@Kitler first thing: i don't check that gmail account often. "you leave chat when I come in" paranoid mode? why you guys do always have to turn everything personal? "sorry I thought you were a friend" I thought the same. but to be honest you always have been an arse
a6n2jd5.autolotto.com - click orange btn CTA, modal pops up w/ iframe. how can i get this iframe (.signupForm) to fill up the height of the div container (.signupModal)?
new solution works (even on mobile since i have a media query)
i'm reading that you can redirect the parent frame from an iframe with window.parent.location.href but it doesn't seem to be working in practice, i setup a little demo
im having trouble optimize this modal form for mobile- a6n2jd5.autolotto.com. click CTA, modal opens fine, click form's input field, keyboard pops up so modal goes up out of view until you type and it repositions
it only happens in ios safari, not chrome. i'm okay coding a fix for a specific browser if i can resolve this, but honestly not so sure how to attack it
anyone please has an experience in gwt compiler I have my java classes and I want use the gwt compiler module to transform my widgets to HTML/Javascript
mr doge will eat carrots if we are chopping them up for dinner. husband drops some on the floor and calls the doge down to eat them... doge comes into the kitchen and sees the carrots and has the most disappointed look on his face
normally when he gets called down, its to eat meat scraps ><
@cimmanon She knows all of my mother's recipes, and especially the drop-off stations where she can go and beg for leftovers, which my mother would often oblige.
@MadaraUchiha mr doge can count to 6. when we get takeout from mary brown's, we always order 6 chicken strips. he gets the last bite of each one and knows that after the 6th one, he gets nothing else :p
@CSᵠ its fairly greasy fried chicken, the box it comes in would still smell like it even if you moved one. also, he is extremely perceptive and has a better than average memory for a dog
btw, if you have never had mary browns, you dont know what you are missing. you know how kfc brags about how awesome their chicken is? secret blends & spices, etc. mary browns is like that.
apparently in the maritimes where mary browns originates, kfc doesnt even have stores because they cant compete
hey cimmanon, are you familiar with flexbox? if I end up using nth-child to specify an element to remove it's margin in a container, am I using flexbox wrong?
For n elements per row, there are n-1 gaps.
If you want a 1% wide gap, that means the divs can occupy 97% of the width for 4 elements per row.
So you need to set the width to 97/4 = 24.25%
And cancel out the margin every 4th child.
.container {
display: flex;
flex-flow: row wrap;