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3:15 PM
is there any way to run js in an attribute? Something like data-columns="(window.innerWidth < 700) ? 2 : 4"
or, he's .. working O_O
anyway, does anyone know how to do what I'm trying above?
9 messages moved to Trash can
Umm, why move the messages? :(
no use for them
@ZachSaucier why would you want to do that?
3:22 PM
I wanted him to see.
@ZachSaucier that's not really an adequate reason to move messages to the bin anyway..
As for your question.. you would just set these attributes from a script?
@CarrieKendall I'm dealing with a plugin that uses an iframe that sets its columns based on the attribute. I want it to be different depending on page size but I can't do it after it's set because only does it on load
Please don't delete my messages for no reason / just because you want your message to be more visible @ZachSaucier
that's not the reason why I moved them to trash
> I just think it's common courtesy to admit when you are wrong
You don't say ;-)
3:27 PM
they are a rant, irrelevant to this room's activities
Don't give me that bullshit
90% of this room's activities are irrelevant
The only reason you may need to trash messages are if they are spammy or unwanted
rant = spammy
that's just not true
you're entitled to your opinions
@Billy I wouldn't have felt strongly enough to trash them, but I don't disagree with Zach's trashing of them
3:31 PM
and my opinion is that you just made a dick move on me, please don't do that
please don't get angry at me for having a differing opinion
I wanted those messages there, otherwise I wouldn't have taken the time to type them
You only removed them because you wanted your question back in the spotlight
Saying that they were spammy is just a convenient excuse
@TylerH I just realised what you were referring to.. haha
3:34 PM
I still sort of stand by my point, although I guess you were right on a technicality
why do i always miss the good stuff in this room :/
there's good stuff in this room
He just misses it all
that was a question, btw
turns out what I had was working :P
3:42 PM
@ZachSaucier you thought my css flipswitch had to much HTML? ;)
I made it so the wording could be changed easily. any ideas to make it less HTML?
Holy moly that's a sea of <div>'s
Yep.:) Any ideas to make it less?

<input type="checkbox" />
3:50 PM
I would have done that ^
have to change the CSS 'course
and checkbox must be before
Another use-case for parent selector: possibility of selecting previous elements
I tried that but couldn't get it to work correctly.
@MisterHappy you have two identical rules in there
[w-type="toggle"] label > div {
Okay. I have to go now.
3:58 PM
Just need to add overflow: hidden
Damn it why do I even try
@90intuition that was level 5 btw, is that valid or am i missing something?
posted on June 24, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Me and Boulet are doing an IAMA in support of the new kickstarter. F

1 hour later…
5:18 PM
Ugly as sin: jsfiddle.net/TylerH/bzyaQ/12 @Billy faking parent selector with CSS
you can do it better than that
with more effort/research
I had a much better hover selector before but I lost it when my browser crashed
and I can't remember it
I just meant take up full space
5:35 PM
@ZachSaucier How many ways do you think there are to do this with just CSS?
@TylerH not sure, I'd guess 2
So not enough for an SO question asking for ways
ask what you want
Well I'm wondering if it wouldn't be better suited for Code Golf or Code Review or something
no, at least not code golf
5:37 PM
Yeah, you probably can't ask one-language questions there
and most people would probably complain that CSS isn't a language
it just wouldn't fit into one of their categories
CR or SO if you want to ask
I will check out CR guidelines
I wish there were clearance levels for nsfw. Like death would be level 5, nudity/porn would be level 4, swear words level 1 or 2. That'd be helpful.
@PatsyIssa silly
6:16 PM
All these people from the UK leaving early makes me feel like I'm done early every day when I'm not ):
6:30 PM
Are they physically in the office with you?
no, I mean people in the chat
it dies at like 2 every day
I was so confused
Well I'm about to post my question, maybe that will give you a few moments of facepalming interest :-P
needless to say I'm most productive in the afternoons
6:35 PM
Do you think I should tag it with HTML?
I am on the fence about it
can't know until I see it
Q: Faking the "parent selector" using pure CSS

TylerHIt's long been hailed as the answer to many selector problems, even disputed by some as entirely unnecessary, but the Selectors Level 4 pseudo-class :has(), better known as the parent selector, is the only one that won't be implemented from Level 4, according to the W3 Spec. Reason being that it'...

answered your own question immediately xD
@ICanHasKittenz Too bad it only works in Chrome and halfway in Safari D-:
@ZachSaucier Well I know my way isn't the best X-P
why do you use 2 elements every time?
6:39 PM
What do you mean?
just have one positioned absolutely behind the one we're supposed to hover that takes up 100% of the parent
glass1 and glass2?
it makes it responsive
you can't have a div shaped as an irregular hexagon
you don't have to
the hover will be on top
<div class="container">
    <div class="hover">Hover over me. Change my parent.</div>
    <div class="glass"></div>
6:40 PM
That's what I was trying to achieve at first but couldn't figure it out
Except with both elements
absolutely position glass with width, height 100%
put z-index on .hover
I couldn't get the z-index to work to work
I didn't think of putting it on the :hover
or you mean just the .hover element
You should put that implementation as an answer :-P
or you just update your answer (preferable)
6:43 PM
But it's not my answer, it's yours
Sure it's pretty much what I was trying to do, but couldn't, and isn't that what all SO answers are supposed to be, anyway? :-P
what the OP is trying to do, that is
false has good answer
works in all browsers except Opera
jsfiddle.net/95HKP/2 fakes change in parent
If there are only two siblings, is there a performance difference between using ~ and +?
not really, no
only things performance wise you want to really avoid (syntax wise) in CSS is having lots of rules and nested selectors, but even then neither is a big issue
CSS is quite fast
6:57 PM
@ZachSaucier I see. You don't even need z-index because of position: absolute;
I bet @BoltClock will see it since it's tagged CSS Selectors
he definitely will now
On IE8, sometimes my generic link (<a href="/mypage/" target="_blank">My Link</a>) is opening an extra window with an address of mydomain.com/mypage/… . Anyone have any guesses why? I couldn't find any scripts that are causing it, but it happens too inconsistently for me to easily experiment with it.
Lets try that again with code so that the url appears:/ ...with an address of http://www.mydomain.com/mypage/#channel=[hex]&origin=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mydomain.‌​com ...
I think we need to see a demo or the live page, but what's the second / for?
7:08 PM
to open the directory? That's what it's gonna do anyway
yeah, but if he's just going to that page then it shouldn't be there
Sadly, I can't post a demo. People don't care about the bug enough to justify the effort involved in making an anonymous, minimal example.
Try removing the second / and adding the .html or whatever the page type is
not even, just remove the second /
7:09 PM
@Brian Is it a browser functionality? You might have it set to "open new links in a new tab"
The underlying page is /mypage/default.html .
so you want to go to /mypage/default.html without showing default.html in the URL?
Correct. And it works on all the browsers, but very occasionally opens two copies of the URL on IE8
@TylerH: It might be a browser setting, but I haven't heard of a browser appending weird channel and original parameters to the fragment. Was hoping someone here had seen that before.
I'm not familiar at all with IE8
The other problem is that googling for origin and channel in the context of ie8 is not very effective.
7:12 PM
me neither, but you might try naming it index as opposed to default to test
likely does nothing :P
That won't make a difference, since default URLs are handled by the server, not the client. Also, I think the actual url is default.aspx (because that's MS's default)
@false Nice answer! I'll wait a bit to see if anyone else puts forward an answer; if not, this will get the checkmark for sure. — TylerH 13 mins ago
^^ lol
The other problem with this bug is that it's not important enough to invest much time on. It irks me not knowing what causes it, but it's ultra-mega-mega low priority (because it's rare, IE8 specific, and the result is somewhat innocuous), so I can't spend a lot of time investigating it.
so don't :)
@rlemon Any idea what his problem is?
@Brian I've looked through the code. Took me most of last weekend... I am happy and sad to report this (funny how that works out eh? you can be both happy and sad at the same time. You wouldn't think it is possible but here I am! smiling and crying, smiling because I have a solution. but crying because of the pain and suffering involved to get there) anyway, the issues is down around line 472. FantasyException: Lack of Unicorns.
7:17 PM
oh rlemon
@ZachSaucier: I shouldn't. On the one hand, I've got my programmer's curiosity. On the other hand, if I do discover the problem, I'm sure the actual cause will anger me.
now, in 142 characters or less, someone describe to me the issue
@ZachSaucier What's funny? (Not offended, just curious :-))
7:19 PM
it's just what new people say because it's implied
@Brian do you have a <base> element?
Nope. Good question, though.
@ZachSaucier Ahh. Well, I didn't want him to think I was vamping his help without rewarding him
so issue is relative links are being treated as absolute in IE8?
I don't like reading transcripts :P
The issue is that IE8 sometimes open my <a href='[URL]' target='_blank'> link twice, and stuffs extra channel and origin parameters in the fragment.
7:21 PM
no experienced SO answerer expects the accepted answer for an open ended question like that immediately
show me the actual HTML please
@ZachSaucier: I'm experienced enough to know it's a horrible SO question. That's why I'm asking here :P
@Brian no, I'm talking to Tyler. Don't be so conceited that you think everyone is talking about you ;)
also, is there any JS components involved here
if you are 'unsure' you can disable JS in the browser and click the link. does it still open twice?
@Brian ^^
@rlemon Sadly, this is the worst possible issue in terms of testing, since I can't share the code, can't easily retest, can't reliably reproduce. The link is a simple <a href="/mypage/" target="_blank">My Link</a>
7:23 PM
likely you are using JS to do the window.open somewhere else and forgot to event.preventDefault()
and that alone I can promise will never do what you said in IE8
unless other hands are in the pot
turn off JS and try. if it doesn't fail there is some js opening the window
and like I said, likely missing event.preventDefault()
@rlemon: QA showed me the issue in person, but they'd need to spin up their VM to try it again. Sorry not to offer an instant response :/
no problem. that is just my suggestion.
I can promise IE8 didn't have issues with opening new windows as links
there is a overwhelming chance that you have JS also opening it but not canceling the original action
so you get it twice.
actually, I know the issue. :P
event.preventDefault() isn't in IE8
event.returnValue = false; is what you should use apparently.
@Brian ^^
so tell your guys to change event.preventDefault() to this event.preventDefault ? event.preventDefault() : event.returnValue = false;
@rlemon: Yeah, I know about that issue. Though I wouldn't expect the issue to happen so inconsistently, if that was the cause. I didn't think I was using JS to open popups at all on the page, but maybe I'm wrong.
7:33 PM
just double check.
better to check the easy places than to spend hours looking in the hard ones
@rlemon: Meh. After checking the easy places, I plan to just give up.
FUCK IE8! is a sensible attitude
We still support IE7.
I like user3772539's (just joined room) portrait actually
different than the rest
7:39 PM
I wish you could block people on SO
you can hide them
I mean prevent them from viewing or interacting with anything you post, mostly
and vice versa, naturally
like Facebook blocking
but what if Jon Skeet blocked you?
you wouldn't be able to see all 9999999 of his answers
Working as intended, then.
thus removing a very valuable asset
7:41 PM
+1 don't listen to the haters. they asked you to fake it, you faked it! — rlemon 8 secs ago
But I understand that a lot of people on SO think you don't own your own content here so they probably would disagree with that
you don't own your content here
you don't
it is all CC Wiki
you agree when you sign up
Technically, you still own your content. You're licensing it with CC Wiki.
7:46 PM
@Brian You can't remove your content, can you? I'd say that's not owning it
@Brian no you don't. SO does.
you wrote it, but you submitted it to SO, therefore it is the property of SO
It's licensed to SO, but they can't do whatever they want with it. They don't own it, either.
yes they do
look at the little "legal" link you agreed too
read it
> 2. Network Content

The Network and its contents are intended solely for the use of the Network Subscribers and may only be used in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. All materials displayed or performed on the Network, including, but not limited to text, graphics, logos, tools, photographs, images, illustrations, software or source code, audio and video, and animations (collectively, “Content”) (other than Content posted by Subscriber (“Subscriber Content”)) are the property of Stack Exchange and/or third parties and are protected by United States and international copyright laws.
... are the property of Stack Exchange and/or third parties and are protected by United States and international copyright laws.
No, that's the SE content. You should be reading stackexchange.com/legal instead (specifically, Subscriber content)
"subscriber" - never thought of myself on SO as one of those
7:58 PM
It's not often that those terms are put to task, but terms like "perpetual and irrevocable" tend to be thrown out in court.
I like the end of that paragraph though
"We reserve the right to do whatever we want for no reason at all"
Even if they say "we own all your base", contracts are largely just comprehensive "CYA" attempts to prevent frivolous lawsuits and allow for the most wide-ranging performance of business.
The real legality of these things is never really tested until taken to court.
but I only spent two semesters studying business law, so my knowledge is incomplete.
@mikedidthis re: @Loktar why crying!?
is it ds casing?
@CarrieKendall Yeah a color in a DS box
the troll is strong in this one
pretty sure i'd still be content after seeing the gameboy color
as a kid though? I don't think I would be
now I'd love it
8:09 PM
noice, 480gb ssd just came
Upgrading my 64gb ssd
I wish my 128GB drive were bigger
only has my OS install on it, and some programs I can't get out of installing there
$200 for the 480gb
what brand and model?
!!Google tiger direct 480gb ssd seagate
8:12 PM
On mobile. Will link in a sec
last week was on better sale.
why does this answer crack me up:
A: The maximum message size quota for incoming messages (65536) has been exceeded

Florian GerhardtYou need to make the changes on the server and on the client.

I like how you commented on it over a week ago and are back to it already xD
yes, it had the same effect this past time
it made me laugh out loud, i guess due to the fact it has 2 upvotes and is complete crap
A bit offtopic (was reading above) but I thought they fixed event.preventDefault in IE8 since jQuery 1.3
@joshhunt and what makes you think he's using jQuery :P
8:19 PM
speaking of crap
I thought preventDefault was jQuery? Is it vanilla javascript?
@joshhunt what'd you think the vanilla equivalent is?
jQuery in fact wrote their own event model to handle inconsistencies a crossed implementations
8:22 PM
@ZachSaucier I wasn't sure
8:38 PM
i.imgur.com/ppo1JMx.png The third completely non-responsive page that I'm making responsive today...
For the curious, my current hypothesis is that somehow, the destination page of the url that was opening twice is was triggering the second open itself due to weird issues in facebook's iframe.
8:56 PM
Further details: I'm pretty sure the fragment URL is coming from Facebook, but I think the bug itself is that one of my controls was missing a closing tag on one of my <p> tags. IE8 handled it a bit less gracefully.
That guy sure took a long time to answer considering he just copied Zach's implementation
I have a combobox with very long list items. Problem is it taking whole width of screen. when opened. Any clue how can I limit its size possibly using CSS?
@VarunAgw do you have code to show?
Sure, just a second
9:01 PM
There's definitely a way to limit the width of stuff using CSS
that's what CSS is for ;-)
hola, Wes
@TylerH you're too generous with your upvotes
@VarunAgw Do you mean like put a max-width on it and then make it scroll?
@ZachSaucier It would've gone to you if you had answered
Sorry about the loss @Wesabi
9:03 PM
@VarunAgw Without the million &nbsp's or whatever that was, please ;-)
Anyway, closing time
<select id="predefs" class="predefined_replies_dropdown"><option class="predef" data-content="">Pre-defined Replies</option>
<option class="predef" data-content="dsadsad">dsadsad</option>
@TylerH ^
@VarunAgw Next time put it in a jsfiddle so it's not so ugly
9:04 PM
@ZachSaucier ok, sorry
nextElementSibling doesn't work in IE8 correct? Is there an alternative?
I missed you
!!afk buying celebratory beers for the occasion
Wes is back!
well, he's talking with images at least
9:07 PM
hola fellas, and i'm not back, i'm just sharing my depression with the world
I am not looking for max-width. When you click combo box it takes lot of width
9:09 PM
@ZachSaucier How to limit this width? ^
remove text xD
@ZachSaucier Using CSS?
A: How to style a <select> dropdown with CSS only without JavaScript?

DanieldAfter extensive searching, I have found two reasonable approaches for creating custom pure-CSS select drop-downs. Approach #1. Original article here Wrap the select element in a div with a fixed width (say 150 pixels) and overflow hidden. Then give the select element a width of about 20 pixels ...

anyway @Purify wrote me on twitter that "Chiellini" sounds like a kind of pasta, so Suarez ate him
9:12 PM
9:45 PM
@Wesabi do you use IRC?
Also can you draw me something. I miss your sketches.
10:14 PM
Shoot, guys. Someone already answered the colors question from earlier
10:39 PM
posted on June 24, 2014 by Chris Coyier

As a beginner, understanding how the different languages you learn interact with each other can be confusing. I thought we could pair up a variety of languages to see where the intersect and communicate. HTML and CSS You need HTML to have CSS, because HTML calls the CSS. In an HTML document, you'll likely see some HTML like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> That is a

10:55 PM
hey, i have bootstrap question
im trying to use the image thumbnails class, and I didn't like the white background behind my images, hastebin.com/bakemowiwu.css so i made a few changes by overriding the bootstrap styles
but now my images are diagnol
Can you show me in bootply.com/new
does imgur work?
i actually just created a link .
live example, please
11:00 PM
imgur.com/i9d4jTk joshhunt, zach saucier
It's probably this:
.thumbnail img {
width: 100% !important;
how would you be able to see it? the images are being pulled from my database, you'd see broken images
so use something like placeholder, placekitten, lorempizza, loremkitten, etc.
i am using a lorem generator
anyway was the imgur pic clear enough? :p
by "diagnol" do you mean distorted?
11:01 PM
and joshhunt you are right, that's what causes the distortion
I can't help without a demo
is there anyway to have the styling without distorting the images?
why do you need width: 100%?
i don't like the empty padding on the sides
well remove the padding then
.thumbnail {
    padding: 0;
11:04 PM
it distorts the images aswell
Set up a Bootply please
Also put the link to your css underneath the bootstrap css in your html so that you don't have to use !important.
good tip thanks

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