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Hello everyone! Do you know Kruskal's algorithm?
My question is this:
Q: The ouput of Kruskal's algorithm is a minimum spanning tree

user159870I want to show that the output of Kruskal's algorithm is a spanning tree. We suppose that S is the output of Krskal's algorithm. To show that S is a spanning tree we have to show that S is connected and acyclic. How can we justify that S is connected? S is acyclic because each time the algo...

I hope someone can help me!
@user159870 you'd likely get better answers at cs.stackexchange
or cstheory like the guy in the comments suggests
Anyone who can spot the reason why this central div isn't aligning properly? somehow it's being aligned to the left, instead of to the center of the surrounding div (which is what - as far as I know - margin:0 auto; is for) jsfiddle.net/yfL53v8c/1
@Kitler :O wtf , awesome ,lol
sick cat dance youtube.com/… :D
too much coffee. can't sleep :|
so i woke up and i got another coffee :|
I know the feeling Worf, although for me it's usually Coke (cola) that's the culprit :O
i drink also that, and red bull
I only drink red bull when there's alcohol involved, my stomach doesn't agree with it if it's not mixed :>
Why do I always end up browsing the weird part of youtube when I'm stuck on something? -.-
Hey guys
How's it going?
@mixin filter($filter,$value){
  filter: $filter#{"(" + $value + ")"};
  -webkit-filter: $filter#{"(" + $value + ")"};
  -moz-filter: $filter#{"(" + $value + ")"};
  -o-filter: $filter#{"(" + $value + ")"};
  -ms-filter: $filter#{"(" + $value + ")"};
why i am getting space between property and value like blur (5px) not blur(5px) ?
where can I go to ask some javascript questions?
@h0bb5 StackOverflow.com ;)
haha :)
i mean live chat
@NullPoiиteя have a demo?
hey guys
I think I need your help
@h0bb5 for certain things asking here would be fine. If it's something really JS-ish go to the JS room
It's JQuery
Pretty basic question
@RawadMerhi I wasn't talking to you, was I?
which room
oh Zach I didn't know
sorry dude
look at the @ :)
making fiddle
yeah, I missed It


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
I have a slider like this
<paper-slider id="slider" min="{{quiz.min}}" max="{{quiz.max}}" step="{{quiz.step || 1}}" immediateValue="{{value}}"></paper-slider>
how can I write a conditional statement
if(something) blah; else(something) blah2;
yeah ok great
but how do I target the value of the slider
like, if (slider.value > 5) {
alert("greater than 5");
sliderElem will target it?
This chat is awesome
ya, but use console logs
awesome :)
you can get so much help
ill try it out now thanks man
@h0bb5 if you make it so
and meet amazing people
var sliderElem = document.getElementById("slider");
or just slider in newer browsers
don't even have to declare a var then
but wouldnt it not know which value to put?
@h0bb5 you tell it which one you want...
which attribute is the value?
i have a min = 1 max = 10
@RawadMerhi it is
but which attribute targets the value is my question
well, you're using some custom element there
I dont know what 'step' or 'immediateValue' is
so I can't say
if it's made well, it'd be in .value
Oh yeah, its angular
It's soo useful, I love It @ZachSaucier
thats why im having trouble
@ZachSaucier jsfiddle.net/z2o5ryp7 you can see that its i am getting filter: blur 5px;
which is even weird because i am getting blur (5px) at my pc :/
@NullPoiиteя I think it's JSFiddle
CodePen compiles correctly
so does sassmeister
@h0bb5 can't help without a minimal demo then
How do you add external links to codepen?
how can I make demo in codepen/fiddle with polymer?
@RawadMerhi the same way you link anything...
@h0bb5 I have no idea
@ZachSaucier now its working fine in codepen codepen.io/anon/pen/NqPpEy and not in my computer
That's odd, because my style isn't loading
it'd likely be better to just inspect it yourself @h0bb5 Do you know how to use your browser's dev tools?
i hate uncertainty :(
yeah of course
maybe I can upload it to my server
does it have to be on a server, can't be on local machine
@NullPoiиteя what version of scss are you running locally?
might try updating if it's old
now i have no idea how to see version of scss in gulp
me neither :P
K guys im uploading now :)
though i have newest gulp-sass version installed
Okay guys here it is
click on the 'history' card in the middle
that is the slider I am trying to work with
I am trying to make it so that if someone rates less than 5 a contact form will pop up
if someone rates it greater than 5 a list will appear

I can't figure out how to target the value the user enters in on the slider attribute
that's a super complex slider
aria-valuenow is the one you need
you should have been able to find that yourself....
sorry bro
still learning the JS
I think I make it out to be more complex than it is in my head
If this is the JS
guess its probably confusing or messy to understand..
no worries
@h0bb5 you really developed a cool thing
awesome design
I loaded one JSFiddle page in Chrome
how is its cache 360MB in size
@TylerH you are using chrome and talking about ram/cache JSEUS
@StephanMuller hahahahah
I'm going crazy over this
angular/polymer is heaps of fun
but so much to wrap your head around
1 hour later…
where to edit nav html of prestashop?
@winresh24 in the prestahtml file?
@neil cant find anything :X
@winresh24 I'm not familiar with prestashop
is that a joomla module or something?
@Neil somthing like that
its .tpl
its my first time with this :D
so like ruby?
the tpl should be your "html" file then
if you don't see a nav tag, then it might be because it is being included by another template
somthing like this
ruby does a lot of stuff for you
and I'm a newb at ruby, so a lot of that "stuff" is foreign to me
if it isn't a direct include, then I'm not sure what the rule on loading something else would be, but I presume if you searched for displayNav in your project, you'd find everything it pertains to
all "candidates" lets say
I found displayNav in admin panel but couldn't find it in tpl
posted on April 27, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

The coding love
Realizing that the intern has left compile errors before leaving on week end
ohh our telecom authority is so noob, they made our emails public... and I snatched all the emails using my plugin... cc @SomeGuy
@Mr.Alien PGP ahoy?
Also. public how?
not sure, my colleague came across that.. so I told him to ping me the url and I'll run my plugin over that and guess what, 10+ emails in a sec.... am harvesting few more
@Mr.Alien link? demo?
can't share in public, I want monopoly in email db before it goes offline or it crashes cuz of load
okay, but can't see reason why they made it public
that's got to be a breach in privacy
Hi, anybody can tell me why i seem to not be able to save files in xampp htdocs on my mac?
actually we have no privacy law in India. not sure
I manually set all permissions on htdocs to read + write for everyone
@Shiuyin permissions?? I don't know, I've used xampp on windows without problems
@Neil I set all permissions to read + write for everyone - IntelliJ still doesn't want to save the code i change...
@Shiuyin then perhaps it is a problem with intellij
have you tried saving into an equally obscure folder?
well i can manually edit the files in the htdocs folder without any problem - just not with intelliJ what the hell is going on there? :D
@Mr.Alien You mean emails can be accessed without a password?
@MadaraUchiha yap, it's a pdf ahaha :D
@Shiuyin then it seems a problem with intelliJ :P
@Shiuyin What does intellij tell you?
holy shit.. I think I can get more than a million of them @MadaraUchiha ... I just tweaked the URL and I can access other docs as well
@MadaraUchiha Nothing, i click cmd + s or File->save All and nothing happens :D
morning nerds
@Shiuyin have you tried turning it off and on again?
@Justcode yes, delete it
@MadaraUchiha sure i have, nothing happens :D
@StephanMuller \o
anyone know any good questions to ask today? :P
@StephanMuller Who created the universe?
What is the meaning of life?
How many dimples does a golf ball have?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck?
@Mr.Alien Damn
@Neil Me.
@Neil Me.
@Neil 42.
@StephanMuller woodchucker*
I'm fairly sure that 42 should have been a previous answer
A: remove selected 'a' tags and change tag name in php with DOM or simple php parse

Mujahed AKASyou can also do it using ajax. put your tag in in a div with id. <div id="chage_h2"><h2>header</h2></div> following is your script <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script> $.ajax({ cache: false, asyc: false, ...

Sorry man, but that's a horrible answer to a horrible question
Q: Chrome on Mac crashes when unicode content w/ specific CSS property

Adam WangHere's a quick demo. I crash my Chrome on Mac OS every time when I hit the button. $('#foo').html('\u6536\u5230\u4e86\uff0c\u89ba\u5f97\u5f88\u6eff\u610f\u2764\ufe0f\uff0c\u4e00\u5b9a\u8981\u7167\u76d2\u5b50\u4e0a\u9762\u7684\u8aaa\u660e\u9000\u51b0\u518d\u5403\uff0c\u53e3\u611f\u624d\u525b\u525...

how many of you program in your free time?
Like more than an hour a day? Honestly, just curious
@StephanMuller And yet only the answer is downvoted, not the question
@BoltClock no crash here
I can't seem to make myself stay on a project for more than 4 hours unless it's work
@StephanMuller Chrome/Mac?
@Neil I would if I had a project I was interested in.
I can't get it to crash on Windows
So probably only Mac
When you have a cool project it can become hard to put down ..
@BoltClock mac here, chrome 42
@Sippy That's what I tell myself too, but not sure I'm not just fooling myself
@StephanMuller Hm
@Neil Nah, the work has to be rewarding
That's the only trick to it.
I have an idea for a fun project, and I still have trouble putting in time
@Neil rarely. I used to have some projects I worked on in my free time, but nowadays I rarely do anything code related except SO
@Neil Is it a fun project or a 'fun' project?
@Sippy What's the difference?
I.E. too much work for not much
Even if not much is still fun :P
in my experience there are always aspects of a project which seem mroe like work than fun
I actually want to start a new project just to get comfortable with the MEAN stack
but I don't have anything in mind
@StephanMuller whats MEAN a database interface to js?
MEAN is an alternative to LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP). It consists of MongoDB, Express, AngularJS and NodeJS.
I have no idea what Express is to be honest, but it seems like an interesting stack to learn to work with. AngularJS I already have experience with, MongoDB and NodeJS I've kind of come across at work but never really worked with myself. Seems good stuff to dive into
sounds better than LAMP (Y)
I use WIMA :D
Q: How do browsers convert a point-based font-size to pixels?

TeetrinkerIf a browser has to deal with the following CSS: font-size: 12pt;, how does it calculate the effective size on the screen? Can it know the dpi's of the screen (via some OS function) or is it just an approximation? If it is an approximation - is it always the same one (12pt = 16px) ? Does some b...

> Does some browser programmer team write about this?
@StephanMuller I'd say I don't want to use AngularJS but then that would imply that I prefer MEN
the pun is stronk
not sold on angular
Not yet anyway
I'm still convinced that an event bus and modularizing code is sufficient in 99% of cases
I'm with you on that Neil
I've had no choice but to work with Angular for the past 9 months, and the next 3 at least too
but I'm still not sold
maybe if it weren't so invasive.. you kind of have to do things the way they want you to
It might be useful for certain aspects
ugh ok so I just hooked up a monitor, keyboard and mouse to my macbook because my body posture was starting to give my back problems. trying to work with a mac on a windows keyboard is quite annoying :/
Two solutions:
1) Stop using a mac cos duh
2) Rock climbing! :D
or option 3) 1 | 2
I'm telling you, developing on a mac is great
I always was a huge apple sceptic but I didn't have much of a choice when my employer handed me a macbook
took a few months to get used to, but I don't want to go back
learn how to sit then
"According to a research" lol
I have spent time on a computer almost every day for 10 years
And I have no back problems :D
sippy must be below 150 cm
More like 185..
I finnaly got my 2 meters approved in my dutch passport :D
Weird europeans
i am also 183 but never had back pain , though i had neck problem couple of time
My older brother sold me an ergonomical chair for 10 dollars where your knees take 50% of the sitting weight
the bastard cheated me out of 10 dollars
worthless chair
@Neil that sounds vile
That's like that bullshit "standing desk" crap
@Neil lol , is it even possible ?
So good for you to stand bolt upright with your knees locked for 8 hours a day yo
I have had neck problems but it's not from computer
It's from landing on my head :D
awful awful chair
don't ever buy one
how .. does
one sit on that
i don't even ..
you sit on the higher part, and your knees bend on the lower part
that sounds just awful
but wait you cant move your feet then? whats the point of the wheels then, other people bulling pushing you around?
looks adventurous chair ... does it even able to hold your weight ? :D
@Sippy is that really crap though?
@StephanMuller Ask @rlemon
He dun tried it.
paging Dr. Lemon
Now I have to listen to Dr. Greenthumb
@Persijn your feet touch the ground at its tip, and you can weirdly maneuver around that way
@NullPoiиteя It did when I was a teenager.. all bets are off now
@Neil pass
i'll pass on that chair aswel
it's comfortable for a full 5 minutes
I promise
Enough time to convince your buyer that it is worth getting
So there's that
i like how the guy is like fuck this i'm sitting how i want to
@Persijn That guy doesn't require vulgarities to express himself.
he above dat shit
Every one don't succumb to the knee chair we can over power it
It is not a smiley face! Bewarned!
how can i see this obfuscated javascript sourc code?
@sami I can see it, can't you?
@Neil: deobfuscated sourc????
i need deobfuscated source to malware analyzing.
@Neil Is it green?
@Sippy No it's black text on white background
@Neil You're not a code-neo then
@Sippy My browser opens the text file. What are you using? o_O
I don't need a browser.
I browse using wget
I don't use wget. I use a network card, a couple stripped metal wires and a battery
im setting up a mysql database and it needs to have
'db_green_user' => 'green-user-name-here',
'db_green_pass' => 'green-password-here',
'db_red_user' => 'red-user-name-here',
'db_red_pass' => 'red-password-here'

How do I set up mysql usernames like that for a database?
as normally when i set one up you can only have one admin username?
its maybe help you
@probablybest CREATE USER?
@probablybest Think we need more info:P
@probablybest You want to dynamically create users?
Hopefully not :)
@Sippy ha sorry, okay so i have database which has those usernames, someone has created a new mysql database on new hosting but to connect to the database it needs those above user and password fields
$DBdetails = array
'db_host' => 'localhost',
'db_id' => 'db-id',
'db_green_user' => 'green-user',
'db_green_pass' => 'green-pass',
'db_red_user' => 'red-user',
'db_red_pass' => 'red-pass'

Then you need to recreate the users on that new server
Or find a way to import the old stuff
when you create a user within the mysql database tools on the hosting it only allows you to add one user to one database
You're not creating users in your database
You're creating users that can log into the MySQL instance
yep i get that I just dont know how to add two?
That's cos there's only one database owner
I'm not sure unfortunately
I'm a Microsoft guy :D
ha okay :P
@probablybest IIRC you should be able to grant as many users to as many databases as you need
@StephanMuller might know, he loves LAMP
Or it may be a limitation of the server or something, I don't remember how database users work anymore
uhh.. is that really useful?
god, it's only just past noon and "Rhythm is a Dancer" is blasting through the streets
I hate the king's birthday
thanks for the feedback guys, didnt really want to to do so I'm passing the work on to a back-end developer lol
@probablybest :D
@Sippy King's birthday. National holiday. I live downtown where all the party is. Party starts way too early. Me grumpy.
You Jane.
@StephanMuller Where you from again? And why is Rythm is a Dancer the king's song? :L
oh it's not, it's just a random song that the party people seem to enjoy
@Mr.Alien What are you talking about?
I'm from the future
where are you that it's not the 27th yet?
nope my fault took the wrong date.
How are the rules on closing a question?
@Persijn I'm close-voting your question, it's too broad
@StephanMuller i'm voting to reopen the question based on bad moderation

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