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2:30 PM
3:24 PM
jsfiddle.net/BeerusDev/cLmo6hte/1 Why does my carousel go under my nav bar?
4:01 PM
When you use a value of position different than static the other elements in your webpage ignore your positioned element
So the parent of your navbar and any other elements acts as your nav bar is not there
Try adding padding-top and bottom to the body, padding-top: the height of your navbar, padding-bottom: the height of your footer
4:18 PM
jsfiddle.net/BeerusDev/cLmo6hte/26 Ill change it to a bit more but now when expanded the image no longer centers? Which I don't understand as I didn't alter anything that would affect the horizontal axes
fixed with justify-content-center class, but now there is an overflow. I only want the overflow when the page is resized (smaller)
2 hours later…
6:20 PM
@Unknow Are you asking a question or just sharing something you've learned?
@deostroll file not found
@deostroll The underscore tells Sass the file is a partial CSS file
Q: Why put in front of the file name "_" or "_" in scss/css?

Niko_DWhy put _ in front of the filename in scss? _filename.scss - Why does it need _ ?

7:12 PM
@TylerH I was sharing
7:27 PM
Is there any way I can duplicate row and update the new row? for example

SELECT city FROM `wp_city` WHERE city LIKE 'Saint%'` ===> Duplicate and Update to St. instead.
@BrianNezhad This doesn't seem to be HTML or CSS.
My bad, I thought Web general would work here.
Thanks @TylerH
No problem. I know SQL, but not necessarily the flavor you are using, and I'm certainly not an expert. If you have a SQL question, folks in that room are much more likely to be able to assist

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