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in PHP, 1 hour ago, by marcio
http://tridiv.com Tridiv is a web-based editor for creating 3D shapes in CSS.
@Kitler first thing: i don't check that gmail account often. "you leave chat when I come in" paranoid mode? why you guys do always have to turn everything personal? "sorry I thought you were a friend" I thought the same. but to be honest you always have been an arse
I am drunk off my own booze.
it is a great feeling
I'm bug fixing - it's 2:30am on a Saturday and I'm sober... it's not a great feeling...
come on over
I have plenty
Canada's a slightly longer trip than the local offy :)
seriously tho, first cider. this is my third bottle for the night.
it is still going down well, and tastes delicious
Hope they're litre bottles ;)
I think I can call it a win
nahh, I have it in three different sizes. 750ml, 500ml, and 375ml
I've been drinking the 375 tonight
it is ~9% ABV
well, that is being generous
probably closer to 8 than 9
but a guy can be hopeful right?
Heck... another bottle and you won't care about a measly percentage :)
I think next I'll take a 500ml
it is 2 weeks in fermentation, 1 week in the bottle
so it is still pretty fresh
1 hour later…
@rlemon cooked another coil. getting tired of this shit
some coils work perfectly at 5v, some get burned at 4v
2 hours later…
posted on August 22, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

1 hour later…
For that stylish man in your life. http://t.co/sS4BWs8mQB
hey abe
1 hour later…
@Abe why don't you just buy ready made ones, and tickle the voltage and/or current instead?
that's what i do
but they behave inconsistently
some are shit at 4v need 5v
some get burned at 5v so you can only set them to 4v
same brand, original
2 hours later…
@Abe who cares, you have variable regulator
I burned one because the tank was set to max power ~17W iirc
@Abe or take a good multimeter and measure the resistance of the coil accurately then work out the max voltage and only dial the current to your needs
@Sippy I hope you didn't missed navi vs envy inferno... god... so pro
3 hours later…
a6n2jd5.autolotto.com - click orange btn CTA, modal pops up w/ iframe. how can i get this iframe (.signupForm) to fill up the height of the div container (.signupModal)?
i have height: 100% and that seems to work in a standalone jsfiddle... so must be some conflicting factor. i've also tried min-height: 100%
@TejasManohar if it works in fiddle but not your code, then youve missed something
yeah, something else is a conflicting factor in my code
it ended up working with px instead of %
my % rules weren't taking effect for some strange reason
@TejasManohar then you missed something. just blindly switching to px isnt solving the problem
yes, i know. i changed it to a reasonable px
i've definitely missed something in the code... just didn't find out what i missed
@TejasManohar and now youll never know.
new solution works (even on mobile since i have a media query)
i'm reading that you can redirect the parent frame from an iframe with window.parent.location.href but it doesn't seem to be working in practice, i setup a little demo
on submit this is supposed to redirect the parent autolotto.github.io/iframe-form/js/form.js
i'd think this would be some security policy issue? redirecting top frame from inside iframe?
oh i think this is a separate issue
awesome got it
1 hour later…
im having trouble optimize this modal form for mobile- a6n2jd5.autolotto.com. click CTA, modal opens fine, click form's input field, keyboard pops up so modal goes up out of view until you type and it repositions
it only happens in ios safari, not chrome. i'm okay coding a fix for a specific browser if i can resolve this, but honestly not so sure how to attack it
anyone please has an experience in gwt compiler I have my java classes and I want use the gwt compiler module to transform my widgets to HTML/Javascript
this is not available by google
@fahdijbeli try the java room
yes I know the most of them use native java not java's framework like gwt
but I am asking here maybe found someone has the same wondering
@fahdijbeli so you thought that web designers would be familiar with it?
@fahdijbeli web designers ie, people who write html and css?
I want make a framework like GXT or Vaadin
that's java, yo
@TejasManohar yes but the framework that I want to make generaly thinking by web designers
like Sencha was thinking in GXT
well web designers don't make it
if you want to make it, that's java
ok but you know there is java web ?
@fahdijbeli is there a reason you cant take a hint that you are in the wrong room?
okay sorry
even with overflow: hidden, it seems my horizontal scrollbar on the iframe is still showing... hmmm i.imgur.com/njVb7zv.jpg
any ideas on that one?
i have scrolling="no" set as an html attribute too, im not sure why it's showing
on chrome os x
@Kitler vid.me/Q6j8
1 hour later…
ok so I tried hair extensions today
protip: don't
what kind of man gets hair extensions?
the one that goes to a birthday party that also included some female relatives
did they paint your nails too? :p
not this time
maybe later
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay well done for being so progressive
A woman walked into a bar and asked for a double entendre so the bartender gave it to her.
!!s/a+a{6}a{6}a{6}/ood da/
that's a really strange way to express 19 a's using regex
Impossible to read without using marge's voice
@StephanMuller that's at least 19 but somehow it failes...
1 hour later…
mr doge will eat carrots if we are chopping them up for dinner. husband drops some on the floor and calls the doge down to eat them... doge comes into the kitchen and sees the carrots and has the most disappointed look on his face
normally when he gets called down, its to eat meat scraps ><
wow. such disappoint. much vegetable.
@cimmanon Mine won't wait until you call her
Plus, she'd eat raw onion or frozen chicken if it fell to the floor without hesitation.
"If you can put it in your mouth human, so can I."
@MadaraUchiha i dont think he could hear it. normally he runs downstairs the moment he hears the steel being used on the knife
@cimmanon She knows all of my mother's recipes, and especially the drop-off stations where she can go and beg for leftovers, which my mother would often oblige.
@MadaraUchiha mr doge can count to 6. when we get takeout from mary brown's, we always order 6 chicken strips. he gets the last bite of each one and knows that after the 6th one, he gets nothing else :p
so he goes and lays down
@cimmanon Mine's better with the timing
She'll pick up when we've finished eating, regardless of what it is, and won't come to us until she sensed we're nearly done.
@cimmanon that's.. kinda interesting, try fooling her by hiding one in the oven from the beginning
it might be the smells still
@CSᵠ its fairly greasy fried chicken, the box it comes in would still smell like it even if you moved one. also, he is extremely perceptive and has a better than average memory for a dog
btw, if you have never had mary browns, you dont know what you are missing. you know how kfc brags about how awesome their chicken is? secret blends & spices, etc. mary browns is like that.
apparently in the maritimes where mary browns originates, kfc doesnt even have stores because they cant compete
kfc is shit
has nothing on mary browns
the one in barrie is meh compared to the one in newmarket
ya vaughan is good too, for popeyes
angus is not bad, better than barrie
hey cimmanon, are you familiar with flexbox? if I end up using nth-child to specify an element to remove it's margin in a container, am I using flexbox wrong?
@JonathanMusso well... i wouldnt say wrong, but its not a good choice for browsers that dont support flexbox, you know?
using negative margins on the parent element is usually the best choice
A: Flexbox: How do I create my thumbnails to span 100% of the container width?

Sebastian NetteFor n elements per row, there are n-1 gaps. If you want a 1% wide gap, that means the divs can occupy 97% of the width for 4 elements per row. So you need to set the width to 97/4 = 24.25% And cancel out the margin every 4th child. .container { display: flex; flex-flow: row wrap; wi...

if you don't mind taking a look at that
oh wow
there is probably a dupe for that, but i am too lazy to look. i dont see a question marked on the demo, so hell if i know why i made it :p
so this has sass in it?
yeah, its sass, check the "view compiled" button
oh wow, tyvm
aye, so, with my app they are not images but divs. I can just set my div width then
this link will exist forever unless deleted by you right
@cimmanon your doge sounds like a cool doge.
Also do you ever sleep?
When I'm on here late at night, you're here, when I get up in the morning to go to work, you're here, when I go home from work you're here
r u a machine
Anyone into JavaFX?

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