the guidance not to do them.
...okay, some things have happened at stackoverflow.com/q/63433134/2943403 . The OP unaccepted TimBi's answer which did not work for all cases. Tim deleted his answer. Tim commented on my Meta post. Now the only answers on the page are immediately converting the string to an array for processing (like the dupe). Now the OP's Q edit is leading to more requests for clarification.
Pilan's answer looks good to me.
I see no reason to close it as a duplicate of the mentioned question
I think I better dissociate myself from the questions then
can it help?
@CodyGray can I?
@maxwell May I ask why you wish to do this? You will not be dissociated from the questions simply to help avoid a question ban, if that is your aim. You would also lose all but 8 of your reputation. 6 upvotes on one post is quite hard to come by on the main site. I've only managed it 10 times in over 300 posts myself.
Basically, I suggest you not be discouraged or worry about this question: You got some reputation, an answer to your question, a link to another question with more information, and some experience with how Stack Overflow works.
@maxwell If it helps, regarding anonymity, we don't know who you are. General users can only see that you are "Maxwell" and there are about 200 users with that name. Your question isn't terrible, either, just off-topic for this forum - just like thousands of others.
@RyanM and @DavidBuck I really appreciate your suggestions, guys. Thank you very much for being so kind! :)
I saw a 'Peer Pressure' badge just now. Is it not for the same purpose? I'm just asking for being informed, not nagging to delete my own.
The "peer pressure" badge is for answers. It encourages users to delete answers that, upon review by other community members, were incorrect, unclear, or not useful. You aren't awarded a "peer pressure" badge for deleting a question.
@CodyGray Ok
Reasons to upvote: """It looks like your post is mostly code; please add some more details." so I add some meaningless words." ... +1 for the good laugh" (post actually received an upvote)
@JeanneDark Both users involved in that deserve a day in penalty box.
@Zoe So, your comment wasn't that clear: Should I take it that you think the question is not really on-topic? :-P
Sure, why not? :P
2 hours later…
Doing some maintenance on socvr.org and comments.socvr.org for the next 30-60 minutes. Expect some downtime but it shouldn't be too long. I'll unpin when I'm done.
Maintenance done. Site now supports TLS 1.3 and the deployment process is significantly smoother.
@Machavity can I have you check something for me on github please?
@gunr2171 Sure
does this link 404 for you? github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/socvr-vm-deploy (it should)
I'm logged in and a repo owner tho
404s for a private tab
right, you're an Org "owner"
so this was a bad test
meh, oh well
I get a 404 for that one! But it's a pretty 404, though.
I don't see it on the list of public repo, so it should be private
It is a private repo, yes
I was just trying to figure out who among the members of the Org had permission to see it
and forgot that Mac was an Org Owner
which means "I don't care about your permissions"
@gunr2171 Love the new icon btw
@gunr2171 ssllabs is screaming that forward secrecy is not supported. Also, that TLS 1.0/1.1 is so 2006 :D
@Braiam uh........... (goes over head). No idea how to do that with traefik. I'll see if I can figure it out
@gunr2171 Yeah, also they seem to inject their own certificate, for some reason D:
@gunr2171 Certificated #2 shouldn't be there ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=socvr.org
hum.... I mean, the site DOES use Let's Encrypt, and it's part of the chain
so I'm not sure
oh wait
oh, the default one
meh, that just shows up when it doesn't have one already loaded. It async loads one in the background
I'm trying to get it using curl, I have no idea how ssllabs got that :D
found out how to change the minimum TLS version. should I set the minimum to 1.2 or 1.3?
1.3 is what mozilla recommends for modern browsers wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS
After that is up to you.
can do
I have a userscript installed on another computer that shows if my review action was consitent with others. I can't find it to install again on this one. I've looked at socvr.org and links from it... anyone know where it is?
On my site most clients still use 1.2, only ~8% of my hits are 1.3
@MarioGalic 9k views in a year, I think we should keep it.
@gunr2171 I just tried putting my site in 1.3 as minimum, stuff broke in funny ways :D
ok, I made 1.2 the minimum
@DanielWiddis It's called "Match against peers in review" but I can no longer find a link to get it.
and it just deployed
... rene wrote it.
and it broke everything
apparently that was not correct :(
And gunr just gave me a 404. :D
I can connect, and it shows me the correct certificate, just that there's no site.
rolled back, I think I put the config entry in the wrong place
Thanks, @AdrianMole!
attempt #2, let's hope it doesn't bomb again
@oguzismail Original has 408k and duplicate seems to just copy paste the original's accepted answer.
@MarioGalic Oh, didn't check the duplicate target
@gunr2171 you will kill me ssl-config.mozilla.org/…
So I disagreed from the consensus on this edit review ... what did I miss?
@DanielWiddis Reviewers saw too much green and red.
Reviewing shouldn't be defensive action.
@Braiam that actually helps a bunch in understanding what to do! thanks!
granted, I need to translate it into docker labels, but that's easy
@gunr2171 traefik or haproxy?
Any particular advantage?
dynamic configuration, it hot-reloads itself
also built-in Let's Encrypt support
Regarding code only LQP should I hit Skip or Looks OK, based on meta.stackoverflow.com/a/345720/5205022?
@MarioGalic Have you tried to coax the author into improving their answer?
@Braiam I often see someone else has already left a comment suggesting to provide explanation along the code. Usually I upvote the comment, but then select Skip.
@TylerH If you /dev/null my last cv-pls, would it be acceptable for me to cv-pls a different question by the same user?
Does self-answer prevent roomba?
@MarioGalic Only if accepted
I believe
@DavidBuck Unfortunately, it's a bit late to have that happen. Under other circumstances... it's probably going to depend on how quickly you ask for removal and how quickly your request for removal is seen. IMO, the default should be to not permit posting an alternate request for a post by the same user. The point to the rule isn't just not actually targeting a user, but to not have the appearance of targeting users.
Generally allowing someone to retract a cv-pls for that specific purpose past the time they could have deleted/edited, could be seen as, or used as, a way to get around the letter of the examples mentioned in the rule about not targeting users. However, that rule is very much intended to be about the spirit, rather than the details of the specific examples given.
Obviously, you would have still been welcome to retract the cv-pls, for any reason, but just that it wouldn't be not considered a prior request wrt. targeting a user.
I don't usually check (nor would remember) if I've submitted a cv-pls for the same user before. Is that something room automation checks automatically?
@DanielWiddis no, it's just something we have as a rule and may notice at any time
@Makyen That's fair enough. It only had my cv on it when I sent the message. I realise that removal is entirely down to the ability of an RO to react before it's closed. It's my mistake. I came across 2 questions for the same user but mistakenly raised a cv-pls on the one which would roomba.
@DavidBuck Sorry about that, was away from the computer when you asked :-)
@TylerH That's OK. I don't expect anyone to be welded to their keyboard
@DavidBuck np. I appreciate that you asked.
@DanielWiddis There was some automation for checking that, but it's currently non-functional. We should probably get something back to being functional.
Personally, when posting cv-pls requests, I would never pay any attention to who the user is. It's just not something that mattered, because the content was the only thing of interest. The only time I was called out about posting more than one cv-pls about the same user (i.e. asked about it by an RO), I had no clue until I was asked that I'd made more than one request about the same user. I had just been going through new/active questions in the tags I frequent.
So, as the rule says "if you're moderating content and not users, this rule should not be an issue. The most common thing people do which runs contrary to this rule is to go through a user's profile pages looking for posts to moderate. You shouldn't do that, but if you do, then don't post requests in SOCVR about more than one post by the user."
If an ROs sees something that's not clearly and obviously targeting a user (e.g. 10 requests about posts authored by or answered by the same user is clearly targeting the user), then we're just going to be asking you about it to see what's going on. It's not all that uncommon to encounter more than one post by a user when just looking through the normal list of questions on a tag. That happens. It's no big deal.
When you're not actually targeting a user, we don't want this rule to be something you're concerned over enough for it to cause you to pay close attention to the users who've authored posts. Just pay attention to the content and not the users and you should be fine.
@MarioGalic A self-answer prevents roomba in the exact same situations that any other answer would (i.e., there is nothing special about it being a self-answer)
2 hours later…

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