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2 hours later…
1:39 AM
CV Request Generator 1.6.7 is up. SO update this evening broke the previous version
cc^ @Makyen
1 hour later…
4:23 AM
> Thats working @Vega. Thank you very much. You are awesome, you are good person..... Thank you so much for taking the time and helping me solve my problem. I hope you live a good life. God help you... Again thanks...
@Vega Somehow, I don't think you helped close their question. :-)
I did cv though :)
Am I still a good person?
@Vega Yes, you're still a good person. :-)
5:23 AM
Should we flag a user when they have swearing in their profile page? I believe it's for SO community
@Vega I ask this question on tavern. It's depend upon situation. See this old transcript.
@Shree Thank you! I think it's in response of 12 edits in 1h on their posts made by the same user. Is it user targeting (by me and by the editor)?
If it's target any one, IMO MOD flag is best option :)
Ohh. I miss understood the context.
@Makyen Thank you very much!
@Makyen It's relieving. By coincidence, two days ago, I edited a new contributor's three posts by removing too "chatty" parts. They replied to me that I was targeting, I was very confused. In addition, I considered their username a little offensif and I though to flag, but was afraid it would be a total user targeting. And this case came along
@Makyen Thank you again
5:58 AM
@Vega I'm glad I was able to help.
While it's not considered user targeting, it is a good idea to keep the user's feelings in mind. I'd probably try to explain to them that I'm trying to help improve their posts, so they are better received on SO and are more likely to get upvotes (or not be downvoted). Some users will take offense. I expect I'd try responding to any concerns they bring up.
@Makyen I put an edit summary explaining the reason and I even put a :) . I believe I explained in my comments why I did and that I wasn't at all targeting, just helping a new contributor
@Vega If there are indications the user is still upset, I'd probably leave an actual comment on one of their posts. Many people don't notice edit comments (they should, but they don't). When picking a post to leave a comment on, I'd choose an older one where there are no other comments. If there aren't any without other comments, then a post with comments from more than one person. Basically, if there's only one other commenter, then that user will also be pinged about you adding a comment.
If one of the posts you edited qualifies, then I'd use that. Obviously, once the conversation is done, you should delete your comments, as the situation has been resolved and there's no need to keep them around. If the user is able to use chat, it might be better to invite them to a room you create.
@Makyen YOU are a good person! :)
You are also a "living" wiki for all kind of SE questions, I am very impressed. Thank you so much! :)
6:16 AM
@Vega Thanks! I enjoy being able to be helpful. I'm glad you found it useful. :-) Good luck with your interactions with the person.
Positive vibes this morning ;)
6:48 AM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre 31 downvotes on one answer, that I think is more than I have in total on all others...
7:01 AM
@AnttiHaapala and now 32 ... I don't want to miss an opportunity to contribute to a record-breaking attempt ...
7:17 AM
@rene thanks for joining a good cause :D
yw ;)
2 hours later…
10:20 AM
@Machavity it broke my timeline Tuna script also :(, do you know if another version exists or do we I somehow need to clone the repo and have some js guy fix it?
@PetterFriberg ah, I thought I disabled the script ... SE broke it instead ;)
I have other scripts too which suddenly broke. Timeline button is gone, advanced flagging was gone too
how dare you disable a Tuna script
Not even posting the JSON text
argh I've spent 10 minutes trying to find a proper duplicate for "how to convert 4 bytes into an int in " but my google fu / stack overflow is failing! Awful.
11:44 AM
SD double post ^
@Adriaan yeah, two instances were running
@kvantour You have an answer on that Q :(
12:06 PM
@Vega I do, the question is a duplicate. the answer is just for the OP how to use the duplicate in this case.
@vega I've removed the answer and converted it into a comment.
@PetterFriberg Talked with Makyen in the back channels last night (my fix had a minor issue so 1.6.8 is out now). Most likely your script is looking for .short-link and that has been changed to .js-share-link
@kvantour Thank you for the followup :) I don't have enough expertise in awk to vote, sorry. The cv-pls is gone now
12:26 PM
@vega thanks. What do you mean with "The cv-pls is gone now"
@Shree My fix grabbed the wrong thing, but at least it would grab something
Glad to see it's all fixed up now
@Machavity Thanks, yeah @Shree found how to fix it, we will probably fork it SOBotics github to have a place to update Tuna's script.
@kvantour I moved it to /dev/null as it was in conflict with the you're not allowed to have a stake in the Q/A for a *-pls request. Having an answer on it is the stake we meant in that rule. It is much better worded in our FAQ ....
12:38 PM
@rene thanks. So is it fine to do the cv-pls again as I removed the answer?
@kvantour I think the answer is yes: socvr.org/faq#GEfM-no-requests-youre-involved but I didn't read all of it, again ...
I believe we went with yes, if you delete your stake you can request.
At least I read that I acted in my discretion so I'm not to blame here ;)
@rene, @NathanOliver sorry for this hiccough, just too many rules to remember.
12:43 PM
@NathanOliver It's BDL's fault.
@kvantour No worries. We get it wrong ourselves.
@kvantour It's OK. Nathan will be punished for not remembering Rule 63, paragraph 15, sentence 3
I object. Rule 231, paragraph 14, subsection 8, item 3, line 6 clearly states I'm rubber you're glue.
1:07 PM
adds hiccough to vocabulary
Hey folks....
Hello @Irdis What brings you to this room?
I wanted to ask. I created a web site which solves this problem (stackoverflow.com/questions/30217910/…). Address of my tool is swdoc.org. Is it ok to post this as answer? Wouldn't be this considered as an advertisment?
1:30 PM
@Irdis If you do so you must disclose that this is your utility. You should also explain how to use it to solve the problem in the question. See this
mmm... I see
np. Self promoting and spam are a fine line so you have to be really careful.
1:44 PM
Should we reopen this so I can hammer it as a dupe?
meh, but fine with me.
needs 2 moar
1 moar
Oh crud, I forgot I voted unclear.
Now we need another C gold hammer
Maybe we have a factorial expert ...
1:50 PM
I must need more coffee.
What is the reason that we cannot re-vote? Not even after an edit, which makes for me sense
@Vega You only get one vote per question to stop close/reopen wars
(how) can I add two posts to my duplicate vote?
@NathanOliver But an edit could change a lot in the question, like from unclear to dupe
Anyway, rules are rules :(
1:52 PM
True, but it was being abused so we no longer get nice things
@Selaron you can't, leave an extra comment on the post
@Selaron Only old badge owners can
and mods?
Yes ^
@Selaron You can't directly. What you need (if you don't have a gold tag badge) is to vote for one target, have someone else vote for the other target, and when it gets closed it will be closed to both
@Vega First there's gold badges. Then there's old badges.
1:54 PM
Hahaha... nice pun
At least that is something I qualify for
2:04 PM
@treyBake I love those movies
@TylerH they are gru-vy! Yet to see Minions though >>.>>
@TylerH I love it more ;)
@treyBake It's quite worth it if you enjoy the minion scenes in the main ones
@Vega oh, btw, you may be able to help this fellow with his Angular question: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/47158582#47158582
also, I love the movies quite a lot ;-)
I am heading over there
Keep seeing it on the TV lately, maybe I'll find the time and check it out :)
2:19 PM
@Vega thanks!
yw! :)
@TylerH Was kinda disappointed with 3 for lacking them, but they made up for it with some amazing 80s jokes
@Machavity I did think 3 was a little cheesy
3:44 PM
went with VLQ. If thy do it again I'll spam flag intsead
3:59 PM
@NathanOliver You sure this message is replying to the right report? As far as I know, ijstartcanon is fake Cannon printer support (there appear to be multiple similar domains).
I flagged as spam, fwiw
@Makyen That'll teach me to actually check out the link. I just saw the profile and link matched
@NathanOliver Ahh.. I didn't actually click through to their profile page. Yeah, from their profile it could definitely look like undisclosed affiliation.
1 hour later…
5:16 PM
@AnttiHaapala don't even criticize strlen in public
Is it me or there's a spam attack today?
@Jean-FrançoisFabre It's not just you
I see! personally I treat them in priority. Sometimes before urgent tasks at work :)
If I believe that a moderator deleted an answer in the VLQ queue incorrectly, what should I do? It seems like they deleted the answer for being wrong, not for being VLQ, which really isn’t what the VLQ queue is for.
which answer?
you can flag it. But you can also link it here, I'll check
I just deleted an answer that looked dangerous. (guy suggested to remove some system files, it seems, then reboot...)
Damn, 111120 rep. I'll have to downvote 9 random people to get 111111 rep...
this question answers look like good candidates... stackoverflow.com/questions/218264/…
5:45 PM
Make them count
You could also delete a +3/-3 question of yours
I don't know if I've become the cynical developer or just literally insane
6:08 PM
@Compass There's an easy way to check. Can you move your arms?
though they are very tiny paws if my avatar is to be believed
Damn. I don't know what kind of restraints they use for cats.
6:37 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre or alternatively you could criticize strlen :D
I wonder if criticizing strlen in C is like defending SecureString in C#
@AnttiHaapala I think I could get some upvotes for writing a simple answer on a popular question while being a moderator, but that would be opportunistic. I think you all have it covered.
@JohnDvorak I don't have any question with -3/+3. and if I had, they'd have answers with votes.
Stupid me: it was easy to lose rep with NAA flags. Now my rep is binary
6:55 PM
Only 10 gold badges?
Some people don't like bling
@rene I think the French are legally limited on how many gold badges they have, or they try to take over western Europe. Some treaty or such
hem?! OP copies broken code from another question and asks to "fill in the blanks"...
😀 nah. I just don't have any great answer (100 or more). Difficult to achieve those days. Well, unless you answer to strlen questions properly. I"m not answering good enough questions too anyway.
6:59 PM
@AnttiHaapala fill in the blanks with crayons?
this is what is wrong with copypaste overflow. There is only broken code in questions and the trivial fix in the answers.
@rene Good luck trying to draw squiggle brackets with a crayon
7:13 PM
LOL 10k only) stackoverflow.com/a/57697473/6451573. The proper way to work at Mc Domald's is just flipping burgers. Not SSH to work.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre McDonalds offers free WiFi to customers, not just employees
that's the other question, OP "fixed" the code in the question but it doesn't work and I do not know why it doesn't work...
in fact I'm guessing employees are probably prohibited from using it (because then they wouldn't be working)
Yeah but it blocks SSH apparently :)
Sometimes I regret not being able to add funny comments to such answers ... :)
well, it is your own fault.
7:19 PM
@AnttiHaapala lol 😀 isn't that against room rules to ask closure for old questions without recent activity? Whatever.
I like to turn people in...
well recent copy paste is recent activity :D I want it gone. It is off-topic.
@Jean-FrançoisFabre There are exceptions -- if the question is really bad/dangerous, or if it is being used as a reason for other off-topic stuff to be allowed, etc.
And currently when it's more common to have no active cv-pls requests (due to 3 cv experiment) the rules are a bit more relaxed on that (the point is to make sure we have enough CVs to go around on stuff that's new/active)
I understand that the rule was there to filter the requests, okay. Hey, I close/delete old questions all the time.
I hope the 3 votes will continue... one way or another.
or even better, 5, but count silver as 2 and gold as 3...
I think 3 votes is cool for old questions. But there seems to exist a perverse effect with new questions. People are a bit trigger happy and close in seconds sometimes, where it's not justified.
7:24 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre I think that's always been the case (unjustified closures)
it's just a bit easier now
Yeah, 5 closes but more power to silver/gold would be better.
though it's also easier to reopen
true. More close/reopen wars.
The great close/reopen wars of August 2019...
Not sure how the network can set it to 5 again. People are going to be very disappointed. unless they install this gold/silver badge stuff instead.
Expect more meta-rants when it ends
7:26 PM
I'm trying my hardest to get a gold badge in Java but it's not easy :|
saturated density with high impact active users
It took me ages to get C gold for the same reason. When Antti can get that with 1 answer about strlen.
luckily gold badges have an answer number requirement and not just a rep requirement :-)
Wait till Sotirios and Hovercraft are in holiday. Or sleeping.
@TylerH yes, but if you answer and get 0 or downvotes, it counts as an answer right?
So technically, you could get gold with 1 or 2 stellar answers and 198 turds.
(like on meta...)
7:30 PM
@Jean-FrançoisFabre Yes, but the stellar answers have to outweigh the combination of the turds
if you get 2 stellar answers of 500 each and 198 turds that each get downvoted once, then you're score won't be 1k, but rather 802
AFAIK, gold badges don't require you to have 200 non-negatively scored answers in the tag, but that would be a good change to have, IMO
On meta it's easier. Specially if you're a moderator: you get lots of votes in the questionnaires then lots of votes for your election answer. Then make a lot of mistakes and post "sorry" answers 😀
(not saying we're doing that on purpose.... but I'm close to discussion silver thanks to that)
@TylerH that would be a good way to avoid a perverse effect, yes.
but you're a moderator, so you don't even need a gold badge to unilateraly close
Yes, but it looks better when you have one (talking about the main site, as I don't have any gold meta tag badges, too new :))
7:34 PM
"perverse" this is not the right word
it should be "adverse"
If you start close-hammering as dupes when you don't know about the subject, people will complain.
Eh, I think perverse is more appropriate than adverse
Perverse is a bit strong, agreed. Excuse my french.
meaning perverted or "warped from original (acceptable) meaning"
Anyway, someone able to get 200 votes on an answer isn't going to post crap just to get the badge faster. They'll get it eventually.
7:36 PM
I have almost enough score in discussion for three gold badges, though still ~50 answers short
go for them.
I didn't get pinged in meta for wrong actions for a while. My deletion skills are improving :)
brb , pinging you for some trumped up charge...
I don't miss meta that much 😀 enough work deleting NAAs, spam, and bad/nln comments on main.
They added some "auto unfriendly or unkind" category to train the bot. Currently it's 50% of the total flags. And also sometimes completely innocuous comments are flagged. More work...
Flag all teh thingz, prblm slvd
8:15 PM
The way comments are heading these days, they might as well replace us with bots that will auto-post the only allowable comment to every question that receives a downvote or a closevote.
9:07 PM
We really need to get rid of this tag...
9:47 PM
Does anyone know how to retag this Q? stackoverflow.com/q/57671727/1839439
@Dharman That looks Off-Topic and Unclear and NoMCVE to me. It is about a specific web API, not about programming, does not explain clearly what is wrong, and is unclear as to what is being attempted.
@Dharman Well... there's this button that says "edit" ... :-)
@Dharman not worth it. Just close it and let the roomba "remove" it from the system
cheeky... I meant what would be more suitable tags, obviously
speaking of roomba's, I like the newest XKCD

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