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1 hour later…
posted on January 19, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Does anyoe know why the popup design is different in firefox than in chrome skynet.wensolutions.com/co-workers/jagat/multi
7 hours later…
@Feeds lol
@SusHill because browsers look different?
Yeah @BoltClock Grid is better when you know the dimensions
Flexbox is better when you don't
Michael_B and I are trying to figure out what exactly is preventing auto repeats from working with indefinite sizes
Is it because the grid container doesn't know about its grid items in advance at the time it lays out its grid areas?
Or something like that
@TylerH Damn it, I should have posted an answer
Well if you have more to add to Michael_B...
that's a rare thing, so you should do it
he usually writes pretty comprehensive answers
Or if you want a decent question to answer without competing... stackoverflow.com/…..
You could answer the man himself
but only if you know css grid rules... ;-)
tbh I think he just forgot about that question. he could probably answer it now
I still don't feel confident answering this question we're looking at so I think I'm just going to pass
Q: Using 'starts with' selector on individual class names

DA.If I have the following: <div class="apple-monkey"></div> <div class="apple-horse"></div> <div class="cow-apple-brick"></div> I can use the following selector to find the first two DIVs: $("div[class^='apple-']") However, if I have this: <div class="some-other-class apple-monkey"></div> <d...

This question exists
It has 100k views today
It was asked at the beginning of the same year I answered this in December
Q: jQuery selector to target any class name (of multiple present) starting with a prefix?

John KI'm considering one selection statement that would target one of many css class names in a single class attribute value based on a string prefix. For example, I want any detail- prefixed class names to get targeted from the following sample links. <a href="eg.html" class="detail-1 pinkify anot...

I wonder how many views the earlier question had at the time the later one was asked
I can't tell you that but I can tell you it had 82303 views on February 13th last year
so it has gotten roughly 20k views in the last 10 months
A: How to get grid items of different lengths to wrap?

BoltClockGrid items do not actually wrap. The reason you see grid items "wrapping" to the next row is really because the explicit grid is being altered to keep within the constraints stipulated by minmax(). The number of columns generated by repeat() is proportional to the used width of the grid container...

So I'm still thinking of a title for my CSS selector article @TylerH
I wonder if I should just pick a more original title instead of trying to follow the Dr. Strangelove thing
"Don't stop using CSS selectors for non-CSS"
Using that as a placeholder for now
It's not like it's any better since it's just the title of the slide with a Don't tacked on, but it might just work
Get straight to the point etc
Hi, Am facing an issue that in iE11 if we use tab keys the cursor disappears...
did anyone faced this kind of problem? How to reolve?
@BoltClock CSS selectors or class names?
How about "Class names are multi-purpose for a reason"
@TylerH I was going to make the article about me taking the bait and deconstructing the absurdity of the slides piece by piece
Bait as in clickbait
It's entirely possible the choice of "CSS selectors" over "class selectors" in the slides was no accident
And besides, my article is a response to the slides
It's up to you
But yeah, ideally I'd like CSS selectors to be part of the title somehow
@MohanRaj never had that problem before. does it happen on every site or just one you made
@TylerH It happens for every site... when we enter tab and swift tab
@MohanRaj probably a Windows setting in your Mouse settings window then
posted on January 19, 2018 by CommitStrip

@TylerH "Don't stop using CSS selectors (or classes for that matter) for non-CSS" Don't really like the parenthetical
Might move it into the body as a subtitle or something
2 hours later…
I'm tellin ya
Class names are multi-purpose for a reason

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