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03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 13:00

Gud mrng @all
gud morning @all
@TamilselvanKalimuthu machi...
@Emender gm machi
Good morning @all
gm @pearl
@TamilselvanKalimuthu @Emender :-)
hello all
@TamilselvanKalimuthu :Do u have idea on retrieve actual query from raw query
did you understand my question?
@TamilselvanKalimuthu actionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); this is for Enabling Back navigation on Action Bar icon crt ah
i want to what data is coming fro that query in sqllite table ,so i need query for that
@Emender is that code crt for enable back navigation on action bar
@Pinki u r saying the cursor data right?
looking into it
@TamilselvanKalimuthu i have used this in two activities, one is working but another one is not working,
@TamilselvanKalimuthu no sql query like select* from table-name like that
is correct @pearl

Action bar Up navigation can be enabled by calling setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true) method on to action bar. By calling this function a back arrow will be displayed on the action bar

taken from http://www.androidhive.info/2013/11/android-working-with-action-bar/
@Pearl isnt giving error? or how u r performing action fro that?
@Pinki k from which u want to get the query like this.
@TamilselvanKalimuthu from rawQuery
@TamilselvanKalimuthu no errors,, if i click one menu icon, it calling new activity, then in that activity i have used that code for back button, if i press the back button it finish that current activity thats all
@TamilselvanKalimuthu i have used the code for two activities but one is working crtly but another one is not working i dont know what mistake i have done
@Pinki see select* from table-name this is raw query
@Pinki do you wants to check what are the datas or a columns a query returns??
@Pearl compare the two activity codes
@TamilselvanKalimuthu same only, i just copy an paste the code , xml only is different
@Pearl post the code that not working
@TamilselvanKalimuthu can i post here
@TamilselvanKalimuthu goo.gl/EuYIhh
@TamilselvanKalimuthu @Emender: we use query Cursor myCur = db.query(TABLE_JPCALL_TYPE,
like that right.Now i want query like SELECT cat_id,cat_name,cat_cycle,cat_standard,cat_meeting,cat_follow_up,cat_national,ca‌​t_cold_call,cat_order FROM jpcall_type ORDER BY cat_order
@Pearl how action bar will be available in activity?
isnt both the activity extends activity?
how i get that query from cursor
@TamilselvanKalimuthu yes
@Pinki kk so u need the raw query for this query right?
@TamilselvanKalimuthu: yes,is it possible?
@TamilselvanKalimuthu yes both activites extends activity only, one is calling from menu icon, another is calling from navigation spinner list, menu icon ku onOptionsItemSelected la call paniruken, spinner list ku onNavigationItemSelected la call paniruken , ithula ethum mistakes iruka??
@Pearl onOptionItemselected la call pnanum
@Pinki i dont think so.
is there any problem to write raw query for u r requirement?
@TamilselvanKalimuthu that day keatenla, spinner navigation list ku onNavigationItemSelected la action eluthanum nu nee thaane sonna
@Pearl that is navigation menu. home button is menu
gud morning @all @TamilselvanKalimuthu
@TamilselvanKalimuthu raamaa see the mail i ll send that code and tell me what should i do
@mohan gm
@TamilselvanKalimuthu No problem ,But with that queries i need check data in sqllite tool
@TamilselvanKalimuthu i have sent
@Pearl so u r app is for android version >=11 ?
@TamilselvanKalimuthu yes
u have missed this actionBar.setHomeButtonEnabled(true); in oncreate and case android.R.id.home:
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "home button clicked",
return true; in onOptionsItemSelected
@TamilselvanKalimuthu now i have changed but still not working
@TamilselvanKalimuthu then how to it work for one activity
@Pearl i have checked it is working
@TamilselvanKalimuthu working ah, enaku work aagala, nan send panuna code la ya change panuna,
@TamilselvanKalimuthu i didn't get any information from that url
@TamilselvanKalimuthu which one icon u selected, i'm telling myplaces is not working
@Pearl s in that activity too u have to add the onOptionsItemSelected
@Pinki i have shown the code of sqlitedb class they are generating the raw query and there is no method to return the generated rawquery from that class
@TamilselvanKalimuthu oh k i ll change and check it out
@TamilselvanKalimuthu i have changed but i have used finish() to close activity while pressing home button, now prblm solved , but how add button activity is working without homebuttonenable
@TamilselvanKalimuthu thanks
@TamilselvanKalimuthu ???
@TamilselvanKalimuthu antha navigation list la ore oru item matum vacha app open panum pothe action nadakuthu,
@TamilselvanKalimuthu antha item click panum pothu thaan activity call aaganum , athuku enna pananum
@Pearl that is spinner property, first item of a spinner will be selected default when it is created.
@Pearl if u dont want that property then create one boolean and enable when it is clicked and do
@TamilselvanKalimuthu okey
machi check this pastebin.com/VVtG20M5
i couldn't able to fetch the contact name.. I don't know what should i give for the column name to get the contact name correctly.. now i've given
@TamilselvanKalimuthu ..
@all: vanakam
@Emender machi see this da coderzheaven.com/2011/06/13/…
@Kalai.G pppaahhh gud mrng ji ena new look ah
@Emender karthi has done projects regarding that
@TamilselvanKalimuthu epudi
@Kalai.G pppaaaahhh super ji
i understand
@Kalai.G athu chuma ji.. alagan ji nenga
@TamilselvanKalimuthu unna thaniya gavanikran da
@Kalai.G hehehehe
@karthickm have you done project regarding contact application???
what type of one
u r asking
contact application which has custom contact picker, group listings and group syncing
@KarthickM ..
@Emender machi have u tried this String name = cur.getString(cur.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME));
enna tamil peru elam bayangarama iruku, original name ah? @TamilselvanKalimuthu
@Emender contact ah listview show pana vaikurathu,add contacts via programatically in our app and add group from our app,add contact to group in my app
thats the thing i did
@DD. meow
nice name :) @TamilselvanKalimuthu
enna thala romba busy madhri iruku @Kalai.G
hey cn nyone tell me how to access the files of pendrive when it is connected to an android tablet
Q: android edittext remove focus after close and open keyboard

PirabaWhen i clicked on Edit Text , soft keyboard is showing , i can enter text , in my application there are navigation image available, when user click next image , that time also edit-text working fine. Initially , when edit text load , soft keyboard appear,& my app screen go up/adjust go up & fo...

check this sapienmobile.com/?p=204 @aswathy
that would help me @karthickm
i tried @tamilselvankalimuthu
ok u tell me,what do u want,i will share my code
@Emender isnt working? are u getting the numbers?
@TamilselvanKalimuthu have u seen my code i gave the same code of what you said
@Emender i dont want to acess it programatically its just to see whther all the files are there are not. When i connectit shows "USB mounted" But am not able to find the files
thank you @karthickm
then just go the file manager or any other third party app like astro file manager it will show automatically @aswathy
@DD. yaru nanu
i went in file manager n checked but cant find anyone thing
try use astro file manager or es
@aswathy ..
the default file manager won't show the folder starting with dot (.) in the folder name just keep that in mind that you don't have such file in your usb.. @aswathy
@Aswathy i think u need to check for sdcard/usb/.....
@Aswathy wat tab u r using?
@Kalai.G its android 4.0.4
u r welcome
@aswathy the tab model
@Emender what is the intent u r passing da? show that code
@TamilselvanKalimuthu i didn't work
any idea
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_PHONENUMBER);
@tamilselvankalimuthu @karthickm
@Aswathy is there any option like selecting the sdcard
@Piraba keyboard is not wrking?
@Kalai ..nope
@Kalai.G NO
@Piraba put the layout in scroll view and try
@TamilselvanKalimuthu I applied layouts inside the scroll bar
initial stage working fine
after close keyboard & open keyboard again
@TamilselvanKalimuthu machi check that da..
This stage is give me problem
@Piraba this.getWindow().setSoftInputMode(WindowManager.LayoutParams.SOFT_INPUT_STATE_AL‌​WAYS_HIDDEN); remove this line
@Piraba i too have faced like this. i had given tha adjustResize thts y
@Emender that intent is fine da.
@Piraba in manifest use this android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize"
@Kalai.G ok. i try
@Kalai.G I applied like this.
but still issue in Sony L
device only
samsung galaxy y also ok
working fine
@Piraba while moving to 1 activity r u using finish()??
or thru intent u r moving back?
through hardware back button
@Kalai.G through hardware back button
@Piraba then use override method for that
have written code for that?
I have writtenfollowing methods
public void onBackPressed() {
it didn'treach it
i really know know that is hardware back key / keyboard close button
when the keyboard appear , hardware back key hide & keyboard arrow key is visible
it didn't reach above
i really know know that is hardware back key / keyboard close button
when the keyboard appear , hardware back key hide & keyboard arrow key is visible
@Piraba so u r saying that this code is not reachable while using sony
but it wrks in samsung?
am i rite?
@Kalai.G it did go to onBackPressed() methods
@Kalai.G ji silla santhegam about phone gap
xperia L @Piraba
@Kalai.G yes
@mohan phone gap?? theriyathu da
@Kalai.G phonegap na ennathu ji
u can use to develop all mobile apps
@Kalai.G using which code ji? java or any other lag
@Piraba public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
if (keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_MENU) {

return true;
} else if(keyCode == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_BACK) {

return true;
} else
return false;
use this code n try
@TamilselvanKalimuthu athan ji pathutu irukean
@Kalai.G No didn't reach this place
@mohan it's just a multiplatform app development framework
you've to tinker with html5, jquery and css
you can develop one app to run on android, iphone, windows and so on
again it won't be so much sophisticated to be run on a specific platform than it's native app
@Emender ya thanks bro
@Emender but pakage file vary agume
yup.. definitely they will give their won set of package along with the framework
rhomobile , appcelerator and mosync are there.. they also provides the same as like phonegap
@mohan ..
Q: Showing youtube video in webview its displaying the Blank page

Karthick MI am fetching the youtube id from my server and i make as youtube embed url,after that i am showing that youtube url in listview,while click the listitem the youtube video has to be play in webview,that is my requirement,i tried all the ways its not working for me,its displaying the blank page l...

@Emender oh k ji thanks ji
@karthickm pastebin.com/VVtG20M5 pls check this..
the above code couldn't fetch the contact name.. it's just throwing the error
and the intent i 'm firing is

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_PHONENUMBER);

@Emender machi i think error not in this line, u know i think. if (c.moveToFirst()) this line. so there is return cursor data length is 0
@TamilselvanKalimuthu but i'm getting the phone number if i comment the String c
sorry this line

String name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex(ContactsContract.Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME));
Toast.makeText(getActivity(), "" + name,
if i comment the above line it's getting the contact number properly machi
@Emender what is the error it is giving for this line
pastebin.com/5vG7CkN8 @Emender look this i used like this
now it's working :'( :'( feel like crying loud..
sorry not working
really i'm crying :'(
pastebin.com/fFpxRu2z check the logcat @karthickm @tamilselvankalimuthu
machi projection add pni paru da.
String[] projection = new String[] {
ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.NUMBER };
Cursor c = getActivity().getContentResolver().query(
contactData, projection, null, null, null);
mudiyala makkale... tinyurl.com/lwwx2un
looking into it
have u seen my pastebin
from, there i am taking contact name and number also
when i say

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI);

It properly gives the contact name and number (but it choose the number itself)

when I say

Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK,
startActivityForResult(intent, REQUEST_PHONENUMBER);

it shows me the contact name and it's corresponding numbers to pick here i'm getting the rod
@tamilselvankalimuthu @karthickm
this is the on Acitivity result

public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {

super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);

switch (requestCode) {
if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {

Uri contactData = data.getData();
Cursor c = getActivity().getContentResolver().query(
contactData, null, null, null, null);
if (c.moveToFirst()) {

String id = c

String hasPhone = c
machi.. @tamilselvankalimuthu @karthickm
@Emender machi ena da pblm
sorry da kojam busy
ena da code pathiya ethum idea kidaichatha
ennoda code paaru machi ... above i've pasted with my situation
unnoda code parthuden.. that's not what i need right now i hope.. @karthickm
machi atha pathaen purilla
unaku ena contact name and number vaynuma
u want number alone ah or contact name alone ah @Emender
if i select a button it should open up the native contact picker from that i need to select the contact (both name and number)
@karthickm ..
native contact pickerna purilla
@Emender did u see this stackoverflow.com/a/7766804/3081490
A: get contact info from android contact picker

Pentium10Phone Numbers Phone numbers are stored in their own table and need to be queried separately. To query the phone number table use the URI stored in the SDK variable ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.Phone.CONTENT_URI. Use a WHERE conditional to get the phone numbers for the specified contact. ...

looking into it @pearl
@Emender they said these r working codes
yup.. i'll try now..
but i did exactly the same way of how they've given.. i'm just fiddlling the with intent data what i'm getting back..
hie @Emender how's you?
Q: Neither Toggle nor Flash works for me

Abrahim NeilNeither Toggle nor Flash works for me, i have written code to ON/OFF Flash Lights but when do tap on Flash button Toggle and Flash both not working, I guess Flash not working that's why toggle not responding, because initially toggle works for me, like in my condition if flash is ON then show gre...

doing well .. @abrahimneil
thanks :) but still not resolved
@Emender itha thaan neeyum try panirukaya stackoverflow.com/a/6155690/3081490
hi..i want to create child activity for tab bar..i refered androidhub4you.com/2013/04/…
and placed animation
but i found casting error
use fragments instead
i'll try
@Emender vanthucha machi
@TamilselvanKalimuthu contact picker try panum pothu intha maathiri logcat show panuna enna error goo.gl/Kn5JXP
@TamilselvanKalimuthu navigation menu action ku boolean set pana sonaila, set panunen, but crt ah varala
public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(int itemPosition, long itemId) {
if (itemPosition == 0 && mainact == true) {
mainact = false;
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), itemId+"main page = " + itemPosition,
Intent mainpage = new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainPage.class);
return false;
starting la value false nu kuduthuruken,
again enga true kudukanum nu theriyala
int use panunaalum thaan enga 2nd time value set panrathu @TamilselvanKalimuthu
@Pearl initially set 0 if(0){value-1} increment if (itemPosition == 0 && int value=1) do the action
@TamilselvanKalimuthu ithu crt ah
etho thapu paniruken nu theriyuthu but enna nu theriyala, at 1st if i think @TamilselvanKalimuthu
@Pearl u have to use else if
good noon.. @ALL
@TamilselvanKalimuthu ha before i used these same code for boolean with else but not working k i ll try here
@TamilselvanKalimuthu same not working now also
@Pearl put log and see what it is doing
@TamilselvanKalimuthu else pota epdi work aagum 1st if matum thaane check panum bcus initially value is 0, so 1st condition is true, then how it ll go to else,
else if (itemPosition == 0 && mainact == 1) {
@TamilselvanKalimuthu yes apdi thaan potruken
@TamilselvanKalimuthu ipavum work aagala
but nan other menu icon click panum pothu log print aaguthu, nav item click panum pothu action nadakala @TamilselvanKalimuthu
public boolean onNavigationItemSelected(int itemPosition, long itemId) {
if (MainActivity.clear) {
itemId + "main page = " + itemPosition, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT)
Intent mainpage = new Intent(MainActivity.this, MainPage.class);
} else {
MainActivity.clear = true;
return true;
03:00 - 10:0010:00 - 13:00

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