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5:56 AM
Any ideas on net-log?
6:44 AM
@rgchris and the shttpd error is only on OSX?
@rgchris Per issue, I'm okay with this, but does void perhaps make more sense?
@GrahamChiu I looked at the exists? a bit to try and figure it out first, now I will look at net-log and see what's up.
@ingo do you want an invite to our new forum?
I guess not!
@GrahamChiu ingo can only contact this universe for very brief moments before he is sucked into a vortex and can no longer talk to us. I know a lot about this lifestyle.
@HostileFork he's already registered
7:07 AM
@GrahamChiu @HostileFork :-D Right on all accounts :-D
@ingo what are you working on? Anything rebol related?
2 hours later…
9:15 AM
posted on May 25, 2017 by gchiu

added net-log to help trace http exchanges

10:09 AM
Build b849ace on 25-May-2017/10:02:40Z is now available for download. Please use debug builds and report issues. No warranty of fitness is implied.
These are the direct links for OSX x64, Win x64, Linux x64, and Android-arm.
I think this is cool. We now have net-log for http
so, you can say net-trace on and you get the http request printed out, the http response headers printed out and also the http response body
this is primarily for those sites you're doing development work. They will often give you a 403 or whatever when you fail authentication but prot-http didn't give you any more information. Now the body is dumped and you can see what they're saying without having to resort to wireshark.
the body is limited to whatever happens to be in the port buffer at the time
@GrahamChiu Sounds good. On an implementation note, your function is net-log: func [txt /C /S][txt]. I will point out that if it were net-log: func [txt /C /S][], it would get the empty body optimization.
which should be enough for most debugging ops
The empty body optimization does not do any evaluation
It was created in part for this exact purpose, stubs that get hijacked
@HostileFork oh, I wanted to do a pass through as well
10:16 AM
Well there's no optimization for that, though I suppose we could have a "just echoes a parameter" optimization as well.
like ?? was used in rebol2
But checking for an echoed parameter would make function creation cost more
where you could just stick it in, it would dump to console and still pass its values to the next
posted on May 25, 2017 by gchiu

Both need to be updated as were info? and exists?

ok, perhaps we can look at that in the morning :)
write port to binary! net-log/C "some text here"
was how I envisaged it being used
so it was transparent when it was being used for debugging
10:54 AM
@GrahamChiu Could be a relatively cheap dispatcher for that, check if the body is a word and that word is bound into the frame, then sub a dispatcher that just echoes. Echo_Dispatcher(). But it wouldn't catch the optimization for func [x] [comment "thing" x]
We have a few of these optimization scenarios, where I wonder if foo: returner [x y] 'x by being more explicit is better than being "smart"
e.g. the chain [:whatever | :to-value] having an optimization which doesn't need to literally call a second function, since we know what to-value does. Should there be a blankify instead, which makes the optimization explicit?
2 hours later…
1:17 PM
@HostileFork I seriously need a way to change /disable escape char ^ in a Rebol file, so that e.g. "a^b" = to-string #{615E62}. Maybe we can implement an user-modifiable escape char and declare it in the Rebol header? E.g. REBOL[escape-char: 92] print "a^b\"" => ab"
Sorry, I meant => a^b"
5 hours later…
6:11 PM
@giuliolunati I agree with this. It's annoying that a hat is used as the escape character when other languages use the back slash. Ideally it should be under user control.
The main issue is that \ is used in window paths
6:25 PM
@giuliolunati have you filed an issue on this?
6:37 PM
@HostileFork maybe I need to make the net-log smarter
7:26 PM
@draegtun I'm offering this alternative to changes github.com/r3n/renclib/blob/master/scripts/changes.reb
so this browses directly to the specific post in the change-log for a specific commit ( well, it by defaults only searches the last 10 commits )
7:38 PM
@GrahamChiu I don't know—apparently seems to just be me, should probably make sure I'm running the correct script.
@HostileFork I think I'd be ok either way. I'd go with whatever PICK does.
@rgchris apparently not seen on android, linux and windows
@GrahamChiu If I'm the only OS X witness, then it might be me, not the OS.
@rgchris I think @draegtun runs OSX .. perhaps he can also test??
@giuliolunati @GrahamChiu maybe we can borrow the idea of Raw string literal from C++?
R "delimiter( raw_characters )delimiter"
I think there was a discussion about this many moons ago (before rebol3)
7:44 PM
what was the conclusion?
@giuliolunati does a lot of math and having the character for exponentials taken by the escape character must be hard
@ShixinZeng I'm not sure! Let me google it
Whichever character is used, there is going to be some ugliness. The \ in JSON makes for some very ugly strings.
@rgchris so that's why it would have to be context adjustable
Makes the Rebol format that much more complex.
I think that's what I was remembering .. the heredoc syntax
7:48 PM
@GrahamChiu Thanks, I'm reading it
a discussion from 8 years ago !
@GrahamChiu This?
@rgchris yes
I wonder if this still works
8:08 PM
Was it code, or just a message by itself?
@RebolBot CC 1194
not responding ... odd
@RebolBot alive?
@rgchris What are you trying to say?
8:10 PM
@RebolBot cc 1194
@johnk the cc command and alive? challenge for rebolbot are broken!
Worked back here:
May 13 '14 at 3:37, by johnk
@rebolbot cc 1675
must be part of the port to ren-c that broke it somehow
@GrahamChiu Exactly. I'd like to write things as "text with TeX $x^2+2x+1$" and "asciidoc superscript: see note^123^"
@giuliolunati @Ladislav is also a mathematician which I think had something to do with it
8:30 PM
posted on May 25, 2017 by @gchiu

@gchiu wrote: It looks like over the years there's been a request for a way to represent strings without the need to escape, or match curly braces. See http://www.rebol.info/altme/191/rebol3/3339 and https://github.com/rebol/rebol-issues/issues/1194 and support for heredoc has been suggested. The situations where this might help is when dealing wit

@GrahamChiu - IMHO I wouldn't change it because I think ^HAT is more semantically correct and it has differences to \ in other languages which would only cause confusion if it where changed to \ :(
In Perl & Ruby you have alternative string literals which ignore \ & interpolation:
length "1\n2"    => 3
length '1\n3'    => 4
So Rebol needs something like ^{ some ^hats in here }
@GrahamChiu - I think it will be great to have function like this to interrogate Changelog/commits from console. However I feel this should be separate from CHANGES.md file which should just have a summary of important changes (ie. curated) and the CHANGES shortcut from console should just show that. So perhaps your script could be called CHANGELOG ?
@GrahamChiu - Yes I use OSX. What needs testing?
@draegtun @rgchris's shttpd which dies on quick browser refresh with a signal error
@draegtun or changes-at ?
8:55 PM
@draegtun who's going to write the curated change log?
The other advantage of using discourse is that anyone can edit the commit where as the commit itself is immutable
Anyway I'll submit change-at for my function.
Or maybe changelog-at
@GrahamChiu - OK... I'll look at it in the morning
@GrahamChiu - Sounds good and also changelog-at
@GrahamChiu - I already volunteered in the past so still happy todo it :)
@GrahamChiu - It would certainly be great if we can automate some/all of CHANGES and my plan is to look into it. If its possible to add necessary CHANGES line to the (relevant) Discourse changelog then could be the way to go.
9:50 PM
@draegtun yep, we don't want people replying to the topic, but I don't think (AFAIK) there's much to stop an admin from changing the content of the commit as posted.
@dogeye ok, who are you? Do we know you under a real name if you've been a Rebol programmer since the beginning? :)
10:24 PM
@GrahamChiu Well, working on Rebol projects only on and off. I tend to have loo many ideas and not enough time. I use it for some throwaway things. CU L8tR.
10:57 PM
@draegtun First crack at changelog curation, what about commits that start with a *? github.com/metaeducation/ren-c/commit/…
11:22 PM
@HostileFork eek, that * might be a markup element which is going to affect my changelog markup
@GrahamChiu Git commit titles should be de-markup'd anyway. I use things like SET* and don't put them in backticks.
The titles should be presumed ASCII
@HostileFork it's probably okay. I'll update the change-log and see what it looks like. So, the * is just for a human to see which are notable changes to include in the curated log?
@GrahamChiu A human or a curating bot
11:40 PM
Build 58d6d5b on 25-May-2017/23:02:34Z is now available for download. Please use debug builds and report issues. No warranty of fitness is implied.
These are the direct links for OSX x64, Win x64, Linux x64, and Android-arm.
what might be the reason why import <json> inside %mezz-debug.r doesn't give the correct context for the load-json function?
loading JSON
** Script Error: load-json word is not bound to a context
** Where: changelog-at* changelog-at
** Near: <json> j: load-json ?? to string! read ...
** File: ../src/include/sys-bind.h
** Line: 288
ⓘ  Note: use WHY for more error information

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