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can anyone comment any of my posts?
@AlexanderO'Mara ^
delete candidates with 2 del votes. Will not Roomba. I delete voted all of them 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 (batch 547)
ditto, see line above 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 (batch 547)
> INFO Finished comparing qa.sockets.stackexchange.com -> http://qa.sockets.stackexchange.com/. Rulefile: rules/Stack-Exchange.xml.
@SmokeDetector k, link to a download for some game
probably a virus actually
@Braiam Let me know if you get it working.
If I replaced the rule with what the guy posted, q.s.se.com won't get downgraded, I'm experimenting with exclusions
@Drew done
@Drew done (one already had my vote). Will keep the rest of my 20k votes till the UTC evening I guess.
okey dokie danke
@FOX9000 rolled back
I have to go now; see you tomorrow!
@FOX9000 borderline, but I rejected it
@FOX9000 seems reasonable, approved
Haaaaalp! Some user is spamming some answer (13 and going), what to do with that?
@BaummitAugen where?
@Drew There's a list in SOBotics.
Some Google drive related stuff.
I'm here
Great, make one great answer and stick with it. See if you can help close vote back toward that great answer spot.
Got it. Gimme some time though.
Otherwise the bots just delete the stuff or mods get called in. And people downvote
No rush. Thanks for stopping by
I'll selfishly leave handling this mess to someone else and go to bed. :)
Bye all! o/
wait, won't flagging all these questions get me in the same trouble?
@AllDani.com No, there's no such thing as serial flagging, generally speaking.
Flag away, as long as you're accurate.
Ok I think I cleaned up. Funny enough, none of the answers I posted showed up in my activity, so I couldn't do it from there.
I don't think they got deleted yet, so I don't know what the deal is there. Maybe you had the wrong filter on?
Sorting answers tab by most recent would also work, though.
Filter yup. Took me a second to think about it
I'm flagging as dupe and linking to question. Is that ok? Or does it need to be to the answer directly? Because: 1. I'm not sure how to link it that way 2. the questions aren't the same exactly, but all have the same solution (namely, Google drive deprecation). Will this work even though the one answer I'm linking them to wasn't accepted yet?
There's no real way to flag dupe with a given answer; just use your best judgement, although you may want to set up a self-answered question.
However, that tends to have its own pitfalls, so hold off on that for a bit
Personally, though, I'd just say that they can't be reproduced and close as typo.
Because, in most cases, there's no longer any way for them to actually be verified or tested.
(Some of them are probably still useful and don't need to be closed, just maybe a comment.)
@AllDani.com I'm not sure it's a good idea to edit notes into posts. Please reply in comments, not in posts. It's a bit disruptive
Not sure what you mean. It's not a typo. It's a service deprecation. So any question related will be virtually worthless. @NathanTuggy
@AndrewLi we'll do. Where do I check all the ones i suggested?
@AllDani.com The full text of the reason is "This question was caused by a problem that can no longer be reproduced or a simple typographical error. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a manner unlikely to help future readers. This can often be avoided by identifying and closely inspecting the shortest program necessary to reproduce the problem before posting."
@AllDani.com You can go to your Activity -> All actions -> Suggestions
"no longer reproduced" is the main point here.
@NathanTuggy so what should I do? Mark as off topic instead of dupe?
@AllDani.com fyi you have 4 of the old version as answers floating out there. Then there is the New and Improved 5th one
@AndrewLi thanks
@AllDani.com That would be my preference, yes.
I know thanks. Getting to em
What? Only 10 flags per day? There are 800+ such questions on SO.
Again, though, there's likely to be at least a few questions for which GDrive hosting deprecation is somewhat tangential that don't necessarily need to be closed, just noted
@AllDani.com Well, either leave it to close-voters/flaggers here and elsewhere, or work up your flags/day by getting lots of helpful flags.
@SmokeDetector - Do you know if the question Good IT Training Videos was on-topic when the question was asked back in 2009 ? I prefer to avoid moving against formerly on-topic questions.
@Drew - Ready for some public service... How about anothr block of reviews?
Oh I see. Didn't know that I can do that.
@jww no problem. Thx.
Yeah, every 10 net helpful flags overall gives you another flag/day.
(Up to 100/day, which most people in this room probably have.)
Cool. But maybe I should worry about getting unblocked from asking first :/
Probably a good idea, although I don't know, moderation might make a slight difference. I know answering does make some difference, although less than fixing questions.
@Drew can you remove the spamming comment? it's just gonna get negative traction on the one answer I left.
@NathanTuggy I edited every question to my best. Some though, I asked before knowing html, so they are simply bad questions. BUT: they have answers, so I can't delete them. And changing them completely gets me flagged and rolled back. Pretty stuck..
yep I will
Wow am I even allowed to post that in this chat?
@AllDani.com Yeah, it's not easy. Persistence will eventually get you out, though, at one question every six months until you get enough good ones.
You mean I should give up on past ones? Oh no...
@AllDani.com Not necessarily, but in the worst case, there's always that escape hatch.
Can I post a link to an example?
Here? As a comment on a question? As an answer?
A link to a question of mine.
It's fine in chat, but let's take it out of this room.
delete candidates with 0 del vote. Will not Roomba. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 548)
@jww @πάνταῥεῖ @NathanOliver @BaummitAugen ^
@AlexanderO'Mara fixed, but now some checks fails on unrelated stuff, I will wait for a maintainer
You guys may have be on these already, but hopefull you can clean them up (you c++ peeps)
delete candidates with 2 del votes. Will not Roomba. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 549)
delete candidates with 2 del votes. Will not Roomba. 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 (batch 549)
@Drew 1 ..5 deleted, out of votes error. That's all folks :-)
@Drew, Ack, done. All but one got a delete.
@BaummitAugen @NathanOliver @πάνταῥεῖ batch 549 above is all deleted. Batch 548 above was "Worst of" and now has 1 del vote for all 8
@StephenMuecke can you check out a batch or 2 of c# delete candidates?
@Drew, Sure
I just saw ya come in, so it will be a few minutes to freshen up the scan
On batch 548
@StephenMuecke delete candidates with 2 del votes. Will not Roomba. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 (batch 535)
@Drew Done all the ones I can do.
delete candidates with 1 del vote. Will not Roomba. 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 (batch 536)
The question I redirected (voted to) all the questions concerning this Google drive hosting, is: 1. Not exactly the perfect question to have the answer on (my bad) 2. owned by a not active user (last seen 2014). Can we edit completely? Should I post another Q & A and redirect there? Though it's kinda late now I think, because I marked those to come to this one. (or maybe I can redirect yet again..?)
@chris85 if you have votes and want some let me know
@Drew, Sorry, no votes left.
@AllDani.com well as Nathan suggested earlier, a self-answer question might be a good idea now and then
@StephenMuecke ok thx boss
@AllDani.com Other than a self-answer, if you can find a good candidate you can post it here and others can probably take over
I mean, a self-answer is great if it is something you care about. If it is just some run-of-the-mill thing, then just move on
@NathanTuggy what about the question I redirected to? Should I mark it as dupe to mine? (I actually finished my daily flags)
@EdCottrell, How is this not spam? As K Scandrett discovered, he's promoting his site (link) and not disclosing. That's highlighted in the first paragraph of the official rules as not allowed.
@BrockAdams You're right; that's my mistake. We don't see the comments by default and somehow I didn't see that there were any comments when I looked at it in the flag queue. So, I didn't actually see any evidence he was promoting his own stuff. That's my error. Sorry about that.
@EdCottrell, No problem. How about a "disputed" next time? :)
"Disputed" is the result you get when community members disagree in the review queues. We get a simply "helpful" or "decline", with a few options as to what kind of feedback we give. In other words, mods can't dispute flags; we can only decline them.
Anyway, I marked it as spam myself now, but unfortunately I can't fix any earlier flags I declined. Again, sorry about that.
@EdCottrell What about what animuson says here? Is that a different mechanism?
As for the decline, no problémo, now that we've worked out what happened.
@BrockAdams Huh. I had a misunderstanding about how that worked. Well, there you go: now you have a "disputed" (and so do I)! :)
Done: stackoverflow.com/questions/40478447/… I hope it's good. i think so :)
@Drew Got some of these. Not sure I agree with killing the ones I skipped.
@EdCottrell Thanks!
@BrockAdams Sure thing
@BrockAdams I just present them for review based on high negative votes, existing delete votes, without bias. If any are there that need undeleted, we can do that. Clears the delete votes
@Drew Okay. Makes me feel better for skipping some of these. Esp. since that's not a tag I work in.
By throwing them out with transparency, all it takes is for someone to come along as say "hey let's keep 3,4 and 7" and we reverse course if we agree.
Even if some of us were on the delete. Well, you already know that :p
Done voted already.
voting tomorrow
Ya got me. ;)
New Hampshire matters. Don't screw it up :p
BTW, if voting mattered, It'd be illegal (famous, but true, quote).
@Drew I'll try not
yeah, we're skirting the line of politics
ok, I'll vote for my dog
(real life dog, not Jon)
: )
but the lulz!
Vermin Supreme 2016, I tells ya
@Yam still not very clear / broad
seems too broad, not sure
3 hours later…
@Magisch: I know of 1 candidate we'll beat for sure :D
@Cerbrus I refrain from commenting negatively on other candidates due to the conflict of interest
Yea, I wasn't going to say more than that.
Shockingly low support for unicorns though.
@Tunaki That chatroom is not about The Election .... :(
@rene But it is about The Election.
Is today election-day?
In the US? I think so yes
site will all kinds of programming stuff, but paid if I see correctly
Yeah, it is spam but got an FP in MS
I flagged it
Morning \o
@rene Seems more like unsavory self promotion to me. I raised a modflag
@rene he linked to that in all of his three answers; Glorfindel edited two out
yes, those two
I modflagged already
Hmm, OK
user's three months old, 3 Q, 3 A, none scored above 0 though
You've been starting an awful lot the past days
lol yeah
At least the Fox is trying ... Closey just gave up
What happened to closey btw @rene?
I dunno, I assume it got stuck in Docker somewhere
true rene
@rene not running for mod?
and i didnt see NO there
he said he was running
@rene ohh sad :(
@ColdFire real-life is interfering as he is up for a new job
@rene Why not?
#Flowerpower2016 would be amazing campaign :p
yeah ^^
@rene #Flowerpower2016: The Blooming
Morning Bhar
Hiya soon to be mod
Wow @Cerbrus, Good to see you in too. It'd be a tough competition for me though ;)
@Kyll Plop \o
@BhargavRao Thanks! I'd say, good luck to you, good sir!
Thanks and Good luck to you too! :)
Y'all know that I like you both a lot, so that's implied
I think the only thing that's less in both Mag and Art is rep. And community does see rep a lot. If you both had some 10k rep, then it would have been a guaranteed win. :/
Cerbrus is running? There's enough diamond dogs already!
lol true
@BhargavRao I'm giving it my best shot anyways. If not, there's always next year
In the next election we simply nominate the complete room. A lot easier.
The pack can't be big enough.
@Magisch Best of Luck. :)
Strength in numbers and all that.
@Cerbrus You won't be alpha in there though
@Kyll I don't mind being the b*** for a while. But I'll bite ;-)
Not sure why I censored "beta"... vOv
@rene i have only 5k rep :(
@ColdFire In one year get another 5k.
@BhargavRao well the way i am heading probably in 10 years i will get 5k rep
i am in the shit tag
cant help it
Hmm, Can anyone come up with a SEDE for the top 100 post protectors? Thanks.
if i answer a question, 99% chance it is a dup , lol its a lost cause
@ColdFire Self-answers!
@Kyll lol true my self answer are my top answer and question
Or just make your tag great again
i have got almost 1.5 rep from them
@ivarni Oh yeah, today is the end of the world.
@ivarni well that will never do you know how many question are daily posted in android tag
@rene Thanks. :)
FlowerPower rene should purchase SO
Just zipped into top ten there.
@BhargavRao i am not in the list :(
@BhargavRao doesn't include deleted posts
@ColdFire Sure, noone respects android more than me...
Ah, Then I might not be in the actual list of top ten.
morning all (✧∀✧)/
The funny thing is, when we sort by userId (inverse), I'm the only one with 100+ posts protected. :D
@EdChum Morning
@BhargavRao I doubt if many protected questions get deleted though. If they are crap why would you protect them in the first place?
Yeah, True.
@BhargavRao morning I see you put yourself up for nomination, you can count on my vote. Will your motto be to paraphrase Under Siege 'Let this be a learning experience. If you spam, we will ban you and the man next to you'
Lol, That's nice. Yep, That's a nice motto.
I guess I'll call upon DavidG to be my poet and write a Election anthem for me. :D
@BhargavRao Also regarding questions to ask potential moderator's, a friend from University told me this story about his friend looking to rent a room in a house. At the interview he was asked just 2 questions which I think is pretty much applicable in all job interviews. 1) Are you prepared to run to the pub to get last orders. 2) Are you prepared to watch Barbarella at any given moment during the day. He answered yes to both and was accepted into the house
Lol, Looks like those are the trap questions.
Looks, Silly but those are used to judge the character of the person. :)
I think I would know more about whether I can live/work with someone if they tell me their top 5 comedy films and also their favourite films
Tolkien / Marvel.
I only now realize how few films I watch
Hiya @Tuna
sd vlq
I left a RTFM comment. I did not know it was against the policy until just now when I googled for this meta post. meta.stackexchange.com/questions/23628/…
The comment has been removed now by a mod
Am I in trouble? I haven't gotten any warning email or something yet
@NSNoob You'll be fine.
You're not in trouble.
Phew. Thanks guys
If you are, a mod will send you a message. But don't keep posting these, if you make a habit out of it, you may get in trouble in future
If it's just a single comment, removing it is all that'll happen
Yeah it's just one comment. Usually I leave just links to the manual if warranted but that question showed absolute lack of research for basic question so I kinda went overboard.
just try and adhere the "Be nice" policy
Sure. Thanks
And goodluck for the elections to both of you
There are friendly and non-combative ways to tell people to read the manual before asking
You were not detected by the HeatDetector, You are safe :P
@Magisch Like: "Please, have a look at <link>."
@Magisch RTFMP
> Read the friendly manual page.
Would you kindly RTFM?
Then he'll have no choice.
Please Kindly RTFM, <3 xoxo
I'm disappointed, nobody got my Bioshock reference...
That's "shock"ing.
This is rude/abusive, Right? stackoverflow.com/a/40485904/4099593
Hi, please can someone tell me where i can report if i guess that 2 users are the same person?
@KaiThoma Flag one of the posts of either of them for "moderator attention" and explain the issue.
There's no where else where you'd get help on that. :/
That isn't disallowed per se. Are they using their puppet to do something against the rules?
Ok, thank you @BhargavRao
Someone with a free minute please checking out my A here, I feel bad about the formatting of function parameters, but cannot come closer to any better looking
@JanDvorak They are answering each other questions which is AFAIK called sock puppy
That's a reason enough for an account merge, I guess
@Tunaki I flagged that as spam
Second time he does this
I went with mod flag. Did not spam flag.
Actually third time
Time to blacklist that blog
It's useless to. That's the only user who'll be using that. He'll be IP banned once the mod sees him. ;)
@BhargavRao May make a new user, or may change IP adress (may be dynamic)
Gotcha, Go ahead. Thanks
We caught it only by virtue of "link at the end of answer". That doesn't have to remain his MO, especially considering he'll be getting banned off it
!!/blacklist selenium\-venkat\.blogspot\.(com|sg|in)
@Magisch Blacklisted selenium\-venkat\.blogspot\.(com|sg|in) - the entry will be applied via autopull if CI succeeds.
@BhargavRao Thankfully blacklisting websites has been made easy for smokey
@Magisch You know from where the idea is ;)
@ProgramFOX Thanks!
Morning @NathanO
Trying to work, getting caught up by all the "Check out hot questions in your area" SO ads
It's election day.
After 2 years of rambling, we are finally here
The results feel predictable though.
@Yam went from TB to either TB or POB
@Yam missing MCVE
Meaow! :D
@Kyll I mean this quite seriously, but I don't think anyone knows what will happen. This election cycle has smashed more conventional wisdom than I care to count
@Machavity It's either going to be the first female president of the US, or the last president of the US.
@MadaraUchiha Rhetoric aside, I think we're going to find the Obama elections more consequential in the years to come. The winner today will probably not win a second term
@Machavity Unless Trump stages a coup, or Hillery makes opposition disappear
I agree.
Hell, neither of those should win a first term...
@Machavity I'm not sure if the parties will even support the incumbent in the next election.
@NathanOliver We want Vermin Supreme! Vermin for president! Shame he's not running this year
@NathanOliver Clinton is a Dem fixture. The fact that they undercut Sanders reinforced that. She'll be the nominee in 2020 if she wins today
Trump... much harder to say. Maybe someone will challenge him in 2020. But Cruz (first runner up) is likely done as a presidential candidate
Mr Blank should win IMO.
problem with winner-takes-it-all type of elections is that they always converge to a two party system. If there's two candidates, one whom you give an F, the other an F+, you clearly don't want either, but you'll vote for the F+ simply because is ever so slightly less bad than the one rated F. So hardly anyone votes for whom they think is best, they vote fro whomever they think is the least bad.
Personally, I disagree and would vote for Blank.
I don't buy the idea of voting against people.
I'm voting third party for the first time. Not sure he's that much better, but I'll take what I can get today
@Tunaki The UI on the machine I used didn't make that an obvious choice. It complained very visibly if you didn't cast one for that position.
They didn't include a "abstain" option on that screen.
abstain is different than casting a blank vote though
blank voting?
The 3 candidates in my country's last general elections were quite varied. Something equivalent to JFK, Trump and Hillary. And the choice was obvious.
drawing big red x and freehand circles to an empty sheet of papers
abstain = don't vote, blank vote = go to the polling station but don't check a candidate's name
@Tunaki What is a blank vote?
@NathanOliver ... really?
@NathanOliver I think he means leaving a spot blank intentionally
blame the dictionary :)
I do not think we can do that here.
Bank vote - Tank you
@NathanOliver That is concerning.
@NathanOliver of course you can; no-one can force you to use the red pencil to check a box can they?
@Tunaki Each state dictates how you can vote. I'm not exactly sure if I can leave a spot blank.
We can do it here, Last time it was 3% of the total votes. There's a spot called "No one".
@Adriaan They can't force you but they can reject the ballot.
@NathanOliver ah right
The voting machine UI in my state is very concerned if you do not pick any candidate(s). It might still let you submit at the end, but the UI is very in-your-face about "you didn't select any candidates!!!"
@NathanOliver Ah so leaving the vote blank is like having the vote rejected?
Yeah probably
A bit different here, they are accepted and counted separately. But they are not (yet, I hope) taken into account on the final score of the candidate
If they were, the past presidents wouldn't have been elected.... No majority.
@NathanOliver Depends. If it's not electronic (which a lot of US ballots are) you can
And in reality, the state/local elections are more important to the average voter. Even if they don't get the publicity. I know which way my state is voting for president.
@Tunaki they aren't, but they do count towards the electorial threshold
OK. So I looked it up and I can blank vote. I cannot write in a candidate unless that candidate has been approved by the board of elections.
Are we talking about tonight's US election?
Yes. I wasn't sure of all the ways one could vote.
Or not vote even
States get to pick their own rules and my state likes to be strict :(
@NathanOliver Yeah. It's a weird system

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