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12:04 AM
You could look at...
.... my implementation :D:D:D:D
I'm starving
No pointers required. :D
@Rapptz optional<Meal>( none );
why does the second one print 1
anyway, cool I guess
12:08 AM
Hm. That's right
This is an old version lawls.
12:25 AM
@Rapptz Here, the better version. coliru.stacked-crooked.com/…
12:48 AM
Tee hee, it's a pokemon if you sound out all the letters
I killed a bug
then I left to eat
when I came back it was gone
where the fuck is it
You're not as good a killer a you thought.
I only smacked it once
then it flipped
didn't move
or buzz
It played you.
4 hours later…
4:38 AM
room topic changed to RapphD: You're not allowed here. [[c++][c++11][c++1y]]
room topic changed to RapphD: You're not allowed here. [c++] [c++11] [c++1y]
tags are weird shit.
1 hour later…
6:06 AM
Indeed they are.
Do you know Haskell?
Shit's a bit weird
Haskell syntax is what throws me off the most.
It's a bit mathematical but it's weird
it could have been better imo
Prelude> zipWith (zipWith (*)) [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]] [[10,11,12],[13,14,15],[16,17,18]]
6:21 AM
Is that input and output?
The list comprehensions are 90% like the math ones.
no that's zipping
No I meant
is that input on one line
and output on the next?
uh sure
It's an interpreter
lol @ xkcd
Here's an easier example
Prelude> zipWith (+) [6,3,4,5] [8,11,3,1]
6:23 AM
Why can't you do zipWith (*) then?
Is it because it's a list inside a list?
So you need zipWith ( zipWith(*)) ?
BTW haskell has the shortest Euler 1 problem I've done
Prelude Data.List> sum $ nub $ [3,6..999] ++ [5,10..999]
look mah, no mod
sum... nub ?
What's the $ sign for?
to avoid using parentheses basically
sum ( nub ( [3,6..999] ++ [5,10..999] ) ) is ugly
6:32 AM
There's also a dot
Prelude Data.List> sum . nub $ [3,6..999] ++ [5,10..999]
which is the same as f o g
if I remember correctly..
I guessit would be difficult having a o operator
7:06 AM
Also it uses /= to mean !=
Which.. is wtf to me
and !! for element access
Prelude Data.List> [1,2,3,4] !! 2
Prelude Data.List> 3 /= 2
What teh shit.
I mean, =/= might make more sense
but /= ?
yeah iunno
oohh... Haskell's import is a little bit cooler than Python
:( man everything is better than lame ass #include
Prelude Data.List> transpose [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
7:50 AM
Man this shit's cool as hell.
8:21 AM
#include sucks horribly. D:
Modules are pretty cool.
import Data.List hiding (nub) would import everything except nub.
import Data.List (nub,sort) would import sort and nub
and.. import qualified Data.List as L would put them all in a L namespace like thing
That's pretty badass.
Making one is a bit awkward compared to C++ though
module Geometry
( sphereVolume
, sphereArea
, cubeVolume
, cubeArea
, cuboidArea
, cuboidVolume
) where
then functions would go down there
That is kinda ugly...
Haskel got +1 from me, but this makes it -1
So we're back to 0.
iunno, still pretty cool to me.
It's analogous to a function prototype
8:30 AM
Sort of.
Oy dude. Did you see transpose?!
I thought that was cool and then I kept reading.
I found out how to shorten PE 1 too
Prelude Data.List> sum $ [3,6..999] `union` [5,10..999]
union joins two lists and returns the unique elements
Oh, so it's like a regular math union.
there's also this.
Prelude Data.List Data.Function> sortBy (compare `on` length) ["one","four","eighteen","fifteen","twenty-five"]
bad example :D fixed
9:03 AM
That's pretty nice.
2 hours later…
10:57 AM
enable_if is driving me nuts
god damn it
enable_if is a bitch. :D
What're you trying to use it for?
to enable something lol ;_;
fucking std::true_type
C:\Users\Danny\Documents\Visual Studio 2012\Projects\CppStrayFiles\test3.cpp:18:69: error: expected '{' before '>' token
 struct All<T,Args...> : Conditional<T, All<Args...>, std::false_type>> {};
std::false_type{} maybe ?
I tried that and it failed
... Oh
You have too many >>
Remove one
11:02 AM
okay 8 to 6 errors
what the fuck
Funny story
This started out as a way to do a triple<T,U,V> class
but then I got dabbled into TMP/SFINAE like I usually do
11:17 AM
It sucked you in
Why does SFINAE suck?
I can make a sscce if you want to see my noobiness with it
11:37 AM
SFINAE is a hack and it sucks when doing it with TMP.
Concepts is supposed to fix that, but even then it's not that great.
I pretty much finished triple<T,U,V>
Just need swap and other operator= overloads
Oh, I never wrote a swap for my any.
.... Meh.
Or my optional, for that matter.
No need to
it's pretty much garbage
BTW I think this triple is an aggregate
std::pair isn't oddly enough
12:08 PM
Ooh, shiny.
And, pair isn't an aggregate because it has user-defined constructors
so it screws everything up.
it has a user defined default initialization constructor
i.e. constexpr pair(): first(), second() {}
Aww. D:
Can you guess the SFINAE screw ups?
lemme make an SSCCE
I don't see any at just regular glances
I tried making
using Convert = typename std::is_convertible<From,To>::value
so I can use it as Convert<T,U> && ...
but I got shit load of compile errors
same thing w/ move
12:28 PM
Oh dear...
I can't test it
'cause MSVC. :D
12:52 PM
Telkitty is back
Don't mention it or give her attention though
Could downvote to lose chat privilege.
Looked familiar.
I'll keep a lid on my mouth.
damn it.
At this rate she'll blow her own cover, buahaha.
Hopefully there's no attention given :D
Sooo we hope. :D
1:01 PM
I don't think I can make the whole day w/o sleeping
I usually can but today seems like not a good day
1:15 PM
Well then, get some sleep!
Why are you trying to stay up so long anyways?
because I missed my sleep window hours ago
Just sleep anyways.
Fuck the sleep window!
Make your own window!

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