I migrate my grunt project to ember-cli project, after resolving all JSHint errors, I run "ember build", but got the following error output:
version: 0.2.3
BuildingBuilding.Building..Building...BuildingBuilding.Building..Building...Build failed.
ENOENT, no such file or directory 'D:\work\mi\...
Age is no longer listed in our Profile view
We can still enter our birth date in our profile, and it's listed under "Public Information":
However, our age is no longer visible anywhere on the new Profile page:
I believe this is a bug. Thanks to rlemon for pointing it out.
A small thing, but I get really annoyed when, if you have content that goes below the fold, the scrollbar appears and it makes it look as everything as jolted slightly across the page. Is there anyway to compensate for this?
Maybe this is an easy fix, but it has been driving me crazy for a long time so I finally decided to see if a solution exists.
Simply put, I center most of my web pages within wide view-ports.
Example, a view-port might be capable of 1028px and I want my page width to only be 960px.
So my css l...
np @Phreak btw this is how I would do it jsfiddle.net/fb54mzj0 as a hover effect shouldn't affect the functionality of the site. IE8 user would see no change on hover and IE9 users would see the scale without transition (if you add the prefixes)
http://www.commitstrip.com/en/2015/04/15/the-ugly-rj45-duckling/ CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers The Ugly RJ45 Duckling CommitStrip 1429118313
@HassanAlthaf I hate your "MY SKILLS" section. WTF do those progress bars tell me? That you don't know them well because none are complete. Terrible way of visualizing skillsets
@HassanAlthaf Also, it helps to have an easily identifiable color scheme
don't have too many colors
Your site doesn't suffer too badly from that, but there are already lots of different colors (I'm not talking about the images in the gallery), black text on a white background, blue background with white text, dark grey footer with white text
For example, check out Zach's blog; he has three colors: a grey background with a darkgrey/orange graphic. The text for the blog is the same color as the darkgrey in the graphic, and the hover text is the same color as the orange in the graphic
@CarrieKendall: Honestly, this is the sort of thing that really doesn't need much explaining. There's a pattern for how things should be done and there are things that are fairly acceptable. But then there's things that are inadvisable. We don't need to explain every insignificant detail. — Jeff Mercado4 mins ago
i think he got salty over my request for more information :(
Nice, @CarrieKendall used for one of the examples in [http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/04/two-new-user-pages-one-new-stat-this-ones-big/](the new blog post)