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6:16 AM
posted on March 08, 2021

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

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4:00 PM
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5:32 PM
6:21 PM
@TylerH poke
That page @TemaniAfif helped me with on Friday (example here jsfiddle.net/6xokn4ub). I implemented it into my SharePoint site, and a few problems occurred. Even with the width set to 100%, it doesn't cover the entire width of the page, and there is white space below my <footer>
There is a #s4-BodyContainer which contains #contentRow and inside of that is #contentBox. I have tried adding a padding-bottom: 0; styling to each of the three items and nothing happened?
6:57 PM
the whitespace is probably not from padding, then :-)
and yes, SharePoint is notorious for inserting a gazillion divs in your markup
you'll need to find the highest one necessary and set it to have width: 100% up to html, or use 100vw if you don't wanna get up to html with your styles
I am a bit confused by what you mean with 100% up to html
7:47 PM
percentage widths are inherited
width: 100% is a relative width
100% of "something"
so if you have a series of nested divs (let's say 5) and you apply width: 100% to the innermost one
what does that 100% value mean?
100% of what?
the parent div? grandparent? greatgrandparent? the page? the viewport? etc.
some might say divs aren't the best example, because divs are block elements and take up 100% width by default anyway, but I think they're a great example, because in simple situations you have a few divs (or just one) and it just works
but then when you get into more complex layouts/markup, suddenly it doesn't, and you're confused because it used to just work, so why doesn't it now?
The only element that has inherent width is the viewport element, which is 100vw or 100% of the OS window size (minus the width of any scrollbars, typically about 17px)
the first element after that is the HTML element
so for that reason you may often see (if you inspect a lot of sites) the following CSS declaration at the top of a main style sheet: html, body { width: 100%; }
they might also include things like margin: 0;
SharePoint is an environment where you have to be aware of those kinds of weird quirks because it's a content management platform
it takes your code and shows it, but within a template of lots of outside code
tl;dr if you put width: 100% somewhere, it's referencing 100% of its parent... if that parent has an explicit width set (e.g. vw or px or something)
8:28 PM
Sorry I have been afk doing other things, I really appreciate you taking the time to write out this explanation/clarification for me.
8:51 PM
Been burned by exactly the same thing in my past
Why isn't MathJax rendering?
If anyone can help, that would be great
@TylerH Sorry to ping, but any ideas?
9:08 PM
@DarkRunner mathjax rendering where?
in a stack exchange site?
@TylerH I'm trying to render on my CodePen pen
ah, no clue then
in fact I have no clue how to use mathjax outside of codepen as well
Oh ok, thanks though
It's weird, because
it works half of the times, and the other half of the time, it glitches

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