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huh, when did they released "planet minecraft" ?
is it different or they are offering texture packages? cuz city looks realistic
posted on July 15, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Stephen */

@Mr.Alien source?
@Mr.Alien ahh, it will texture pack + mods (bloom filters etc).
the buildings are so realistic, so I can use those texture packs on my android too right?
I don't think so. Desktop only.
thanks for the info though..
No problem. My eldest plays MC on her android. She loved the last update.
yea me too.. :D
love MC :-)
Me too. Sadly haven't played in far too long.
Is there still not a point in minecraft?
I mean there's the End
@easwee "bella vita" doesn't apply in my case, in fact i don't even have a regular life
but it's a freeform game
@SecondRikudo correct. Its still a sandbox. Much like coding :D
@SecondRikudo you travel to the end and defeat the ender drafon
dragon*. that will make credits roll
@TylerH nah
for me the point is building cool stuff
and simple combat with friends
its like lego to me
Me too. I don't mind the mining with friends. If I am forever alone, I prefer to build.
virtual lego
I was searching for a flat land, never got one
can you guys explain me how minecraft works? i'd love building things but mining sounds boring
you mine, then craft.
Wes: you start out with nothing, you punch a tree, and go from there
^ that.
@ObiWanWesabi have you played hasbro roller coaster?
Oh man, surviving your first night.
You can play in creative mode where you can fly around and hover and you have access to as much of every block in the game; if you just like building
hehehe ^^
@SecondRikudo yep, that's standard. When you first start though. The amount of times I tried to protect a half built crap shack...
I play alone
@mikedidthis sounds like "you procure drugs, then you get high"
You play on PC?
except the spider and creeper don't burn in daylight :-P
@mikedidthis droid
@ObiWanWesabi yeah, its a good way to play.
@Mr.Alien nope
Damn. If we can get a few people to play on a server, I will sort it out. I am not too bothered about playing together due to timezones, but it would be cool to play on one world.
@ObiWanWesabi I like Roller Coaster 1, unfortunately it doesn't work except w98, so I started playing rc3, which is good, so minecraft is similar to this, in rcoaster, you have to create an amusement park, mc is like you create worlds...
if you guys are promising me to play online together most of the time, I can shell out 7$ for you
someone playing age of empires 2 or 3 here?
that would be epic to play online xD
@ObiWanWesabi me, 2, 3 sucks
@Mr.Alien I don't mind playing
Although I haven't played in like forever and already forgot most of it
@Mr.Alien 3 with expansions is not that bad
I'm GMT +3
@SecondRikudo let us get few more, and you are just 2.30 ahead of me
@ObiWanWesabi same, I like 2 cuz of death match
where you kill the king
and the game ends
I don't get that mode in aoe3
yeah there's no such thing in aoe3
but the total annihilation mode is fun :D
@mikedidthis aoe2/3 you?
@ObiWanWesabi no idea what it is, but sure!
age of empires
are you aware that it causes high addiction?
Just like cheese ^
i once played continuously for about two days
@mikedidthis I currently maintain a Realm
It's only 10 players max but there are only two people on it currently
I can crush you all 1 vs all
and no server mods
@TylerH in aoe or mc?
Ahh, nice!
a Minecraft Realm, a Mojang server basically
so if you guys are interested I can invite you when I get home
it's practically an untouched world
@TylerH I may take you up on that. I haven't played in so long.
@ObiWanWesabi thats the only game I have on my work laptop
I will be at home in ~7 hours
Yeah no rush :D
lol @Mr.Alien risky
I am crying / working with WordPress.
anyway i'm in for aoe3 if someone wants to play
@ObiWanWesabi and tbh, thats the only game I love in rts category
i have to buy it again, coz my aoe copy is at my parent's home
@Mr.Alien ever tried the online gameplay?
I wish text-align: center worked with display: inline-block
iirc hamachi was needed for it
@mikedidthis I am crying / working with SharePoint. I feel your pain
I've played total war, warcraft, company of heroes2, all sucked
@TylerH :hug:
@ObiWanWesabi nah
never had decent connection
so always torrents
and played against AI
@Mr.Alien gotta try StarCraft some day
I hate to admit it. I am still playing EA's Dungeon Keeper. Its so grindy, I feel dirty.
@TylerH StarCraft is nice too
I don't think I can use lumberjack, cheesesteakjimmys etc online
Best I've seen so far is by far RA2
Rome: Total War was the only TW game worth playing
@TylerH never heard
@Mr.Alien nope, single player only
@Mr.Alien Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
Tell me it isn't so!
@Mr.Alien u wot m8? Never heard of StarCraft?
oh my jeez
it's the reason professional gaming is a thing
i heard of it but never played
RTS from 1998
is it good? i'm ok even with that if others are in
oh it's amazing
StarCraft II came out in 2010
so most people play that now
@SecondRikudo nah, I am always with AOE, only.. though, 3 disappointed me
@TylerH nah let me check
I read that as Area of Effect
@Mr.Alien You've at least gotta check out some videos of StarCraft if you've never heard of it
Ah, Age of Empires
@ObiWanWesabi AOE2
my pc is fucked up
and I've a gig of graphic card on pc
nothing on work station
Star me if you want to play Minecraft
so I have aoe2 installed
3 messages moved to Trash
1 message moved to Trash
ohh I trashed AOE2 :(
@SecondRikudo @TylerH SC looks like planetary annihilation ...
@Mr.Alien Planetary annihilation looks like SC
SC came first. Way first.
I don't remember when Planetary Annihilation came out
lol yea, but the graphics of PA are clay like
by StarCraft is from 1998
anyways if we are going with AOE2 I can buy, and if MC I can buy that as well, but I don't trust mike for MC
I sense a lifelong feud beginning
I thought you said you could take us all on, Mr.Alien
@Mr.Alien fear me.
Oh wow, PA is $50
That' about $40 more than I would pay for a game
@SecondRikudo they had for 19$ and I missed it
@ObiWanWesabi is that on cookies? or ip? I can use proxy :p
@Mr.Alien don't cheat :D
Help him Obi Wan Wesabi, you're his only hope!
@ObiWanWesabi haha cookies
@Mr.Alien you damn cheat
@ObiWanWesabi I just tested
I didn't vote more than 2
@Purify AMEN
I've never played MC in a basement
@TylerH I actually have :D
have you tried slenderman in the basement?
@balintpekker that is no way to talk about my girlfriend.
@mikedidthis that bastard is cheating on me again?
@Mr.Alien did you notice that there aren't enough users in the room for 18 votes?
@ObiWanWesabi yea thats weird..
you cheat :D
<_< well..
i'd suggest aoe3 instead, it's less nerdy, but more fun
I can install but it will lag, also aoe2 is more fun, we have fancy castles ... let me install aoe3 and see
i clearly remember that graphics were very scalable
drop the effects to the bottom and it will work fine imho
^^ I have them all
@Mr.Alien upload torrent pls
oh actually, I bought the AOE2 HD version off Steam
@rlemon your help is needed to collect votes (you are in, right?)
i vote AOE3
The amount of times I wanted to say I vote your mum.
I voted once per browser
@mikedidthis thanks
afk again, later
That moment when you fix the problem with your layout and everything slides perfectly into place
I just had it
@TylerH Layout is everything in CSS
The rest is just details
Layous is the boss
Now I don't want to do any more work in case I mess it up
I just want to sit and admire it
I use flexbox for my projects
If lower IE support is needed I charge more
@ObiWanWesabi minecraft - methlab
@SecondRikudo This has to support IE9, I don't know if flexbox is supported by that. I use it sometimes but still don't know expertly how it works/when it works
!!caniuse box-sizing
@TylerH That is far better support than I expected
@RyanKinal I take it as a given now.
I am lucky that most things I do are IE9 +
Man, today sucks. I've written almost no lines of code and been juggling client meetings from one end of the town to another.
All I want is to be in a basement where I can peacefully write code, but nope.
I thought I only had to support IE9+ but I just asked and apparently I should "make an effort" to support IE8 -_-
@RyanKinal And thank goodness, too; without border-box my container div would have a scrollbar instead of re-sizing the two 50% width children divs to fit perfectly.
thank goodness for that and the * selector
@RyanKinal and to mention - IE7 box model uses the implementation that is similar to border-box by default - so even if it does not support the box model it will still render ok
IE7 was actually a great idea - if it was opensource it would be cool
but it was microsoft - so meh
I'm waiting for css-shapes support
I want irregularly hexagonal divs, damnit
yeah that is sweet
seen that leaf tutorial?
currently reading alistapart's 2012 article on shapes
@TylerH you don't have cookie manager
@DarkAshelin I used to upload torrents, infact I've a name on torrents, not active anymore
oh @easwee I think I found the leaf tutorial
at the bottom of the listapart article
posted on July 15, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Kerpow!

Yeah that's the one i was reading
haha sick prank call xD
guy was doing live stream on twitch while SWAT got in his house
because someone reported him as terorist
and police comes in the room and he just won - and he had terrorists win on screen
ha nice, I watched something like that the other day
Added to watch later list
Problem: This should be easy but I am having a hard time fixing it. I need to replace checkboxes with images. Different ones for checked and unchecked. http://jsfiddle.net/rdesai/csTS7/162/ line # 73 in CSS. Can anyone please point me into the right direction?
you just got help in the JS room
why not ask the person who posted you the help for additional clarification
posted on July 15, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Thureos */

coding love quality is dropping :|
posted on July 15, 2014 by Vitaly Friedman

    What happens when you combine a practical front-end conference with a spectacular resort experience? Guess what: that's exactly what we are going to find out with our very first SmashingConf in Canada— taking place on December 9–12th 2014 in a ski resort paradise Whistler, right next to Vancouver! Ah, right — and tickets are now on sale. At Smashing Conferences, we take

posted on July 15, 2014 by Vitaly Friedman

    Ah, these mystery riddles never stop, do they? To celebrate the launch of the SmashingConf Whistler, our very first conference in Canada, we’ve prepared a yet another riddle, and of course this time it's not going to be any easier! Tip: Watch out for a hint in one of the frames in each of the GIFs. Large view. So, how does it work this time? Well, below you'll find the

@ObiWanWesabi It's crowd-submitted so blame the crowd
@rlemon you know what to do
I have a question about the Populist badge.
"Highest scoring answer that outscored an accepted answer with score of more than 10 by more than 2x" Does this mean the accepted answer has to have 10+ points or the outscoring answer has to have 10+ points?
if the accepted answer has +10, you have to have +20
you have to have double the accepted answer (at least) and the accepted answer has to be +10 or more
I can't! I might miss so much new stuff on the web.
Who was complaining that codementor is full of wordpress questions?
Not me, I would prefer it
I definitely prefer it
As you said, easy money
Tho' I haven't had a single session yet :/
it was at 63 minutes into the session that I realised the root of all of this guys problems was that he forgot to include the template declaration at the top of his theme's template file
man that's incredibly easy money
Would've been better if you had realized it at 59 minutes or 119 minutes
I've applied to a lot of long-term ones and just the regular ones, but no luck so far
@TylerH nah, Codementor charges per 15 min
oh I thought it was per hour
posted on July 15, 2014 by Chris Coyier

I'm a big fan of resetting box-sizing to border-box, so much that we have a special day of the year around here. But there is a little adjustment to setting it that seems like a pretty good idea. Here's the adjusted version: html { box-sizing: border-box; } *, *:before, *:after { box-sizing: inherit; } Credit on the inheritence idea to Jon Neal here, who says: This will give you

When I resize the browser the elements mover from where they are
also the background image disappears while scrolling horizontally when I resize the browser
@AAB Consider asking your questions on StackOverflow proper, instead of vamping for help in the chatrooms.
@TylerH hi thanks for replying I have seen few similar questions on stackoverflow but none of the solutions worked posting a similar question==duplicate question then question closed
@AAB Try to formulate your question so that is specific to your problem
If it is specific, and still a duplicate, then the original question and answer(s) should solve your problem.
But if the question you're asking is a duplicate, then you won't ingratiate yourself to us in the chat by circumnavigating the rules of SO and asking your question here.

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